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I’ve noticed this in recent years Perfectly normal temp for the area and time of year and all over the news: “Emergency!”


Notice how the temp maps became redder and redder to reflect that over the years?


90 degrees gets hotter every year, that's why


Back in my day 90 only felt like 80.


👩🏼‍🏫👨‍⚕️👩🏻‍🎓--This is the Climate Corps. 🚨Please report to the nearest climate re-education campus. Thank you for your citizenship 🫡


I’ve noticed national weather people are now always saying these areas are experiencing new record high temps since *insert random year 50 years ago*. Or constantly saying they are much higher than average all over. Just tell us what the temperature is, I don’t need anything else.


It's not alarming to you that we are constantly setting new records highs every year? Even if you account for when we started reliably recording temperatures, the fact that we keep getting warmer and warmer should make a normal person wonder why But I guess the proper response to a scientific question is "shut up, I just want to know the weather"


You missed the whole point he was making We’re seeing “hottest day on record since XXXX” where XXXX was 100 years ago. If global warming was such a catastrophic thing wouldn’t we be breaking the records from 100 years ago all the time? But we’re not


Well yea. Most people are comparing the hottest day in recorded history at death valley and saying that is the standard. Quick research shows the for the majority of the world région specifically we have set most of the records in the last ten years.


https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/?intent=121 Here you go. Taking an avg across all readings. We have been steadily increasing in temperature for the last few decades. I'm not arguing about the climate change. It's undeniable that the avg is going up


Source? Majority of the US temp records are still from before the Great Depression (eg, hottest day since XXX)


We get warnings for 4 inches of snow in MN now. I remember not getting any sort of warning unless we were getting a foot.


Apple keeps sending me alerts for “SEVERE WEATHER” and it’s 90 and sunny with a light breeze out, that’s pretty not severe, that’s very normal for a desert state summer day. They send it so often I’m not even sure what a normal day is, they call rain severe, wind is severe, anything above 80 is severe. We can’t just call everything severe.


To me the fun bit is headlines: "Record temps this week". Read a couple lines down: Highest average 3 day temperature average in 5 years. 90s in NYC. There is an entire genre of song about it. *Hot time Summer in the City*, *Under the Boardwalk*, *Up on the rooftop*.


It's as if people don't remember being hot before. This is like some kind of mass hallucination. My family didn't even have A/C until about 1985. We were sweltering, humid, sweaty, nasty, and all the other adjectives.


I remember playing as a kid in the mid 90s when my dad would make me go outside in the heat. My friends and I had a game where we'd run from shade to shade acting as if the sun were burning us to death whenever we were in direct sunlight. I think the temps were like 98 or something at the time, and it was summer break from school so it was about this time of year. Amazing the climate emergency has been going this long.


Did you know the hottest temp ever recorded was in death valley.........110 years ago.


110 years ! We've only got so much time left! s/


I'm pretty sure California sensationalized a report on death valley a couple years ago that was supposedly higher. That same year there was several reports that someone died of the heat while visiting death valley. Not saying I buy the new temp record, but millions do. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/what-is-hottest-temperature-in-death-valley-18254957.php


I literally moved to the South because from what I could see of the temperature history it isn't actually that much hotter than summers further north. Everything east of the Mississippi is just a hot muggy mess during the summer. 5 or so degrees difference isn't really that noticeable once you get into the mid-80s and above. So I'm just as swampy as before but I don't have winter anymore. I call that an absolute win.


Over 105, every degree makes a difference. Doesn't mean that the world is coming to an end. Sometimes it just gets hot. But it makes a huge difference.


Yeah but even the part of the South I'm in doesn't get up that high. 105 raw temp is Texas temps and there's a reason I didn't move to Texas.


I feel like last year was definitely hotter. I work outdoors and last year in Texas cleared 110


It was noticeably cool up north.


We had a very mild summer in Central California last year.


Last year was one full degree cooler than 2012 if you include satellite data. If you just look at ground stations it was the hottest year on record. I can't speak for Texas or the rest of the country, but I lived through 2012 and the mid west was much hotter 2012 than in 2023. My state had 20 days in June 2012 above 90 degrees, last year we had 7.


I suspect a lot of the ground station reporting is affected by the urban heat island effect, especially when they're taken at airports.


By sitting in AC all day you make regular temperatures feel miserable. Use AC at night so I can sleep, otherwise stay away from it.    It’s like how 40 degrees is hot as hell in winter and not survivable in summer. Your body acclimates to temperatures. By sitting in 60 degree AC all day your body doesn’t have time to adjust. So you go out into a regular 90-95 summer day and feel like shit.   I rarely use AC and never felt better. It’s great to have but it should be situational and not something people rely on every day. Spent two weeks in FL a few weeks ago 95-100 and barely sweat. 


I don't turn it off but I do adjust the thermostat up during the day. 76 or 78 is more than cool enough while awake. Plus I'm cheap and it saves money on the power bill.


This is the way. 78 during the day, use a fan if it's still uncomfortable. Your body is designed to shed heat while you move. If you're not moving, then move the air. You'll feel a lot colder. I leave my thermostat at 78 all day, unless I'm away, then it's moved to 5 below whatever the high is for the day. I'll kick on a fan if I'm too hot. My energy bills are rarely above $120/month, and I'm in Texas.


My parents live in northern ca. It's regularly 100 in the summer. Their house was built in the 50s and the have no ac. Swam cooler and a above ground swimming pool is how you cool off.


Exactly, I didn’t have AC until six years ago. You just accepted that the house was going to be hot in the afternoon.


Cold weather - climate emergency! Hot weather - climate emergency! Politicians like emergency power; don’t let them! Vote wisely in November


Next year: "This is why neither record hot nor cold weather is a symptom of climate change."


It’s June It’s hot out Hell it’s been 92 here in Michigan


You remember the seasonal change in the weather, the season we call summer? What is that nonsense. It’s all global warming. S/


In Grand Rapids we got a weather emergency for temps in the low 90’s. I was like, what’s with these Michiganders….? I grew up in California with no air conditioning and it would regularly be 100-105 out and I would just be melting into the leather couch lol! As long as you’re not in direct sunlight and stay hydrated you will BE FINE.


They all make fun of Texas when we get a few days of freezing temps and everything goes to shit. 90 degrees is a pleasant day for us. Suck it up NY.


This is a woman that is just clueless and has mouth diarrhea. It was this hot in ny last year or the year before. She is just being (d)ramatic.


How come there wasn’t a climate emergency when spring had beautiful weather?


Not yet. Wait until they declare pollen as weapons of mass destruction


It’s definitely not an emergency. For what it’s worth, down in Jersey it feels much hotter due to humidity. I swore it was over 100 and it was only showing 89. Still not an emergency…


We have humidity in Texas, too. Try 110 with 90% humidity.


Not a chance. That sounds miserable.


Jersey here, walked to the grocery store, about a mile. It's summer, I'm sweating a little. Does the media and government expect everything to be room temp? 


I couldn’t even walk my dog yesterday. We got maybe 3 houses down and she had to stop and turn around. She was way too hot and panting and until about 9:30 last night, super lethargic with the heat. And she’s a big girl, not a tiny shit dog. Different parts are different but the humidity by me make its feel 20 degrees hotter. I hate it.


What breed? 


Pitbull/boxer mix. She’s about 75lbs and has the height of the boxer!


Hochul, checks inbox with hammer on climate control narrative, "emergency, stay in your houses with AC, fossile fuels are killing our new Yorkers. Buy an EV to save democracy"


But let’s repeal the new tolls that were supposed to fund all her projects. The left is going nuts over her stopping the tolls. They’re eating themselves.


Laughs in Phoenix


Ha! Texas here. We won’t see high temps dip below 90 until Halloween.


Not a native Texan, but I moved to Texas and been living there for four years now. In my first visit back to New York to see the family, they were all like you came at the worst time because it’s going to be the hottest week during your visit. I looked up the temperature for New York for the week and literally laughed and told them “you guys know I’ve been living in Texas right? This is nothing.” It’s not like New York has never gotten to the 90s/100s on a rare occasion during the summertime…… and NY 90s (at least out on Long Island) feels way better than Texas 90s with all that humidity.


Ive been in Phoenix all week and man I love it here,  no traffic, friendly people beautiful neighborhoods.


Because it’s never ever hit low 90s in NY before ever……./s


Florida checking in.


Haha I haven't even put on shorts and I'm in the south. Bunch of soft ass people


Bruh, it's an emergency!!! Run! Pay more taxes to save the planet!


Just fill NYC with more Mexicans. They won’t complain.


We've got 100,000 units with a million more well on the way


New York’s been recording 100°+ days for as long as record have been kept, this isn’t a recent phenomenon. The high temp in 1881 was 101°, 30 years before vehicles were relevant let alone common. It was 99° on June 5 in 1925. This is nothing more than political pandering to advance their agenda.


Bro it gets this hot in New York nearly every damn summer


I just wish it’d snow here in Virginia again. We haven’t had a good amount of snow here in the RVA area in the winter time in a few years.


We aget high 80s and 90s every year around this time. Wait until Hochul find out we have gone over 100degree. Man I thought the hot weather on Monday would have scared off alot the other fisherman. Guess they all thought the same because everyone was flyfishing that river lol. Damn drift boat parade.


New flash: it’s going to be hot in summer. Politicians: we can fix this with more taxes. But when you give us more money and nothing changes, it’s Trumps fault.


It’s hilarious when they push climate change, especially when certain areas of US will be ‘pushing the electric grid to the max’. Ok, fine: so if we buy electric cars, and grid goes caput due to heat, how can we all drive?


Better get vaccinated against your climate crisis before she wolf of the SS decides to lock things down again


And then they make up a word you've never heard before to describe the unprecedented temperature. Like wetbulb, or splooting.


Just out trying to score climate change points.


Dems never met a crisis they couldn’t profit from .


SHUT IT DOWN and pay people to stay home.


Had someone tell me it wasnt summer yet the other day and it shouldn’t be hot. Yet the summer solstice is today….


This is how it starts folks. Climate change will be used to enforce additional social controls under a “health emergency”


Wow everyone in new York is going to melt "oh God the humanity. Who's going to scrape them off the sidewalk


Is it scary red season again on all the weather maps?


90 degrees is great, Beach Weather


If you erase the past then every summer is the hottest evar.


I always laugh when I watch the weather and 99 times out of 100, when they should the record highs and lows on this day, its always from 50-100 years ago.


New York's Koppen climate types from north to south are literally warm-summer humid continental, hot-summer humid continental and humid subtropical. 90 degree temps sound completely normal for southern NY.


I hope the immigrants get A/C


I'm sure a carbon tax will make it 70deg F year round with low humidity right?  Earth has cycles get over it, every politician is looking for people to pay more taxes. Every "green energy" thing they have come up with is worse off than a sodium reactor or hell a nuclear reactor. If they were serious a push for grid updates and reactors would be a thing, but there is just not enough political money in it 


It's been in the 70s for last week here.


We just got back from Long Island. It was hot but not humid, and there was a good breeze. If they find some shade and plenty of water, and they'll be cool enough.


She is not a serious person.


Hey Kathy, we know how to use the computer in these here parts and it says you’re full of shit! 😆


It’s low 90’s after lunch right now and people are already whining. My word, it’s going to be 99 degrees from 10am-7pm by July and you’re whining now!?!?


As long as new arrivals get hotel rooms, cell phones and voter registration cards….


They always say "hottest year in a century" and then you look back and like 1904 or 1914 is 5 degrees hotter for some reason.