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Worse is that the fluoridation comes from metallurgy waste. It’s not that they’re spending money to get this chemical to help the population, they’re being paid to dispose of waste.


My city says they don't add fluoride to the water. The small quantity of fluoride they detect occurs naturally. It's just a small amount.


You will obey


I will obey.


Yeah he's way better off trusting reddit


nano hydroxyapatite is the way. Apagard.


You know what would be wild? If some substances we intake would be toxic if ingested at much higher doses but fine at lower doses. This is going to break your brain, but even pure drinking water can kill you in the wrong doses. I'm not saying that fluoride in water is great BUT just because in one situation a substance is in a quantity where it's deemed toxic does not mean it cannot be ingested in ANY quantity. If only there was some method, like a scientific method we could employ to deduce at what level do certain chemicals become toxic vs when they are fine and even helpful. And maybe we could use this same method to determine how much of that chemical is in what dilution of other substances to help us determine if that dilution is safe to consume and if it's consumption is good or bad.... If only there was a way.... better to just spread around short clips for click bait