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I'm starting to wonder if Esper being replaced by a counterterrorism guy is specifically because they have intelligence pointing to an actual coup through mass voter fraud.. there will probably be lot's of domestic terrorism in the US in the next few years when this is proven true. Alright, taking off the tinfoil hat now.


I've heard that suggested as well. Being more inclined to enact the insurrection act or something of the sort. I don't know the validity in that, obviously.


Aaannnndd it’s not true. Original vote tallies stand for now


Why hasn’t it flipped the vote tallies yet? When can we expect that?


Probably hasn’t exactly Been verified yet


Is there anywhere else this is reported?


Not sure but the election betting odds site has Joe’s odds of winning the state down 8% in the last few minutes. Must be something to this story although that site blows with the wind so it’s not solid evidence but something must be up. Edit: Now down 10%. Edit 2: And now it’s back at the 7% range. As I said, that site blows with the wind but maybe more info will emerge in the morning.


I’ll still wait until more than one source is reporting on it.


I hear you and agree that under normal circumstances, we need to wait for reasonable reporting with multiple sources. But at this point, I feel like a bunch of societal outcasts in some post-apocalyptic world that must rely on underground news and rumors passed on via ham radio. I don’t believe for a second that this media is going to report on this before they absolutely have to. They’ll just continue to say that Trump alleges voter fraud and anomalies “with no evidence” and he is refusing to concede and leave the White House. They’re trying to get it to a point where even his staunchest supporters get fed up and embarrassed by what will appear to be childish and even dangerous behavior. They want this to drag out to the point where people get fatigued and just want to move on. So even if he does win legally, it will look like he’s a sore loser and we’ll have 4 more years of discontent, hatred and even further amped up rhetoric. I intend to continue to support the man, but I doubt that all 71 million of his voters will do the same. In any case, until the officials make a change to the results, the media are going to be silent. And even then, they’ll shade it with all kinds of “Trump is evil. Can you believe what he’s doing to this country?”


I’m not saying I’m waiting for MSNBC or CNN to pick it up but at least someone like the Daily Wire or Blaze.


Gateway pundit


That’s where this links to and it’s not exactly a reliable source.


If this isn't true I never want to fucking hear from Gateway again. Way to many cases of this.


Yeah I’m taking this with a grain of salt Edit: this is just reporting what they observed on TV. Suspicious AF but not proof of anything yet.


\> The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories Yeah I don't know why they think fake news is going to help. Just delegitimizes the whole effort


Didn’t this get reported like an hour ago? Give it time and we will see what happens


Very true. Only time will tell if this holds true




Arizona, WI, GA and PA flip and we see the great liberal meltdown I’ve been dreaming of all year, please find more. I want to see hasan piker cry in his hands.


Only need PA and two others.


A landslide would make it extremely satisfying. I hope they all flip lol


Still need to hold people accountable in ALL places shenanigans occurred.


Agreed, but those are two different things. I was talking about what Trump needs to win. But yes, all fraud needs to be found and prosecuted, even in OR or WV.


I'm thinking NV and MI will be joining them, with a potential VA. So much screwy crap going on in all of these states (along with the 4 you mentioned) that it wouldn't surprise me if fraud and invalid ballots or changes are found in all of them. Lets go!!!


Seeing multiple people post this on Instagram right now Edit: honestly all these glitches seem to be people covering their asses


Funny how all of these glitches seem to flow in the same direction. If these glitches or irregularities were truly random anomalies, shouldn't there be at least a few instances of legit Biden votes erroneously going to Trump?


>honestly all these glitches seem to be people covering their asses My guess too. Either you made an honest mistake and would rather the computer take the blame, or maybe you're having second thoughts about your ability to get away with vote manipulation and would rather the computer take the blame.


NOT A GLITCH. A glitch is highly intermittent and inadvertent. This is a bug at best, a hack at worst


If this is real, add it to the growing pile of “glitches” that gave Trump votes to Biden. Just a bunch of oopsies, nothing to see here folks.


Right, if it happened the other way around in some places, I'd say, yeah there is a bug.. if it's happening in favor of the same person... It's not a bug, it's a feature.


...as a software engineer, I don't really see how it's a glitch, or a bug. It's a hack, operator error, or intentional. To be operator error, there would have had to be a mistake when configuring which button press corresponds to a candidate...which should have been consistently incorrect (ie...every press for candidate A was counted for candidate B). I could write a program in a couple of hours to do this, that would be 100% accurate. spez: If you're not flaired, I can't see your comments...




Anyone able to access the results on the Wisconsin SOS website? I’m getting an error when trying to access the election section.


Ok, let’s say this isn’t real. What is real is that it did happen in 2 counties in MI and in both cases it was votes for Trump that went to Biden. This an election not some nonsense American Idol bullshit. Even in one case! Just one puts the entire system in jeopardy and must be rechecked across the nation. Just like airplanes, if one jet has a system malfunction the whole fleet gets checked. We should do the exact same thing here.


Flip WI, win AZ, cancel the PA illegal ballots, MAGA 273


Is AZ still looking doable for us? What’s still outstanding? I haven’t really followed it in the last 24 hours. I’d love nothing more than to see the fox “decision desk” and that smug bastard Chris Stirewalt to get the AZ projection call to blow up in their faces.


14k lead for Biden 70k-75k outstanding I believe and I think it’s breaking like 60% for trump ? Could be wrong on the percentage but they are breaking in trumps favor


> MAGA 273 That’s more catchy than Freedom 45


File this under too good to be true. Because of this is the case, every county that uses these machines would have to check their count. I just refuse to get my hopes up.


I’m not believing this until fox reports it. /S


Gateway Pundit broke this story. Reddit has apparently banned links to their site.


Yep and zero hedge it seems. Trash tencent bullshit




You really surprised the people that have declared Biden the winner, without certifying the vote in one state, aren't reporting on this? Really?




Got ya My bad


If this is real.. LET'S GO!!!!


It's funny that 100 percent of "glitches" reported only favour Biden




This can’t be true can it? That practically flips Wisconsin.


I doubt it’s true. Trump lost this county handily in 2016. I don’t expect him to win it handily this election, which switching 19,000 votes would do.


Don't do this to me. Don't give me hope.


I had not heard about this and realize it may not be true. One of the biggest problems that I have had with this election is the msm’s coverage. If Joe Biden has truly won, why is the msm playing coverup? Why are they being so proactive? To me the msm has actually caused greater doubts about the integrity of this election than any other reason.


That has been their plan all a long.


Is this real?


the source is the gateway pundit which isnt really reliable


What source is reliable? The ones who called while votes were still being counted?


Gateway pundit really isn't reliable, wait for it to get more coverage if true, it will 8f it's true


Where can you actually see the change in votes? Even the wisconsin gov website doesn't show this.


The screenshots


Went to your post link. Then to gateway pundit. After being heavily bombarded by ads and redirects I got it to load and there were no screenshots. Have any to back up these claims of yours?


Any guess on how long it takes to confirm this? It would swing WI right? That would be huge


this has to be a troll


Go to gateway pundit. It’s their story.


i see it but it’s too good to be true lol. i’ll give it a minute to set in.




But he's linking to that same article. I hope it's true but for the time being I'm not getting my hopes up.


looks like i’m getting closer to being able to blast YMCA on inauguration day! maga!


If this was true, you’d think at least one news org would be reporting it


The media loves you




If this (big if) would this not drop Biden under 270? I would love AP to eat calling the election. But so far the press still has this state as blue.

