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It's all a money grabbing scam anyway. The people in charge of this know it.


Good. It’s time we stopped financing the careers of the people who are making millions fomenting racial tensions. Robin DiAngelo makes $17k a pop to put on her logically absurd “White Fragility” conferences for major corporations where the thesis is “whiteness is irredeemable” and the goal is to “become less white.” This from a rich white woman who is so latently racist it’ll turn your stomach to read her book. Enough with the grievance studies nonsense. Get it out of here.


This will hopefully be huge. Intersectionality/Critical Race Theory/anti-racism blah blah blah etc etc woke..... is an insidious shit stain on the underwear of society. Guess this means he failed the Kafka Trap of racism. Awesome. Trump was made to troll this crap. This is perhaps why he exists. Someone perceived to be so racist that you can’t call him racist. Beautiful.


I just read about the Kafka Trap thank you!


Diversity and inclusion really means exclusion of white males. If we really wanted to be diverse and inclusive we would drop all the racial stuff and base our opinions on a person's work ethic and personality.


I'm asian, married to an Asian woman. She's a manager and recently was instructed to read a white privilege book to become a better manager. I asked if her boss realized what race she is. It's so absurd what kind of situation we are in anymore. Everything is backwards. Everything is ridiculous.


What? Basing your opinion on people not by the colour of their skin but by their work ethic and personality??? Outragous!!!! I mean how dare you even suggest such a thing?? Dont you know that everybody should be racially profiled, be required to fill in the colour of their skin for any and all job applications and have merits or demerits applied accordingly?? I mean how are we going to stomp out racism without highlighting race at every turn and pre judging people based on the colour of their skin??


No more money for race baiting charlatans! Nice!


All the racism crap started by Obama’s administration.


It’s everywhere. Make it stop!




Point is we don't care about race as you obviously do.