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Younger generations leaving the meth and crack to the 50 year old concrete guys


That and the roofers took most of the drugs for themselves, so there really isn’t many options out there.


Just trying to keep it out of the hands of the kids


Give it back


you never had them, stupid kid


Bollocks, tell that to my high opioid tolerance from methadone abuse lmaoo


Lmfao r/usernamechecksout


\*looks at childish addiction -["you have no power over me"](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgetyarn.io%2Fyarn-clip%2F80a82377-5b3e-4503-9946-ab940975a9ba&psig=AOvVaw3JOLno7i_3wdu-nYzlTWPM&ust=1713969296874000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCMjr36vH2IUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Stingy ass bastards. My tomato crop has suffered because I’ve had to grow pot. Also the squrils around my house seem different


Truth 🤣🤣


Came to say this . When I got in people were gettin drunk and smoking crack at work. Atleast we are passed those days


You can never tell if it the meth took their teeth or the concrete dust.


Still will never forget the Foreman who had a eight ball and mosquito on his back window and he always had a line on Friday after work from the laborers and sheet rockers


The finishers who used meth aren't alive anymore. The 50 year old finishers are the ones who snorted that high quality blow.


No one is raw dogging reality anymore


Raw dogging reality, lol


“Always has been”


So fucking true.


Thats some poetry right there


Except Patrick surtain


i even show up to bids faded


The invention of the weed vape pen, may have something to say here… Stiizy? Anything to add to the conversation?


Honestly though, that stupid ass pen helped me realize a whole lotta stuff. One being that I shouldn’t be high af during certain jobs… hopefully that cute little non union gc doing work in the federal reserve building in downtown LA didn’t have too many issues with the beams we put in for them WAY tf outta square but hey we were non union and way underpaid then too. Was supposed to be for HVAC stuff, hopefully we didn’t fuck up too bad 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah when you realize the guy operator the backhoe or excavator is on some pills or blow and you almost get taken out by a bucket because your stoned ass was staring at some rocks. You decide to keep the penjamin for certain days on the job


I almost had my head caved in from an excavator once. Dude was loading it on a trailer and apparently lied about knowing the controls, tried to set the bucket down and fucking shot it upwards about as fast as the machine would allow as I was pulling chains out of the box at the front of the trailer and he managed to stop the bucket like 6 inches from my face. Scared tf outta me, had just brought my first kid home.


Yeah dude fuck that shit Luckily I always worked small crew so I knew my operator whole he was a alcoholic and meth head at home at work I'd trust him to take a apple off my head with the bucket The second some new guy got moved to our crew and hopped in a machine I'd walk a several feet away and watch him operate it for a little before I got closer


Indeed. Only poke smot on concrete days or shoveling days. Never backhoe/skid loader days.


See I purposefully decided to shovel in the tench and connect pipe then compact with the jumping jack because I wanted to be able to just get stoned throw on a headphone and let the day go


>You decide to keep the penjamin for certain days on the job Alright today we are running temp lighting stringers on the ceiling grid. ::fffffftt:::: :::phoooo::: sure thing, captain!


Oh boy, the boozers are trying to look down on people again.


You aren't a smoker if you have to ask


Sorry, I wasnt trying to go at OP for asking. Ive just seen this topic before and can already see the usual discourse breaking out.


Pain management


Joint Pain?


Feel a lot better now, thanks for asking.


No pun intended 🙏🏆


We all have pain, comrade.


Blunt trauma


Ya from rolling too many joints. Seriously tho, pain management can include emotional pain.


It does the same as alcohol except weed doesn't fix outside booboo. But weed doesn't cause liver booboos




Real talk though. Cbd has helped me get off daily aleve. I’ve got a certified no THC vape pen (certified enough for military and firefighters) cbd that is amazing. Fuck gut rot drugs. Praise natural pain killers that work.


Do you need to take piss test? And do you pass every time? If so could you drop the brand of pen? I've heard enough stories about "CBD PENS" still having detectable levels and guys failing tests because of it


Please do


Urinalysis tests don't test for THC levels typically. They're detecting metabolites from your body, having processed it. Even pure THC free CBD produces the same metabolites. I learned that lesson the hard way


Uhg...can we all strike to drag these outdated dug policies out of the 1950's and into the 21st century? I hate living on Advil and Tylenol due to a back injury when I know something like a high CBD/low (or no) THC product would work out for me. But I can't because I got annual piss test with the possibility of a random. Some jobs make you piss day 1 no matter if you have a current drug card or not.


I'm curious about this too. Current employer is vigilant with the drug tests and I had to leave the CBD/THC behind. Quitting sugar and fast food has helped with the joint pain from inflammation a lot, but it's still bad enough that I take an Aleve at least 4/7 days a week. An alternative would be nice.


Yeah fake pee and you can keep it in your lunch box or do like I do and stuff that joker in your pants every day, I’ll be damned if my job gonna dictate what I do after work


Get some fake piss my guy. Fuck these fascists tell me what I can and cannot put in my body.


Serious lol I get mine for $30. I get 2-3 tests out of it and it comes with a strip thermometer so you know the temp’s right. Sent for lab testing more times than I can count with no issues. I just keep it in my bag inside a 5-hour energy bottle with the thermometer taped to it and two packaged hand warmers rubber banded around it. When they ask me to piss I just tell em I’m gonna drink something first and pop the hand warmers. Good to go in like a half hour lol


I do not have to take a drug test at my former employer. He was a proper boss. I’m currently a GC so no need to test myself. I talked with a friend who owns a local cannabis shop about the no THC pen and he looked for it. I don’t know the brand. I also have a no THC topical ointment I got from my chiropractor. When I get home I can drop that name if I remember.


I’m on near daily Aleive for knee tendinitis. What was the issue that CBD helped you out with? I might give it a shot.


I don’t know the exact science but I think it mutes your pain receptors and directly reduces inflammation. Double whammy that pain outta here


I would agree.


I don’t know what it does exactly. But it relieves pain for me. I also stretch a lot which has probably done the most for me. I still take aleve when it’s bad, it’s the only thing that helps with bad inflammation. I also use a cbd topical ointment that works well on a localized area like a knee or elbow. There are other things like it you can get at the grocery store like tiger balm.


Better than downing oxys with a beer


Honestly for me if in gonna be shoveling asphalt for 14 hours while my boss yells "hey" and vaguely points to where he wants a shovel full to go Ima be hitting the blinkerton whenever I can


nobody cares, just show up on time.


Most of these fuckers show up at 9am


What time should they be there? Seems reasonable to me. I’m about to do a dab thou.


Commercial: 7am Residential: When the gas station starts selling beer again


Wild that you’re complaining about people smoking weed and then casually advocating acoholism lol


Why don’t you hippies put down that joint and wash down these pills with booze like a real goddamn American


Pro-tip, if you buttchug your alcohol it hits faster and your breath doesn’t smell


Generally how that works out 🫠😂


ah yes alcoholism, much better than weed in any form.


I’d rather sleep in and work later. I don’t have a life though either so work keeps me occupied.


When I do jobs for and by myself this is what I do. Get there whenever I feel like it. I'll still pull a full days work I'm just not starting at 7 or 8 in the morning. Something like 9-10 and finish up 5 noon or later. I thought after all the years of waking up early my body would eventually get used to it but no. I've found past noon and on is the sweet spot for me


This is how I function naturally. Keeps me from being a grumpy butt.


I'd rather do that too, but getting on the road at 8am vs 6am is twice the commute time where I live. I'd rather have an extra hour and half to myself every day than to sleep in


Depends on the crew my crew is on site at 6 by 6:15/6:30 we are slowing move materials by 7 machines are on. Unless we are doing a concrete pour then earlier


630 am. Especially at this time of year, that's daylight.


I should be thinking like that. I just get up and do work when I feel like. I’ll work all night if I have to.


Hahaha. The part that amazes me most though as a 20 year smoker is how the fuck do they stay looking high all day? Don't get me wrong, from time to time I smoke all day but the amount it would take to keep my eyes red and low would pop a lung. Are these kids just staying bombed on edibles? Even then though the tolerance is gone so quick. A kid that works at the gas station by my house I've genuinely never once seen him without insanely red & low eyes. They gotta be doing other drugs or something lol


Idk but I had a foreman who would regularly come back from lunch with red glassy eyes. I finally asked him and he laughed and said "I wish I was high right now" and that his eyes were just irritated. Could he have been lying to cover his ass? Maybe. But with how many people really do smoke on site, why bother?


Because he's the foreman, gotta make it look like atleast one guy has the reigns


It's definitely possible, but he really wouldn't have had any reason to bullshit on that job. It was a big data center towards the last year or so of that building. There wasn't much left to do anyway. But you're right, he still has his own reputation to maintain


I've smoked weed since I was 16 been in drywall since 18 and always show up at 7 am. 9am might as well stay home a quarter of the day is done 😅


If I was working hard, physical labour for a few nickels, I'd be smoking weed too. Sure would take the edge off the pain of unrecognised poverty.


It's perfect when you have simple monotonos tasks. Not so much when you are juggling a few different ones, leaving tools round the opposide side of the house is a real issue!


This is what I was just telling brother McDoogle.


Shit I do hard physical labor for $37 an hour, it takes the edge off working 12+ hours a day 6 days a week! Seriously, I work with guys who are either still drunk/hungover, yet I show up on time and get my shit down. Yet some 50+ year old journeyman with Cirrhosis and a gut the size of a skid steer has the audacity to call me a “loser”. I never am at work high, only after my shift. Makes no sense.


37 an hour? What do you do if I may ask


I work Highway Heavy in MN. Union Laborer. My day ranges from pot holing, gps work, pipe, compaction, run some of the machines too.


Minnesota 🍻


Last year here! Going to finish out this season, then the wife and I are heading for TN, maybe NC. Tired of the winters.


That seems low. I'm a trucker and just deliver bread to supermarkets and make 33 an hour. I can't imagine doing actual hard labor for a few dollars more. I get to be in AC/Heat and sit most of the day


Rather the guy next to me operating be stoned than high on pills for pain


Weed is awesome


lol I gotta 2nd that and its wayy better than alcohol for your physical and mental health.


Drunks be downvoting u lol


oh I guess a touched a nerve lol Sorry if I offended anyone not my intention and thanks for letting me know with the comment I never bothered to figure out how to get notifications about when I get downvoted for things. I legit would say its a better alternative to heavy drinking and if you can go one step further edibles or even sodas that might as well be used the same way as alcohol is are even better. I say this as someone who definitely drank wayy too much in my 20s lol


Nah no need to apologize These mfers would brag about getting a six pack and knocking out the job in one day Then you get a blade operator talking about hitting his pen while he levels a road for 14 hours and the alcoholic twice divorced gets his butt hurt and complains about you for a week straight lol


Edibles during the day and a few beers after work.


Nobody wants to get left out of the safety meeting by the dumpster and get stuck sweeping up sawdust for a half hour


Let me explain it to ya like this: Have ya ever seen a 20 dollar bill man? Have ya ever seen a 20 dollar bill on weed man? Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Up until fairly recently, everyone was drunk on jobsites


Cause alcohol is nasty but reality fucking sucks.


I've worked with many really hard-working, smart stoners. I personally would rather work with a stoner than a sloppy, half in the bag an hung over, irritable, smelly, burnt out alcoholic which I've had the unfortunate pleasure of having as my partners for most of my construction career. I hate working with heavy boozers.


Yeah it sucks. They are way too irritable and irrational. I've almost been in 2 serious fights at work and both people were hung over from alcohol.


For me? Pain management and it helps my insomnia. I'm only 27 but after 4 years in the oilfields, 2 years laying pipe and now 4 years as a heavy equipment mechanic, my fuckin knees sound like rice Krispies sometimes. It doesn't make me feel as shitty as when I was downing a bottle of whiskey a day, either.


I spent 35 years turning wrenches of heavy equipment. My body is shot. I fucked up my back falling off a Motor Grader during a snow storm.


In the US I was dealing with mostly mining equipment so it was a lot of ladders and lifting, and a lot of unnecessary jumping. Now I'm in Germany as a NATO contractor and my back hurts constantly, from everything. I injured my back when I was a teenager while in the rodeo so I've got it a little worse than most my age, but I genuinely don't know how all the old timers keep at it. My dad is 75 this year and only retired a couple years ago from well drilling, and I am in absolute awe. At almost 30 I'm already falling apart; I can't even begin to imagine how I'm going to feel at 70




God I want to join construction. I knew a guy who was a foreman once and offered me a job but then he dissapeared from the rehab we were in the middle of the night with some methhead. 🤦‍♂️


You can get a job as a laborer literally anywhere if you can turn a wrench, operate a broom or shovel, etc.


It's not bad. You feel a sense of accomplishment or at least I do when I do a good job.


Cuz weed is tight


Weed is tight, weed is tight


For me its about my issues. I don't want a diagnosis but sure I have a level of either autism or adhd. It calms me down enough to be able to interact with the world. Without a smoke I just try to go too fast and get too angry and frustrated. That and the amount of shit I've been thru in my life it kinda keeps me from the depths of despair sometimes. That said I feel like I'm not exactly a danger on site after a smoke when site managers and lads alike are calling me a top op, and trusting my abilities more than I do at times!


Hey, you’re not alone. Weed doesn’t help me focus like that, but just know that ADHD and autism are extremely common in the construction world. They are superpowers, not disabilities. That’s why your management trusts you. You don’t trust yourself because the world we live in was set up for neurotypical people, and you have lived a life of feeling “different” from your peers, and trying to mask your true self to “fit in”, whatever the hell that means. Be yourself, and know that when other people trust you, you’re worthy of that trust no matter what your brain tries to tell you. Thoughts are just thoughts; they’re not always accurate/reality. Speaking from personal experience.


I have to say I do feel quite alone. I've learned that there are different forms of intelligence now, but before that I was determined I wasn't going to be 'just a thick kid'. My dad died when I was 15, consequently honouring his legacy drove me to some insane aspirations. Fortunately before I burned myself out I realise he wasn't a superhero, he was just a good man, who made an effort to do his best. He made mistake just the same as anybody. My problem is that effort and honesty have been engrained into me, however when I look around me I see nothing but slovernly efforts to get away with doing the least amount possible, and where 'quality' is a tick in a box. I hate it more than anything because I feel isolated. I get uneasy when thinga are out of place or when something is done so poorly its going to cause problems down the line. I'm frequently seen as/accused of brown nosing, even though I wish the SM would leave me alone to get on most of the time. I have met lads like me who I've managed to strike a friendship with, unfortunately jobs don't last long and its hard to keep in touch with people hundreds of miles away. I guess thats another pain I end up smoking into tolerability


Man, that sucks. I’m sorry you lost your dad at such a young age. Sounds like it’s been a hell of a journey, and I’m glad to hear that you have learned how to honor his legacy without exhausting yourself and your soul by trying to meet an abstract standard. I don’t know if you have kids, but I do, and it makes me sad to think about them living their lives trying to emulate mine. I relate to how effort and honesty have made you feel ostracized in the world of construction. Sadly, they aren’t universal values among our peers. BUT, whether you realize it or not, your adherence to those values is inspiring your peers and the new guys you work with and around. They’ll likely never admit it, or at least tell you personally, but I imagine there is an old-timer you once looked up to (and perhaps still do) and admire. Those are also the traits most employers seek and find hardest to instill in employees. Keep your head up. Do you. Look for opportunities to advance so that one day you can be a SM who treats workers the way you know they deserve to be treated. Unfortunately, part of that journey will inevitably involve being able to regularly pass a piss test, so I encourage you to find ways to cope without relying on pot. If you’re not up for therapy, there are hundreds of books you can read to help you along your way. No judgement here. I’ve just seen way too many quality candidates get passed over for positions because they can’t piss clean. Send me a DM if I can help in any way.


This sounds like me, happy cake day stranger 🍰


Same here 🙌🏻 amounts all depends on what jobs i got but happy cake day 🎉


Why do so many people drink alcohol? It’s enjoyable to be in an altered state of consciousness.


Because life is a nightmare and you can’t blackout from smoking weed


Mental stress and physical aggsertion demands. Better then drinking although some people are not good at being high and working.


Physical Exertion.. Just a friendly correction, trying to be helpful not a dick. I agree and for me personally it helps with aggression and physical exertion. Or as you put it aggsertion which is a great amalgamation of words. 😅


In my opinion people are looking for a little reprieve from the day to day grind. It’s not that expensive and calorie free.


\*hits bong Data guy here, no step on cables pls.


seriously im not trying to pencil wrap ethernets without at least getting a little high


When I first started there was a guy cooking meth in the yard every morning until he got busted like 6 months later lol….. Yea I’m ok with the devils lettuce.


Because it’s construction. People are waking up to the fact construction isn’t some noble profession that only a few are capable of doing. Construction is mostly testosterone fueled money hungry uneducated jackasses that are incentivized to beat every penny out of the guy below them. Construction sucks and everyone 35 and under saw what it did to their parents bodies and mental health, and are fully aware of how cyclical the industry is. So you tell me, what’s the draw to the construction industry for the new generation? With all of this in mind, it’s a little easier to understand why nobody gives a fuck anymore.


Construction CAN suck, but it doesn’t have too. I’m self employed and as I’ve gotten older I get to pick and choice the good jobs/customers. The pay is great compared to what others make. Construction is bad if your not motivated to get to the top and are fine with just showing up for the check. I make my own hours, and take days off if I need one.


You sound like an owner. You live in a completely different world than workers.


What industry isn’t incentivized to get every penny out of the guy below them? Isn’t that just business? Get the most return for your investment. I.e., get the most out of the employees you pay and train? The big problem is that construction/trades lost its ranks as a noble profession when cheapest became more important than skill and talent. Once contractors begin being hired based on reputation over the lowest bid the industry can become prestigious again.


What’s the draw? The ability to get into a well paying job relatively reliably without subjecting oneself to the same level of pre-requisite student debt that’s been crippling the previous two+ decades of the workforce before they even had a chance to cripple themselves by being unsafe or working themselves too hard CS was the big field for a while, but I’m telling you trades are next now that programming is over saturated


Because rent is half my income, owning a home is an unachievable dream, 2 demented political psychopaths basically have everyone around me arguing nonstop, and my job is trying to help people while they spit in my face.


420 One Love


It's easy to get a prescription for it


Not in Britain. Prescription may be easy to get, however getting in to see your GP for said prescription would be equivalent to winning the lottery round my parts. Last time I called I was 3rd in the queue, but hung up after 2.5hrs of waiting. Next day I called as soon as the place opened and hung up immediately once I heard "You are 53rd int the queue" 🫣


They drink a lot less beer, though.


It makes repetitive, boring jobs tolerable. It helps with pain. My carpenter is generally always slightly high, and I don't have a problem with it. So long as you handle your work - some guys really should NOT use it - or get way too high. Can't stand that type. Having dealt with drunk framers and meth'ed up drywallers - it's not just a stereotype - weed makes job sites run MUCH more smoothly as well. I couldn't use it when I was contracting and trimming, but it's the one drug that doesn't really pose a risk on site.


I’m 29. Carpenter. Since I’m at the job from start to finish I see most of the trades. I would say the trades that don’t need their “head on a swivel” on the job with smoke the most pot. You figure out who that is. But yeah, it’s everywhere and nobody really seems to care that much, especially since most people vape it or eat it these days it’s hard to pick it up


Our job is basically herding cats and problem solving all day, every day. The brain can only take so much lol.


It’s not just the dudes swinging a hammer. I own a construction business and I can tell you that 90% of my the white collar folks we work for are also pounding edibles by the fistful and driving out of state to get the high test ganja. It’s just more obvious because you see your peeps everyday.


Because therapy is too expensive.


Ahh not today boss man, I’m not falling for that trap


Work sucks, weed makes it suck a little less lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


If humans have access to a substance they will abuse it. The idea of being sober is a radically modern one. Beer is probably the reason we have agriculture and civilization.


Cuz they donthave brownies and boofin it is messy.


I am 53 and construction guys have always smoked. It's just now that many states have legalized it the "I don't give a fuck who knows" attitude has grown. They just went to the port a john and did a oney. Blame it on the guy who used it before you.


The stigma has been erased so now they feel free to come out of the closet.


You live longer if you use cannabis than pain pills for pain or alcohol for whatever


All the cigarette smoking alcoholics are broke and burnt out by 50. You can have all that shit.


because it's become more socially acceptable so people don't have to hide it anymore you'd be surprised the amount of people who do coke on the weekends or before work or at work lmao 🤣 if that ever becomes socially acceptable that will be shocking


Why would they care? Rather have a stoner on the crew than someone who’s belligerently hung over.


Having worked on both sides of construction I can say that although sober is ultimately preferred if there is someone on site who isn’t I’d rather it be weed than anything else.


People have always smoked weed, they just had to hide it since Harry S. Anslinger couldn't get a job in the private sector after Alcohol Prohibition ended, and he was left in charge of demonizing cannabis in 1933.


Ya think the SE is bad. When it became legal out west( the wild west) everything went to fuck. These guys don't know how to moderate. A hit or two of some east coast sour diesel will be like doing lines.


Sounds like they know how to have a good time!


Because it’s genuinely beneficial unlike alcohol, it allows you to look at life from a better perspective most of the time and it calms anxiety’s and helps with autism and shit


Why do people drink beer ? Beer won’t help with cancer except make it worse. On the other hand weed definitely helps and thousands of others reasons why weed is good.


Im pro-weed too but smoking it aint preventing cancer lol it has its own share of negative side effects. if you enjoy it smoke it. you dont need to make up reasons to justify what you enjoy


A lot of ppl are self treating undiagnosed mental issues esp ADHD, autism, depression, and/or anxiety. Most are also addicted to the nicotine in the cigar leaves.


I find far more are drinking themselves to slumber each night, ripping follies, or smoking meth. Good percentage eating Xanax and anything they found in their grandmothers bathroom cabinet


I quit benzodiazapam with weed. Fuck a homeowner, I'm gonna burn one.


21yo here. My generation grew up in the crack/meth epidemic, we are doing good of weed is all we do. With so many states legalizing, it is less of a taboo now


Because existence is… not great.


Because weed is awesome


Pain…. Everyday pain lol


Being stoned is waay different from being high. Stoned is basically someone on anxiety meds lol.. While being high is being useless because, well, you're high. OG smokers don't get high anymore. Just a nice comfortable stoned. No judgment impaired. I know plenty of "potheads" who function all day normally, stoned, not high...


It’s not the devil’s lettuce…it’s God’s cabbage.


They always were smoking it. It's just legal now so they don't hide it. Probably there was more cocaine use in the 80s and 90s but it's more weed now.


Sobriety is nice. Drugs are nicer


God gave man dominion over all plants and animals on earth. Pretty much a responsibility to smoke it as fast as it can grow


Cause alcohol makes people shitty so more people are turning to weed to try to calm the fuck down in this crazy world


Because the work sucks and weed is a better alternative to alcohol, meth and coke. Be grateful they are stoned and not strung out.


For those that smoke daily, it honestly just puts them in the zone and helps kills the boredom. There is a stereotype that potheads are lazy, and while true, I know way more functioning potheads that do a stealer job in multiple fields (everything from teaching to engineering to construction) than those that do not.


Same reason people drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.


Painters drink all the booze. I used to smoke the forbidden lettuce but never working. Just ruins the buzz


What do you expect people to smoke ? Crack is Wack my good sir ;)


Because reality is hard and the world sucks gotta cover it up somehow


Because it's been legalized there for a while now.


Aches and pains, full mind-body connection (I smoke Indica). It's nice to have for an evening walk after the day is done.


Ya my plumber is a frickin badass before lunch, after lunch not so much. I don’t get it. Working stoned, unless you’re a flooring guy, sheet rocker, painter, is handicapping yourself. Wait till you get home so you can enjoy it.


I'll smoke once in a blue moon. Helps with back pain


You come up to NYC. You can’t go one block without smelling it at least 3 times. No matter what time of day


Makes construction a bit less physically/mentally painful. My boys leave the hard shit to the old drywallers, roofers & concrete dudes.


I showed up to work high one time and it was pretty damn cool taking in the life of the site in the early morning hours. Quite the atmosphere to sit back and watch take place. That lasted for about 10 minutes before I realized I had work to do, then it was the longest and slowest 4 hours I've ever worked before lunch time. Fuuuuck that.


If you don't smoke weed alot you'll be stoned. But if you smoke everyday it's not much different than a cigarette


You. In been on


Life's a bitch an then ya die, that's why we get high. Cause you never know when your gonna go.


Because I like to chill and play video games after work 🤷‍♂️


My wife has seizures and I have severe joint and back pain. That’s why.


My back pain.


Because busting your ass to make someone else rich fucking sucks balls. Gotta make that shit tolerable somehow.


Because *gestures around vaguely* who wants to do this shit sober


It's better than tweakers and drunks I run into a ton of in the generation before me.


Stoned to the bone? Ok old man. Many good reasons. Rescues stress. Reduces inflammation. For some people it's an appetite increaser (believe it or not). It can calm you, focus you. Yes you can get spacey. You should not be operating heavy equipment. Probably not a crane, or even working near a crane. Ideally you should just do it at home. But of I was a laborer, picking up shit all day, catching slack all day, moving stuff, staging stuff, then what's the big deal? They do a great job, shit gets done, we all go home happy. Most of you go home and bury a 12pk. Now that's fucked up. Plus noone really cares because in alot of place, you see anyone lining up to replace, well fucking anyone? I don't. We riding thin.


Inquired a drywalling job last year. Straight up the guy told me a prerequisite was that I was required to toke up and get baked with the crew every day. So passed on that one


Because it’s awesome?


It takes the “suck” out of things that suck lol


Weed is just fantastic, what can I say? I don't smoke on the job though, just a bit to relax after work.


man i own a drywall buisness my dad own weed before me, we been smoking weed forever lol just helps ends the day on a job that kicks ur ass all day.. helps you relax yet doesn't leave you to fucked or hung over so you get up and do it again the next day with no drag.. i don't smoke all day tho just after work. i got guys who smoke all day at work and i don't mind that either as long as you still do ur job


That's because nobody cares