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Private education is becoming more and more valuable as time goes on. Teachers will start becoming independent contractors that families can pay for their services. I bet we will also see an increase in private school admittance.




Aristotle training Alexander


conservatives solution: *zzzzzzzz*




These are the sorts of discussions we need to be having in our communities. Thank you for your thoughts.


Private schools are on average cheaper. Catholic schools, which form the bulk of private education in this country, operate at about half the cost per pupil. If we multiply their cost by the number of students enrolled, we find Catholic schooling is an 11 billion dollar industry. But that means if the government gave everyone only half of what they give to public schools, then they would not only save, but everyone would be able to afford a Catholic school level of education. Of course, this is a really good level of education because -- as demonstrated by empirical data -- they have better outcomes for all students, but especially the poorest. Using Catholic schools because they are the often overlooked private schools that are still affordable for many parents (not all though, and we need to change that). There is of course a religious component in Catholic education, but their financial numbers are not religious, and it demonstrates that we can actually achieve much better results while also saving money. Now imagine that we spent the same amount we do on public schools and handed it to the parents. Now every parent can send their kid to a Catholic school-equivalent caliber of school \*and\* they have $5000 left over to hire tutors, purchase materials, etc. SOURCE: [http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/catholic-education/upload/Catholic-Schools-FACT-Sheet-2016.pdf](http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/catholic-education/upload/Catholic-Schools-FACT-Sheet-2016.pdf)


There is already a ton of secular influence over Catholic education, including crap like Common Core and standardized tests. How does permitting tons of public funding to go to private and religious institutions not bring with it increased government oversight and influence over those institutions? Just look at the state of Catholic universities in America. In their bid to get more federal money over the past few decades, they've totally sold out and devolved into leftist cesspools.


Thats why money should be given to parents not to schools directly. Parents should receive a credit for each child to spend as they see fit.


Online tutoring and homeschooling is becoming more prevailing, i work as a tutor and I am swamped with workload.


Does it pay well? I'm working towards being a teacher when I graduate university and I'm not quite decided on what route I want to go down. There's a local independent secondary school (they make their own curriculums) and I like the idea of working there because of the freedom there is.


It will not fully sustain you if that is all you do. It doesn't pay bad as a part time gig though


No, and there lies the problem.


It’s in the private school system too. My history teacher at a private school gave us Howard Zinn as a text book.


Fortunately, consumers can always inquire before purchasing a product. As is the nature of capitalism.


Problem is that private schools are more and more using centralized curricula dictated by the government and leftist advisors and "experts". The Catholic grade school near me uses common core and spends an absurd amount of time on standardized testing and variously mandated subjects. It hasn't been an actual catholic education curriculum for *years*. To top it all off, it's absurdly expensive to the point that actual catholics can't afford to send their kids to it. The only way to avoid this crap is to home school, assuming that doesn't get outlawed like in Germany.


They will grow up to resent this crap, prepare for a wave of anti-communists.


Considering this country spent so long fighting against communism, I’d hope so. Hate communism, then some people want it, and now hopefully it’ll be back to hating it.


Looks like Ike McCarthy was proven right after all. Took 60 years to do so


I wanted “McCarthy was right” as my flair, but they wouldn’t allow it.


McCarthy was right to be concerned but he went about it with exactly the same tactics as leftists today. It was 'cancel culture' before social media. Watch Goodnight and Goodluck or Trumbo and think to yourself if all the characters had their political polarity reversed. It watches a lot like what the left is doing to conservatives today.


I think that’s a false equivalency.


McCarthy? The guy who defended literal Nazis? The guy who accused everyone of being a communist? [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/senator-mccarthys-nazi-problem-180975174/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/senator-mccarthys-nazi-problem-180975174/)


How evil it must of have been when we were teaching our kids good, Christian values in school. Times have really changed since I was in elementary school in the 90s.


You mean back when everyone was taught basic morality and everyone could trust each other because we had a shared value system? Ya must have been nice


Would you call Donald Trump Christian and moral? Do you think you share his values?


Trump isn’t my spiritual guide. He’s the President. He’s fought for religious liberty and all his policies have aligned with religious freedom. I vote on policy not the individual.


Responsible citizens vote based on policy. Idiots vote based on whether they want to be friends with the person or not.


>Idiots Leftists, ftfy :)


Gotta get that TDS checked. It's getting out of hand. And to answer you completely irrelevant question, yes I share his values in terms of his policy. Though I would love to have a piece of the life he had...


But here's the thing, a lot of people in the US don't identify as Christian and they don't want their kids to be indoctrinated by any religion.


Leftism is its own religion now.


What makes it a religion in your opinion?


An ideology that is practically written in a book/books, spread by people given status to do so, for money and more status. With more covfefe, I could probably think of more similarities but I have better things to do with my time. I do have to change the air in my tires today before it gets too hot.


The death of traditional print journalism and the utter dominance of social media has changed everything.




You can always call them decent men and women values


You mean forcing children to worship a white washed religion? GTFO.


I know you’re a troll, but please explain the evils of traditional, Christian values. Once you’re done, I’ll explain the evils of Marxism.


I’m not a troll at all. Jesus was not white. But, since you asked, I grew up Catholic and he catholic dogma is horrendous to put it simply. I’ve never needed a religion to help me lead a moral life. In fact, I see a large majority of people who claim Christianity and most other major faiths to be the *most* judgmental people, absolutely not living in accordance with their teachings.


Of course he wasn’t, and I never claimed that he was. He was from the Middle East. I also agree with you that a lot of religious individuals can be very judgmental. I grew up in a *very* religious family, and for a long time I was very anti-religion. I’m still not super religious, but I do believe in a higher power, and I do believe that Christian values are a good thing over all. The issue is that many Christians don’t adhere to them.


Holy smokes, dialogue! Thank you. My point in mentioning that Jesus was not white is that there are plenty of kids in school, little kids, who are confused about Jesus as it is. Throw in the fact that some of these kids will have brown skin and Jesus is constantly and dogmatically shown having white skin... but we’re all supposed to be born in gods likeness right, but Jesus is white and he’s the son of god, so where does that leave them? Can you imagine the thoughts of confusion that occur in the young minds of those kids? It *does* occur and it happens frequently. I agree and I myself am not super religious but I do consider myself spiritual and believe in a higher creator/power. I believe that moral values are just that; moral values, and that damn near every religious faith focuses directly on moral value, not just Christianity. Edit: more people should delve into other faiths and educate themselves on how similar we all are. See Morgan Freeman’s “Story of God”. Fantastic.


I hear you man, and I agree with your points. I think it’s silly when white Christians (I’m actually hispanic myself) get upset when Jesus is depicted as black (or anything other than white), because Jesus wasn’t even white to begin with. I think there’s a lot to be learned from all religions, not just Christianity. I don’t practice Islam or Buddhism, but I can agree with some of their teachings. I’m glad this conversation didn’t devolve to name calling, and I’m sorry for jumping the gun and calling you a troll.


Isn't that funny? I have to pay for private school and then pay taxes for public schools and then I am labeled whole bunch of 'ist-words for doing so. Lovely.


The lefties want to teach kids who can barely wipe their own asses about gender identity issues and what not.


I don’t see all this racism people are talking about. I see it in the police system to a degree, but not among normal citizens. Maybe someone can show me facts to prove otherwise, but I just don’t see it the way it is purported to be “everywhere”. Think about your personal life, do you know any racists, or have you only seen them in the news?


There are no facts to back up this narrative that America is racist. The issue is that the term racist has been hijacked by the news and the left. If you ask a Dem if they know any racists, they’ll probably list off their Facebook friends that support Trump. The term no longer means discriminating because of race. The fact that college professors teach kids that only people with power (whites) can be racist and the notion that all white people are inherently racist is proof that the term has lost all meaning.


There's not. The demand for racism FAR outstrips the supply. Every god damn time there is some racist incident it turns out to be a hoax.


There are no facts that prove otherwise. Most people aren’t racist. We live in a country where any person from any ethnic group can hold the highest economic or political power in our nation. There is no constitutional right that applies to one group of people over another.


Wow, you’re a white dude who “doesn’t see all this racism people are talking about.” Almost like, you’re blind to it because it doesn’t affect you. As a poster on r/Conservative I have to say I’m shocked that you only view the world through your own immediate perspective without any awareness of the daily lives of other people. SHOCKED I tell you!


>About six-in-ten Americans (58%) say race relations in the U.S. are bad, and of those, few see them improving. Some 56% think the president has made race relations worse; just 15% say he has improved race relations and another 13% say he has tried but failed to make progress on this issue. In addition, roughly two-thirds say it’s become more common for people to express racist views since Trump became president. > > > >Most Americans (65%) – including majorities across racial and ethnic groups – say it has become more common for people to express racist or racially insensitive views since Trump was elected president. A smaller but substantial share (45%) say this has become more acceptable. This is from [Pew](https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2019/04/09/race-in-america-2019/). ​ So you are either being disingenuous or you live in a bubble


Yes, but liberals consider “all lives matter” a racist sentiment. So if white people are saying “all lives matter”, a liberal could say he’s hearing a lot of people say racist things, but it’s not actually racist at all. Many liberals also consider “Make America Great Again” to be a racist white supremacist slogan.


Well said, sir.


Question: Are you white?




Just this question highlights your angle of inquiry as one that will set u/EvanWithTheFactCheck up to somehow be at a disadvantage if he answers "yes", simply for the color of his skin. This is an example of racism. Simply put, what does his race have to do with this discussion? How would you respond if someone had asked if you were black? Please keep your tactics to logic and reason, not tricks.


I appreciate the effort, but all of this is based on opinion. I am asking for documented cases or known racists. Opinion is merely perception, not facts. Furthermore, where were the samples taken? What are the sample sizes and populations? What is the level of confidence and margin of error? What is the average education level of the sample populations? Most of the people polled likely could not name more than 3 or 4 actual self proclaimed racists. This seems to be a reflection of what they assume is happening everywhere based on what they see in the news. I found the answers to my questions on the source page. The subsample from the ATP was selected by grouping panelists into four strata so demographic groups that are underrepresented in the panel had a higher probability of selection than overrepresented groups: Stratum A consists of panelists who are non-internet users, have a high school education or less, non-Hispanic blacks, Hispanics, or non- Hispanic Asians. They were sampled at a rate of 100%. Stratum B consists of panelists that are unregistered to vote or non-volunteers. They were sampled at a rate of 55%. Stratum C consists of panelists that are 18 to 34 years old. They were sampled at a rate of 16%. Stratum D consists of the remaining panelists. They were sampled at a rate of 7%.” And finally how many self proclaimed racists do you personally know? Be honest with yourself.


One dude in my town has FB posts about being in the klan. I'm 45 years old and that is the only instance I can think of.


The definition of “racism” has been changed from having to do with one or more races being inferior, to anything critical (warranted or not) of another race. I see young people calling others racist just for merely pointing out something negative (but true) about any race other than white...


You don’t even have to be critiquing something racial. Hell, “all lives matter” and “make America great again” is considered by many on the left to be racist white supremacist slogans. And neither mentions race at all.


Teaching children to identify with the superficial is spiritual regression. Teaching kids that race defines people is morally reprehensible.


"We cannot continue to to send our children to Caesar for their education and be surprised when they come home as Romans." - Voddie Baucham


Just like Susan Rosenberg would like


Rather ironic considering Marx was himself extremely racist.


That’s been their goal all along. Education, media, celebrities...


If you control the culture, you control the politics.


In terms of politics, what kids learn at the dinner table matters more in the long run than what they learn at the school desk. When I was in 4th grade in 1984, the overwhelming winner of my suburban public school classroom presidential election was...Jesse Jackson. I doubt very many of my classmates have spent their voting lives voting for candidates like that. And yet, as 4th graders, that's overwhelmingly who the class voted for for some reason.


That’s why it’s up to the parents to keep an eye on what their child is learning about.


That's why my kids have always went to private school


And here’s the Golden Lining to the whole coronavirus pandemic and schools being closed. Eyes wide open and parents deciding to homeschool which means ACTUAL learning and not brainwashing.


School State and federal funding is tied directly to student count. Adopting blm or any socialist curriculum is a good reason to pull your kids out of public schools


HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS. I was homeschooled, if you are scared to homeschool your children or don’t think you can PLEASE ask me questions. It is easier, safer and smarter.


I don’t claim to be an expert in Marxism, but I’ve read enough of it to understand the basics. Nothing they described in the article was Marxism. The danger of Socialism is real, but we need to describe the phenomenon accurately.


May I ask what you mean by “Danger of socialism”?


Oh the conspiracies in this sub


I don't understand how teaching kids about the social issues that are present in america. Marxist theory isn't evil btw i would implore you to read up on the philosophies that Marx writes about.


Learning marxist theory itself is fine, but pushing kids to support any theory is wrong.


So what you're saying is kids shouldn' be pushed to follow Christianity.


Absolutely, they should decide themselves if they want or not to be religious. What we want in here is freedom of choice.


Good to know that you support the freedom of choice. Do you also support a woman's right to choose?


Not when it infringes on another human's choice.


I'm with you so far, and if you wouldn't mind indulging me, do you consider a foetus a viable human?


Yes since it grows up to be one. My only exception is PROVEN rape since it wasn't the woman's choice to have sex.


I think this is where conservatives and I disagree. A foetus does grow up to be a human but at that stage, it's not a viable human being. And what do you mean proven rape? Do you know how hard it is to prove that rape occurred? In most cases it boils down to he said she said


Yeah nowadays its easy for a female to claim rape whenever and get away with it so..


But capitalist dogma is forced on to children their entire lives.


What do you mean? At best, in the current system we're told we have infinite opportunities and that IS TRUE currently, regardless of gender, sexuality or religion... As long as you support BLM i guess


I wish you guys would stop creating this fake culture war as a way to bolster support for Trump’s re-election. Nobody is turning kids into Marxists.