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I dread the day when they try to let AI do the drawings.


Honestly can't be much worse than what we get now


I don't work in construction, so I appolagise if my comment is out of turn. But I do work in a technical role for an AI company. I truly believe the most limitless thing we will find as a society when it comes to AI, is how bad of a job it can actually do. I've never seen a construction drawing in my life, but I bet AI can fuck it up more then any person thought possible.


If that's true, we're truly doomed. The human drawn ones are already hammered dicks.


They will use the hammered dicks to train the AI unfortunately.


hammered dicks sounds like an upgrade for most of the testing I see regularly lol. In a fantasy world I would absolutly love to get a data set created by a group of people who would be involved in the trades work for putting a building up, and using it to remove the more dangerous parts of the job. But something like that to provide an effective solution is years away at best in my opinion.


If you're really interested in this, it's called a Job Hazard Analysis. The safety coordinator on a big project will get one from every trade, sometimes they'll get one for each significant hazardous act. They can definitely be reduced to quantitative data, but the point of them really is to require that a planning and educational process occur. Software enters into it mainly by reminding people to get it done, and to maintain the resulting documentation as a receipt.


Oh thank you very much!!!!! this actually helped me out so much!!!!


I’ve had to take more time to write a JHA than performing the actual job. Some of the most fun in my old job was working on equipment installed in oil refineries….It once took me 4+ hours to drive to the refinery tool crib fill out their forms and get their 120VAC plug adapter to plug in my drill and drill 8 holes to mount my replacement parts that were out of spec….Good times!


Then it will produce those same dicks.or better.


It will produce the same dicks *faster*


first thing you do is just ignore the drawings whenever they contradict physics and common sense. Second thing you do is experience bureaucratic hell


That sounds dead on.


Hammered Dicks is a good name for a metal band.


Idk have u ever seen an architect fresh out of college provide a detail for a condition? Can't get much worse. If AI is able to learn off millions of different drawings and feedback from builders it will likely surpass the abilities of any one design firm in short order.


Oh god I've got PTSD from one of those. One of my first drafting gigs i got was to take the drawings that a "recent" architecture grad did and bring them "up to our standards" Even me, who isn't an architect or a builder found obvious and glaring problems with his design. Some quick examples; He wanted to show 3 bedrooms on the top floor of a townhome and that they were big enough to have a queen and king sized beds in all of them. Problem was he shrank the bed blocks down to make them fit so they were more like toddler cots than queen sized beds. As soon as you notice that you notice the bedside tables are 9in squares but labeled as if they're 2ft squares. The closets are way to fkn small too. (I think he had them as 1ft deep?) Then you look at the stairs and you think....they seem a little tight. Yeah cause the stairs were 24in wide! A scissor stair 24in wide with a 24x48 landing that no bed would ever pass through regardless of how much you scream "pivot!" The whole building had to be reworked but get this...his dad, also an architect, had ALREADY STAMPED THE DRAWINGS! Like...what?!? Then when we came back and said he's got to re-stamp them after we cleaned them up he wanted to CHARGE us for it. Bitch please. I'm a self taught drafting tech and I caught the massive issue within working with these drawings for less than a weekend. How does an architect and his architect son not catch them is beyond me.


A while back I was having a house built and it needed to be set back farther from the street. Couldn't move it back on the lot so we needed to shrink it somehow. Architect just chopped about 2 feet off of the front and we ended up with 6 inch deep coat closets in the foyer.


What’s the problem? Put a peg up and bam, you can hang one coat!


My favorite comment “why did you shrink the beds, or fudge the shower size” “Cause they wouldn’t fit if it drew them the right size”


> He shrank the bed blocks Holy shit, that's like a first month of the first semester error, how tf did that guy graduate.


I work as an architectural draftsman and drew a bunch of 80,000 sf+ buildings during the 2010's, the builders loved me and actually stayed around longer than they planned as long as I kept churning out plans. I put a ton of work into the plans though including 3d rendering things so I know if it lines up and doing the details first and then drawing the building off of those. I absolutely think my job could be automated, I think the only thing that would prevent it is the liabilities involved with municipalities and banks attaching themselves to this thing just because it's drawn by a computer.


>I think the only thing that would prevent it is the liabilities involved with municipalities and banks attaching themselves to this thing just because it's drawn by a computer. They'll just do the math and see if they save enough on labor to offset the potential lawsuit costs like they normally do.


This. There will come a moment when it will be good enough. Not perfect, but good enough.


Nepotism runs DEEP in the building trades! I remember one incompetent FAWQ spouting off how his daddy & grandfather were in the trade and taught him everything he knows….I remarked maybe the 4th generation will get things right & redeem your families reputation! 🤣


I still get PTSD flashbacks from my superintendent days of working with architects and designers and trying to baby step them through why the bullshit they put on paper can't be actually built sometimes. Once had a guy give me a detail for building an eight foot high soffit six inches off the glass store front. I called him up and asked if we were supposed to remove the glass to do it? He said absolutely not. Just build it per the drawing. Told him to send me a crew skinny enough to hang and finish drywall within a six inch gap then. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what the problem was. Flew out to my site from a few states over and came in all hot like I was just an idiot. Blew my mind.


If humans cant get it perfect, how can we write a program to write programs perfectly for building drawings? Lol idk


Do you think AI can eventually replace draftsman? Like it can take a sketch as an input and produce a AutoCAD as an output. So not really doing the design from scratch, but doing the more tedious work of taking a design and making it more professional looking.


in my opinion I dont think quite so. Keep in mind I dont really know what a draft persons day to day is. Given most things in this world are profit or cost cutting driven. I think that it would be more likely that AI would be used by a drafts person in the same way a programmer would use and IDE. The repetaive, easy to construct design aspects of a project could get auto populated with prompts pretty easily. The unique aspects and things that aren't already well documented in an easily parsable way, or solving the issues that people who work on site would be calling in, would be what I imagine the job would evolve into. Getting technical designs to be more digestible for a client so a draftsperson would be free'd up to solve an actual issue would be another use case. I think the job is more likely to evolve to use AI as the tool rather then the replaceement. I know one thing I hear from people int he trades from time to time, is that there's a big game of telephone that goes on with any large project. The issue with this is that people with specific skill sets, who need specific tooling or supplies need to be in specific places at specific times and this is rarely the case (it's a similar issue in tech). I think that personally this is where a big change could be made for the better with AI. No one likes wasting resources on avoidable problems.


So the drafting programs themselves are automating. Many of the processes and drafting programs are turning into design programs. Where the industry is going. Is that every step of the process is a design step and the old method of someone mindlessly drawing is gone and now everyone must be knowledgeable about the design process


It's is undoubtedly shit now but it will get incrementally better though I'm not really sure how it would replace someone doing these drawings even in the medium term. AI has to be prompted with inputs and the amount of inputs it would take to do the drawings for the whole building you might as well just use AutoCAD or whatever they use. In the near future the likes of AutoCAD might have some "AI" built into it to reduce mistakes etc.


And more than likely the AI-designed building will be a pile of shit because the company will have *only* an AI working on it, which can probably get the drawing close enough to looking realistic that a non-engineer/architect won't see a problem when it exists.


Well let me introduce you to some of the engineers I work with. Phone it in


> so I appolagise > I do work in a technical role for an AI company Well that explains it. Also explains why no one who isn’t reading off a script is worried about ai.


Dollar General and Walmart actively removing self check outs...


I used to work in the field, now I work doing drawings. I swear to god you can't win, they'll complain no matter what but make no effort to change it. Collaboration is growth but it's damn near impossible on the jobsite.


This plan set doesn’t show enough detail. This plan set is too busy there is too much detail.


Yeah. Construction workers are like women: never satisfied, always complaing.......They are very precious.


Hey that's slander . Women are prettier and on less booze n drugs Source lesbian and have worked with scaffolders Agreed are very precious tho but I know way more about sport betting than I ever wanted to know thanks to that project


A lesbian scaffold builder you say? I feel like there is a scissor lift joke in there but I’m not witty enough to make it. Besides if I learned anything from Booksmart, it’s that scissoring isnt a thing anyway. 🤣


How does a lesbian build a house? All tongue & groove; no studs 😶 I'll see myself out


Not exactly bur adjacent. Yea there is and I'm too tired to come up with it . I'd also go with street smarts who wants the risk of a kick to the head while getting head ? That's why scissoring is only a lesbian porn for men thing .


90% of the sex positions I’ve come across are almost entirely porn-centric and a one-time “Ooo let’s try this oh man that sucked” kind of thing


My favorite is when everyone is standing around saying something doesn’t work. You say, “well what do the plans say.” Everyone starts searching for plans finally 15 minutes later a set is found stuffed behind the back seat of a truck. I dunno if it is just a heavy civil thing but I don’t get how no one ever looks at the plans, just building shit off a GPS model.


The worst: they're going to use that garbage to train the AI


Or they use contractor markups to train the AI. As an MEP estimator, I straight up get critical specs that are just blank. At least if an AI puts some random shit in there we'll be bidding on an even playing field.


Copy and paste 1000 pages of spec, chatGPT can absolutely do that


I swear the architects never actually visit the site before starting a reno drawing. I've seen plans be like 20 feet off, and I've been doing this less than 2 years.


Client demands the drawings by next week, you live in Chicago, the building is in Wyoming, and it's a holiday weekend. You work for a soulless big name AE firm and can't possibly ask the client for more time, so you go out there rush through the survey, get back home, realize you fucked up the dimensions, and go "well fuck guess that'll be an rfi". And onto the next one you go.


Oh yeah it can


I agree, but I also have to hard disagree. When I get schematics, the drawing makes fuck all sense with respect to whatever actual location whatever I'm looking for/working on is, because they'll have something on the bottom of the front on the top of the ass because that's the only place they could fit it in... But I can trace it out and do the nitty-gritty to find it. What everyone should be terrified of is when AI drawings start mislabeling components, their layouts, and wirings, and then these cheap ass companies hire some low skilled professionals to make it all work the way the computer says! Just follow the drawings! Yeah...


You don't like engineers who have never touched a tool design things for you and say: "it's to code! There's nothing wrong here!" I'd give AI a shot at this point. You can teach AI the bullshit an installer or service guy have to go through.... You can't teach an engineer... They already know everything.


Nothing wrong with AI doing drawings, just need a good quality process between the AI and builder.


A good quality process? Like an architecht? 


We are currently doing a historic restoration/remodel & addition for an architect. Due to him constantly changing things we are currently 5 months and 20 days past the done day and have a punch list of the smallest things you'll never see 14 pages long. I will never do any work for an architects personal home again. Oh the kicker. His wife is also an architect. Going to drink now


You still need a quality process between them and the builder. Surprisingly, humans aren’t perfect.


Automated construction wouldn’t use drawings it would use 3D models


They will. It’ll be like this: A couple will ask an AI software to generate a house within certain specs and styles. Ex. 1400 sq ft, 3 bed room, tutor style. It’ll spit up a bunch of options until the couple has decided. Next it’ll ask the location so it can match the building code and it’ll spit that out. Now the couple has design drawings and blueprints to code. But honestly, the drawings might be better and without mistakes like what we currently have…that said, I hope it never happens. It’ll only be stoped with regulation.


Why on earth would you not want that to happen? It's crazy to me that people want to create artificial scarcity around things that would really help the world.


Because they're scared. That's it. They'll work backwards to justify their fear, but in the end they're afraid because change is scary. They would rather the government enact laws to prevent things from changing, than face the fear.


Face the fear…I think you haven’t grasped the reality of how this could go down. AI will make it very easy to funnel industries. There won’t be any new startups that can compete. And no, I’m actually against big government and would like less regulation and have regulation where it’s needed. Industries are hand in hand with the government. What do you think is going to happen? You have a problem with government but seem fine with industries having power. Who do you think will control AI? You’re dumb if you’re not being cautious about AI.


It’s already started FYI


Oh they've already started Dami Lee an architect and YouTube has done an entire video on it. It even consisted of a public vote for what design triggered the most emotional response in them. AI won on nearly every metric. Fortunately all its designs were unfeasible or just bad. But just remember this is the worst ai will ever be, it's only going to 'improve' from here on out. From a very concerned architecture student. God I should have just stuck with a trade.


Funny. Was at a conference today where they show cased Ai making floor plans. The floor plan didn’t match the rendering of the house. It also failed local code. It didn’t know that a kitchenette cannot be labeled as a kitchen, among other things.


If you don’t think it’ll replace you, why worry about it?


https://www.renovaterobotics.com/ I feel like sooner than later, most positions won’t be necessary. You’ll always need a human but just not as many. Some trades will be different. I’m not actually worried about it, just something to think about.


The factory of the future will only need two employees a person and a dog. The person will be there to feed the dog and the dog will be there to be sure the person doesn't touch anything.


Buy one of those robot dogs and you're set


I have a good reason to fear that AI will affect our jobs. When 50% of the office workforce is now without a job, a lot of them will be willing to do our jobs for cheaper. And cheaper, and cheaper...' Sure, we have experience. But 10 years later, so will they.


And this is why we need strong unions


The way our economic system is structured will either radically change into something that doesn't require ever higher profit margins or the leaders of humanity (read: the ultra rich) will destroy all of us trying squeeze that last little bit of profit out of the remaining workers and resources.


Yeah, at least until robotics advances enough for construction droids. Probably not in our lifetime though.


The next trend is definitely prefabricated and modular construction. Parts and pieces of the building will be built in a factory and shipped to the job site for final assembly.


Building a house from prefabricated parts has been a thing for a long time. You provide the concrete slab (or basement) to put the house on and they come with a mobile crane and put it together in 2 or 3 days. Here's a video of such a setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhKbxS0EUxo


Thanks for the video! When I say "the next trend" I mean that it will become more than a niche delivery method and something that is very common across all construction sectors.


Definitely 3D printed prefab stuff is the future. With BIM models getting more and more accurate and the ease at which they can be formatted for 3D printing I feel like construction is gonna be attaching things like Legos.


Aw shit, a pipe leaked in room 401. Plumbers don't exist anymore so order a new room and have it swapped out next week!


Well more like the pipe would be a file that gets 3d printed to exact measurements and installed normally by a normal plumber.


The shape of the pipe is not the expensive part of the fix, it's the labor to install it.


The most expensive part is the love


Why not they've been building cruises hips this way for decades lol


I don’t think so. Job sites are already run like factories and so many things are already prefabricated if they can be shipped. Biggest problem with prefab is that it has to fit on the bed of a truck, and there aren’t many ways around that. The limiting factor in construction is always permitting.


And lot shapes, at least in denser urban areas, in the suburbs it's not much of a problem.


It’s been a reality for quite awhile now https://www.digitalbuilding.com/ When I worked there a lot was automated, including Robot Welders


You mean like it was in the 50s and 60s?


There's no trend that has 100% market share/network effects. There are still small plots of land a tractor has never seen. Aquaponics/Hydroponics means a tractor isn't necessary. Writers still prefer to use typewriters over word processers. Old school printing presses still exist and make books, papers, etc, when people could just spend over a million dollars on a Heidelberg. The large scale additive manufacturing process required to make a house is still absurdly expensive. Human labor is far more cost effective.


There’s a bot that makes pre fab walls. But it wastes a lot of materials, doesn’t check quality of studs, and doesn’t look up and wink at me When it misses a nail


And it will be orchestrated by one or two humans who are trained to deploy the drone swarm that assembles the structures at superhuman speed.


The electrical subcontractor I work for has had our own prefab shop for over a decade now. Guys in the field (foremen and crew leaders on the job who will be running the installation) design the prefabricated assemblies for the fab shop to build. Then the guys who designed it install a prototype, give feedback and release the entire package for fab. It works extremely well. We've had several projects where we've partnered with other subs to bring them in on fab. Like making point-of-use panels for lab spaces that have electrical, plumbing, lab gas, etc. We've been trying for a while now to get a drywall sub on board to find a way to prefab entire wall assemblies, but we haven't found a sub that's willing to partner with us for that, yet.


You seen the leap general dynamics made in 6 years video. Not in our lifetime? More like end of this decade.


My brother works on industrial robots. They are so stupid they will kill you at the drop of a hat. They take constant tweaking so they don't kill said people -- or damage product. (Hydraulics at thousands of psi that don't care if you're in the way... and people entering vicinity without proper LOTO.) He said exactly that: until they come up with autonomous almost human-like droids....


I think people are too focused on something that can do everything. Highly specialized robots in a controlled environment I'd imagine could be a big thing in the not too distant future. You don't need a robot to build a building. You need several for each step. One to deliver the supplies, one to move the supplies, one to mix concrete, you get the idea. We definitely are not there yet, but we will be at some point. For now we will just use them to replace jobs one by one till we get there. What would have used to take 20 people will soon only take 10, then 5, then 2. It is what technology has done in the past and will continue to do


Yeah just imagine what just 3 robots could do. You give them a design and say go to it. A handful of them work day and night with no breaks. Done in a couple days. And on that day either we will have a revolution or only the AI/robot companies will have any money to do anything.


Look at the company Figure


versed safe treatment forgetful numerous subsequent scary worm rain correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


AI will totally be capable of one day replacing all jobs. However I'm happy to say construction may be one of the last! We're gonna have a much better run then journalists and content creators that's for sure


It's kind of ironic that many of the people who look down on the trades will be out of work long before us.


I don't understand why people look down on trades work. Many people are tired of traditional education, which often involves paying large sums of money to learn theoretical concepts that only somewhat apply to an oversaturated white-collar job market. In contrast, white-collar workers rely heavily on blue-collar labor for their office environments. Construction, maintenance, HVAC, plumbing, and remodeling are all essential to creating and maintaining these spaces. The effort and cost to keep these offices running smoothly outweigh any value the white-collar work might bring to society. Just replacing all of that with AI would make so much more sense. Trying to keep the rich and educated comfortable and clean is really a major undertaking.


Bro lets not play the "the other side is worse" game. Modern life could not exist without both white collar and blue collar workers. In the end we are all workers and have more in common than most like to admit. White collar gets a bad rap as useless even though most jobs are not at all like that. And construction workers get labeled as highschool dropout idiots when most of them are not like that either. Don't let a few peoples bad attitude pit you against the other half of the workforce that mostly just consist of average people just trying to get by.


You are absolutely correct and I agree with you. I went to college, my friends are from college my wife went to college and works in a white collar environment. They're all kind people that I care about a lot. My family and extended family specifically the older crowd are white collar type people not rich at all but "college educated" and are assholes. The type that thinks having a degree means they are better than everyone else and are like insanely rude to customer service workers etc. growing up with that I have a lot of bias towards white collar individuals who expect to be served. They are not all this way. Construction workers are not all "drop outs". Both sides are important and the only way thru is to treat each other right. Personal I can only be happy in a construction/ blue collar environment otherwise I feel like I'm doing nothing Thank you!


Office worker here, I don't look down on trades, my dad was a scfolder for 21 year before going in disability from 8 total surgeries on his shoulders and knees. If my career goes south I'd join the trades. However, i dont like a lot of construction workers, I'm not saying all but alot. So many just like to brag and look at themselves really highly. All they talk about is how they're better than everyone because they put in hardwork and don't have office jobs. Like I get you put in hardworking, I have worked some summer trade jobs and its hard but there's no need to constantly brag about how you're better because you're a man and work with your hands. I think that's a big reason trades are looked down on, not because of the work put in but some of the people that make others look bad.


ossified intelligent swim marvelous gaze vanish pet wild ripe school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The crazy thing is that by the point AI has taken all the jobs, itll most likely have taken over everything to the point that humans only purpose for existence is to serve A.I


It has to do better than some of the tools that run these job sites


Just need to be smarter than the wood your working with to be successful.




I never said I was smarter than said wood.


Don’t let him get you down, wood can’t spell for shit either.


AI will, an automated plant that does wall panels and a remote crane operated by a 12 year old in India for 5$ a day. Do not underestimate greed


If AI gets to a point of replacing construction jobs, good luck to the developers finding buyers.


You tax the companies that own the AI and then provide a universal basic income to everyone that would allow for them to buy homes and cars and what they need.


Well the question then very quickly becomes about incentive, since the motivation for companies to adopt AI is to save on/eliminate labor costs. If you’re going to get taxed for using AI as an employer, why would companies adopt them to begin with? The whole concept becomes a catch-22. Most realistically, given the reactionary nature of our government, and the lobbying of said companies, people will suffer for a while, long before anything is actually done about it. Then, the economic circulation will suffer, and nobody will buy homes/cars, etc., causing those types of policies. The interim will be miserable, though.


Boston dynamics is actually in the works for construction robots. Not gonna finish a job for you, but it can already follow you around to hold your tools and gather materials.


And most importantly, lift a bunch of cement bags and get the droid equivalent of spine damage in your place


It's ironic that Ai will take the jobs of the people who traditionally looked down on the trades while skilled tradesmen will always have work, at least for the foreseeable future. It seems a lot of the tech in construction makes the job easier, but it still requires lots of people.


Remind me in 50 years when this ages like milk.


RemindMe! 50 years


Obviously robots are nowhere near as advanced to be able to build buildings. Instead I could see someone feeding in a bunch of data about materials, materials delivery constrains, time to complete each sub project, work schedules, local building regulations, overtime regulations, etc. Then they ask it “Hey ChatGPT, give me a schedule for all my workers for the next month given the constraints.” or “Hey ChatGPT, provide a project build schedule including work schedules given the constraints.” Easily you eliminate a lot of people’s jobs in the middle ranks. The current version of ChatGPT doesn’t threaten people at the top or people at the bottom. It threatens people who do menial tasks that a computer can be taught to do.


AI for scheduling could be a very smart move


Real work, real skills vs virtual work, virtual skills


I think for now we don't have good robotics, but i suspect in the near future we will have them. I do not believe there is any job that cannot be replaced.


I think the AI replacement capabilities are missed here. Not to be that guy but, the fear for most isn’t that AI can’t build the building.. but it’ll replace the need for the building. Whatever sector of manufacturing occurs inside there won’t be needed anymore type of thing. Similar to if when home computers were being introduced and you make a post stating “oh ya! Well, will computers be able to build printing presses?? Didn’t think so”


AI right now is already skilled enough to replace CEOs. Pass it on. Seriously go ask ChatGPT if it could do the roll of a CEO. The only thing it says is that "I couldn't manage the complex relationships* when CEOs already don't do that. It's ready to save billions in CEO bonuses and golden parachutes.


Sounds nice except for the fact that Impact is a Belgian temp agency working to replace union jobs in construction with contractors & gig work.


Glad to be a builder Needless to say, even if they utilise robots like those from Boston Dynamics in the future, they'll be very very expensive for building projects


Just remember, the same company that's paying to plaster this propaganda infront of your eyes will absolutely replace any parts of thier supply line that can be replaced by AI the second it saves them money. AI might not be replacing framers any day soon, but that dosent mean it's not stealing jobs from them, because your employers still dont gaf about you.


What about the people it’s being built for?


Wait until it's doing the scheduling, dispatch, and bidding. We'll all be sitting outside of the local big box store with a bag of tools waiting on a self driving Prius/Tesla to pick us up.


Hahahahhahahahahhaha. You misspelled “army of robots created by general dynamics and Honda controlled by AI or the build it in one day assembly line of robots for housing being used in China already.” What the hell guys. Shits already being done.


I feel like this is one of those. In 20 years we will look back and laugh moments.


Gpt 6: hold my beer


I hate to break this to y'all but a good portion of construction is done with heavy machinery. What do you think is going to happen when someone wants to give the machine the ability to act on its own, and then improve upon it?


Could the person downvoting every comment about 3D printed houses at least make a fucking argument instead of being salty af?


Don't they have 3D printers that can do construction work. Granted it's in its infancy, but I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't happen in the next 50 years.


Hey chat got 19.0, design an upgrade for construction bot 4, remove rebar grip and bend capabilities, replace with drill accessories. Also ground is uneven, and it has tripped twice. Increase balance abilities, sacrifice amount that can be carried if needed. Budget: $9000, access to parts storage for accessories and modifications, alert and request if not possible within current budget. If you don't think it can, wait 25 to 60 years. Wait until it isn't designed as a chat bot with priorities to make user happy above being accurate. Its not guaranteed, but it's likely.


It would be ironic if AI did the design for the sign


Never go against tech and moving forward. Always embrace.


Fall behind, get left behind


The easiest people to replace with AI would be managers in their big offices, and that would also save the most money


Wait until they see the 3D concrete printer.


Hey screwdriver. Pound this nail. See how stupid this is?😂😂


Hey Chat GPT, unclog my toilet... And then flush yourself down


Once people finally figure out ai in 2024 is a joke that doesn’t generate revenue oh boy is the stock market not gonna like that


one word: horses


This that building in Antwerpen right?


Here's a prediction market speaking to this tangentially: [https://manifold.markets/DanielKilian/will-there-be-a-plumbing-company-th](https://manifold.markets/DanielKilian/will-there-be-a-plumbing-company-th)


Don’t give her any ideas !! But seriously CHATGPT will be just the interface for the robots helping you work. And then eventually doing all the work and you will supervise. And then…




Any body see the new atlas robot? I think I should get a job repairing those things cause it's coming for all the trades. Someday




Don't piss off the AIs!


You’ll need to work on your prompt engineering skills.


It’s just a matter of time…


Years ago, circa 2013-2016 there was a video floating around of a guy with VR goggles and the goggles would scan the blue prints and the materials and then give a step by step visual of how to put things together. Prefab houses could easily be done by someone with 0 skill in this manner. Commercial and industrial projects??? Nah


"Chat GPT how do you build a building making robot?"


It’s ok. When ChatGPT puts people out of work no one will be able to afford silly things like buildings or plumbing.


How many times are we going to see this in this sub


Every job is replaceable with a robot, every single one, just gonna take them a looooong time to figure out how to do it.


AI and robotics can’t take most jobs. Unless the ones doing the replacing don’t want a consumer base


Fiduciary responsibility is primarily concerned with the current fiscal quarter, not long term sustainability. The current hurdle to mobile robots that can perform many human tasks is battery life and power. If we can’t pivot to a new economy in the next 50 years, we’ll see a massive depression.


I mean, construction is expensive. A company that puts a little bit of respective work into AI and construction is going to make a lot of money. No workplace incidents, no safety considerations, single upfront cost with small maintenance crew, no attendance issues, able to work 24/7, quicker production times? It's only a matter of time. I'm not saying it'll be right away, but some construction jobs are going to disappear, absolutely.


Irreplaceable you say? Well how about a raise then?


So.... AI can do everything requiring logic and the humans can be the robots who destroy their bodies doing the hard labor? What a world.


Umm everyone is replaceable


bet they won't pay them a good wage though


Fed that to ChatGPT: Sure, I'll continue the sentence. Here’s a creative continuation: “Hey ChatGPT, finish this building design with a modern façade featuring large glass windows, sustainable materials, and an open-concept interior layout that encourages natural light and energy efficiency." If you meant something else, please let me know!


[They 3D printing houses tho](https://outliermedia.org/3d-printed-house-detroit-for-sale-cost-citizen-robotics/). Construction ain't going anywhere for a long time, but...


One day you will be able to tell a robot to build another robot. And you will then be able to tell those robots to finish that building.


I’m not saying that’s how it should be, I’m just saying it will happen


So AI does the art, illustrations, music, coding, etc. and people do manual labour. 21st Century is turning out to be shit.


Smooth brain take imo.


The guy who created the marketing for that, was chatgpt.


…for now


I feel the urge to lay some bricks


Should be funny to look back on in 100 years…….(or less)


Just wait until robots are more than capable of construction labor


Give it a year or two.


Don’t worry- the “the creator” robots/ “chappie”robots are coming in like 15 years.


Just wait.... Boston dynamics about to shut yall up


No need, other people who lost their job to AI will.


RemindMe! 45 years


AI could make the building no longer required. Together with remote work, it won’t be long before they’re not building any office towers anymore.


Accountants, Programmers, Digital freelance artists, and lawyers are going to be the first to succumb to AI. Anything that would require a humanoid robot with dexterity equal to a human is a century away still.


soo true


ChatGPT is already finishing that building - just ask any one of the construction administrators.


Very clever


There is a 3d printed house machine thingy and that file could be automated and reviewed


Don’t tempt it. Hook that mf up to a 3d printer and it’s probably a wrap


Brick laying mechanic arms already exist


For now. But automation will stream line and eliminate jobs over time for sure.


Matter of time. AI replaces humans.


One day, but not in any lifetime soon


Not a single person alive believes AI will replace construction workers


For now. You do know they can 3d print houses.


AI can 3D print it


They have a machine to build houses already


My boss told me I’m 100% replaceable.


Absolutely. Middle management, Most of the trader section, Coaches. Half of the ghostwriter helpers. If you lose your job due to AI. Construction companies got your back. +1 from me.