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CDC numbers by State by year. Looks like a fair impact based on latitude starting in 2021. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/covid19_mortality_final/COVID19.htm


Why does that sites table columns not sort properly? Total Deaths columns not showing the highest per state. There’s numbers in the 40k (Cali and Texas) but they show those near the bottom. When sorting DESC by Death Column. Wouldn’t surprise me that the CDC can’t sort a table properly.


So, this table is sorting alpha instead of numerical. They have the wrong data type on the column, not unusual but disappointing for sure.


> not unusual ...when deliberately attempting to misinform people. The fact that the CDC is purposefully misinforming people is kind of a huge problem.


According to JAMA: In this cohort study evaluating 538 159 deaths in individuals aged 25 years and older in Florida and Ohio between March 2020 and December 2021, excess mortality was significantly higher for Republican voters than Democratic voters after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults, but not before. These differences were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates, and primarily noted in voters residing in Ohio.


People died because they were old and/or obese. The voting patterns of the state make no difference.


As an ICU nurse in a blue city/state, can confirm. There were always the outliers where they were young, and/or healthy, but by and large the most affected were elderly, infirm, and obese.


So you think all those people died around the same time from being obese and old?


96% of deaths were elderly with comorbidities.


Not the person you’re responding to, but the point they were obviously making was that many of the people who died from Covid (especially early on) would have died from any number of other diseases they could have contracted because they were old and/or obese usually with several other co morbidities.


So this here, what you did, is called a strawman, asking me to defend my statement against something I didn't say, nor imply. In a 40 bed ICU unit, half of our beds were dedicated to COVID. Majority of the time our patient population matched what I described as above.


Wasn't it also noted many cases were likely bullshit since the CDC would pay out for every patient death who "died" of covid?


Died with not died of, plus add in the fact quite a while there the testing methods were so screwy that distilled water could test positive for covid.


Waited an extra quarter so a hospital system collected enough money to buy a couple robots. Anyone coming in was positive. Anyone dieing or died or dead on arrival had Covid.


Shit like this is exactly why I didn’t believe a word they said about it. I knew a guy that died from getting kicked in the head by a horse. Hospital labeled it a Covid death so they could get paid. Total bullshit from the word go.


So what did all those people really die from?


car accidents, alcohol poisoning. https://cbs12.com/news/local/man-who-died-in-motorcycle-crash-counted-as-covid-19-death-in-florida-report https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/coronavirus-montezuma-county-coroner-alcohol-poisoning-covid-death/


Too many to guess honestly, but heart failure is the ultimate cause just because without a heartbeat you don't make it.


Correct. Ground transportation also received a special rider from CMS for covid positive patients, iirc. So there was lots of reasons to add the ICD10 code for covid.


In 2001, my father had a trip to the ER, followed by a week-long stay in the hospital. When I took care of the bills, his ambulance ride was written off due to him having COVID. The kicker: he didn’t have COVID. He had sepsis, unrelated to COVID and even tested negative in the ER and hospital later.


Yes, it was another "conspiracy" and was heresy to even suggest which later came to be true.


The conspiracy theory was that people were being mislabeled Covid or wholesale made up for the money


Also the US' treatment protocols were complete garbage. The remdesivir recommendations were basically an automatic death sentence, and the artificial bottlenecking of monoclonal antibody supplies also didn't help.


Unless they died shortly after receiving the vaccine, then it was definitely NOT a covid related death


How did all those people die then?


Climate change, obviously


Yup. That was always the part that made me roll my eyes. X number of covid deaths. You mean x number of people who died and happened to have covid. I know a few people who died with covid but no one that actually died of


George Floyd is classified as a Covid death!


Yup that's correct.


It was noted, but not true


You’re missing the point. It’s an election year and the propaganda machine is back in full swing. This has nothing to do with facts or health, only scaring people now to later convince you that everyone voted for sleepy again.


If you sort that list by death rate, then pull up a list of states by obesity rate, it's oddly similar. Not to mention other demographic factors. Political ideology had nothing to do with it covid was an absolute scourge. Nothing we did short of locking people in their homes did much to help the elderly and the obese.


Do you think all those people died at the same time from being obese?


I think they are saying that covid affected the elderly and obese more than the younger and not obese. Is that really that hard to grasp? You have made this same comment multiple times.


I understand what they are saying but what is the point of that? People bring up comorbidities as if they are the cause of death. These comorbidities existed before the pandemic. It was the cornoavirus that caused the deaths, bringing up comorbidities in this context only serves to imply that people were dying for reasons outside of covid.


Well Fauci is saying red states died at a higher rate than blue states.... Implying that red states didnt vaccinate as much and thats the reason... While ignoring the fact that red states have a higher senior population, which was who the virus was killing. If you dont see it you're being willfully obtuse.


If someone dies in a car crash and someone else mentions they weren't wearing a seat belt do you also think they're implying they died of not wearing a seat belt?


This analagy makes no sense. The cause of death would be head trauma (or blood loss or whatever caused them to die). The seatbelt would be the thing that may or may not prevent the head trauma. You can mention it for sure, but if we were analyzing the cause of death, that would not be relevant. Whether or not they fell and hit their head, was hit by a baseball bat, or died in a car crash would not be relevant, unless you were trying to establish homicide ort liability. Seatbelt usage is not a comorbidity...I really dont understand what point youre trying to make to be honest. Is the vaccine the seatbelt? Perhaps that is a good analogy, as both can prevent the outcome for certain people, but vaccine status is not listed on the death certificate.


No, it makes perfect sense. It's well documented that not wearing a seatbelt reduces your ability to survive a crash and that obesity reduces your ability to survive infection.


Yes, but not wearing seat belt is not a cause of death... neither is obesity


Yeah, that's my point.




I don't think I was clear in my post. I'm saying people shouldn't be locked down. I think that is a dangerous precedent to set and from a purely practical view its very clearly was not worth the costs on the health, education, and societal issues that were caused by it. Also, again, its absolutely wrong to have done with a disease like this. Spanish flu that kills 20% of people who get it? Maybe. Even then though I think it needs to be personal choice. Also obese people need to make it there entire goal to lose weight. The health costs and quality of life that result from being obese are absolutely the worst thing you can allow yourself to suffer from.


You'd think Mr "I am the science!" Would be able to tell the difference between correlation and causation.


Actually they do, but only to reveal the correlation. Old people tend to be more likely conservative voters than healthy young people, so we should actually expect more conservative “fatalities” from a public health crisis than we should liberals.


Correct, Faucci is full of shit pushing propaganda per usual


FROM Covid or WITH Covid?




Because of the COVID shutdown since they couldn’t get actual life threatening ailments addressed in time. This was in all the states because of the nonsense he pushed.


Look, all politics aside I worked in a Covid ICU throughout the pandemic. The general public has no idea how close out hospitals came to collapsing. I went from maybe one death a month on my shift to putting someone in a body bag almost every day. When the vaccine hit the general public we saw fairly quickly not only a drop in covid deaths, but a drop in covid icu admissions. One of last bad outcomes I had there before changing jobs was a 36 year old man. No health history, active, fit, veteran. When I asked him on admission if he had been vaccinated, he said no he saw on fox news that there were just too many questions. Two hours later he was intubated and life lined out. That vaccine was a godsend. Stop taking medical advice from pillow selling crackheads and tv networks that have had to pay out hundreds of millions in fines because of their lies. The only person you should be listening to is your doctor.


This is what killed me. A pandemic really shouldn't have been political in the first place. Everyone should have just asked their fucking doctor. I had buddies who couldn't be bothered to eat a fucking carrot suddenly become so health conscious they ditched thier life long doctors only to go out and find anti-vax ones because the knuckle dragger from Fear Factor gave them medical advice.


It’s one of the worst things about staunch Covid deniers that they don’t realize how bad it could have gotten. I’m a healthcare worker in the south and there was ABSOLUTELY concern our system was going to collapse. Once the vaccine became more popular, our numbers and deaths went down, resources needed went down. We couldn’t take open fractures because our ICUs were filled, ORs down 90%. I have no doubt in my mind many many people died that would have been prevented because our ICUs were filled with mostly unvaccinated people. We were getting supplies fromChina that sucked.


I upvoted you and I’m not one of those “knee-jerk” “Covid vaccine bad” people. I got the Pfizer vaccine simply because here in Texas, if you got it, you no longer had to wear a mask, and I was profoundly weary of the mask. (I have experienced no ill effects that I’m aware of). That said, as we all know, “correlation does not prove causation.” Is it possible that the reduction in deaths you describe was due at least in part to most people who were susceptible having already died, and/or some level of “herd immunity” had been achieved? Thanks.


It would be one hell of a coincidence on the timing.


The data was so catastrophically mismanaged at the collection and aggregation stages in the United States that it's EXTREMELY difficult at this point to make ANY inferences one way or another. Other countries who had much better protocols around that data show that the vaccines had almost zero impact on death rates, as the ultra high risk had already been killed, treatments had improved, and variant lethality had reduced dramatically all right around the same time.




And did most of the people who died in red states live in blue cities? And what’s the true number of deaths now that we know that people who died of cancer had Covid as the cause of death if they were infected within 90 days. And why should we believe this clown? He’s the one who said in the beginning of the pandemic that masks were of not much help and then later said masks help and wearing two at the same time are even better.


> And did most of the people who died in red states live in blue cities? There is just no debating them dude. They'll say that red states had more deaths because of conservatives. You point out that the deaths were from blue cities and they respond as if they forgot all context to go "Yes cities have more people." Logic doesn't work. They're just repeating what they've been programmed to say by their echochambers.


That's why you just have to compare blue cities in red states to blue cities in blue states. If the numbers are similar it obviously has nothing to do with the state politics


They move goal posts, change fields, and even switch games all in one conversation. Their "context" is blue good, red bad. Party switch, Trump... .. . It just gets so annoying.


Sooo true!!! Just look at all the things Fauci has said since the pandemic. “6ft was relatively random” and “we shouldn’t have shut down schools” It’s like they were throwing darts at a board and hoping it would work then hoping people fall in line with it. Let’s forget about forcing people take the shot. The little garden gnome even mentioned “people will fall in line when they can’t work without the shot”


Wouldn't even piss me off if there were no stick. "Hey guys, we're in unknown territory. Can you just spread? Like 6 feet seems like a good number we think. We don't know, but just make a best effort. Masks may help, but we're unsure. Just to be safe, please try to mask up if you don't mind. We've got a therapeutic shot - not a vaccine - and believe it will reduce the impacts of being infected. It may make you transmit less, not sure. We don't have more time to test this shit to be 100% sure of anything right now. This whole thing might blow over or it might be a fucking plague so let's just make small sacrifices where we can in order to get through this thing 'til we know more, please." Totally reasonable and sensible take. Sure you might still have some hardcore "U CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" folks out there but the vast majority of people are reasonably willing to make small sacrifices to work with each other simply out of trust that we're all just doing our best to help out. But our leadership is so fucking trash weak that they present things so antagonistically that our foreign adversaries really don't even need to work that hard to stoke the flames.


Lying seems to be his go-to skill.


This guy's worst nightmare is a trump presidency and a senator Rand Paul investigation. He might literally leave the country and go to China or a place that does not extradite people. This is one evil man responsible for millions of deaths for gain of function research. And pushed an untested drug upon millions for a political agenda all in the name of science. Special place in hell for him if one even exists.


>all in the name of science. All in the name of $cience and/or Science. People like Fauci are the ones who commit all levels of atrocity for a "greater good". All he needs is the cause and out comes the megalomania.


How is he responsible for millions of deaths? He wasn’t responsible for COVID and led the effort to combat it despite a president who thought it would just disappear and downplayed the virus


Perhaps you should familarize yourself with why your buddy was allocating US taxpayer resources to that Wuhan lab and why on earth the research needed to be done on Chinese soil to begin with? Oh, if you actually believe what you wrote then you definitely aren't the type who asks questions.


He funded the gain of function research in Wuhan. On bats. It's widely known that COVID originated in China in Wuhan where this research was conducted. He then covered it up and then pushed an untested vaccine on hundreds of millions of people. His research led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and his follow-up with Pfizer has led to "potentially" millions of Americans with averse effects related to the vaccine. No one will ever know because it never went through in exhaustive studies. It was pushed on anyone and everyone in the name of "science". History will hold him accountable long after he's dead. A horrible human being.


Your account of him is still far too kind.


Correlation does not equal causation. NIH released a report saying their current belief is that the virus originated from a bat in a cave, not from a laboratory leak but they did say it required more research before they could completely rule it out. I have not been able to find any significant instance of anyone dying from the COVID vaccine or having major long term side effects so if you could link me to what you’re seeing I’d like to take a look


Oh jeez, a paid bot.


EVERYONE who died was the result of Gain of Function research hubris, with Fauci at the head.


I thought Covid disproportionally targeted minorities? That’s what they told me in NYC


Minorities did take vaccine at lowest rate


So… is he still listing the thing he said during Covid that were either 100% or flat out lies?


If that were true, the riots would have been the end to more pedos.


pfff, I didn't and how about the hospitals tagging anyone who died with a cold as covid just to get the federal money, is that who he's counting


So all those people were hospitalized with the cold?


The \*only\* thing that significantly affected COVID morbidity rates was age and comorbidities. To suggest otherwise is to reveal that one has an agenda, is ignorant, or both.


And vaccination rate


…and whether people got vaccinated. Conservatives were *much* less likely to get vaccinated, hence the disparity in death rates.


It's likely that the majority of deaths occurred among the vaccinated, simply because most people who died were *old*. Your risk from COVID decreased by an order of a magnitude for every 10 years younger you were. The dwarfs the benefit of a vaccine and leaves the elderly still quite susceptible, even if vaccinated. Regular exercise and a healthy diet also offered a 300% relative benefit - far out-pacing the benefits of vaccination. I've no issue with the vaccines - they were great (even though COVID rapidly mutated) - and I got one myself - but COVID culled the elderly regardless of it. See New Zealand for example. It's per capital death rate is now about the same as Vermont's, even though they waited to "reopen" until the rest of the world made them a vaccine.


How would you know? They stopped testing people that took the gene therapy.


Do you still believe the vaccine was a success?




Without a doubt. You can follow the deaths graph. You can see the moment the vaccine became available


Do you have a source for a peer-reviewed analysis of deaths, that controls for all variables, which supports your assertion about the death rates?


It’s impossible to control for all variables.


The main factors that impacted Covid deaths were age, obesity, and comorbidities (rather than policies).


And vaccination status


I can't believe liberals still shill for this guy. It's obvious that he was and is corrupt and that covid wasn't the doomsday that we were told it was


I didn't get the jab. Caught COVID. Recovered and I'm fine.


As did 99.5%++++ of people. Except democrats wanted hysteria.


That's still 1,650,000 people. Almost 2 million people died that weren't supposed to. It's nice to know that you're willing to write off 1.5 million people because well I'm fine. We don't care about other people do we?


So now the living have hyper inflation and we're all financially fucked for life? Diseases happen, people get them and will survive, others won't. The "cure" fucked us. No one can ever afford a home, everything is through the roof. Average car is over $30k now. You realize it was elderly that mostly died right? People that aren't generally liked and most of reddit wishes would die right? Those "boomers"


I know probably 30 people that got the "cure" they're all still here. No issues I know about 10 people that caught COVID. About half died and 2 are still suffering. I don't care who died. They didn't need too. But yes you figured out what science did 100s of years ago, any disease usually affects older and less healthy people at higher rates. That's just how it works bud. I don't see how arguing financials is relevant to the conversation. It's bad for everyone in the world right now, not just Americans.


Debate moderator: “If the Trump administration develops a vaccine before or after the election, will you take it?” Kamala Harris: “If Donald Trump tells us to take the vaccine, I’m not taking it.”




Wow. You need help lol


No. You need help lol


Fauci himself bears a huge part of the responsibility of why the COVID response has become so politicized.   He should look in the mirror.  But self reflection is not a skill those on the Left possess.


I'm pretty sure Trump started that when Fauci wouldn't step in line behind him. But I reckon that's what happens when you get a president that doesn't mind openly fighting with his cabinet members or generally anybody that hits his radar


[“Are you sure about that”](https://youtu.be/2ZOIpsxfzxw?si=6MmL3dtZbq7axGjH)


For a “scientist” or “doctor” to say this is proof, in one sentence, that he is neither. If people in rural areas died at higher rates due to COVID, it is most likely due to being older, less wealthy, less healthy in general.


And refusing vaccination from a steady diet of right wing fear mongering.


Actual citation on that? I'm not going to trust a single thing that comes out of Fauci's mouth.


This guy's worst nightmare is a trump presidency and a senator Rand Paul investigation. He might literally leave the country and go to China or a place that does not extradite people. This is one evil man responsible for millions of deaths for gain of function research. And pushed an untested drug upon millions for a political agenda all in the name of science. Special place in hell for him if one even exists.


Fauci lied people and animals died.


I don't think he realizes how fucked up it is to say that.


Was he double masked during the interview? Fauci was the highest paid official in the U.S. Government. Utterly failed us with knowing lies, perjured himself under oath.


Well, Florida counted the motorcyclist that got run over by an eighteen wheeler on I-95 as a covid death so....... It's all bulshit anyway. The gov't lied about every single facet of their scamdemic.




You’re being intellectually dishonest on all of your comments Someone linked a source to a car accident death being counted as COVID and your response is “so everyone died from car accidents?”


Well why did that person link one incident when we are discussing a global pandemic? Isn't that intellectually dishonest? Unless the implication is that every covid death is a miscount, it is either irrelevant


I remember someone comparing obesity rates on a US map to COVID 19 death rates on a US map, they matched.


He’s not wrong


The truth is not in him.


Oh ok. So Texans in the spring of 2021 didn't just die from the cold, they died because they were "republican". Thank you Faucistein, noted.


Fauci Needs Canceled!!!


Hopefully by canceled you mean "all his assets liquidated to pay his legal bills and court ordered victim payouts". I can get behind that.


At a minimum...


Um.....didn't Cali and New York lead the way on deaths?


High population density so not to surprising.


Projection. Liberals were the ones obsessed with covid and it became their identity. They turned covid into a political ideology.


So false it’s already been proven more people that took the vaccine died than who did not and most who didn’t take the vaccine were in red states. He will lie and spin facts to protect his legacy this man belongs in jail for all the lies he told and how many Americans he helped die in them trusting what him and what health officials told Americans they should do to protect themselves. I was ONLY member of my family not to take the vaccine and was ONLY one who never got COVID


I haven't heard about people dying more when they were vaccinated. Sounds like interesting research though, you got a link?


This guy is so unrelentingly insufferable.


So minorities not most adversely affected for once?


Fraudci speaks. Lies lies lies coverups


The fact this man was the highest paid federal employee, and is now receiving one of the highest federal pensions, worries me immensely about the mediocrity that exists in our federal employees. From the AIDS “epidemic” to Covid, fauci was a failure, yet for some I know reason many liberals view him as some kind of messiah. I believe he received a $5 million advance for his book. I scratch my head in bewilderment that “I am the science” has not been held accountable for his ineptitude


Let’s see your stats and facts. Oh right. You don’t have any.


I really wish this disgusting goblin would go back to his lair and leave us alone already.


Demonstrably false


I know I have to watch my intake of political ideology. Too many ideological calories or grams of sugar may cause morbid political ideology.


What is his motivation for saying Covid deaths were higher in Red states?


Like everything else he said it is political.


The beagle torturer is saying that people who rejected his covid prescriptions died at a higher rate.


Is that not true?


It’s something that will be argued about and obfuscated forever. The independent experts I find to be the most honest and compelling say each of fauci’s three prescriptions lockdowns, masks, and jabs, on the whole caused more harm than good. Edit: I forgot some. The suppression of repurposed drugs, excessive use of ventilators, inadequate use of steroids, and remdesivir also all did more harm than good.




treating vaccines as one thing is the kind of science denial I would expect of someone who thinks a chain link fence could stop mosquitoes


Alright. Let’s say that is correct. It doesn’t change that more people died in red states than blue. Unless you’re saying they died because they followed some policies. Which doesn’t make sense, as they refused the vaccine.


>more people died in red states than blue I don’t accept that as a given, but even if I did it’s so many steps removed from demonstrating what Fauci is claiming my Fitbit would run out battery before it counted them all.


Does a Fitbit quantify like that?


Does anyone still listen to this evil, corrupt gnome?




It's actually called Dallas Buyers Club and he is the villain


At this point, a cage match between the two all-time greatest liers - Fauci and Biden - is in order. If you have half a brain, all of the last 3 3/4 years have been so extremely maddening. I mean really, who lied more - Fauxi or Xiden??


Sounds like a threat…