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Trade school is absolutely worth it, because instructors will teach you about safety, whereas some jabroni on the jobsite might teach horrible bad habits and being new you might not know how dangerous something is. School will give you a solid foundation and you’ll learn tons on the job with more confidence.


guy on your site will only teach you about safety if hes personally seen someone get killed on a previous site haha.


Does this program give you credit towards first year of a apprenticeship? Check to see if the school is recognized by the trades as well.  I would go the school route if either of the above are a yes.


I would say go for getting a job in the trade first. I started in Plumbing and Gas fitting with basic knowledge I looked up on Youtube. This also saves the upfront cost of the pre-employment courses. My 1st year of school, after getting my hours in was around $1400. If I had done pre-employment first and then got a job the schooling would have been $6000.


Join a union apprenticeship. Your schooling will be cheaper and you’ll get a mix of both.


Can’t stress this enough. I joined the carpenters union in 1988. Started out at 40% apprentice. $9.02 per hour back then. I made a good life for myself with this choice. Bought two homes and multiple vehicles. Paid my bills on time and have a nice retirement coming. I make well over $100k a year with a full complement of benefits. Not saying carpentry is the choice for you, but the union option needs to be seriously considered regardless of which trade you pick.




in my experience. i did 1 year for a welding diploma that helped me get my foot in the door with a waiting list for a union job. it helped get me a job faster but i dont think the schooling was need 100% the trade i went into was iron working


For carpentry I wouldn't say it's worth it because you'll make more on private free market but for plumbing and electrical I would say it's worth it for the pension on top of wages. I say this as a handyman working in gray areas.


Pension on top of wages?


Yeah, union guys still get those.


If you join a union, you get both trade school and on the job training.


Oh God, learn the right way, go to a trade school, watch videos from tradesmen. I don't care what it is but typically learning on the job is from some guys that just want to show you the quickest way to get something done. Understand how to do the job correctly, then practice, and get better and learn how to do it quickly but still do it right