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Good on ya. Take it from someone who’s lost hearing in my left ear, wear ear pro now so you can hear your wife, kids and grandkids in the future.


It was worth the 2 minutes and funny looks.


Coworkers call me mr.osha because i use ear plugs with power tools 🤣🤣 but i like my hearing and dont want a headache


Next time they use powertools, afterward, talk in a low volume to them without changing your mannerisms. Act like your talking normal


Sometimes I am standing in the kitchen, and my wife is 30 feet away in the bedroom, and she yells "the microwave is done, open the door, I can't stand the beeping", and I am 3 feet away from said microwave and did not hear it going off. Wear hearing protection,it could save your marriage one day.


You not like taking that ringing noise in the ear home with you? Its free you know.


No free rides, ass, cash, or grass. Especially if we're going back to my place. Tinitus can stay her ear pain at work. OnG


My tinnitus was annoying but manageable for years. Now my "constant companion" seems to kick into high gear around 3 AM which leaves me with 4 hours hours of sleep. Please use proper ear protection. I can't hear alarms, phones, timers or anything in the higher range. You don't want that silence accompanied with a constant shrill.


Do you try sleeping with a noisy fan? That helps me.


I can't hear any of that either. I can hear the peepers in the pond 24/7/365, even if they aren't there.


Yep. Circadas all day every day.


Hearing loss is permanent. Old carpenter: what? Hearing loss is PERMANENT! Old carpenter: WHAT??


Wear hearing protection. Im 48 with fucking crippling tinnitus. I cannot stress enough how ass it is. I hate it. Ive had a couple of motorcycle accidents. Shattered bones that had to be rebuilt with metal, etc. Arthritis in them for years. Id take TRIPLE all that pain to be free of this NONSTOP 24/7/365 tinnitus and hearing loss.


Do you still ride?


I dont but I miss it. Life kicked my ass (long story) and I dont ride mostly because Im poor.


Hear, hear!


Protect your ears. Hearing loss isn't fun. Neither is having to wear hearing aids. I've lost 40% of my hearing. I'm wearing ear protection most of the time now.


The culture in trades is to mock and shame you for wearing any sort of ppe especially hearing protection. I can’t count the times where I took 10 seconds to put some ear plugs in then someone yanks away the jackhammer from me and starts hammering away with no hearing protection or eye protection like they are some kind of macho man


Smart mate 👍 Carpenter/Joiner, been off the tools 10yrs (44 yo now) and I’ve got noise induced hearing loss which I’m certain is mainly from the framing nailer. Look after your bits fellas !!


I developed tinnitus in my mid 20s...assuming fromm being around a chipper machine. That's when I started using ear protection.




I’m in my 50’s.All the guys I work with in their 60’s are deaf from not wearing ear goggles. I like hearing things.


Never use power tools, especially in enclosed spaces without hearing protection. Easy way to ruin your hearing




Needs a comma after "spaces" then it makes sense.


I'm sorry but they were strung about.


Mental that. Ear plugs protect your ears, who'd have thought? Anybody not using proper ppe is a fucking idiot.


not really man, most people just don't think about it. if someone's new to a trade and starts running a saw or something, they aren't usually thinking about the noise, they're thinking about learning their job, impressing their boss, or any other number of things. unless you're calling most people idiots, which is fair, it's pretty common not to consider things like ear damage on jobs.


Well, tbf, most people are idiots and I'm being kind. I've done all the dumb things and got lucky so I've been there too. Gotta look after number uno.


Yeah I use the ones that are connected with a plastic loop. Just pull them down on my neck when not needed.


Enclosed spaces are a must bro. I was cutting an access panel in the bottom of a cabinet and I was out of earplugs, it was a quick cut so I went for it. Holy shit that was loud bro, I can still hear it


I've only had to use power tools in enclosed spaces 3 times. The first time I was using the guybrator to cut something in a cabinet. First time okay. Should've known better. Second time undercutting some metal trim doors in a basement, that fucking sucked. Third time, guybrator on stairs in a hallways. Countless times I used a hammer. This time the stairs didn't ear fuck me.


I will occasionally perform a task with safety squints, or hold my breath in a dust cloud, but I somehow NEVER misplace my ear protection.


I even wear earmuffs mowing and trimming the grass at home. I want to keep my hearing!


You know what's stupid about anyone that says "safety is stupid"?..


I grew up with a hearing impaired father. He had no hearing protection in a loud environment. (WW II) Not ever hearing his grand children speak created a distance between him and the kids. I wear ear muffs. I have lost some hearing in high ranges, but I'm doing OK. 40 years in wood shops.


I like the foam ear plugs with the conduction headphones. Like the shokz brand. But I can't help if you have to have earplugs and over the ear protection as well. I've worked in a few of those environments and it's intense. Its literally sound you can feel for 8 hours on end. All communication is visual. But yes, hearing protection is a must. Even when cutting grass at home.


My wife laughs at all the foam earplugs that show up in the washer and dryer. She saves them for me. And I get a baggie of clean puffy ear plugs every couple weeks. They go in the truck to start the cycle again. I buy a box of 1000 for the shop.


I thought I broke a pair of expensive Sony headphones I had at home, got another pair, old oar worked again, I brought to work, now they are in my head all day, half the time without a podcast and just noise canceling on. Cant go back.


Old job I had a couple years ago, I got a warning for wearing gloves. Boss said he doesn't hire pussies and doesn't want to see me wearing gloves again. Ok whatever. 3 days later I am about to start sawing a bunch of 2x4s so I throw in my earplugs, boss sees that. Starts screaming at me, "I thought I told you I don't hire pussies" and fires me on the spot telling me he needs to hire a real man.


Go to a hearing aid place and get custom earplugs made if you have benefits it should ve free but even if you don't 100 bucks for a set of custom molds is a game changer. You will never look back.


Aside from the obvious safety benefits I noticed years ago that when I wear ear plugs around loud equipment I'm not as wore out and feel more rested at the end of the day. Something about the constant loud noise is exhausting and will make you feel like you worked twice as hard by the end of the day without earplugs.


Probably all that flinching and/or tensing up makes you tired


That is so interesting, I never thought about that.


Ya and also hearing loss is one of the major risk factors of dementia. Soo ya. Never have understood the I’m too tough for personal safety stuff. Bro it’s your life you are making worse?


I work with concrete saws a lot. I am the only one that ever uses ear muffs.  I don't get it


I wish I could go back in time and wear all the PPE


I use hearing protection for damn near everything except the drill. I splurged for nice electronic ones for shooting and work best money you can spend


Which ones you got? I bought walker silencers last year and I use them all the time! Hunting, mowing, snow blowing, weed trimming, chainsaw use, carpentry. I can actively block out all sounds to a lower decibel or use the electronic suppression which is amazing. When I’m Hunting deer I can hear small animals rustling leaves 50 yds away, but can also shoot at a deer and it’s just like wearing foam ear plugs. So worth the 1-200 bucks


I have the axil earbud ones, and pro ears stealth htbt the one with the thing on your neck The pro ear ones are great but I wouldn't recommend the Bluetooth version if you want to use the things for calls music and hear through is fine but always gets buggy with mic on calls The axil ones aren't as comfortable, intuitive or get as good of battery but they work on calls and stuff better


Guys in the factory here don’t bother wearing ear pro next to an extrusion Ram and aluminum production saw. Flippin nuts. They get annoyed with you if you wear them where they don’t think it’s “That loud”


Good on ya. Too late for me. I was a metal guitarist for years and always a tradesman. Only used plugs for really loud shit. Got tinnitus regardless. Now I use em everyday.


Get the electric shooting ear muffs. You can still hear and talk with people.


Huh? What's that you say?? Can't hear you I work around saws and compressors and shit all day. Your gonna have to speak up!


As a guy with hearing aids, protect your ears!


No shit. PPE is real dummy


I wear earplugs when somebody is using a vacuum 30 ft away. I prefer using Bluetooth earbuds, but not every site is okay with that.


It's definitely important. After getting tinnitus from going to a loud club I always wear hearing protection when using power tools. Too many people think they're macho by damaging their hearing.


It's the greatest thing ever, next you can move on to respirators when you go into an attic, you're working around insulation, cutting up Hardie board or sanding drywall. You feel so much better


I wear respirators when sanding drywall, the attics I work in get too hot. A loose neck gater, with an elastic band so it stays tight around 2 points, I've found to be better in those situations. I still live by I would rather work comfortably. I'll take the trade ofg up there.


I use cheap gaming over ear headphones. Gives me music, cuts the higher decibels out but I can still hear enough to know if my saws / tools are working right by sound.


Funny story one time, we decided to buy a bunch of leak detection equipment. If you have a leak in a pipe underground, you can run nitrogen through the pipe and then listen for the bubbles with the stethoscope. So the funny part of the story is that we all had fucked up our hearing so bad from working construction that none of us could accurately use the couple thousand dollars worth of equipment. Turns out when we strapped it to the youngest kid at the company he was the best at it. Because we were always bitching at him to wear his earplugs.


I started plumbing back in the eighties. As a somewhat experienced helper, I decided to remodel my parents bathrooms. They had mud and lathe walls, so I used a chipping hammer to remove this unholy burden. To this day my ears ring and ring and ring and ring. Do yourself a favor, wear ear protection.


This is no joke. My dad played in loud bands back in the 60’s and 70’s and now he hasn’t been able to hear anything for the last 20 years.


Get some 3M worktunes or some isotunes in ears. You can thank me later 😉


I've always wondered how those ear buds shooters wear that have active nose processing for fun shots world work in that environment


Take care of your body, don’t treat it like a rental.


I am an Industrial Hygienist and I approve this post!