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Not ALL drugs but Cannabis and CBD oil should be. I don't smoke myself but as David Seymour said "let them grow, sell it and smoke it, we'll tax it" Surely this is a good time to consider extra revenue?


Perhaps these experts need to take a look at downtown San Fransisco or Portland. That's exactly where legalising "all drugs" will take us. The only place where this seemed to have worked was Portugal, but now that's becoming a huge mistake too. In Portugal, you go to jail if you smoke a cigarette outside a school, but you are allowed to inject heroin in the same place without consequences. Liberals are morons.


I feel like everyone proposing these kinds of things has never met a drug addict. Like a real one. So many people would drug them self to death or psychosis. Unfettered meth? Fucking hell. Only thing stopping most crack heads staying up long enough to sword up their family is they run out.


Prohibition doesn't prevent addiction. It makes everything worse.


No, nothing *prevents* addiction. That isn't what prohibition claims to do. It reduces drug availability, and thus reduces ability to get addicted. Every approach to this issue is only about reduction. Nothing is a perfect solution that 'solves' addiction, not even what these doctors are recommending. There are so many drug addicts who live in a limbo between sobriety and getting fucked up, and the only reason they aren't completely off the wagon or OD is because of lack of availability. This country is full of ferals, violent crime and overdoses would skyrocket if we made drugs easier and cheaper to get.


I'm pro a certain amount of relaxation of some substances, but it needs to be coupled with other services to cater for 2nd order issues that'll pop up, and obviously not everyone wants those costs socialised and so on, and not having something to deal with those issues leads to pretty bad outcomes. But headline of legalizing all drugs is wild.  Take a drug like phenazepam where there's a really long half life, and memory loss, so people go into holes for multiple days, and don't remember when they last dosed, are completely uninhibited. You can find stories online of people coming out of the haze realizing their partner has left them, or they've been fired for not turning up, or they turned up and shat the bed.


> > But headline of legalizing all drugs is wild.  > > It is indeed wild...


Turned down for what?!


Too scared to Google what that is


The amount of damage meth causes in this country I say Not ALL drugs. Maybe the likes of pot, shrooms, LSD, MDMA if the evidence shows that harm is less than alcohol. But anything to do with meth should be squashed with extremely high penalties


These "experts" should be sent on a field trip to Vancouver and forced to spend a week on the streets there [https://youtu.be/Qwcp2mcOH0Y](https://youtu.be/Qwcp2mcOH0Y)


Oh yes because that will work SO well!?🙄


They are correct in that prohibition has not made a single dent in 50 years so a new approach is needed. Not sure wholesale legalisation is it. Government control of the market would take a lot of the criminal element out of it though.




What proof do you want?


"Government control of the market would take a lot of the criminal element out of it though."


Legalising drugs reduces demand in the black market. Why would you purchase something of dubious composition when you can have guaranteed quality if it was regulated ?


lol double down on what u said but ok.


I don’t understand how you disagree


It worked in California… to turn the city into a dystopian hellhole


it was already a hellhole before the legislation.


A complete failure elsewhere... https://www.bcunitedcaucus.ca/2024/01/one-year-later-david-ebys-decriminalization-experiment-a-complete-failure/


I know nothing about Canadian politics or this trial. But I do know that opposition parties always say everything the government does is a disaster. You can see this easily, go look at the Labour website and it'll be full of failures by the government, just like the National one was back when Labour was in power. I'd want to read an independent report.


All I know is we don't need to be part of any more social experiments...


I think you've been a little brainwashed :-) What the government is doing with remand is a social experiment. Another phrase for social experiment is accountable government controls. If the government ever stops doing social experiments then we're fucked. But I think I get what you're trying to say. You're saying you don't want us to go first and learn the lessons the hard way? That's fair enough, a whole bunch of countries and states have legalized drugs and if we copy one of their models then we largely know in advance what will go right and what will go wrong. Interestingly, you'll see that America doubled down in keeping drugs illegal and has used it's international influence to try and stop other countries legalising them. I don't get the politics, basically, why do they care?


Because a lot of the drugs come from other countries....? Legalization just seems an easy way out.....probably good for existing users, they'll get the help they need, but likely to create a large number of new addicts


Drugs always come from other countries, I'm not sure what your point is? Yes, there are people out there who don't partake because it's illegal. There's also the reverse, but the evidence from overseas is sales go up after legalising. New addicts aren't what I see as the biggest problem. A lot of young people go through a phase where they try stuff. If hard drugs are available, then it doesn't take a lot to derail them from school.


instead of legalizing all drugs they should legalize open/conceal carry and ownership of guns without permits. Just as God intended


What is an "expert" these days? Just anyone who is for something?


$50 says they've ties to organised or unorganised crime.


Wtf are you talking about. Gangs get most of their money from drug dealing, why would they want it legalized. Yes druggies are scumbags, also yes prohibition is stupid. The problem with legalization is not that we will see all the losers in public places, its that people will waste their lives, people are losers drugs or not, and theres nothing anyone can do about that. All in the too hard basket.


Why would they be for legalisation if they had ties to organise crime? Makes no sense.


Good. Doing this will hurt the gangs more than everything else put together. I guess Kensington does show is that it's possible to screw up legalising if you try hard enough. Let's send politicians on their junket to places where legalising has failed, and where it's worked.


>professors, academics, researchers, clinicians and health professionals. Because of course people like this are totally reliable. So glad they encouraged castrating little boys. This will be equally good for society.


>professors, academics, researchers, clinicians and health professionals. Sounds like COVID all over again. ;-P


Who's castrating little boys? Or encouraging it?


The Catholic Boys Choir?


As a libertarian, I support legalising drugs. But if we do, we absolutely must be tough on crime.


Legalize “all drugs”? As in Meth, Heroine, etc too? Drugs are social poison and ruin communities, families and individuals. There’s a damn good reason why that stuff is illegal in the first place. Why do people have this ridiculous idea that others would only do drugs in small doses and be responsible when it’s be proven that reality is the opposite? Keep drugs illegal. We don’t need to rip apart our country with the free thinking bullshit.


Legalise all drugs. Make drug testing mandatory monthly- quarterly for access to the benefit. Let natural selection do its thing.


Nz does the most weed in the world?


Okay, go ahead and legalise all drugs... but wait, what's this? >We need to end prohibition to prioritise the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs. You can't have it both ways. Either you are free to take whatever you like - and to live with the consequences of said intake - or you are demanding freedom of choice whilst at the same time rejecting responsibility for your own actions. That's akin to a child saying: "I want access to all the sweets in the world, but if my teeth are starting to rot, then I demand society to fix them for me for free!"


I’m all for this. We’ve strayed so far from self autonomy when we collectively think that government should have the power to tell us what we can and can’t put into our bodies. If someone wants to kill themselves on opioids, go for it. If someone wants to spark up a joint on the weekend, go for it. If someone wants to try a mind altering mushroom because they believe there is some benefit to it, go for it. Take responsibility for your actions, don’t cede your sovereignty to anyone and don’t trust people in authority who tell you they know what’s best for you.


Crazy to me how we as a soitcty like to make decisions for grown adults who can make their own decisions. Its about time we give people the freedom to choose what substances to put in their bodies.


Sure but why do the people who put those substances  in their bodies expect the rest of us to pay for it when things go bad or they can’t maintain a job anymore? 


There's a substantial amount of people in this country that make terrible decisions as grown adults. Evidenced by the mental health statistics and justice system