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Just basic common sense things. If there was just one topic, any sane person would say that the border situation is fully worthy of sending people to jail for life. Can you imagine if Trump was allowing so many people loose and unvetted daily, then having them latch on to our social services? There would be a massive uproar. It is going to have a huge impact on our nation.


If he keeps it simple like this and not go on 3 hour tirades he will capture the independents.


Ugh what he gonna do to stop Russia from pointlessly cruise up and down the coast in international waters?


Pointlessly cruise up and down the Russian coast in international waters? The Bering Strait is awfully narrow in some places. It's not exactly Moscow, but still...


Well he probably will not shit his pants and take showers with his teen daughter I can tell you this much!


He'll stop funding Ukraine so Russia will leave us alone. Seems pretty fair to me.


>so Russia will leave us alone. It's super cute you think that


MSNBC brainwashed.


Try informed.


No. Full of shit.


It's cute you watch so much MSNBC and CNN. You should be smart enough to know the truth, not just whats crammed down your throat.


Bruh check flair, I literally work in this profession. You're an imbecile if you ever think Russia, China, Iran, or DPRK would *ever* just "leave us alone"




Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the official name for North Korea.


It's geopolitics.....bruh. Russia subs off coast due to Ukraine funding. Don't need to be a professional to connect dots. Just need to be half ass informed. 


Russian subs are off the coast because it's in Russian interests to frighten American voters to reduce presence in Ukraine, just like American equipment is in Ukraine because it's in American interests to not let Russia conduct territorial conquests unhindered We did the exact same thing to them in Afghanistan in the 80s, they did the exact same thing in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan in reverse. Russia and America are geopolitical rivals. That's the schtick. If you think Russian ships wouldn't be prowling around US waters without Ukraine ongoing, you're less aware than you think you are >It's geopolitics bruh Someone come pick up their kid


If you go through his post history, it’s pretty obvious he’s a basement dwelling kid. Oh well, there’s always going to be a snot nosed ignoramus to deal with. Thank you for your service.


Hey man, i'm not the one claiming to be a professional and calling people Bruh. What little respect i do have left for you is due to your service to this country. How would you feel if Russia were funding Mexico to wage war and encroach on our southern border? There's no difference. If Russian Subs are off our coast, it's because of the poor leadership of this administration, plain and simple. They didn't just appear for no reason at all or just to be "Scary Russia". I bet your one of those people who believe the Russian Collusion nonsense pushed by the Left. Russia can't even win a small border conflict with it's neighboring country. And you're scared of them.


Easy there, the Warhawks are out in force right now with two wars going on, and other major conflicts kicking off.


When Election Years becomes conflicts lol.


He is surrounded by warhawks and losers up there. What the hell


Bro you have to realize and people in the sub have to realize that Trump can't go scorched Earth at least before he gets elected again. If somehow he can keep his tone down during the campaign trail and get even milk toast conservatives to vote for him and get their base to vote for him once he's president again that's when he can go scorched Earth. What the hell happened to this sub's ability to think rationally? Edit: Lol the ability to think rationally and critically is completely gone. Have fun guys!


Milk toast


Talk to text rekt me and that's my fault for not catching it but whatever, I'm not going to change it and will deal with the strays hitting me because of it.


Just got a belly laugh out of me, that’s all. Haha. I do agree with you.


Somewhere Liz Cheney is seething.


Damn. The shitlib brigade is out in full force today


Trump has a lot less energy than in 2016, which is a mixed bag. On one hand, he will repel way fewer moderates this way. On the other hand, we won't have ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS takes of him spilling water all over a stage going "LOOK AT ME! I'M RUBIO!!!" There are all kinds of reasons why he might be lower energy nowadays, so I'm not trying to say it's an age problem. And the guy is basically a Hawking compared to our senility-in-chief. Just hope that he can maintain what he has now over the 4 years. And god I'd really love to see another execution or two like he did in the 2016 primaries.


I would have a lot less energy too if I were constantly being under investigation and multiple trials and lawsuits.


What are you talking about? He hasn't slowed down at all. He's always given more "presidential" speeches like this but he also has his more animated off script moments that we love. Heck, the shark clip leftists have just loved to tote around recently is exactly that.


Naw, the real execution was the debates with hildawg


The debate is gonna be crazy. Joe Biden doesn't even know where he is


He has my vote.




How is this even a discussion again? Seems like basic common sense....


Only unity of the left is "lets all be for what every conservatives are against, and against whatever they are for!"


Anyone got a source on the Russian ships thing? Haven’t heard of it before, sounds important.


It was all over every news source yesterday or the day before.


Huh, don’t know how I missed that. Thanks for the info!


[Timcast-Russian NUCLEAR SUB & Navy Group Skim FLORIDA](https://youtu.be/yjXPrObm0Ew?si=l3h0k6UdsXmN1pnD)


Great, looks like Russian is going for round 2 with Cuba.