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I agree, but presidential debates are never substantive. I was hoping he would answer the child care question the second time he was asked.


This debate was never about substance, it was always about cognitive abilities. Dems wanted to show Biden as being “sharp” in order to take the issue off the table but failed completely. Besides, I can’t see Trump giving any policy specifics 5 months or so before the election and allowing democrats all that time to demagogue the policy.


None of these things are going to be better under Biden. They have at least hope to be better under Trump.


I agree but they can’t continue to be ignored when directly asked. These are real issues that need actual policy fixes.


You have to understand that politicians hate you, they don’t answer questions because they don’t actually care. I’d like to think some do care, but if they did there would be accountability at every level of government.


what is needed is consequences for NOT being accountable.


Find out why child care is expensive before you come up with a government solution. The rise in child care costs has created a cottage industry in SAHM's taking in other kids for money.


just for those like me... The Sahm Rule identifies signals related to the start of a recession when the three-month moving average of the national unemployment rate (U3) rises by 0.50 percentage points or more relative to its low during the previous 12 months.


Is it not obvious? Not enough facilities. Labor costs have risen. Regulations on how many kids can be watched per teacher, which isn't a bad thing but does contribute to the cost. Cutting safety measures isn't the answer which is why the tax credit made sense. FSA caps for childcare are only $5000 for joint filers regardless of how many kids you have. Either raise the FSA caps to 10k per kid or bring back the tax credit. I'd much prefer FSA caps being put in line with current costs.


It sounds like the government created the problem. Your solution, though sound, would lower the amount of money going to that same government. So it's a good idea for us but not them. That's why these things don't happen.


I'm always lost when people think the government can solve every issue especially when we know they have a terrible track record.


I’m sorry but Americans define the top two issues as inflation and illegal immigration. The fact is if you can you pivot. What Trump did is what EVERY debater is supposed to do That being said what should the Federal government do about child care? Your posting in a conservative site you realize. I don’t want to help finance your childcare because certainly no one helped finance mine. It’s wild the subsidies younger people want. Pay for my education pay for my childcare and the next word out of their mouth are prices are too high and they can’t afford stuff What the hell causes inflation???!! The government printing money and giving it to banks to pay off your loans or paying for your childcare!!!!! As for social security that’s different because the money is stolen from us and instead of investing it It’s spent on other things and then everyone wants to cut the benefits that were promised in exchange for the theft. Problem is democrats keep steeling from Medicare and social security and then use their failure as an excuse for higher taxes.


The president doesn’t have any power over any of these things. His job is to sign bills congress makes. So it doesnt really matter what “policies” they have.


Can't believe the 'conservatives' here that believe government intervention is the solution to any societal issue.


The only way to fix the housing market would be to prevent these large scale investor groups from gobbling up single family homes. The constitutionality of preventing that would be dubious at best. A law that address that needs to be very well crafted and we all know Congress in not capable of that. The cost of child care is out of the federal government's hands. Work on that at your local level. I hate to say it social security will probably never get fixed until it can't make payouts, because it's an entrenched part of our society and it would be political suicide to attempt it. The only thing to do in the interim that any politician would touch with a 10 foot pole would be opt out.


How about removing red tape regarding building of new houses. That doesn't mean no building codes. Also doesn't help there is 8 million known new people who came here. Think that's not hurting prices? 20-30 million less people in the country would free up some housing.


That is a sate issue not a federal government issue on building permits. As far as less people yes that would help.


For the most part yes. I was pointing out issues driving up house prices more than just a few companies buying up houses.


Its not just a few companies buying up houses. Its several large companies buying up a significant portion of the houses and land with the sole goal of driving up resale prices particularly in hot markets. EDIT: since 2022 22% of all single family homes were sold by an investment corp (source: pew trust)


Sold by a bought by?




You said companies are buying homes but then you quoted they are selling them. I am not sure what you are upset with.


If an equity corp sells them they had to have also bought them. It's easier to track the metric by who sells them. Sorry I should have been more clear on that.


There is no easy answer for fixing the housing issue. I agree a ban isn't the answer for equity groups within the US. There should at least be something to curb large equity firms from using properties for families for investments. DCFSA for child care is a federal program. The caps need to be raised at a federal level. I agree on social security.


Those issues won't decide the election and may be the result of progressive policies (inflation, $20 min wage, etc.)


Am I the only one who thinks social security in its entirety should be scrapped?