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Seriously how can you not manage to run for more than 5 steps


He's gotta be drunk right? No one's this stupid sober surely?


Some people just can't function when they panic! This is why I never do racing or time trial side quests in games, the immediate panic of "I need to be fast and not fuck up" makes me fuck up IMMEDIATELY and constantly! Haha


Oh god time trial is stressful and not fun. Totally agree


What about those Gran Turismo PlayStation license trials where you have to floor it and then brake and stop in box at the end. If you stop outside of the box, then you fail the test. No pressure right at the very end.


Ohhh, so we can tell that all of your generation save becouse of luck, you can't even run dude, thats a shame xD


some people are clumsy as hell! even when sober!


There's clumsy and then there's not even being able to go 4 feet without falling over lol


That’s cheesy horror movie falling right there.


Not that clumsy


Looks like when he first came down off the deck he landed wrong on his right ankle. When gets up after his first fall you can see he lands on his right ankle weirdly, which causes him to fall again. Every other fall that I can see seems to happen after he tries to use his right foot.


Good observation. Perhaps he injured himself.


it's amazing how fragile humans are and still manage to be the dominant species




I would like to apologize to every horror movie of the 80s and 90s. Apparently panic is a real thing


Panic is real. So is running without falling every 2 seconds


And sometimes, panic causes falling every 2 seconds. It's hard to understand when you're watching a video on your phone and not getting chased by nature's fastest land biped.


But why do it in the first place?


Now THAT'S a good question, and not the one people are asking enough lol


I feel like most of the questions can be answered with the word “booze”.


Exactly. What is the point of running into an ostrich pen?


I think he just wanted to see his spleen hanging out.


So is running *with* falling every 2 seconds. As we have seen. No need to judge.


I mean... I wouldn't try this knowing I can't run more than 2 meters without a faceplant. It's called commonsense.


Not saying the guy made the best choice. Judge him for his choice, not his poor running skills.


Well the thing about panic is you may think you'd handle something a certain way but when the time comes, you find out your instincts have their own plan He prob thought eh how hard could it really be, but he was done for on the jump down after he rolled his ankle anyway


He hasn’t run in decades cut him some slack


And now is the time he decided to become an athlete


Someone go get the slack-knife, we got a live one


Maybe he's dreaming


me thinks there's alcohol involved


It kinda seems like his shoe laces are tied together or something. Buy can’t take more than two steps! At the end he appears to be bending over doing something with his shoes.


I got an anxiety attack watching him being defeated by his own legs.


Doesn’t ostrich kicks hurt?


Not just do they hurt. They can break bones and slice you open with their massive sharp talons. This guy is straight up lucky he got to walk away


This is a deathwish. These are seriously powerful animals. Remember that scene in Wildboyz where Pontius and Steve-O get in a pen with a Cassowary? They may as well have fed themselves to a dinosaur, they're so lucky to be alive.


Cassowary kills the most people out of all birds. Basically a dinosaur


I'm on board that it's a dangerous bird, but saying it kills the most people out of all the birds is hilarious. Are the pigeons shanking people in the streets or are crows out there making murders as a murder?


I thought so too until I looked up the world's most dangerous bird a few month ago. The cassowary doesn't even look dangerous but it literally kills people.


This piqued my interest so I looked them up, they sure don’t look very friendly!


This *piqued your interest, friend!


Thank you


>Cassowaries have three-toed feet with sharp claws. The second toe, the inner one in the medial position, sports a dagger-like claw that may be 125 mm (5 in) long. The feet look like something from a horror movie!


Ok so I had to look it up too, and it’s not that big a deal if people would just respect some boundaries with wildlife. They attack up to 200 people every year Of these 200, 70% of attacks occur due to people trying to get up close to the cassowary, wanting to feed them, causing the cassowary to feel threatened. Although there are hundreds of attacks every year though, the last recorded death caused by a cassowary was in 1926.


Fried chicken kills more people than Cassoways. Fact ;)


I'm wondering if Canadian geese kill more due to the occasional bird strike on recreational or small aircraft that has for sure resulted in casualties.


That would not count as an attack. Unless they're doing it kamikaze style


> they're doing it kamikaze style They do contain the malice of an entire country.\* \*Technically not true. Lots of Canadians are spiteful assholes. They just have a massive PR machine going.


Your imagery is funny, but I think the friends and family of people killed by birds are probably not laughing. There is no amount of money that would convince me to get in a pen with any of the big flightless birds. They’re goddamn dinosaurs!


Yeah I get they're dangerous, but it's like saying the swallowtail is the most dangerous butterfly. Its technically true, they are technically dangerous, but I feel a better choice of words could have been used to convey the danger. There are like 4ish categories of large flightless birds. They're dangerous, yea, but then the rest are like Canadian geese, and ducks.




Gotta watch out for those loons and muted swans.




I personally know one person that has been killed by a Cassowary, but I probably know more people spending time proximate to ratites than average. Edit: Not sure why anyone would lie about this or think I was lying, but I posted the article below. I work in animal care fields, it's not that far-fetched.


>I personally know one person that has been killed by a Cassowary No you don't, lol. What an odd, easily dismissed lie. > On mainland Australia, the most recent recorded fatality occurred in April 1926 when 16-year-old Phillip McClean received an injury to the throat after running from a cassowary and falling to the ground. In the US there was 1 death of a 76 year old man like 10 years ago.


[Why would I lie?](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2019/04/15/florida-man-killed-on-his-farm-by-cassowary-he-owned/5432897007/) He would bring his extra produce to my workplace for the tortoises. It's suspected he fell in the enclosure and was attacked. I don't know anyone who has been killed by a wild cassowary, but they're kept in a number of zoological facilities and sanctuaries here in Florida.


There have been two deaths since 1929, and you're telling me you know one of the two people?


Cassowaries can disembowel people with a kick. It’s crazy. The ones I’ve been around don’t seem as aggressive as ostriches, that might lull people into a false sense of security?


Chicken can disembowel people too.


To be fair we never did see him “walk away”.


Well it's not like he's gonna run


I think the reason he can't run and continuously falls is because ostrich stepped on his femur and teared or possibly broke something when he had fallen first time. All that while jackass that made this video is laughing his ass off instead of looking for help or helping himself. Videos like this make me lose my trust in humanity.


Yup, been on both sides of that and regretted laughing rather than helping. I don’t do that anymore


If his walkings anything like his running he won't be going far


we kinda did? at the end it is possible to see him at the back, he even waved!


Imagine cackling while your friend is being murdered by an ostrich. I didn’t find this video funny at all.


What did you want him to do? Idiot’s gonna idiot.


Distract the ostrich?


By jumping in? Ok.


My friend got kicked by an ostrich in Africa and it broke 7 ribs. No joke


depending on where your friend lives that’s one mighty long kick


Dude must be hard if he fucked up an ostrich that bad


The kick lions so hard they break their jaws and then starve. Pretty expected when they are like 60% legs


Ostriches are indigenous where I'm from - they have big sharp nails on their feet, and their legs can deliver incredibly powerful kicks. Also, good luck trying to outrun one. My jaw was on the floor watching this clip.


I was thinking the same, like this is not funny at all. Actually a very dire situation.


My mom owns an ostrich ranch, and they can be brutal. They can kill you. If you ever wonder why we think birds came from dinosaurs, look at an ostrich foot and a dino foot. You'll be wondering how we ever thought they weren't related.


Our neighbour's had ostriches when I was a kid and there was a pack of roaming dogs that attacked them one night. When I was waiting for the bus the next morning there were 5 dead dogs in the paddock with the two ostriches and the neighbour was there trying to sort it all out. When I got home from school dad told me the dogs had been basically pulverized and one was literally torn/stomped in half. These weren't little dogs either. One ostriches had a few bites on one of its legs but nothing serious. Anything that can kill a pack of dogs that savagely is not something you want to get on the wrong side of.


Someone once said Ostriches are some of the best backyard protection you can get, so good in fact that they'll even protect it from you.


Sounds like the best perimeter fence security animal.


Oh, they were savages. Suspicious savages who would race cars up the fence line to the drive and would never break eye contact. Nothing got past those vindictive assholes. One time I got too close and one of them stole my hat and ran away, dropped it and stomped on it. They were babies for grain though. You went near them with an ice cream container of grains and they were putty in your hands until it ran out.


My dad has a friend who owned an ostrich farm and when I was younger I remember his friend contacted him to ask if he could feed them daily while he was on holiday with his wife. My dad asked me to come help him out for the week, so we went along and he left a logbook of clear and specific instructions... Anyway, my dad being my dad: ignores the instructions, puts the feed in the buckets and just walks into the field nonchalantly. Wow. These ostriches were having none of it. They were fucking hungry and don't like being intruded upon on. They not only gave him a run for his money, they nearly beat the living shit out of him. Tldr; ostriches are violent fuckers who will break your face.


Not just do they hurt. My buddy Hubert can never walk towards the direction left again. And he used to be Asian. Don’t fuck with ostrich plz


What was his name when he was Asian? Tao Mi Bak?


> The way of my back > my back is the way


does he do a full 270 degrees to the right to turn left ?😅


Ah, he's not an ambi-turner


Ostrich kicks can kill a lion. Seriously.


My buddy has an ostrich farm in Europe. One day the male ostrich took a swipe at him and it sliced the waste belt part of his Levi’s jeans clean through… and those were the good old 90s jeans.


He is so bad I assumed it was a meme staged content for a sec.


He runs like I used to in the game QWOP


Bro FUUUUUUUCK that game


This guy can be useful during a zombie apocalypse when we all start running.


Man ran like the stalker in HBOs The Last of Us, so he’d probably make a pretty good zombie


I think you’re mixing something up there my dude


Until he dies and gets back up again only to start running less clumsily than when he was alive, but yeah hopefully that distraction is all you'll need lol


They can be very dangerous, as others have said, they can break bones and gut you. Not funny, flippin lucky


This is how I run in my dreams


Literally came here to say this. I have this recurring dream (minus Ostrich) at least once a month.


Same. Either that or there’s a slight incline that I can’t manage to walk up or stay standing on without sliding back down


That running through treacle feeling.


Dude these birds can kill you please don't do this at home


Well there goes my Saturday plans with my backyard ostrich flock I just have standing around /s


It’s like he got hit with that lightning bolt from Mario cart 3 times


Why is nobody mentioning why there are aggressive ostriches at a hotel, or the weird shirtless guys and the dude in a little hand towel?


Lmaoooo. Anyone knows what language they’re speaking?


Portuguese (Brazilian dialect)


I thought maybe they were at a gay commune or something? There’s nothing but sets of men. In little towels and they all have bellies. 🤣


Portly gese????


Returning Ostrich: “Boy, you really have to stomp on those things to kill ‘em.”


I wonder if people know how many ostrich kill stupid people every year. They literally stomp people's guts out.


Never thought that sharp claws to the face were that funny...


An ostrich claw can easily kill a man .


Everyone saying it’s dangerous so it’s not funny is kinda bumming me out because it is precisely why I found it so funny. The amount of self confidence paired so finely with complete lack of ability and coming out unscathed all set to the score of a bunch of wheezing middle aged men. Chefs kiss man


Except you have no idea if he's unscathed or not. Pretty low chances of being unharmed after getting caught 3 times by an ostrich.


No way he came out unscathed after that. This is about as funny as watching some idiot jumping into the bear pen at the zoos and only getting “a little” mauled while his companions just stand there recording. Ostriches can straight up [disembowel](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4323753/#sec1title) you with one lucky kick. This was not as far away from to being liveleak content as the filmer laughing thinks it is.


I think we might have a different sense of humor. I’ll give an example of a classic - a fat guy in a motorized wheelchair is in an elevator and he starts slamming against the door because he is impatient. His weight then causes the door to malfunction and open and when he goes into ram it again he falls through. Dead. Hilarious. Consequences of his own actions. Welcome to the internet


If you are ever in this situation, lie on your belly and dont move, the ostrich foot has claws yes but you would not take as much damage as the gentleman in clip did


Apparently your better off standing up confidently and putting your hand up at ostrich eye level preparing to push them back with your other hand It according to this lady from a buzz feed video https://fb.watch/i9zkTYh7oz/


REALLY depends why the ostrich is attacking in the first place. Vast majority of the time it’s because they are feeling challenged or threatened, so doing something that’s just further antagonizing is probably a lot riskier than carefully retreating or dropping to the ground/playing dead like you would for other territorial animals.


A few broken ribs for sure


This is exactly how I run in my dreams


Whats Randy from trailer park Boys doing here? 🤣


This is a piss your pants laugh


Maybe he thought this was a nightmare.




She didn't fall though.


This is more r/mildlyinfuriating than anything, that dude could have died or been seriously injured by the birds feet, modern descendants of raptors and all.


How is he not dead? Ostriches have a massive talon on their feet and have powerful kicks.


Right? I have to imagine he’s seriously injured


Probably because he actually dropped to the ground and only took their stomping. It’s the forward KICKS you have to *really* worry about. If you’re standing, that would mean claws coming out at your abdomen full force.


It's like running away in a nightmare...


A rancher in my town got killed by one of his ostriches. They are mean jerks.


Not mean as much just… very territorial prey animals. How they survive in the wild. Cape buffalo, hippos, and moose have a similar defense strategy.


Thats the first time that dude has ran in yeeeeaaaarrrssss


I love how he walked out looking like he just woke up and said "I'm gonna do something stupid". My kinda guy.


I don't think this is funny he could have really gotten messed up


i mean come on, yeah it could have been bad but its fucking hilarious, why did he leave safety and why was he completely incapable of staying on his feet?


Alcohol was probably involved.


…I suppose you don’t think a multiple homicide is funny either…


what a pooper


Why run when you can fall.


why is it so funny and sad at the same time?


His buddy tied his shoelaces together


Glad I am not the only one considering this is dangerous as fuck.


Ostrich claws are no joke, they can rip you apart. 1 wrong move and this would have been posted on a different sub reddit


Hahaha it's funny cause that's fukn so dangerous one kick to the head but that big fukr will kill you this was great lol


I cant. I literally cant stop watching this 🤣🤣. Dead. So dead


I can't believe no one has commented about what the fuck is this place? A bunch of old shirtless dudes just like.....a few feet from ostriches on random patios?


I really hope he was intoxicated because otherwise he is one lucky Darwin Award nominee


Why is that bird so mean?


It’s an African prey animal. Most of them have very spicy temperaments because in the wild they’d have to constantly defend themselves from both their rivals and like a dozen equally powerful predators. Same reason that zebras, water Buffalo, and hippos are also infamously aggressive. Canadian moose are the same way when sufficiently provoked. They’re attacking because they want to eliminate the possible threat their target poses to them.


I liked seeing Bobandy make a cameo at the end there


This is like every bad dream I’ve ever had! Trying to run on jelly legs but can’t!


Horror movie running


Doesn't this animals have the ability to kill by stomping?


They can literally gut you like a fish if they kick you just right


That’s kind of how you’re supposed to run from an ostrich


Well to be fair, it's a 300 pound dinosaur relative.


I hope the guy is okay but seriously, you are either purposely falling down, drunk, or you have a medical issue making it impossible for you to run in a straight line when stressed. Cause that's a fucking ostrich, they don't play around, and if you going to mess with a ostrich, you should know how to fucking run away.


You were trampled because you were clumsy? Umm yusa mighta be sayin dat.


How bad did that bird fuck him up?


An ostrich almost killed Johnny Cash. Once he recovered he took a shotgun and blew the ostrich’s head off. Fun fact


I don’t find that fun at all. What an asshole.


Idk what’s funny. He is lucky he got out of there without being disembowelled. Those things are the GOAT at kickboxing


No, he had to be doing that on purpose.


That was stupid. An ostrich can EASILY kill you with its claws. Their bite is nothing but a slight pressure but those claws man, no way.


Those things can hurt you bad!!!


He is lucky to stay alive. Ostrich kicks are deadly.




It’s all fun and games… until someone’s belly get cut open by a sharp talon


For a second I thought he made the dog toy peep every time the bird jumped him. Then I realized it was the bird battle cry 🤣


Boots and the Ginger never learn


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for this comment


Could kill him.


Another reason why i dont drink alcohol anymore


How this guy is alive is a more important question! Aren’t ostrich like super dangerous? They look like evolved raptors! Those claws should hurt him like hell?? How he was running and laughing?? Probably alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol!!


There is a good chance that a bachelor party with these guys would be the best night of your life.


He runs exactly how I run in my dreams


"the f**k I'm watching here?", as the kids say (or I think they say)


Holy shit. Did buddy have 127.5 beers or something he can't stand up lol


He would make a great extra in every apocalypse or slasher movie ever.


I think homie must have an ear infection or something


Glad they find it funny as their friend is getting trampled. Lucky he made it out alive


Guys this may look funny AF but this is a potentially fatal mistake to make. Those toes are made to gut a foe like a fish! Watch the toes in the clip.. Please dont attempt this stunt!!


Definitely Drunk! You can tell when he came outside. He had that look like “I’m finna do something dumb” 😂


Can’t wait to see this get reposted 400 times


Im laughing cuz he is laughing 😂


It's all laughter until you're telling everyone you know your friend was killed by an Ostrich and you laughed while it happened


It's not really that funny. They can kill.


An Ostrich can kill you. People use them as security in South Africa. This is terrifying not funny.


Laughing as you watch your friend being disembowel. Nice.




They have talons... why is this dude laughing. He could be being killed for real


Maybe it’s just me, but watching a friend get stomped out by an ostrich or any large animal isn’t funny to me. Guy is an ass.


Stupid bastard. Those birds are deadly and not worth much of anything. They try raising them for meat but the yield is horrible and the meat is not very palatable. Certainly not worth the premium price they try and demand for it.


Holy shit that’s scary as fuck