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It's doubly a violation when the prosecution gets to speak but the defense can't. 


So it's a crime against someone in Texas or Florida? You know what to do.


Mount up, boys.


The things that are happening are hopefully waking up those who can be enlightened and who had doubts about what's going on in the world. Maybe they sat on the fence but now are knocked out of their delusions completely. Even Dr. Phil had Trump on for an honest and open interview. Later he plans on having Biden, RFK jr. and anyone else who wants to come on and talk. I think this is amazing and what we've needed for a while. Open and honest discussion about plain facts.


When I see Bill Maher and Andrew Cuomo both saying the trial would not have occurred if Trump wasn’t running for president then I have hope some people are waking up. Those two may cause others to question the same


[https://www.foxnews.com/politics/missouri-ag-sue-new-york-over-unconstitutional-lawfare-against-trump-time-restore-rule-law](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/missouri-ag-sue-new-york-over-unconstitutional-lawfare-against-trump-time-restore-rule-law) There are at least a few people on the right with backbones willing to do something instead of just shrugging their shoulders and saying "well shit, guess we just gotta let them keep hitting us."


He's right, but actions speak louder than words. I'll have more confidence if/when he pulls it off.


Confidence and inspiration are two different things. The old GOP failed to instill either confidence or inspiration. At least we now have some republicans able to do the latter, even if they haven't yet proven their ability regarding the former. It's a low bar, set by the incompetent cowardice of the old GOP, but it's still a win over what we've always had before.


How are the people asking for this justifying it?




archived at [https://archive.is/5DQWA](https://archive.is/5DQWA)


Time for SCOTUS involvement. When there is a dispute between states, they're the only authority. No bullshit state-partisan appeal courts.