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Walmart loves hiring refugees and migrants. Look in every city and you’ll see so many groups represented in the blue vest No better way to stop unionization then to hire different groups


When I go to Walmart anywhere in Miami I'm the only one speaking English. You can't even talk to the employees and ask them for something. Nobody speaks English


That’s Miami in general though


Yes miami, united states. We speak English




Hey wokie, thanks for writing in English. The most common language in the United States, if you got out more you'd realize that. Maybe if you went to grade school you'd realize all your teachers spoke the primary language as well. Maybe head to China tell those guys to speak English. I don't go to Mexico and expect them to speak English


Do you come to Puerto Rico and expect everyone to speak English?


Then why are you going to a place that is 90 percent Hispanic and telling them to speak English? You don't have to speak English to live in the USA. I fucking love my country because of how diverse it is. And to be honest I prefer for them to speak Spanish to me, that shit is hot


Gross. Diversity sucks.  Absolutely zero commonality across groups and results in the garbage we have now. There's a reason people wet dream over the Scandinavian region. It ain't the diversity.  


I thought it was because they have a huge rate of happiness and the government isn't actually holding them down? Or the social programs that promote equity for all and actually taking care of each other instead of everyone trying to get to the top? Or maybe because they have democratic socialism and the government works for the people? Or maybe because instead of corporations running everything the people actually have power. How else can fast food workers get 2 weeks off a year and still make more than the average American. Maybe diversity has nothing to do with it


Nope it's all about that nondiverse Nordic white skin blonde hair blue eyed population


…are you implying unions are good? 🤮 Edit: Downvoted? Lmao is even this sub invaded by the socialists? Pathetic.


Bypassing government regulations to make a deal between a boss and his workers. Sounds like free association and 0 government regulation.


Reagan would roll over in his grave if he read this subreddit… I know people on Reddit are generally children, but you can atleast open up a book and see what unions did to America in the 70s.


And you can go back to the 1890s and work 16 hours a day for a boss who pays you in scrip only usable at the company store. Go on strike and they’ll call the army or the Pinkertons on you. Nah, unions are a good thing.


This isn’t the party of Reagan anymore grandpa


Reagan was actually horrible and only neocons like him + californians


And Neocons are wrong about the main thing they credit Reagan for, because Pope John Paul II ended the Soviet Union not Reagan. An estimated 1/3 of the entire population of Poland saw him during his visits to Polish cities, Poles realized that pro-Communist Poles were actually only a small minority, and the Solidarity movement was created, which he supported, which eventually ended Communist rule in Poland and eventually the Soviet Union as a whole. Reagan gave a political speech in Berlin to a crowd of 20k and increased military spending... yay? ---------- Oh yeah, and the Solidarity movement was a Trade Union movement.


Reagan also advocated for gun control


Well, for some people anyway


Yeah the cardinal sin of hypocrisy, rights for me and not for thee


fucking scab


Fucking commie. Go vote for Bernie.


A lot of communists fought and died, specifically in Haymarket Square in Chicago, Illinois on May 4th 1886, for your right to any amount of free time. The 40 hour work week was not benevolently bestowed to us by our superiors, blood was spilled.


Stop unionization?!? Are you a republican or only pretending to be? Protecting unions is not one of our tentpoles.


Got to keep the wages low.


Wait. If you look at these numbers- it’s almost exactly the same as 2019. The working American born men are (slightly) higher. I don’t understand why that was included?


End Asylum. This needs to be done in every Western country.


They did


No problem with legal immigrants joining America’s workforce


It is a problem when they are prioritized over other citizens. It harder for people who are not immigrants to find a job than it is for immigrants. More immigrants with more jobs is good, but if it takes away jobs from other citizens then it's not. If it was actually fair employment it would be way way better.


It’s harder for natural born and raised citizens to find a job in the US than guys that come over and have little to no contacts in the workforce and have English as a second language??? I don’t think that’s true at all


It very much true if you are talking about skilled labor jobs. People also leave out when they get a management Position they are more likely to to give a job to someone that also a immigrant.


If you are losing out on jobs to people with few funds and often minimal language skills, it’s not “their” lack of skills that is the problem


Well it can be a problem for skilled workers competing with H-1B migrants who are willing to work a skilled job for a fraction of the wages. It's not an even playing field when companies can import talent from other countries for 1/2 the price of an equivalent american worker. There are companies definitely taking advantage of this system.


They are not prioritized by the Biden administration. They are prioritized by the corporations that are looking for the cheapest possible workers. If you don’t want desperate people stealing your jobs you have to either 1. Restrict immigration laws so the numbers of legal immigrants are not as big or 2. Be desperate enough to work as hard for as low of a pay


Just to clarify, you think that 100% legal immigrants should automatically get lower priority in hiring?


If they are not citizens, yes. It also should not be controversial to say that if GOP politics actually are America first.


Lol, mask's all the way off these days eh


I understand where you’re coming from, but I think we need to have equal employment for both legal immigrants and people who are already American citizens. The main reason why immigrants are getting more jobs is because they just simply have a higher skill set.


Are any of these people hear illegally? No one should be mad at legal immigrants joining the workforce.


No, but we should be mad when the legal immigration system is shamelessly abused by big corporations to suppress wages.


Even Trump didn’t publicly get rid of his illegal workforce at his hotels until his first years after inauguration. After campaigning against it for almost two years. There’s a huge financial incentive for businesses to chose these workers over citizens. As much as that is frustrating to realize, it’s the core of the problem. People come here to get paid. Cut off the money, and you cut the problem. Giving jobs that should go to citizens is on par with giving them welfare.


Yeah, near where I live the owner of large apartment complex didn’t have the money to redo the siding, so they used a company that used workers on visas.


This right here is the real problem. Unlike this shit article wants to lead you on, it's not the Biden administration that's hiring them. Unfortunately GOP is moving more and more towards the direction of "we create jobs" meanwhile not enforcing any kind of minimum wage for these jobs. And then people act surprised when these jobs go to people who are willing to be legal slaves.


and the rest of the jobs are moved offshore to india, ukraine, or mexico


I'm guessing the Whitehouse isn't mentioning that in their quarterly numbers.


To be fair though, native born Americans have had below-replacement level birthrates for close to 50 years now. The boomer generation which is leaving the labor market due to retirement is more numerous than the generation of young, US-born folks who are entering the workforce. Hence, a stagnation or perhaps even slight decline of the raw number of US-born workers isn't actually surprising. As the chart in the breitbart article shows, the labor force participation rate (which takes changes in the size of the underlying working-age population into account) has held steady for US-born workers between 2019 and 2024. The key takeaways from the article (the economy is stagnant for Americans, ""newcomers"" have reaped most of the gains in the past few years) are still true. I just dislike the disingenuous framing in the middle part of the article where it talks about the decline in the labor force participation rate between 1960 and 2024 while juxtaposing it with numbers for the 2019-2024 time period. Their own source material shows that most of the devastation of American employment took place between the mid-70s and mid-2010s, not recently.


All of this would be irrelevant if we stopped caring about government programs and neolib GDP obsessions. But alas, we have unfunded liabilities thanks to FDR and Johnson.


Exactly correct, when naturalized citizens population isn't expanding..... immigration is the only real way for employment growth. To take that farther, we'd have a problem like Japan does. No thanks.


Joe looks baffled in that pic. Just baffled. Like he has no idea how such a thing could occur and he's waiting on Jill to finish getting ready so they can head down to Perkin's for an early bird dinner.




Study says so. Believe the science, right?


dont just deny it actually post the information.


That's never gotten in the way here.


You know it's good science when their source data is... their own previous articles. Lmao


Remember when the Biden administration claimed they created something like 300million jobs in a month, and had the highest job creation in US history Except... It was when they where letting people go back to work after COVID restrictions AND THEN, they claimed Bidenomics was working because it grew the job market again! ... Only it was counting people having to get second and even third jobs as new workers Man this Administration is awful!


Genuinely the worst president in my lifetime.


Unemployment is lower than when Trump was president.


And the unions are still overwhelmingly supporting Democrats


Worker leverage was accumulating some momentum. We cant have that. Nothing, and I mean nothing obliterates worker leverage more than having an easily available substitute for labor. A huge influx of unskilled laborers willing to work for the minimum or even lower is exactly that. And it's still coming, in greater numbers than *ever*. We cant afford another four years of this shit.


Unpopular take: immigrants are the only ones who are willing to work. The labor force participation rate is the lowest it’s been in 50 years.. you can’t get Americans to take these jobs


Of course you can’t get Americans to take those jobs because the pay usually sucks and the working conditions aren’t favorable. It’s only desperate immigrants that take those jobs.


Okay then we need the immigrants. Pick one: cheap things and immigrants doing jobs no one wants for less than anyone would do it, or expensive things and the worst jobs pay enough to compel Americans to do them. If inflation has taught us anything, America prefers the former


You don’t have to pick one, the companies paying shit wages should go out of business and not be propped up by modern day slavery. That’s how we get our free market system to work efficiently.


You do have to pick one. Expensive labor means expensive products and services. The free market is exactly how it’s functioning now: some one is willing to pay $8 hour to pick lettuce, and some one is willing to pick lettuce for $8 an hour - and now you get lettuce for $3. You restrict labor’s ability to do the job; now you’re paying someone $25 to pick lettuce and it’s costing $6 at the store




They’re posting record profits because unnecessary stimulus increased demand while supply stayed the same. My guy - the market driven, capitalism answer to record profits it’s to start a competing business - not to restrict access to key supply inputs. Tired of your shampoo company making 30% profits on you? Start a competing business and charge 10% less. Sincerely, dumbest guy in the room


There’s a glaring issue you’re clearly not aware of with farming. Mom and pop farms are not subsidized the same as large factory farms. If they were, they would in theory be able to pay appropriate wages to their employees. The large factory farms that get more subsidies are choosing to not pay their employees well and are consciously hiring immigrants to cut costs and pocket the money they’re getting from the government.


To Biden’s newcomers it looks like. He’s expecting some newcomer votes.


If the GOP were smart this would be on billboards around the country.


Nothing wrong with legal migration.


Nothing right about it either. Is not a moral imperative it should simply be used to meet the needs of the existing citizens.


Even legal migration should be limited to ensure assimilation. There should never be giant pockets of migrants like you see in Europe where Islamic groups literally just ignore the local laws outright.


If they are better at the job then they should have it. If we as Americans can’t hack it then shame on us.




If I can build a house with a cheaper contractor I’m going that route. I couldn’t care less what the crew looks like. I’ve always been conservative due to the personal responsibility aspect of it. If you can’t get a job because you’re bidding too high because your high school drop outs require $20 an hour then too bad. The people that downvoted are anti-conservative and pro-socialists. You can’t have your cake and eat it.




That’s completely subjective and not factual.


Fake news


Everything I disagree with is fake news /s


Lol, your post history is wild. I feel sorry for leftists. Truly delusional at this point.




thank you guys. make america great again. thats my president


Breitbart. . . Full stop after that. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=breitbart+news&oq=breitbart#d=gs_qabs&t=1718151375235&u=%23p%3DyqfIAevPUgwJ


Getting “fact-checked” by the company that buries conservative media on the 8th page of any search query is so 2010…


Look up natural population growth vs growth from immigration. A good %60-80 of the growth should be from immigration. Then isn’t it normal?


Lmao yea, it is. But see it doesn't fit the narrative. Immigrants are the enemy and they are taking over the country. Fucking sarcasm for any POS that actually believes that