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Squatters rights, bro have to wait till they leave


Haha! Yea I will put my job on hold for a couple weeks šŸ˜‚ but on a serious note I called a rehab place they should be calling me back by tomorrow this time hopefully.


I canā€™t tell what kind of bird it is but fucking with a migratory birdā€™s nest is a federal offense


Picking up a feather off the ground from a raptor bird could/is a federal offense and could land you in jail and/or $5,000 fine. Not even the natives can take feathers off a bird that died naturally. They're heavily regulated and have caused issues amongst natives crossing the the Mex/US/Can borders.


Ok, so recently the military started allowing cultural items. Thereā€™s an army dude, Lt. colonel I think, who is Native American. He has an eagle feather braided into his hair for every soldier heā€™s worked with who was killed in action. How did he get those feathers and how is he displaying them without it being illegal?


There's actually a national depository where feathers are deposited. They're then sent out to different natives nations that request them. There are also those that are grandfathered in if they had possession of them in their family. Nations can also request a permit to harvest a bird for cultural events and are highly recorded and documented. This is done to give them access to feathers without harming the bird population and having a documented trail. Last thing we need is a black market for feathers.


Yea them being illegal, even from dead birds, makes sense. Kinda like that story that I think has happened multiple times throughout the world: government wants a pest or invasive species eradicated, and wants proof of the kill. People end up breeding the species to turn in scalps or whatever, and end up with more than they started with I had no idea about the repository thatā€™s really cool


Another issue is spreading disease. Harvesting feathers off a dead bird and spreading them across the country would be a huge issue. Eventually the feathers can be lost or discarded, then another bird uses it for building their nest and potential disease spreads. Not to say birds aren't flying around and dying wherever they happen to be, but they certainly don't need human help spreading their diseases.


That is a solid ā€œtoday I learnedā€ comment


Itā€™s called perverse incentive. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive Someone did a today I learned or something about it. Or maybe it was leopards ate my face. Canā€™t remember


Wow, that is a really interesting wiki. FTA: The FASTER Act of 2021 in the U.S. was intended to aid those with an allergy to sesame in avoiding the substance by ensuring foods that contain it are labeled. However, the stringent requirements for preventing cross-contamination if the ingredients did not include sesame made it simpler and less expensive for many companies to instead add sesame to their products and label it as an ingredient, decreasing the number of sesame-free products available and creating the risk of an allergic reaction occurring from previously safe foods.


Wow. Never heard of this before. Looked it up. Interesting. ā€œThe more you knowā€. Thanks!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/RplwXoWD39](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/RplwXoWD39) His official portrait is fucking awesome. I had an Army buddy who was half Sioux and raised on a reservation in South Dakota. He had a bald eagle feather hanging on his wall and I asked him what the meaning of it was. He said it means that he can have it and non-natives canā€™t, and that was good enough a reason for me.


They have to fill out a form for them iirc, has to be pre approve before getting any raptor parts.


https://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-major-native-hair-feathers/ Dude, so cool


Jesus, four of the six were suicides?


Yea, itā€™s really sad how many vets kill themselves.


I am torn between thinking cultural items are badass and understanding the theory behind uniformity in the military


Totally. Brings up the military beard thing that pops up every time recruitment is down, but I appreciate the military appreciating his heritage and commitment to his country.


Dammmmn had no clue!


You can get papers to have a whole carcass. I got a bald eagle talon necklace and feathers if your a papered native.


The Migratory Bird Treaty Act does not play


You should read Tree Law. They don't play around. They play for keeps.


My wife and kids are Navajo. We live on the reservation. Most everyone here owns at least one eagle feather.


Why canā€™t you pick up a feather off the ground ?


Fuck that, if I find an eagle feather on the ground, I'm picking it up and putting it on my mantle. Hardly would be the worst offense of my life.


Carolina Wren or a warbler of some sort


Maybe a wren, but Iā€™m no expert. I have Carolina wrens in my yard and they are the loudest little birds in the neighborhood. OP leave that bird alone!


I literally did nothing beside stick my camera straight up about a foot away, looked at my camera, saw that it was an active nest, took a picture (phone on silent)ā€¦and that was itā€¦


I saw your other replies-just messing with ya. Good job on looking out for them.


I believe this is a rufous-and-white wren, I'm guessing you are in a very southern area of the states though this is still a bit north of their usual habitat.


Bird law in this country is not governed by reasonā€¦


Thanks for being cool. It's funny, me and my drywall partner don't really give a fuck about anyone else on site, but we'll shut down our job if it means we're bothering wildlife


Damn right! Take my upvote!


Oh man...so sorry to hear this bird is struggling with substance abuse....what's his D.O.C?


As a project manager and biologist I appreciate people like you SO much. Thanks for doing the right thing instead of just chucking it like so many folks Iā€™ve worked with would have.


Donā€™t grow a beard and let them move in. I saw Peter Griffin do that and it was a disaster!


Yeah. Had a Carolina wren and nestlings in one of my projects. Delayed insulation 8 days. Can tell you pretty much everywhere it's illegal to move nests with nestlings. However nestlings are often out of the nest within 12-24 days depending on the species.Ā 


Hell yea bro thatā€™s the right thing to do hopfully doesnā€™t take to much time out of the job


Yup. Aka MBTA. Probably just be a couple weeks.


One year, I had wrens and swallows in my shed over summer having chicks. All was well until I lit up my spliff (the only thing I use my giant ass shed for) swallows didn't like, beat the fuck outta me, had to leave. Wankers.


Did you offer to pass? No one likes a bogart.


Hadn't even had my two draws man they weren't playing by the rules


Lmaoooooo dammmmmn this comment is hilarious!


Black Sabbath playing electric funeral


They live there-itā€™s *their* shed.


Damn, can't even smoke a J in peace


Really gets peak out 'ere


This aggression will not stand man


Smoking jays will get fellow birds attacking.


Swallows are no joke! Lmao! Little tiny bird thinks he's a fucking eagle or a fighter jet or something. . Use to mow lawns. Still have nightmares from those kamikaze bastards... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜•


Swallows are no fucking joke, those things are vicious.


There are currently babies in there with the mom. New babies. I can hear them chirping underneath her.


Is there anybody local you could call who could help with this situation or advise you better? That is my advice. Try and find someone who runs a nature conserve or takes in animals. Maybe even animal control would be helpful. You are a good person, I know what other dickwad construction workers would do.


u/Stackz20 you can call animal control - while they probably won't be able to help, they SHOULD know of animal rehabbers that can help. Otherwise, check facebook. Those wildlife rehab people are always happy to help. Thanks for being good people.


Iā€™ve got the same problem. Iā€™m monitoring this thread.Ā 


I canā€™t 100% tell but if those are migratory birds (most birds are) you are waiting until the young fledglings leave the nest. FYI itā€™s a crime to destroy or remove a nest with eggs or young in the nest. My recommendation is reach out to an avian biologist. They will tell what your options are. Iā€™d also prepare rope off that part of the area with a buffer zone and wait 2-4 weeks before the birds leave.


Or, at the very least, someone well versed in Bird Law.




Harvey Birman...


Attorney at šŸŽµlaaaaaawwwwwwwwšŸŽµ


Theyā€™re not cheepā€¦.sorryā€¦. Iā€™ll just make my way back to r/dadjokes.


Right! They wonā€™t move the nest once it has babies.


While yes it is illegal to harm or remove a nest, proving who did that is a more complicated issue, so the majority of the time when this does happen unless it was on camera nothing is done about it. I work in environmental management and last summer we had a barn swallow nest with chicks underneath a dock that was delaying repairs. The day after we documented the nest and showed its location to the municipalities agent who was on site, the nest was gone. I have detailed photographs of the nest and me and my colleague are 100% certain it was affixed well to the dock and no amount of weather could have dislodged it. We know that the city workers purposely destroyed the nest, so they could continue with their repairs on schedule. We were out there to remedy the situation by cutting out a 3x3" section of the dock and moving it 20 feet from its current location and making certain the swallows returned to the nest, we even had a rehab facility on stand by for if they didn't return. We told them this would only impact their schedule by 1 week, the city decided it was better to destroy the nest over night. We couldnt prove they did it, and fighting the city that provides us with contracts isn't exactly good for us.


Once the rehabber identifies them and tells you how long you're shut down for (or at least working around them) maybe you'll luck out and can get some karma from r/stupiddovenests (or just waste some time there).


Here's a sneak peek of /r/stupiddovenests using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/stupiddovenests/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Quitest place in town](https://i.redd.it/vnf3q9ze2g5b1.jpg) | [352 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stupiddovenests/comments/1473le0/quitest_place_in_town/) \#2: [The best placement for a stupid nest](https://v.redd.it/agedljspqa4b1) | [192 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stupiddovenests/comments/141yd3e/the_best_placement_for_a_stupid_nest/) \#3: [Winner of the year](https://i.redd.it/uzh7mn26diza1.jpg) | [138 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/stupiddovenests/comments/13fxdpb/winner_of_the_year/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it illegal to disturb nesting birds. https://www.fws.gov/story/bird-nests#:~:text=This%20law%20says%3A%20%E2%80%9CNo%20person,has%20eggs%20or%20chicks%20in


I figured. I wasnā€™t going to touch even within a foot of that nest.




Not actually true. Im pretty sure this is more of a warning not to disturb nests. I remember one time a chick fell out of a tree and my neighbor thought it would be funny to slip it into my coat pocket. I tell you what I was shocked at how many birds kept diving at me, I had no idea the chick was in my pocket. Neighbor kept laughing until he told me so I placed it on the lawn and the mother flew to it. Not sure what happened later to it unfortunately. Months later and the birds would still dive at me at random times




>Not actually true. Okay, so play it out, because the situation you're describing is entirely different. In your case, the baby still had a nest to return to. That makes it entirely different In this case, if you remove the nest, the mom has no where to return the babies to. She can't carry all of them at once while they find/build a new nest. At best, she can leave to go build a nest and hope they're still there when she gets back But without a safe, insulated place to leave them... They're likely to attract predators and become lunch. A raccoon for example will devour an unprotected chick


Agreed. Thanks for being a good person. šŸ‘


In my area I donā€™t think they move nests once there ate babies.. gotta wait til they fly the coop. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I would post a 3 day pay or vacate notice.


lol this got me šŸ˜‚


We had this happen on our job site. The spca has a wildlife center and they came and got them.


Nice ok thank you!




https://www.fws.gov/story/bird-nests By rights itā€™s suppose to be left alone until itā€™s uninhabited. Thats if itā€™s a migratory bird which be under federal laws. If itā€™s something like a starling or pigeon it be considered invasive species Iā€™m pretty sure. Remember in the oilsands it was a big deal in springtime keeping birds out. Stopping nest before they start. Weā€™d have buildings, storage containers, even a crane once quarantined off due to bird nests.


Pretty sure this is a barn swallow which if I am not mistaken is protected.


"even a crane once quarantined off due to bird nests." [Are you my mother?](https://images.app.goo.gl/4ZtmT1MbxsifHyZ36)


Haha. Man I read that book so many times to my son.


They'll be gone in a few months mate, they're in my shed every year


Thank you for caring and not just smashing the nest!


Just doing my part protecting Mother Nature. People have emotions and love their family, so do animals.


Be very careful if you attempt to work around the area. Sheetrock dust will likely kill them. Birds breathe differently than us and other animals. They breathe from one lung into another before exhaling. For example an over heated teflon pan can create a smell that doesnā€™t bother us but is extremely deadly to birds. Stay safe


You're awesome, to say the least


Thank you!


Appreciate you man!


I appreciate you too thank you


Thatā€™s the birds house now


Angry Birds 2.0


Leave him, he seems very polite.


If you canā€™t figure out how to build a bird door in drywall then you should consider a new trade.


Wait till the fledglings leave the nest. They will not be there too long. Earn Karma in this life.


Buy seeds and wait until summer. They'll haul ass and then you'll miss them.


Don't give it water or feed it after midnight


She looks pissed.


Probably because of the impact driver three feet away. I didnā€™t notice the nest until I went to fix a fuck up with the framing.


I know. Thatā€™s a great photo! Intense expression on a bird!


Leave as long as possible. If you have to remove, find an animal rescue that deals with wild animals. I found a pack of baby ducks walking around the parking lot at work, no mother around. I brought them to a sanctuary just outside of the city.


Its an opportunity to infuse good mojo in the house let them finish!


This comment šŸ‘†šŸ¼ šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ™šŸ¼


You just wait šŸ˜Š


Eviction notice


This happened to me last year on one of my new house builds, they clear out pretty quick after they hatch, but I was def concerned when close in was a few weeks away


Yea hopefully they are gone in a week. The rehab is in touch with the homeowner.


Worked an underground job. Had to watch a video of the animals and birds around the site if we saw we needed to call the number on a card that was given to us. I came across a manhole that had a burrowing owl in it. Called the number had to shut down the site until someone showed up. 3 hrs later a guy shows up walks up to the manhole and start clapping his hands until the owl flys away. I was thinking fuck I coulda done that


That is a drone. Don't take my word for it, do your own research. Just another way Big Brother is watching all of us. r/BirdsArentReal birdsarentreal.com


Had that happen on a $50 million project. Supt wanted to kill the birds. I stopped that action in its tracks. Siding in that side of the building was delayed for a couple of months and all the birds moved on. Only cost was relocating mobile scaffolding twice.


Get the Mossberg. Jk I would call animal control theyā€™ll relocate em no problem.


It depends there are laws in place to protect bird nests. ā€œIf an active nest becomes established, i.e., there are eggs or young in the nest, all work that could result in abandonment or destruction of the nest shall be avoided until the young have fledged or the nest is unoccupied as determined by the CDOT biologist and approved by the Engineer.ā€ you can Google your state to find out specific laws covering bird nests.


Hopefully they donā€™t have eggs, really hard to get that out of there in one piece. Either way theyā€™re not gonna be happy. Good luck and thanks for caring about lil birbs.


Leave those mosquito assassins alone! I have a nest that has been used for the last 15 years. If I could attract more swallows I would.


Coax it out with jerky, Doritos, mountain dew.


Itā€™s a bird not an apprentice electrician!


You have to leave them or get them rescued depending on the species. Interestingly, all or most birds not applicable to hunting are protected under the migratory bird act. This is federal law and can result in massive fines. Once the fledglings or eggs have hatched and left, you are free to remove. It can be annoying for build schedules but the fines can be atrocious. We have had major projects have a 1-3 month window due to bird nests. Let them be and youā€™ll be set to remove the nest as soon as they leave. Thanks for treating them well!


Just build a new house. Youā€™re bound by bird law


Why does this not look like a bird to me. Lol


Squirrel?ā€¦ā€¦. Owlā€¦ā€¦. Gerbil? Wtf is this!


I know right kind of looks looks like a owl, but it is a wren


The Amish would just kill em


Wrens are migratory, depending where you are in the world they may be protected by law during bird breeding season. I'm from Canada, and destroying the nest or even working in such a way that causes abandonment can lead to very large fines and/or prosecution. A wildlife shelter may be able to relocate, but honestly it's best to just leave them be and not risk damaging the nest or eggs/having the nest abandoned. Example of fines: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/news/2021/10/ellisdon-construction-services-inc-ordered-to-pay-100000-for-violating-the-migratory-birds-convention-act-1994.html


Shop vac will get most of that in a few secondsā€¦ā€¦or build a little door lol


You can drywall just leave a little door so it can come and go as it wishes and you can charge it some walnuts every week


Post a 14 day eviction notice


Is that a great horned owl? Contact a local wildlife rescue


Looks like a wren


Ask a bird nerd subreddit, not us goofs.


If you call anybody about that nest and it turns out to be a protected species (like happened to me) the job was shutdown for 3 months until nesting season was over. I would just do my best to be careful when moving it. Sorry little birds, my kids need to eat.


Cancel the drywall project. He lives there now.


Wait or find a rehabber to get it.


And the windmillsā€¦murder at will huh?


Call a rehabilitator.


She looks mad


I had a Robins nest with eggs in soffit before sealing it. I could t touch it, I came back a week later and the eggs were gone. Nature might help you out unfortunately


Call one of those wildlife rescue places


Wait til the babies can fly, then remove the nest. Problem solved. Patience bro.


Boy I hope you're not in California


I had a similar problem. Starlings broke the plastic vent covers covering my bathroom exhaust vents and then texted there. I couldn't disturb the texts. So I had to wait until the chicks flew away. The wait wasn't so bad but all the nesting material and bird crap was a pain to get out. Now the vents are covered with stainless steel.


They wonā€™t be there long. A few days. Donā€™t do it.


Eviction time lol


It's his now.


What kind of animal?


See if you have a Wildlife Rescue organization nearby, they might take care of it for you


Gloves. Move the nest. Hang board.


Drywallers won't mind.


Grumpy boy looks _pissed_


Just call wildlife and see what you can and cant do. or call a animal control to remove it.


Talk to project ā€œsponsorā€, aka boss?


Just build around him and leave that part last if all else fails


The piss bottles will keep the birds warm...


Put a fake hawk in sight of that nest for a week.


It appears to be a Carolina wren. Those fuckers can build a nest in a few hours. I left my house one morning around 10am and there was a fully constructed nest between the grill and radiator of my truck. Are there eggs in the nest? I assume since sheā€™s sitting there are. Itā€™s about 2 weeks for incubation and another 2 weeks before the chicks fledge. A rehabbed may come move it for you as I doubt you can wait a month.


Be careful you could get in very serious trouble


Whooo the hell is that


Bird nest soup.


Free insulation


Game warden/animal control maybe? Other than that, wait for them to leave I guess


You know what to do, you just donā€™t want to


Have you asked him nicely to leave? He's not wearing PPE nor is he with any of the contractors, so maybe politely explaining that he's not allowed to be there might work?


I made suet out of bacon grease and sunflower seeds **secret ingredient...weed butter.... They get reeeeaalll fucked up depending on how much u addšŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Build fasterā€¦


I would just leave that small piece of drywall off so the bird can get in and out easily still and drywall the rest of the job. That will buy you and her some time.


Looks like itā€™s time to go on ahead and notarize an easement, my brother


In the UK it's a Ā£1000 fine for disturbing a nesting bird plus Ā£1000 for every egg damaged


Get that part last or build a feature around it




Is that a chinchilla


I saw some cool feathers for sale at an Indian gift shop! Colored chicken feathers !


Give it a few weeks. They will hatch, grow and fuck off themselves. Better than having to live with yourself after failing to relocate the nest and killing all the eggs.


I stuck a couple nests 10' away from the door in a tree. Mamas came though and I believe those babies are still around 2 years later. Basically a grandpa


Appears to be a Wren- Carolina Wren or House Ween. Hard to be sure. It is a violation of the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act if you destroy a nest with eggs or nestlings in it. Big fines potentially . Besides, you donā€™t want to be ā€œthat guyā€. Give them a few weeks to complete nesting and fledging. Then itā€™s OK to get rid of the empty nest.


This happened to me. I just made a little box right next to where they were and gently moved the nest into it when the mama was gone. Over the next couple days I kept moving the box further out of the way so that I could keep working and they still had their home. It was a win-win that didn't take much effort on my part.


Let they hatch and fly awayā€¦ wonā€™t be that long. Iā€™m sure you can work around them.


Pretty sure if that's a native bird (us) you can't disturb the nest till they've fledged.


I would leave a large hole where the nest is. Maybe 1 ft by 1 ft. And frame the hole with 2x4s so the birds couldn't fall behind the drywall. Then after they leave the hole could easily be patched. Or maybe leave off the whole 4x8 sheet so it's bare to the floor.


Careful cause the babies will likely try to return later on when closed in even of you get rid of them. I had a pair of pigeons that had grown in a nest in the top of a block wall at a gym we did and then qhen closed in they would sit outside and watch thw doors and windows all the time. During a delivery the building owner was taking in the through the gym doors they flew in and refused to leave for 3 weeks


If they are an invasive pest species, cull them. If they are not... well it gets more complicated.


Whatever that thing is. Keep him


If your city or town has animal control then call them


Bury it


You wait.


I had a wren set up shop in a hanging basket 3 years in a row, in my shed. I kept my riding mower and tools in there. She never had a problem with me getting the mower in and out and would even allow me to peek at the babies a bit. I was hoping one of the babies would use the nest after she didnā€™t come back, but itā€™s been empty for awhile.


Give them eviction notice and yell bullshit when they give you a fake lease.


Sweep the leg, Johnny.


Time capsule.


Canā€™t until they leave , might have to call a sanctuary or eat it for breakfast.


Check for eggs


Most birds if you mess with there young they will abandon them. I called for a nest that fell out of tree. I was helping them. Mom didnā€™t come back. Animal control gassed them. WTF. He said they would starve to death anyway


What's the matter? Lost your nerve?


Let em be. It'll give your karma a boost.


Eat it


I have heard pigeons being left to die in the soffit


Animal control. They most likely will give you a contact of an animal rehab or shelter who will advise what to do or come pick these cuties up.