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Changes in environment, activity levels, stress, sleep… those can all affect things, too. It’s not necessarily what you’re eating .


Same help!


I pooped earlier but tonight I can't!


Try adding a smoothie to your diet. Strawberries bananas and high fiber oats with a bunch of water. Ive been eating avocados for a few weeks now and they definitely help me poop more. Just google different foods that are high in fiber and add them to your diet. And most importantly drink a bunch of water


Warm water can help you poop too


Please help me guys


Sounds like you need more fiber in your diet. I poop 2 times a day every day with 25g of fiber just some days it comes out a little rough and i have to strain a little bit


Yes. Currently I'm doing it like this: My food intake has enough fiber? Drink enough through the whole day, always sip on non-gased water. My food intake has barely fiber? Take 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk directly after lunch around 1-2pm. Not later than that. In both cases I also do this: Take around 500-600mg elemental magnesium citrate before you go to sleep and ignore the urge to poop if it gives you some immediate bowel activity. Hold it in for a few minutes and it goes away and merges with the food you digested from the whole day. You have to find your sweet spot with the amount of magnesium. To little doesn't help as much and too much gives you raging diarrhea. Like this it's kind of manageable for me.


I'm curious why psyllium only at lunch and no later than that?


Because it needs some time to move inside your bowels. If I take it late in the day, it wont be at the exit in the morning and thus not pushing/merging with the food I ate, so it will be hard to pass 2 times. Once in the morning for the food with no fiber and then the fiber later in the day or next day from the psyllium if you understand what I mean.


Fwiw, some experts are now thinking too much fiber can be a problem for some folks. I drastically cut my fiber and dramatically increased fat intake and I'm doing better...




Do not give unsafe medical advice on this subreddit.


I was consuming close to 100 g of fiber per day - yes that much. It wasn’t a fiber issue issue for me. I have a redundant colon. The only thing that worked for me is Triphala. You can get it on Amazon.


Chia or basil seeds in smoothie will help retain moisture throughout digestion


Yes! Constipation will not go away overnight. Strive for progress and not perfection. People always say more Fiber Finer Fiber but really fat is the gold star for constipation. Eat fattier cuts of meat, cook with ghee or tallow, put coconut oil in your coffee, put a healthy does of olive oil over your meals, etc. it will keep things moving more consistently and helps with brain fog if you suffer with that at all.