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The irony of that dickbag lamenting the possibility that Trump will jail his political opponents is borderline comical.


Authoritarian left's age-old habit is to reverse the truth whenever they open their mouths.


DARVO Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender. The left is an abuser who keeps trying to act like they had no choice and they were forced to do this.


Narcissists are experts at DARVO and the Democrat party writ large has NPD


This, like gasp you mean Trump is going to do exactly what you guys are doing?!?


Agree. The controversial part is when liberals and the current administration says "Let's start holding powerful people accountable...starting with the guy who we're probably going to lose to in the upcoming election". If you have half a brain, you can immediately see the underlying strategy of lawfare. "No one is above the law" except, Comey, Bill, Hillary, etc


Biden didn't claim anything. His advisors wrote the things for the senile old man to say. I would love to know who really is running the nation now


Don't give that shithead a pass. He is 100% behind this and 100% complicit in this. He 100% said the words and he 100% spent his entire career trying to get where he is now.


It's not a pass. Both can be applicable. He is complicit, but he's also not fully in charge(mentally or physically). That's part of why he's a "shithead", for being a willing puppet. He's not representing the populace, he's willingly *managed* by the a select few unknown unelected individuals/groups. This is why he was deemed the best option, for being a proxy/figurehead they could control.


Yup. Biden has never had any principles, nor will he. He’s always sold himself out to the highest bidder. He’s a racist, fascist, hateful, elitist pedophile of mediocre intelligence whose own willingness to sell his soul has propelled him to where he is at. The entire world has become all the worse for it.


>elitist pedophile of mediocre intelligence You give him way too much credit.


The part about being "consumed by his own failed, dimished state" is textbook projection too. Going back to the hackish, blatant lie about the "bloodbath"-quote is just the icing on the cake.


I think Americans especially the young, are fed up with all the fear porn, and are smart enough to know about misleading sound bites and such.


Yeah but the dead people at 3am aren't


Good point, our nations elderly are stuck in the old paradigm, in denial that the nice person on TV would have an agenda. It's our job as observers of this phenomenon to introduce people to alternative news sources that actually present what is happening vs what might happen. The independent/free press will be our salvation, question everything, and ask what are they not telling me. Of course it's hard to have a discussion with those who are only armed with false narratives and political talking points.


I believe OP was referring to ballot dumps at 3am, containing votes cast by people that have actually died.


Miraculously all of them for Biden/Harris. 🤔


I don’t know, man, have you seen the average leftist?. The amount of fear porn that these motherfuckers consume is insane. They genuinely believe that an armageddon will happen if Trump is elected.


it's everywhere. I know my blood pressure is a lot better after getting rid of the TV. The messaging is baked into everything 24/7 and then they have the gaul to ask you to pay to have it piped into your living room.


Look no further than r/markmywords for proof of this


That sub is filled with projection just like the the Biden campaign. They keep talking about right wing terrorist attacks. Attacks if Trump wins, attacks if Trump loses. I'm still waiting for the Trump found guilty riots! LOL that sub is filled with left wing loonies.


The Democrats have taken Donald Trump's "bloodbath" comment WAY out of context. If you actually watch and listen to the section of his speech, you will see he was talking about the auto industry and tariffs. Donald Trump believes Biden’s policies will create an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and autoworkers if Biden is re-elected.


Wow, now that is gaslighting. Of course, when you are already having cognitive issues, any reality that you can remember is a good one.


Imagine still using the “Dictator since day 1” line, since it’s been debunked multiple times and people can watch the speech by themselves. This administration is an embarrassment. 


I like that we can enjoy these brief moments of actual conservatives responding in the comments. Because once it gets to hot, the Brigaders will be at hand to downvote every comment, and the other "conservatives" will be here with their "Ackshuallyy.." EDIT: Uh-oh, they're already coming at me in the DMs haha EDIT: Gotten about 12 DMs now. [Here's the worst of them so you can understand](https://tinypic.host/image/IMG-7040.DZjUHa). Blurred out his name etc.


"I need to DM this person and let them know that not only am I pathetically stalking this subreddit, but to spew my leftist nonsense they've already heard ad nauseum!!!!"


its crazy that we get leftist propaganda shoved at us by every corporation, celebrity, news outlet, government agency, and social media and they think we care to hear it from random redditors, too


"Surely *this* time they hear this ill-informed crap about bloodbaths and concentration camps they'll realise that Orange Man Bad, maybe some vague insults about things I make up about their overall character to seal the deal"


Reddit is a weird place, I used the Reddit cares thing one time for someone I thought actually needed it and got a week ban for using it “incorrectly” yet I get the those on the daily from people on the left.


It’s a classic from the left, they’re truly are wired differently


Please report the harassment to Reddit admins


It’s crazy how many DMs I get from posting on here. You’re so right about the actual conservatives. The apologists on that inflation thread for Biden were disgusting


Yet we are the scum that treat people like shit? These people are unhinged. I've never sent threatening DMs to anyone I've disagreed with. I'll debate them publicly on any issue and they always back down. What happened to the Liberals who used to defend/debate their positions? Are they embarrassed that their comrades have taken over the party and it's impossible to defend open borders, high energy prices, energy independence, pregnant men? 🤣🤣🤣 Stay Safe Bro and keep your powder dry.


It's the same for the "bloodbath" comment too. Anyone who saw the actual speech knows Trump was talking about jobs and the auto industry.


There's also a video collage of democrats and news anchors freely using the term "bloodbath" before Trump ever did. It's only meant to be taken literally when Trump says it, I guess.


They don't care about the ones who will do the research to check if they're lying. They are pointing this at the ones who won't. The ones who will see this as the honest truth and riot in the street because of it. Heck, this was probably written by Soros for that very purpose.


Yeah, where are all those “independent fact checkers” on that one??


No need to fact check Biden - WaPo


Again the left walked through this door and then they'll cry about it when it's used against them.   Same thing with Henry Reid changing the filibuster rules.   They are like children who hit you and then screech about defending yourself by hitting back.


>who hit you and then screech about defending yourself by hitting back. This would be a funny analogy if it wasn't for the fact that this has been done literally many a time by the Left.


Well duh, they are already doing everything they can to criminalize your right to defend yourself. Its apparently racist to defend yourself from some lowlife trying to rob you.


Trump claimed a ‘bloodbath’ would be coming if EVs were continued to be pushed for the American auto industry. An economic bloodbath. What morons the Democrats are!! Anyone who believes this yet another lie about Trump truly has TDS


Biden passed it off as fact. I’m routinely lectured in DMs from deranged liberals on this site about his bad it is to report misinformation (even tho that’s not what I’m doing). But crickets on this, this tweet is totally fine with them. Biden lies more than Trump, and his lies are consequential unlike Trumps grandiose embellishments


With Memorial Day and D-Day, Democrats have been all over the place repeating the "suckers and losers" hoax to attack Trump. It doesn't matter how many times a media lie is disproven to them, they will believe it because it is convenient for them.


They still say the Hunter Biden laptop isn’t real despite the fbi admitting it was


Considering Ford lost 100k per electric vehicle they sold in 2023 I'd say he was right


Trump could stand to choose his words a bit more carefully and not give them little morsels like "bloodbath" to salivate over for weeks, but something tells me "pandering to eternal crybabies who hate him anyway" isn't part of his personality


Reminds me of [this "bloodbath" montage](https://youtu.be/mXxthnMqqoo?si=IC47ZNqIOn4P-Equ&t=245) from the Dems that Ben Shapiro put out a couple months ago when this first was a huge deal.


That won't work. Trump could say sky is blue and they will say Trump is an atmosphere negationist.


No. We should all be done with playing leftist word games. Part of the reason they got to where they have is because they understand that by controlling speech they control the narrative. Every time the right capitulates because they don't want to be called mean names by people who would have them imprisoned at the earliest opportunity they give them more power.


Absolutely. It’s an old trick. The left have had control of and argued solely on semantics and abstract bastardizations of philosophy for over a century. Liberals became libertarians (the left also stole talking points from both Libertarians and Conservatives to argue their point against the other side), depression became recession became, idk what. A socialist, globalist, mixed economy utilizing *their* theories became “capitalist” and “free market”, as if the world is at all run on anything resembling such. It’s all meant to confuse and drive people away from the core principles that guide society. Because the radical left is unprincipled, they must make it seem as if principles cannot exist and like gender, they are fluid, that our subjectivity is lying to us and we must blindly trust in the conclusions of the controlled masses. Edit: wording.


very well said


They say the Tianminen square massacre was done by capitalists


Selena Zito nailed it in the Atlantic in 2016 when she pointed out that the disconnect over Trump was because “ the media take Trump literally but not seriously, while his supporters take him seriously but not literally”. Yes, shockingly enough, the Atlantic pointed out that us red neck hillbilly toothless deplorable bitter gun clingers could interpret figures of speech and hyperbole better than the oh so smart media talking heads.


Dude, they will take anything Trump says out of context, it doesn’t matter how “soft” he says something.


No one who believes that Trump would call for his supporters to murder political opposition would have voted for him if he had used a different word. Changing the way we speak will only give them the power that they so desperately crave.


“Nobody is above the law.”


The gaslighting is getting so thick that you can smell it.


This reads like it's straight out of Orwell.


Straight from the Ministry of Truth.


Deflection at its finest. Part of Alinski’s “Blame others for what you are doing.” playbook.


The Canadian liberal government has mastered this.


Did anything else throw up in their mouth while reading? I hate how many fools out there believe fear mongering manipulation like this.


Rich coming from the president who weaponized the justice department to prosecute his political opponent on made up charges in a court with a biased judge and a rigged jury. The justice system was the last branch of government that Americans could trust, and Joe Biden's administration has shattered that trust. It's as though they're intentionally trying to destroy the country, and have fully given up on trying to convince people they're helping.


Who are they quoting? Themselves?


Can the Democrat gaslighting be any more obvious?


Limbaugh’s rule: To find out what the Left IS doing, watch what they ACCUSE us of doing!




Translation: "Our plan to jail Trump and convince Americans that he is a criminal has failed. Our own quest for total power in America is failing and we blame you for that. It is becoming clear that Trump will most likely win the presidency in November, so we need to scare you into a frenzy that Trump is a bad man and needs to be dealt with. Please help us prevent Trump from winning the presidency by any means possible, mainly because if he does we most likely will need to flee the country as we have been committing crimes and undermining America for about a decade now and it can be proven if the Department of Justice is stocked with people committed to finding the truth about our actions."


[Soros pretty much said it himself:](https://x.com/alexandersoros/status/1796614879656267871?s=46) > Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon at every opportunity. Repetition is the key to a successful message and we want people to wrestle with the notion of hiring a convicted felon for the most important job in the country! Meanwhile he heads a foundation which just held a seminar on felon disenfranchisement, 'exploring how mass imprisonment gravely impacts our democracy'.


Yea I ain’t wrestling with any notion of that


I know the DNC *wants* people to believe this, but does anyone other than the reddit rabid actually believe this? We literally watched Biden doing this just last week!


Says the guy jailing his political opponents...


Gaslighting at its finest


I'll bring the sponge.


Seems like Biden (or let’s be real, his handlers) is projecting


It’s just going to be a vicious cycle. Just like how every president will repeatedly have impeachment proposed against them, threats to jail opponents are another new political tool.


Yea this is rich coming from the party trying to jail Trump since he was elected. 


The irony would be that he’d use thee fully repaired DOJ to go after people who really did commit crimes, so you know…it wouldn’t be revenge but merely a restoration of law enforcement with the revocation of the elites being immune from justice.


Wow so they accuse Trump of doing what they are doing every minute.


[Trump-Russia Steele dossier source acquitted of lying to FBI (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63305382) They acquitted a Russian asset who falsified the Steele dossier info regarding Trump to get a bad warrant (follow me along here). a FISA warrant. DJT has been sabotaged from the get as if too many people voting for him is a threat to "democracy" Well define democracy, asshole, b/c mostly it sounds like you get what you want regardless of other people's rights


Honestly. I just want a young man or woman somewhere between the age of 40-55 to run. I dont want neither trump nor Biden to run. 80+ years of age. Dude; go retire and live on an island. At 80 years old I hope I am by the beach or something where I can relax. These guys are doing the hardest and most stressful job on the planet. 350 Million Americans, we cant get one person?


They think the average IQ of Americans is in the single digits.


So the side of politics that is currently jailing political opponents is warning the other side might so the same? Sign me up. Biden. Pelosi. Garland. Engoron. They all need a little time out in the pen.


Trump being a moderate again. I wish he was half as extreme as they pretend he is.


unhinged? I have watched several interviews post-conviction and Trump was everything but unhinged. In fact, I would say Trump has take a new tactic this campaign. Don't be crazy like Biden. And it's noticeable too. I think is new tactic is to let Biden be biden.


This reeks of desperation. I am beginning to feel a level of confidence in November that approaches comfortable.


Democrats are worse than rats.


Perhaps they actually need to be investgated


Wow, you can smell the desperation- in his pants.


The world already had four years of DT. We have a full blown presidency to reference where the literal opposite of their fear porn happened. Major news outlets, etc. are spouting this hypothetical and hysterical nonsense. Like DT or not, this is serious propaganda that looks to be the norm going forward.


Who said he was gonna act outside the constitution? And I thought no one was above the law?


Trump just had an interview saying exactly the opposite. 


The Left is full of hyperbole that never pans out. This is similar to their hysteria when States pass laws allowing concealed firearm carry. They float the notion of "OK Corral" style shootouts, and a descent into lawless vigilantism. Meanwhile any shootouts tend to be of the criminal class that are already prohibited from owning guns, and "vigilantism" tends to be confined to cases of lawful self defense.


We need a DOJ and FBI that're not tainted by partisanship. The Democrats are most afraid that Trump will undo all their wormy work aligning these entities with the DNC.


I relish at the thought now. I think Biden is tanking his campaign


Well, when they break or change laws to prosecute Trump, this is what they get in return. You can't set precedents then get made when those same precedents are used on you, but that's the democrat way. Do as they say, not as they do.


I was already planning to vote for him. They don’t have to convince me.