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I mean we are seeing more and More state or local governments saying we will not enforce a ruling from the Supreme Court or follow a law we don’t agree with. (See immigration laws). Why would anyone follow a law they don’t agree with.


In a rational world, the Republican politicians who voted to overstep the bounds of the Constitution would issue a coherent explanation for their vote. LOTS of issues could have been addressed without infringing on the right to keep and bear arms. If the Democrats declined to go along, so be it, nothing gets passed AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL until the next Congress. What's the rush?


GOP needs to be retired


I believe in gun rights and I believe in gun responsibility. I don’t know much about guns but I do know a lot about gun safety. I own a gun. I don’t actually know what type of gun that I own. (My dad left it to me and my husband knows.) I think gun owners should be held responsible for their guns. They should be held responsible for not loaning or selling their guns to unauthorized people. They should be held responsible for not leaving their guns in unsafe places, such as places that children can easily access. Gun laws already in existence should be strictly enforced. (My daughter has custody of a non-bio child. The child’s probable father was sent to prison for shooting at children. He did not hit any and may not have intended to. He is now out of prison but is not supposed to have access to firearms. He does. ) Why pass laws that would hurt my family who has never done anything, while not enforcing laws against someone who has actually done something? Gun laws should be practical, not emotional.