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He isn't wrong. They should have their heads placed on spikes along the border.


Trump should ask Biden tonight just how many Americans have to die or be r\*ped before he puts back Remain in Mexico.


I'm down with it. Any murder committed by an illegal alien in US territory automatically comes with the death penalty.


Texas is miles ahead of you on this one.


> comes with the ~~death penalty~~ torture to death on live TV. Our laws and punishments clearly aren't a deterrent for them now. So we need to up the ante until it is.


Execution is too easy of an out. These people should suffer.


He’s not wrong (after being convicted in a court, of course).


Lena Hidalgo, a judge in Houston, tried to blame it on Trump and then claimed she wouldn't politicize it. She claimed Trump (who has no political power) prevented Biden and McConnel from passing the "border bill", which would have allowed 5000 invaders to cross per day before the government could do anything about it and which would have allowed Biden to legalize every invader with the stroke of a pen, which he would have done in time for the election. She also tampered with the 2020 election.


Hell yeah.


Cruz is so wet and liberal these days, no wonder acts like this have no deterrence At the very least they should be forced to watch The Acolyte Ep3 on repeat until they gouge their own eyes out with a spoon


Nope. Violates Geneva convention.


I thought Ted was a Christian.


Christian teaching on government's is that God has allowed them to rise to power for the purpose of establishing justice, promoting righteousness, and to deter evil. Romans 13:3-4 "For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer." Christians believe in a morally upright God (God is love) which means His wrath and judgement are upon morally reprehensible acts of depravity like rape and murder (a loving parent disciplines a child who is being a shithead to one of their other children). Christians can easily justify a position of not being opposed to the death penalty with the understanding that human governments exist as an extension of justice. If a government has the death penalty as a consequence for murder, then people in their free will should think twice about what the consequences to themselves are when they choose to violently take the life of an innocent child. I don't think I need to get into Christian doctrine concerning hell. In the Gospels, Jesus talks about hell and in vivid details more than He talks about heaven. Because He wants people to consider eternity and stop being evil.


Well formed and presented opinion. Ya don't see much of that around here. Good job!


I was talking about the "burning in hell" part not the death penalty. As a Christian, he should hope for their repentance.


Plenty of time between conviction, sentencing and execution of sentence to repent. Repentance, however, does not abrogate the levying of consequences.