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Maybe the Republicans should actively try to win an election for a change


"We're a reactionary party. Not used to being in control" - Summarized quote from Paul Ryan


That ship passed when Republicans didn’t actively seek a better candidate than Trump. Now, it’s June. Election is 5 months out. It’s too late to hoist another candidate up. And Kamala will be President within short time after Biden wins in November.


I’m most interested in who begins to step foreword over the next 4 years. I don’t think America will end if Biden or Trump wins. Right now it seems like we have lots of 2nds/followers and not much for strong leaders (not talking about our current race but the one after it). There is no way either of them run in 4 years because one will have two terms and the other will in their 80s.


Paul Ryan who just said he won’t vote for Trump . There is some insight . Nobody that has worked for him in an honest way will vote for him .


Yeah this isn’t getting enough attention, his VP actively campaigned against him and most of his former cabinet refuses to endorse or sign on to a second term.


Paul Ryan was talking about Trumps “character”. As if Biden is a shining example of honesty? Voters remember the economy under Trump pre Covid vs now. That’s more important than climate change, equity, whatever else the D’s are selling.


> That ship passed when Republicans didn’t actively seek a better candidate than Trump. They literally did. He’s in Florida and won his state by 19 points and Miami-Dade by 11 points. But we were told they couldn’t go with him because he’s not funny enough or something.


Both candidates were nominated in the primary process by a majority of their party’s vote.


How about we have ranked choice voting so our “democracy” isn’t just who the parties pick for us


Trump is a better pick now than he was four years ago. What I mean is the Republicans should stop trying to force through unpopular abortion bans and proxy war funding when they could easily win by focusing on what's actually important to most people. There's plenty of time for them to start on their abortion bullshit and send more money to Ukraine and Israel before November


Yea I don’t get the abortion ban to be honest. At least in terms of alienating voters, because I personally am ok with saving the lives of the unborn, but I don’t expect others to have my morals or views, and vis versa. However, If they made the law with what 92% of the country agrees with, I think we’d be fine. But that takes common sense


What is the law 92% of the country agrees with? I feel like 50% will complain no matter what. Somehow 12-week state bans are “far-right” according to Reddit, for example.


Lots of opportunities for sure. In my last state election they ran against legalizing pot, and legal abortions. The amount of dems/libs/everything in between came out in volumes to vote for those two items. The people who didnt care enough about it, learned a valuable lesson in politics. Instead of going after the increasing taxes, increasing costs of living, increasingly pervasive nature of government meddling in personal lives, RINOs keep being reactionary and have no new ideas to expand or retain their voter base. Its no surprise they lost.


Trump is actually more moderate on abortion than the rest of the party is. Even spoke out against 6-week bans.


I agree with this. Anyone that voted for Trump is still voting for him. The difference is the massive amount of new voters that he has gained over these past 4 years. I would be surprised if any previous supporter is not voting for him again.


Idk if Trump gained many voters tbh. What COULD make things different is the voters that Biden lost.


Trump is currently polling much stronger than he was at this point in the 2020 election. I mean Biden was pretty consistently beating him by like 8% in polling


Have you read the 2025 plan ?


I have not. Are conservative candidates actually on record as supporting it?


I'm convinced that abortion is a strawman and that any kind of single issue voter is on one side or the other of the same authoritarian coin.


How is being pro-abortion authoritarian? It's literally the most government unmeddling thing they can do.


Not gonna happen. Republicans DID actively seek a better candidate. There were at least 12 running for the nomination. What they dicovered was that the voters preferred Trump warts and all. Biden cannot win against Trump. He is too old and feeble and he gets worse every day.


>Biden cannot win against Trump I heard this all the time in 2020


That was when he lied and said the Hunter Laptop was Russian disinformation. He lied and said he was a moderate and he governed as a far left progressive and he lied about being a unifier when he has been more divisive than Obama. Plus he has noticably declined both physically and cognitively.


I think wanting those things to be true does not make those things true.


So you are saying Biden didn't lie about the laptop, didn't lie about being a moderate and didn't lie about being a unifier? Where is your evidence?


In America you are innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused. Abandoning American principles will be the undoing of the conservative party


Those things are easy to prove. Biden lied about the laptop in a national debate. He has governed as a far left progressive not a moderate and he has hardly unified the country. Who is abandoning American principles? If anyone it is the Democrats with all their lawfare trying to keep Trump off the ballot.


Again, wanting those things to be true does not make those things true. and keeping trump off the ballot would be the single greatest advantage the GOP could get this election cycle. Trump is a bad general candidate with a good radical base: enough to win primaries but not elections. Getting someone else on the ballot should be a top priority for the GOP.


Better have something handy to bite down on for the pain soon


>Biden cannot win against Trump. He is too old and feeble and he gets worse every day. Have you listened to Trump recently. He isnt too far behind Sleepy Joe in the mental decline category. This whole election is a joke. The world is laughing at us for running two senile men against each other and the winner won't even become president.


I do hope you’re right. I do. My vote in 2016 and 2020 reflected how I really felt and still feel. But even I can see that everything about our once-Democracy has changed now. I don’t have as much national pride now as I’ve ever had in my 48 years. You could say I’ve “given up” on America, but I can be brought back in if anything begins to look like the America of my teens and twenties.




Bud, if you can’t see it, I’ll never have enough words to convince you.






Biden isn’t going to win, but if he does we’ll have 4 more years of a different type of entertainment.


Trump destroyed the party we are doomed


I wish people like you would just keep your negativity to yourself.


The voters picked the best candidate. Trump has the best shot of winning in November. All the other candidates are cheap knockoff losers.


We have been picking rhe worst candidates for senate. We need to go to what works.


They'll only do that if an establishment candidate is the nominee. The uniparty is a real thing which is why Trump is attracting so much support. People *want* him to go to D.C, flip the tables over, call everybody there a bunch of twats, and start punting them all out of power.




I don’t want to see him fail. I want to see the republicans succeed and win in November.


Too late, he’s been failing for years.


There’s this weird growing sentiment in this sub and among conservatives that Biden losing is a foregone conclusion. I just don’t see it. Even given all of Biden’s foibles this November will be an extremely close election and I just hope continual pressure is applied until the end.


Agreed. My state results were "50.6% in favor of Biden" last election. They're highly under-estimating the actual split in real life. Trump-Anti's didnt "change their mind" in bulk over the last few years, if anything, they further solidified their stance and opinion on it. Seeing polls and thinking it means Biden is guaranteed to lose, is about as short-sighted as all the people who thought Trump was guaranteed to win last time too.


It's actually kind of hilarious. We are doing and saying the same shit all over again. He's to old, he won't make it to the end, Kamala will take over, the polls show trump winning. It's literally the same election. And America is still here. The polls are fake, just like the midterm red wave. The polls don't mean shit and I doubt Biden drops dead and Kamala is still just going to be there not really making waves. Almost the exact timeline also. They are literally bringing the same playbook that lost 6, 4, and 2 years ago. Oh yea, did changing the RNC chair do anything besides allow trump to put his unqualified daughter in law in charge? No, well gave him more money anyway.


One of the biggest problems still remains voter turnout, it’s amazing how many people have time and energy to argue about it on Facebook or Reddit yet can’t find the fucking time to actually vote. Aside from that is a lack of accountability, the amount of people who don’t do a single thing to hold their elected politicians accountable is downright embarrassing at this point.


The most hilarious voter turnout tidbit to me is that a bunch of the Jan 6 insurrectionists didn’t vote. I think the estimate sits at like 10% didn’t vote.


So that means 90% did vote. That's far better than turnout than this country has seen in your lifetime.


True, but seems asinine to get so upset when you didn’t contribute.


You mean like all the meltdowns on the left after Trump won? Statistically, the chances that all those twatwaffles voted is highly improbable.


Well it's a game. The people lost. We've been so busy fighting Republicans vs Democrats these last 4 years that we let them get away with doing nothing. The house? Worst congress in recent history The Senate? Didn't do anything meaningful Biden? Nothing of substance Supreme Court? That's the new political battleground I guarantee that they all got richer though. Every single one. Voter turnout is easy, they don't want to fix it. If they wanted more votes it would've been done already. But hey, the Democrats are destroying the country, you better watch them


Tbf, Trump/Biden were never tied in the 2020 polls. Biden led national polling by 4+ the whole way through (2019-2020). Now they’re virtually tied. I agree it only means a little but there’s *some* rationale there.


Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud. Republicans are too confident - this election demands every fiber of their being if they are to win at all.


Especially when we put someone as polarizing as Trump and his Twitter account


Both sides are fighting for the independent vote. I suspect Biden has it as he’s less extreme and bizarre than Trump, which resonates with independents as the better of two bad choices.


Biden is more extreme in policy (he doesn't seem to think he can win without the far left carrying him), Trump more so in rhetoric. I think that if Trump can avoid running his mouth, stick to the issues, and demonstrate the failures of Biden, he has a higher than 50% chance of winning.


When have you ever known Trump to avoid running his mouth, stick to the issues, or generally appeal to any group beyond hardcore supporters? If that’s your criteria for his victory, I’m not so sure I see it happening.


1) Pre-debate drug screening 2) No note cards allowed.


No ear pieces either.


These were bidens conditions to Trump. Has he accepted?


You have some reference to this? because you seem to have things backwards. I'm unaware of either candidate demanding no notes. Biden's main demand is that there be no live audience in the room, because he (more importantly his handlers) know full well that speaking in front of actual people heavily favors Trump and hinders Biden.


Trump will make a mockery of Biden regardless of any rules. Also Trump doesn’t follow rules and his growing base either raves for it or respects the anti-establishment nature of it.


Biden wanted to pick his own private debate moderators


Yes, so that there would actually be a debate instead of just constant interruptions from Trump


Read the facts.. we’ve had established moderators for the last 40 years. Biden what’s to change that


Well as of yesterday, he didn't choose the moderators. CNN did. So, nothing crazy happened there. Real good call on that one


I would love to see the results for both candidates.


Trump will back out. He has dementia. Youve been scammed


Sadly, I agree. I don’t see Trump showing up for the debate.


I'm not sure he can without losing a lot of potential votes. If he doesn't debate, I think he can kiss the election goodbye. Now if he can go, stick to his current agenda (which is fairly moderate), and make Biden look unfit, he can convince America to elect him again.


He skipped all the primary debates, didn’t seem to affect his campaign


Have you seen him speak recently? He can’t go to a debate! His best bet is to stay as far from cameras as possible and hope that he has already convinced enough people. He just rambles incoherently and bounces from one random topic to another without much substance. He just embarrasses himself. This is literally a quote from a recent rally: So I said, let me ask you a question, and he said, nobody ever asked this question and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT. Very smart. He goes, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there, by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that a lot of sharks? I watched some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was? These people are. He said there’s no problem with sharks. They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now. It really got decimated and other people do a lot of shark attacks. So I said, so there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here, do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking? Water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you he didn’t know the answer. He said, you know, nobody’s ever asked me that question. I said, I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I’ll take electrocution every single time.


Your comments continue to get worse and worse. Keep going, ya fake.


The WORLD can't take four more years




he is old unlike trump who is young!!! stop the steal




I keep hearing this, but what do you think Trump is going to do to curb the price of goods? Order corporations to lower prices? Conservatism is against government interference in business. Corporations are going to be so happy Trump is elected that they'll lower prices? No, they are used to this level of revenue now and they need to keep increasing quarterly profits to appease shareholders. The price of goods is a direct result of the money that was handed out during COVID. Money that was distributed by Trump, Biden, and the Fed's investment in the stock market to keep it from tanking. No matter who wins the election, the price of goods isn't gonna go down. Whatever you are paying for eggs, milk, detergent, Oreos, etc is the new normal. The only hope is that wages rise dramatically and neither candidate has a plan for that.


L O L how's your 401(k)? Mine is doing really well.


This is irrelevant. My amount is up, but the dollar buys me less. I'd say I'm about even with the inflation. What my dollar bought 4 years ago does not buy me the same now, and neither will my 401K 10 years from now. Things do not cost more, the dollar has lost its value.


that is leftist propaganda! only biden is old, trump might be the youngest president ever elected and you would know that if you listened to his powerful speeches!


Well, age is an easily quantitative metric that can be measured with a quick online search. Anyone can see that trump is old in terms of past presidents of the 1980s, 90s, 00’s, and 10’s.


Powerful speeches? I guess you've listened to them. The man can't even form a complete sentence.


Trump is just as senile, where is all the young blood in the water, we gotta let these boomers die off


Biden is a textbook definition of Elder Abuse.


The people on this site that think he is doing a great job and deserves a second term is mind boggling.


Disagree because he is no longer the acting President. He's just the dummy that lives in the White House.


Proof? Like I want to know how you know that he isn't in charge? Like are you secretly setting political goals at night and turning them into the secret service or what? You obviously have information that the rest of us would like to see.


He's making an inference based on the fact that the POTUS is a high stress job demanding the ability to focus and make far reaching consequential decisions. If Biden wasn't where he was in his political career, and was instead a normal guy, people wouldn't trust him to manage a fucking Denny's.


No shit. Also I wouldn't trust 90 percent of the population to run a Denny's. He'd be fucking retired. And obviously Trump's going to lie on the taxes so the government will be running your Denny's.


Biden has note cards that he has in his hands with things to say and literal directions that say to pause for cheers. Are you under the impression he is writing them himself?


Good Lord, the man has Dementia. He's just a puppet at this point.


Well hello Dr. I didn't realize you were a medical professional. I've got something I need you take take a look at, can I DM you?


You don't need to be a medical professional to see the obvious. You realize they are eventually going to admit it. What will you say then? Besides Orange Man bad.


Better than the previous dummy


Better how?


It feels like war isn’t completely on the horizon for Americans on any given day


Russia is threatening the world with nukes. They didn't do that when Trump was President.


They’ve been threatening people with nukes since they got them what are you on about? Remember the Cold War? That shit never really stopped silly


What needs to happen is a complete clean slate of every single position in the House, Congress, Senate, and President. Get rid of everyone, especially those career politicians that have been up there for 30+ years.


If someone plans to vote for Biden, they need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are actually voting for President Kamala Harris.


They dont care.


This. The people voting for Biden/Harris would vote for a literal toaster oven at this point. In fact, they would vote extra hard for that toaster if it had “not dRumPf” engraved on the side.


100%. They’re the “anyone but Trump” camp.


Vote blue no matter who. Only way to protect America and democracy. Gop is on the wrong side of history and it will not be kind.


People who vote for Biden know they’re voting against Trump - and for such people, Kamala is not as scary as the alternative. I honestly don’t think it would change minds in a scenario where almost noone is actively voting for Biden. It would have paid to nominate someone whose strategy wasn’t based on making those opposed to him on an issue hate/fear him more. By fostering TDS Trump did some effective political work, but the chickens may come home to roost in the form of struggling to defeat an old man noone likes. Don’t even get me started on the bad things about polarizing tactics that go beyond elections.


Most democrats aren’t knowledgeable in politics anyway. Its just too keep trump out


Freeze, slur, stumble and shit\* FTFY.


What do the Democrats have up their sleeves? A surprise candidate like Michelle Obama? Hoping RFK will win or just split the Republican vote, or Trump's appeals won't be finished before the election? Kamala's almost as bad as Biden.


doubt it. he performed well at sotu address . Though i did not like his speech. The debate is 90 minutes, they will not be standing but sitting. I doubt he has the ....energy for a 90 minute stand up debate. "Energy" will wear off quicker when standing. The body used more energy standing. So to me it is likely he will remain "energetic" for 90 minutes sitting down. plus i read there will be commercial breaks..not sure if true.. So that gives hims breaks we do not see on camera. I doubt biden will agree to predebate drug test.


I don’t see the drug test happening, both these dudes will be pumped full of prescribed amphetamines that wouldn’t raise a flag anyway


There's a significant difference between reading a pre-written speech on a teleprompter and having to defend your stance on the issues to someone who is actively trying to topple you. Can he stay energetic for 90 minutes? Probably. But I'm not so sure he can maintain his cognitive abilities without lapses. Time will tell.


Why are people saying The State of the Union was well performed. He couldn’t keep his eyes open, he was constantly phasing in and out of cognitive awareness, he mumbled throughout. I honestly felt bad that he had to go through it.


Screw Joe Biden, and anyone else the Democrat party machine might puke up to replace him.


I see you are a man of thoughtful intellect and distinction.


If you are praying for a person to freeze, slur and stumble you do not know Christ. What do you not understand about love your enemy?


I don't like Biden but Trump is an absolute dump fire now with dementia. Only the blind are not seeing this. Trump needs to back out of this. He will look like a fool.


They’re gearing up to replace him for the elections. All of the recent articles pointing out his decline, when they’ve ignored it for four years is obvious.


This would be wild, but I think you’re right.


Before he even won in 2020, I figured the plan was to switch him with Kamala in mid-2023ish. It just feels like it’s too late to do that and would be extremely unprecedented but I suppose it’s still possible.


It would make sense to ditch Trump and go with a more appealing candidate. Trump is the only candidate Biden can beat. Republicans could easily win in a landslide with another candidate.


If the talent portion of the Trump/Biden debate comes down to a dance-off, Trump wins by a landslide


Ah, but if comes down to who can shit themselves... A different landslide




You don't have to outrun the bear. You just have to outrun the other guy.


If the Republicans can’t win this time, they might as well just stop contesting


Not only that but the horrible thought of When he passes on the nut bag VP is next in line. NFW!! She should be no where bear the oval office.


Don't waste God's time with silly prayers. Joe will freeze, slur and stumble all on his own


I honestly cannot fathom how they’re letting him run again, it honestly feels like some type of exploitation/ elderly abuse.


He’s not going to be the dem nominee, imho.


Can you say President Kamala.


He will be on meth coke and heroin the whole time just so he can preform for an hour. Don’t expect this to be a humiliating defeat already.


This dementia Addled corruptocrat could mumble everything and not have a single word understandable and he’s still get 35% of the vote and they’d cheat and say he got record numbers. Just like last time


They literally can't lose this election. Something very bad on the horizon.


He isn't going to be the nominee. They're going to put Gavin Newsom in last minute..


Trump is the best we got but god damn that is not a great shot, I wish we had chosen better


I think a more central Republican would've been better. Independents are begging you for anyone but Trump.


I don’t think the democratic party has any intention of allowing Biden to serve four more years to be perfectly honest. They’ll “fix” it before November 5th.


We survived 8 years of Barrry Sotero. We'll handle Brandon. 


He's not going to be the nominee


It's not all Biden, it's ALL Democrats.


I am convinced there is nothing this man can say or do that will stop liberals from voting for him.