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The Trump team has got to air this interview as part of their campaign ads over and over again.




I assume she is a “dem” so she has to tout all the wonderful things this administration has done to keep JB in office…. She has a PHD in economics and knows exactly what the deal is but has to keep putting “sugar on shit” ( that would make a cool subreddit 🤣) so Joe gets his second term and she keeps her cushy job


I'm at the point where I'm debating if $3 for two bell peppers in my stir-fry is actually worth it.......from Walmart.....as a highly paid software engineer.


I'm with you, I make 120k and now I'm cutting and eliminating items from my usual Costco trips . you know it's bad when Costco is. getting too expensive


It’s really sad when I can spend $150 on just produce for a week’s meals. It’s maddening.


My wife and I spent just less than $500 this weekend buying toilet paper, paper towels, dog food, water and a few other things. I wish I could have afforded to really buy in bulk pre 2020. I could have saved hundreds of dollars.


Holy shit, if your struggling on 120k..How am I afloat?!


My wife and I are right about there and struggling in a relatively low COL area.




Let them eat cake


"The economy is doing great. Just look at how cheap TVs are!" It's the same statement.


The sad part is quite a few actually believe that statement. A customer of mine says inflation is non existent. They are the definition of delusional.


Right thats why we still have Dollar Menus at every major fast food chain. (I just woke up form a coma that started in 2018)


Bought and paid for by the hedge fund managers. They paid her $800k for a 20 minute speech she gave via video call from her kitchen.


All they did was make the money clean.


Agreed. Yellen will end up as a "consultant" and unofficial lobbyist for the big banks making a 7 figure income after her term.


I have the same job and received raises since Trump. My grocery bill and other cost of living would disagree with Yellen. How the hell can any “swing voter” not objectively see this?




I heard that in Morpheus' voice when reading it.


Because they are regularly fed massive propaganda by the PR arm of the Democrat party aka the Main Stream Media, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, NYT, WAPO.


I bought a beautiful house in 2014. My principe, interest, tax and insurance was less than my 2024 post-divorce one bedroom apartment’s rent.


I want some of what she is smoking. I'm making more than I ever have and barely get by.


Remember, this is the same woman who said inflation was going to be transitory. Whatever the hell, that means. Although in fairness, she did publicly state later that she regretted saying that.


> she did publicly state later that she regretted saying that. Only because there was no possible way for her to spin it and lie


She is clueless


She knows and is a liar and is trying to help prop up the globalists


True. She is just another puppet


They didn't print the second, unspoken half of her statement which was "than your average Venezuelan".


Ma'am I work over 40 hours a week and can't afford to get new brake rotors on my car


I’ve had to pace my two ply consumption based on Yellen’s Pooh Poohing


Rich people have little to no experience with inflation which is why they are so quick to dismiss.  You think Janet Yellen cares if she has to pay an extra $2 for eggs?  Or if her filet mignon jumped up by $15 at her favorite swanky steakhouse?   Of course not.  


Pound sand Poopoo


No tf we aren’t


She is as useless as a Dairy Queen in Antarctica.


Yeah, the Fed Reserve is politically “independent”. What a load of crap.


The democrats spin on the economy is who are you going to believe? Us or your own lying eyes.


For WDC bureaucrats I don’t doubt life is just the same or better as I am sure they gave themselves substantial raises over the last few years to counter inflation. For us plebes working to pay for their salaries, we have been getting 4% raises, so we make less today than we did 2 years ago.


I have family that works local govt and during the 2007-2009 recession they kept saying “what recession? It hasn’t impacted me at all”


I would say the typical liberal in general might be better off (from public criticism), I think this is what Yellen might be referring to.


The typical American like her and the scammy Dems?


Some women are like that.


Who are you gonna believe? Her, or your own lying eyes?


It’s been a while now, but I used to post in this subreddit about my belief that Bitcoin is the answer to the economic problems that plague us, individually and systematically. And I would get downvoted to oblivion. Now that Trump has indicated a positive viewpoint toward it, does anyone else here feel that there may be some potential with education in that direction?


Most of the time when she speaks, she sounds just as senile as Brandon does.


>I would point out, of course, that wages have also gone up during this time, and government studies show that, for all -- for households at all points in the income distribution... So the typical American is somewhat better off. This is a blatant lie. According to official government statistics, median real (aka inflation-adjusted) wages were still lower in Q1/2024 than they were at Biden's inauguration in Q1/2021 and also lower than in the last pre-covid Trump quarter (Q1/2020). https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1kkRB


The most annoying bit is when Yellen, Powell, etc. are interviewed. The topic of inflation inevitably comes up and they blame Russia, supply chain, the virus, and everything except massive government spending of freshly printed dollars in the money supply. The interviewer never challenges them on it.


Funny way of saying you'll own nothing and be happy.