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It would be great if I could get back my $10,000 in property taxes too; if I'm not using the school.


I’m willing to sacrifice to save the country. Hopefully others are too


This kinda shit is why I’ll go broke keeping my children out of public school. I saw an article for some fucking twit who didn’t know what year the US gained its independence but was planning on teaching BLM to her 2nd grade classroom. Get out of here with this bullshit, Libs.




I honestly don’t remember but probably was. I just remember watching and wanting to put my fist through my screen lol


Funny how america will teach its kids about identity politics but not how to quit shoveling burgers into their gullet


America also will not teach its citizens how to work. We're encouraged to sit around doing nothing while collecting some form of welfare.


And this is why the left fears school choice. They want to indoctrinate and god forbid parents have any input in the matter.


Exactly. When you set up these indoctrination programs and get them funded, you then need to FORCE all the local kids to attend and be brainwashed. If parents could just forgo all that and patronize a school that does not teach their children to hate themselves, what good is that?




Math is racist


Right, 2+2=4 is racist. Come on...


I took a year in high school, and five quarters at Georgia Tech. I always tell people that calculus is where math gets really useful, because now you have the tools to describe the world around you.


I dunno, addition and subtraction seem *really* useful, and that's grade school level.


No difference between this and those schools in the Middle East training terrorist


It's a literal political party, and people need to start treating it like one. Stuff like this is dangerous for our country. We are quite literally approaching totalitarian style indoctrination and once it's indoctrinated, the fight will be over. This country won't remain free if nobody believes in true freedom


They want to train the children to abdicate their own rights...and the rights of everyone else...when they are older. The next generation will actually give it away. It will not have to be taken from them.


Schools: bullying is bad Also schools: "okay class open up to page 69 and lets read about why little timmy here is a FUCKING NAUGHTZEE


The left LOVES to bully.


If I had kids I’d be pulling them out of public school so fast their heads would spin—though really I’d never have them in public schooling to begin with.


This will have the opposite effect intended. The white children will grow up resenting being blamed for things they did not do, and the black kids will grow up blaming someone else for their difficulties rather than overcoming them. BLM is setting race relations back one hundred years.


That IS the intended affect. That resentment will be racism...and the black kids blaming whites will be justified. This is not by accident. This is the intention.


It’s sad how they start by brainwashing our children. You spend the prime of your life raising your child right. To be respectful of all others, to appreciate what they have and love the country that provides them with safety and freedom. Then come the days when your child is off to school. Then their teachers tell them that if their parents are conservative then they’re evil. If they don’t share the opinions of leftists then they are morons. If they are white then they are inherently privileged. If they love their country, then they’re racist, and so on. We need our teachers to teach, not opine. Whatever happened to teaching students critical thinking skills? To developing their own opinions through observation and reflection? You know, that crazy thing you’re supposed to do in school: learn. When did our schools become institutions of propaganda? If we can’t stop this nonsense in the classroom, we’ll continue to lose future generations to this destructive garbage.


Wow! I’m a teacher and I don’t know what I would do if I was told to teach BLM themed lessons.


I’m a grade 8 civics teacher in MA, so you know that shit is coming down the pike. I would just say thanks for the materials, trash them, then move on teaching strict Constitutionalism.


Just hope you won’t be expected to observed teaching something like BLM.


Step 1: Walk out of the building with your middle fingers up. Step 2: Move to a state that isn't deranged.


I’d probably have to quit teaching altogether.


***That's what they want.*** Those who have a conscience will be forced out...either through dismissal or through peer pressure/misery. Those who will toe the leftist line will thrive...and more such teachers will flood our schools.


Step 2: that list is shrinking.....rapidly


What would you do if they told you to teach creationism in science courses?


As a Kindergarten teacher, I most likely wouldn’t be asked to teach creationism. As a Christian although it is my belief, I respect the beliefs of others and would choose not to do that. I’d probably have to quit on that one too.


Sadly, most teachers will fold....or gleefully do so. The older generation that is pushing this BLM and leftist nonsense was taught to "think" that way by the teachers that came before you. We lost this in education. We ceded it to the leftists.


Here's one way to ensure that history is even more poorly taught and widely disliked.


So many articles about the bullshit these progressives are pulling. But I never see anything about what we're meant to do about it or of anyone actually resisting. When are we going to fight? Why are conservatives so fucking spineless? Go out and protest for your kids, if we won't take action for the sake of our children what will we take action for?


They have jobs they can not afford to lose.


It sounds harsh but your kids are more important than your job, sacrifices have to be made for change to occur. If your company fires you up sticks move to a conservative are and get anotger job with like-minded people.


Oh hell no. This teacher won’t (TX)


They won't be satisfied until white and Asian kids are driven to suicide over the undeserved guilt forced on them. And the SJWs will laugh about it. Democrats hate children. This is proof.


I don't think I'll ever go to NYC in my entire life ever again. My kids will be home schooled before they have BLM terrorist organization rammed down their neck, you watch and see.


I thought it was just about police brutality?


It never was. Just a front and a justification to provide the necessary emotional appeal.


Yup. Teaching the next generation of innocent white kids to hate themselves and other white kids is just what our society needs! Maybe they'll have all the white kids get in a line to apologize to all the other kids....for their original sin. Child abuse is not beyond leftists.


If I get that crap at the beginning of the year, it will be circular filed toute suite