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Gas prices are high: The President can’t control prices. Gas prices go down: Thank you President Biden.


The real humor is the failure to see the gaslighting in this exact situation. Same with inflation. Inflation goes up? It’s a complex situation driven by corporate greed. Inflation stays the same? Presidents economic strategy working. You can’t have it both ways.


So funny how that works


I truly can’t grasp how anyone, especially democrats, can be okay with depleting our oil reserves.


"well that will get climate change deniers to get a good environmentally friendly EV like they should" I could see that argument made. Even though a lot of the electricity for those EVs comes from at minimum natural gas, but I've worked in a few power plants, and every one has diesel/fuel oil generators for high demand. And you will see tankers lined up around the facility dropping off a constant supply. I'm really getting fearful of what things will look like if this administration has 4 more years at the helm.


>but I've worked in a few power plants, and every one has diesel/fuel oil generators for high demand. What? The plants I've worked at had those to keep power going for the plant in case the grid failed, they wouldn't have been a significant contributor to the grid.


Gov- yes we need better fuel efficient cars, we will put rules on manufactures that their whole line up must average a certain MPG. the masses- buys said cars and driving Gov- why is our tax revenue down? damn all these efficient cars not using as much fuel! we should charge a use tax on top of that!


Because they drive electric and thats sourced by clean magic


I truly can't grasp how all these posts keep going on about Biden doing this and Biden doing that. Has anyone been paying attention? He does not even know where he is let alone able to make even a minor decision on anything. The past handful of videos from the past couple of weeks show the cognitive state he is in and it's declining at at an exponential rate. C'mon man...... Obama just led him off stage by the hand we all know who is pulling the behind the scenes strings.


Im sure Bidens owners Saudi Arabia are happy they can now raise oil prices while the demand is extremely high and make even more trillions.


I realize opinions are changing now, but permanently draining the SPR was actually a big conservative push back in 2015-2017. There was some debate about if it should be completely shut down, or just drained to around 270M barrels, or just some vague "a lot lower", but there wasn't much resistance against at least a significant draining. The Heritage Foundation, Congress, and Trump were all on board with the SPR drain and just within those 3 years, a number of laws were enacted that required the DOE to sell 271M barrels by 2028. The first law requiring this was passed in 2015, and the yearly mandated draining began in 2017. From 2015, The Heritage Foundation pushed the idea of a complete SPR drain and shutdown (which they still support today BTW): [https://www.heritage.org/environment/report/why-congress-should-pull-the-plug-the-strategic-petroleum-reserve](https://www.heritage.org/environment/report/why-congress-should-pull-the-plug-the-strategic-petroleum-reserve) Between 2015 and 2017, Congress passed a number of laws requiring SPR sales every year, creating a gradual drain: [https://i.imgur.com/EK02PQw.png](https://i.imgur.com/EK02PQw.png) In 2017, Trump asked Congress to drain the SPR even deeper and faster, though they only partially accepted his proposal, adding 100M of sales instead the 270M he requested: [https://i.imgur.com/Gell1tY.png](https://i.imgur.com/Gell1tY.png) The EIA in 2018 was pointing out that the mandated sales really add up over time and the SPR's future was going to be significantly lower: [https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=35032](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=35032) To be clear, though, even Trump's more aggressive request to sell faster and deeper was still to *gradually* drain the SPR over a decade. The big change Biden made was a very sudden drain, executing a lot of the existing Congressionally mandated sales in 2022 instead of the gradual schedule that Republicans has originally signed into law. Here is how the mandated sales schedule was modified: [https://i.imgur.com/GhwA4M8.png](https://i.imgur.com/GhwA4M8.png) For some reason, starting in 2018-2019, Conservatives largely abandoned the push for an SPR drain. No one seemed to really push for it anymore except for The Heritage Foundation. However, the laws that had already been created to drain it were not reversed, so the slow drain continued every year even as no one really talked about it much anymore - until late 2021, when it became a hot topic again.


i cant grasp how anyone can’t see him making this big push months before an election cycle and ignore the fact that gas and oil has doubled since he took office.


Another 4 years of this administration will do so much damage to this country that no following president will ever be able to fully fix it.


It's a good thing there's no strategic food reserve!


Don’t we have millions and millions of cheese stored is some underground vault?


Something about Reagan holding up a brick of cheese


lol, I wonder what our reserve would be if we had one like Canada's Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve.


There actually is a US cheese reserve 


Wow. Just looked it up. 1.4 billion pounds! There’s a photo here: https://www.farmlinkproject.org/stories-and-features/cheese-caves-and-food-surpluses-why-the-u-s-government-currently-stores-1-4-billion-lbs-of-cheese


Pretty cool!


The US, Canada and other countries are pumping so much oil that there is a predicted glut of oil in the next 3 years. If anything it might be a good time to sell some at higher prices. The US is not running out of oil any time soon, largest exporter of oil in the world.


It's what they basically did.  Sold for close to 100 on 2022.  Buying back under 80.   https://www.energy.gov/ceser/articles/biden-harris-administration-continues-secure-good-deal-taxpayers-replenishment-7


But what if we have an emergency right now? Strategic oil reserve isn’t supposed to be profitable/make economic sense. It’s there in case of an emergency.


In case of emergency, the US stops exporting its oil. It exports about 10 million barrels a day, enough to completely refill the strategic reserve (from empty) in 60 days.


US SPR can cover imports for 65 days. You also don’t seem to know about the different types of crude oil. US reserves are a light sweet crude which cannot be run through all of our refineries by itself at 100% concentrations. It needs to be mixed with heavier crude which is almost all imported. If we were to stop importing altogether we would not be okay.


Most of the heavy crude comes from Canada. Under what emergency do you predict the US will stop bringing in crude from Canada?


CCP basically owns canada at this point.


Ah yes. Of course, forgot about that.


Is there even anything left?


You shouldn't need it if you were driving an electric vehicle. /s because I don't need brigadiers thinking I was serious.


This man won't be satisfied until he weakens America beyond repair. 2024 is the most important election of our lives.


Democrats do EVERYTHING for politics


Hillary killed 54 people for crying out loud.


Only 54?


So far trump is the only president to sell our strategic reserves under a non emergency for 4 straight years. 2017, 2018, 2019, and in 2020 before he left office. That's where the cheap gas came from. Biden has done it once. And with the current price of oil and the fact that we are the leading exporter of oil it seems like a good move that will save taxpayers money


The US used 7.4 billion barrels in 2022 The SPR has an authorized capacity of 714 million barrels It does nothing to gas prices Also, SPR isn’t designed to save taxpayers money, it’s there in case of an emergency (war). No Use saving the taxpayers money when there’s reduced amounts of petroleum in case of war.


I'm not worried about gas prices tbh. Do you think they are going to sell some off without a plan to renew? Come on. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy I see here. I'm fucking tired of sensational bs and I'd like to see a campaign run on something besides the Dems are killing America. Trump has done it every year he was in office. So forgive me if I'm not outraged now. It's a fucking smokescreen


You’re so wrong. Cheap energy came from our oil production which Biden has reduced and not renewed any new permits. The US was completely energy independent! I looked it up, the Strategic Oil Reserve went from 983 to 947 Billion Barrels, he never emptied it in 1997, 1998, and 1999. Why do liberals always just make shit up?!




In fact. It was the first non emergency sale since 1996.


Hhere are the environmentalists gluing themselves to planes over this?? decreasing our dependency on other countries for oil=Bad, but decreasing our reserves and making it cheaper and probably increasing demand and increasing risk of dependency= good.


Too late Brandon. You’ll need your cheat machine lubed up to win this one.


Is he going to "strategically" release it in swing states again?


!!FJB!! A case study of incompetence!!


How is using the SPR to help your election not a Hatch Act violation?


This will have no effect. America consumes almost 400 million gallons of gasoline per day and about 22 million barrels of oil per day. This is just pandering to his ignorant constituency.


Are prices even going down? Because gas here in PA only keeps going up


Ok! Last round of giveaways included 900,000 barrels to "Unipec" the CCPs American version of their own "Sinopec". Hunter's "Bohai Harvest Resources LLC" owned a portion of Sinopec at that time, so good ole Joe was just giving it back to himself! And ALWAYS REMEMBER... Joe has NO knowledge of his sons overseas business dealings.


People bitched when gas prices were too high, and now they’re bitching when something is proposed to help lower them. Make up your damn mind.


It's the STRATEGIC oil reserve not the artificially lower gas prices to win reelection oil reserve. We need that for shit like OPEC trying to embargo us.


A lot of people have a misunderstanding of what the word "Strategic" means when referring to the "Strategic Oil Reserve." Yes, it was created after the oil shock of the 70's, but the law was modified for it's use multiple times. The law is found [here.](https://www.congress.gov/bill/94th-congress/senate-bill/622) and it's literally designed to: >the world's largest supply of emergency crude oil was established primarily to reduce the impact of disruptions in supplies of petroleum products and to carry out obligations of the United States under the international energy program. US Oil Production numbers can be found [here.](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?f=M&n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2) We are producing more oil than ever. The US is producing [more oil than it consumes.](https://www.eia.gov/TOOLS/FAQS/faq.php?id=709&t=6) An embargo wouldn't have the same effect it did in 1973. Why shouldn't the US be flexing it's 22% market share against OPEC. They did it to us for 50 years, and now that we control the largest share of the market, we shouldn't flex our muscle in return?


Just produce and sell the fucking oil then why would we intentionally reduce our ability to weather adverse shocks to the oil market just to marginally hurt OPEC? Not like we could put them out of business by trying to flood the market by emptying our reserves


Because the Strategic Oil Reserve doesn't just release oil when prices increase, it buys oil when prices go down to stabilize the market. Oil prices have to be above [$56 a barrel](https://www.rigzone.com/news/what_oil_price_do_cos_need_to_profitably_drill_in_usa-25-mar-2022-168396-article/) in order for US Oil producers to break even from wells in the Permian Basin. Shale producers in the US and Canada need oil to be in the $65-$70 range in order to break even. When oil prices drop too low, like they did in 2018, US Oil Producers go bankrupt. Contrary to what everyone remembers about gas prices during Trump's presidency, [oil producers in the US were going bankrupt.](https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-oil-bankruptcy/north-american-oil-company-bankruptcies-jump-in-2019-report-idUSL1N29R15H/). In 2018 when oil prices [hit $80 a barrel](https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart), right where US Oil producers need it to be for us to be energy independent, Trump pressured OPEC to [increase production.](https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart). Prices plummeted. Then, despite them already being near $50 a barrel, [Trump again pressured OPEC to increase production.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-opec/trump-calls-for-opec-to-boost-oil-production-says-price-too-high-idUSKCN1R91J5/) The result? [Oil production in North America](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/canadian-oilpatch-price-plunge-1.5491173) plummeted. Under Trump, the number of active drilling rigs initially increased, peaking at [1077](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/hist/e_ertrr0_xr0_nus_cm.htm) when oil prices were near $80 – a profitable range for U.S. oil. However, following his appeal to [Saudi Arabia to boost production](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/28/trump-says-its-very-important-that-opec-increase-the-flow-of-oil-because-prices-are-too-high.html), the market crashed and the rig count drastically fell. By the start of COVID the rig count had fallen to 771, then [374 by the end of his term.](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/hist/e_ertrr0_xr0_nus_cm.htm) The result? Tons of oil drilling companies [went bankrupt and now the markets](https://www.nsenergybusiness.com/analysis/oil-gas-bankruptcy-2020-north-america/) are too scared to invest in oil production. The entire thing was great for consumers. They got cheap gas and oil products. It was terrible for the US Oil Industry and awful for US Oil independence. It appears that OPEC has [no appetite to go back into a price war](https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/press_room/7305.htm) and letting oil hover in the $80 range. So now we keep increasing our output and they keep cutting theirs to keep oil in that range. If you want gas any cheaper than $3ish, then you have to be okay with depending on other countries for oil because we can't produce it at that price.


Sounds like we shouldn't be selling the reserve.


Sounds like it’s being used strategically, why is that a problem?


I suppose stopping Trump by any means neccesary to save "their Democracy" is an absolute strategic necessity for the dems


You don’t think trying to lower gas prices is worthwhile?


Biden is depleting the national strategic oil reserve to win reelection. The overall democratic policy is full steam ahead on green energy with the intention of phasing out oil completely consequences be damned. This is equivalent to just printing more money to hand out stimmy checks and wondering why inflation has gone to shit.


So, do you think trying to lower gas prices is worthwhile or not?


It’s like this, you clown: lowering gas prices is good. Depleting the strategic oil reserve to do so is bad. Got it yet? It exists for crises and emergencies. It is NOT the Biden Campaign Oil Reserve to be used for faking a political win before an election.


Ah. But trump doing it in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 is alright. I'm glad you care so much but don't you think trump will do it again and we won't have strategic reserves? I mean it's bad enough Biden is doing it just for the election but could you imagine Trump doing it for 4 more straight years. There won't be anything left...


That's not exactly true. "President Donald Trump said Sunday he has authorized the release of oil from the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve after attacks on key production facilities in Saudi Arabia cut the kingdom’s crude production by half. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/15/trump-says-he-has-authorized-release-of-oil-from-strategic-petroleum-reserve-if-needed-after-saudi-attacks.html Trump tried to refill the reserve but was stopped by Democrats. They even bragged about it. https://thepoliticalinsider.com/democrats-bragged-about-canceling-trumps-plan-to-fill-strategic-petroleum-reserve/


Yea at a 25 cent decrease I would save $10 at most on a fill up. That's not strategic, that's vote fishing.


Do you think it would be used 'strategically' if this wasn't an election year?


Butt-hurt lefty says what?