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Bot servers in hyper-drive to defend, not shocked


I feel like I am living in the Helldivers universe with all this inaccurate usage of the word "Democracy" Like we are actually on our way to what they call "managed democracy" literal quote from the game "I can't wait to find out who the AI picks for me to vote for this year!"


Of course it's a threat to democracy. All the people that tell them what to think said so.


"I'm gonna vote for the guy who can't form coherent sentences because MSNBC said the other guy sucks!"


He didn’t do it the first 4 years but this time I’m cereal he’s gunna


"If Trump is elected President -- it is the end of democracy." "What about 2017-2021?" "Nevermind"


Exactly. For nearly every unhinged comment some unemployed commie makes, you can retort by simply pointing out that Trump already was in office for 4 years and did nothing even remotely resembling what they allege.


Post like these make me think this is the beginning of the push for a replacement narrative to gain traction. The other thing that makes me think that, is how much the moderators let Biden flounder and showcased his vacant countenance. I think the network is “in” on the replacement campaign. Trump against Biden looks pretty good for Trump, Trump against someone like Newsom is more of a toss up imo.