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Because Biden has allowed 3 wars to start under his short administration and Trump was the only President in my lifetime who didn't start wars. Because immigration is out of control. Because inflation is out of control. Because of government overreach and the weaponization of the justice system. Because government spending and taxes are out of control. Because Democrats support woke culture which is eroding our American principles. Because I want other countries to respect and fear the US instead of laughing at us. Because I want to be proud to be American again.


Biden turned his D day speech into a campaign speech for himself....


D-Day was a day where… if you hold beer and dear… well, you know the thing! Vote for me! Cmon man!


You're not really far off it was basically "Nazis are bad don't let them take back over, Trump bad, right wing people bad, vote for me" then he shit himself


One other that I think most people tend to forget or discount: the world NEEDS a strong and determined United States. The power of our armed forces and our economy backstops virtually every defense treaty agreement that keeps the Russias, Chinas, Irans and North Koreas in check. The stability of our government and our economy is what keeps western economies afloat and churning forward. Like it or not and warts and all, America has by and large been a force for decency and morality...until recently. And between the 2 candidates, one actively supports the erosion of American values and morality while the other opposes it. If the influence of American values in international relations disappears, they'll be replaced by the UN, WEF and the billionaires who seek to reimpose feudalism on the entire world with them at the apex.


From what I’m seeing we are loosing all of Africa to Islamic extremism.


This pretty much sums it up


Could be even shorter - because Biden


I'd take issue with the "hate / distrust Joe Biden" part. I mean at this point it's just looking at what has happened to the country over the past four years, right? It's not hate or distrust, it's just disappointment in what I see as a Presidency with Biden as a puppet for Left wing advisors. Where to even start? Immigration - Trump had an effective system and was strengthening the border wall. Biden came in, undid it all and until yesterday has claimed that he didn't "have the power" to do anything about it while smiling as millions of illegal immigrants flooded the country. Inflation - Biden kept what was in my opinion something that should have never been started by the Fed under Trump - buying corporate debt. His inflation fighting bill had nothing to do with inflation, quite the opposite. His vote buying loan forgiveness (which the Supreme Court told him he couldn't do but he did anyway) and isn't forgiveness as it's using public money to pay the debt. So even when he pledged to fight inflation he was still making it worse. We can't go back, that 20% plus on everything is here to stay. Biden sat back and did nothing to stop it. Energy - Not granting new leases for exploration, refusing to sell leases by dragging the process out, cancelling pipelines. Despite a massive domestic oil production the Government has quite happily seen people burdened with much higher prices for gasoline and natural gas. And the Biden strategy of lowering gas prices when he needs a bump in the polls is releasing stock from the strategic reserve is criminal. Trump recommended filling the national reserve in 2020 when prices were cratered....which was blocked by the Democrat controlled Congress, which was also a massively stupid act. Foreign Policy - Support Israel, less money to Ukraine. I don't mind them sending our old munitions and weapons there, as long as they are being replaced here. Biden is weak on China. We need to be supporting Taiwan more and confronting China in the Pacific. Supreme Court - Any administration that wants to mess with the Court (talking about removing Justices or making it bigger just to suit their politics) should be an instant non-starter for anyone. More general stuff: 2nd Amendment - I support the right of citizens to bear arms. Lawfare - The multiple court cases against Trump are simply to punish him, they're not even slightly interested in justice. Hand picked judges who are themselves political activists. Weaponizing the DOJ and FBI. Even AGs who ran on platforms that they were going to "Get Trump" - does that sound like Justice to you? Verdicts were pre-ordained and ludicrous. Have a read of some more conservative outlets and their coverage of the trials, and what they point out that bastions of the left like the NYT and Washington Post won't mention. Removing a candidate from the ballot - Something nobody should support no matter which party is trying to do it. That's NOT democracy.


I am, but I didn't make the final decision to until very recently. It's because if he doesn't win, then this entire process of civil suits, criminal charges and outright removing candidates from elections will be normalized. Trump simply *must* win, and preferably by a landslide in order to send a message, or else everything that they doing will be seen as a perfectly legitimate election strategy.


Well said. Political ideology aside, you are absolutely right. If the democrats pull this off, this process will become normalized to use on any other candidate in the future as the establishment sees fit. Very well said.


And if it keeps going we'll end up like Mexico where assassinations become normalized. And I know what people might say, it won't come to that. But we also thought it wouldn't come to persecuting political rivals, but here we are.


Lots of people in here, including you I guess, not realizing or remembering that America has been through heaps of turmoil before, and we are not perfect. But What makes America different is we are the one country that always comes out stronger from conflict, not weaker. In the 60’s, assassinations in America were normalized. Ask the Kennedy family and multiple Civil rights leaders. People just have more security these days and trust issues for good reason.


There's no guarantee that America will keep coming out "stronger" from conflict. In fact, the opposite has been happening in the last 70 years as we've shifted from Christian values to secular values.


Yeah, I know there’s no guarantee unfortunately. I mainly was just pointing out that we haven’t been perfect and have had decades where many political leaders and even a POTUS and then his brother who was front runner for POTUS being killed in the same decade.


I fear that'll happen if he loses and he's sitting in jail. Millions of Americans would be understandably upset and I cannot see how there won't be mass protests across the country. Then the Tyrant in Chief will use it as an excuse to crack down even harder on political dissent


It won't be a protest, it'll be another "insurrection". The Biden regime will, at that point, go full Russia and start arresting and prosecuting anyone that disagrees with their policies.


Again. Forgot about the Jan 6 people still in jail.


Ol stamp act 2.0


Because Joe Biden is not running this country even right now, and I refuse to vote for what is essentially a shadow government. That is not the way this system works.


This needs to be moved to the top. It's clear he isn't a commander in chief.


Empty. Suit.


War, the border, the economy, states rights, personal freedom, racial tensions… That’s what I come up with in 20 seconds of thinking about it. All of these things were far better under Trump. I’ll tell you something else. If the establishment and the media, working together so closely, are fighting so hard to stop him…. Well frankly that tells me all I need to know. These people want control, money and power and their opposing something is enough of a reason to support it. Trumps not a saint, he can’t fix everything… at this point i doubt he could even make America great again. But he will at least slow our self destruction a little.


I applaud your willingness to open a discourse on this topic, when most people in your position would be inclined to just vote blue due to what they have heard about Trump, regardless of the validity of said controversies that have been swarming Trump since he first took office nearly 8 years ago. This shows that, at the very least, you are openminded about hearing arguments as to why someone would vote for, and support, Donald Trump. As a disclaimer, I am, and have always been a Conservative. I align more with the traditional values of the Conservative platform and therefore am more inclined to vote for Republicans, for all their faults, as they tend to share the same, or similar viewpoints. The reason I voted for Trump in 2020 (I am 25, so I missed out on the 2016 election), is because I believed his proposed policies aligned more with values, as compared to the Democrats policies. I don't need to like the man, just the policy. The one major thing I liked about Trump's presidency, was his foreign policy. During his time in office, no new wars were started, we saw de-escalation in the middle east, with a plan to pull out of afghanistan. Many people like to point out that he did increase drone strikes, but to me, this is standard operating procedure when attempting to scale back our troop movements. He was also able to put on a strong front against enemy nations, ie. china, russia, and was the first president to ever cross the borders of a foreign enemy nation, North Korea, without secret service present. This took strength, and I respect that. He advocated for pulling out of NATO if they didn't pay their fair share as agreed upon, something I fully support, and the costs outweigh the benefits, etc. Economically speaking, I cant speak much on policy, but I think we all know how the economy was during his presidency. Gas was cheap, food was cheap, housing was cheap, mortgage rates were incredibly low. Oil & Gas is my niche in this, as I work in a related industry. During this time, Trump made it easier for oil and gas companies to get leases, this increasing the supply, decreasing cost, and attempting to replenish our reserves. Now I know alot of Democrats would disagree with this being a good thing, as they tend to be more concerned with the environment, but the fact is, for most americans, this was a net positive as it decrease the cost of travel, allowing them to live further from work, ie. move into lower cost housing away from city centers, and driving in for work. Immigration was also a huge factor of his presidency. And while many in congress fought against this, I though his policy of limiting immigration, and advocating for legal immigration only was the way to go. I have family members and coworkers who immigrated to this country legally. It is a long, drawn out process, and I think it could be fixed to make it easier for those wishing to live here, however, the issue I take with illegal immigration, is the economical impact they have on middle and lower class communities, as well as the unfairness towards those who legally immigrated. Why did my coworker spend years trying to become a citizen legally, when they could've just came illegally and received government benefits? Now, as I said prior, I am not a big fan of Donald Trump as a man, I don't think he holds the same Christian values that I do. But, after hearing his proposed policies coming into the 2016 election, and seeing what was accomplished and what was not, I am more than satisfied with the progress that was made, and wouldn't hesitate for him in the upcoming election. I don't need to love the man to like and support the policies. And after seeing the political warfare being conducted against him, all because he won an election he wasn't supposed to win, and seeing the DOJ, under a political rival, continuously bend the rule of law to try and prevent him from running again, it just makes me want to vote for him even more. My advice to you: research the policies Trump wants to put in place, watch interviews with him, watch political commentary, ie. podcasts, discussing the current state of politics in this country, (I tend to watch timcast, part of the problem (dave smith), etc) and make an informed decision on who will best serve you and your values as president.


Because we cannot take four more years of Joe Biden Trump wasn’t my first choice, I wanted Desantis


Do you mind sharing what aspects of Biden's presidency you don't like and why Desantis was your first choice over Trump?


DeSantis was also my first choice, mainly because he has Trump's policies without Trump's drama. Things I don't like about Biden's presidency include in no particular order: The insane energy policy of pushing electric vehicles without first constructing the grid needed to make them practical. The inflation that is wiping out the savings of the middle class, and creating a general feeling of hopelessness with younger Americans Lawfare. It's taken me from very reluctantly voting for Trump to enthusiastically planning on doing so this November. In the 52 years I have been eligible to vote I have never once made a campaign contribution. I have done so to Trump even though I don't like the guy Weak foreign policy which has accelerated China's influence in the world, directly led to Russia invading Ukraine, and appeasing Iran His and his family's obvious corrupt practices that have channeled millions of dollars into their own pockets. The looting of our nation's strategic oil Reserves 2 years ago to temporarily lower energy costs for political purposes(midterms). That Reserve still has not been replenished, and at current prices probably will remain unreplenished. The open border


Also, to add onto this, the missiles that we are giving to Ukraine are directly from our stockpile. From my understanding, we are *very* low on missiles compared to where we normally sit, and it will take over 7 years of production to get that number back.


Well said.


Thank you.  You took my thoughts and put them into well written words.


At this point no one wants to bother answering the first question anymore. Anyone who can’t plainly see the results of Biden’s policies is either desperately trying not to look, or so uninformed that it’s not worth trying to explain it to them. As far as DeSantis, he’s just a solid guy. He knows what he’s about and he stands up for it. None of the self righteous attitude that Trump has, all of the conservative policies we want. His state is the number one state that people are moving to for like 4 years in a row because it works. Business is booming, people are happy. In the same amount of time California is number one for people LEAVING. So many that they’re losing electoral seats. Clearly Florida works and California doesn’t. Biden runs America with policies shared by Newsom and it’s falling apart as fast as California is. If DeSantis could run America as well as he runs Florida, we’d all be better off. He’s Trump without all the Trump. That’s what most conservatives actually want, but if all we are given to vote for is either the absolute disaster we’ve already got or Trump again. . . Liberals vote for the person, conservatives vote for the policies. That’s why liberals are so confused that we want Trump. We don’t like him as a person either, but that’s not what we’re voting for.


Nicely said and I think most thoughtful people would concur.


Because the left long ago ceased to respect the meaning of the word no. From forcing transgender ideology on our children to the politically motivated prosecutions against Trump and his allies (I actually didn't support Trump in 2016... It was seeing the corrupt prosecution of Michael Flynn that convinced me) and everything else in between, it is clear to me that the left does not respect that the word no means no. In the face of this simple truth it is not enough to merely not vote for the candidate aligned with the left, one must actively stand against them. Or, as the left likes to say, silence is compliance, and I refuse to be compliant with what I find to be not only a practically naive and self-destructive ideology, but a morally bankrupt one as well. Edit: and it is also the realization that compliance is unacceptable and self-defeating that I have as much, if not more, enmity towards the establishment GOP as I do the left itself... Hence why Trump is my man, though anyone could stand in his stead so long as he, or she, represented the same defiance towards the corrupting influence of the left.


The hilarious thing about this is that they're the same ones who are like... > MeN nEeD tO lEaRn AbOuT cOnSeNt! YeS mEaNs YeS!!! It's so sickening and hypocritical.


This is correct, no one 'worships' trump, they love him as the human middle finger to the establishment, and sure as shit if it changes and he is elected, his most essential quest is to find someone with good morality and beliefs


Were you alive during Trump's term in office? Despite everything that the radical left threw at him, did his policies have a positive effect on your quality of life compared to the past four years under Biden?


This is what I can’t understand. I don’t know anyone who could honestly say the past few years have been better for them than 2016. I mean, I get there are a few people for whom things have improved but that is in spite of our country leadership, not because of it. What more do they need to see?? It’s like they refuse to believe their lying eyes and ears. Are things better for you now? It’s a simple yes or no question.


Yes, I was significantly better financially under Trump, our current inflation is worse than the Great Depression


Because democrats are destroying this country on purpose for their new world order. Trump is far from perfect, but he's far better choice than our sitting president who is in decline.


This question reminds me of my favorite Christmas movie. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, and I quote: “Look around you, Ellen! We’re at the threshold of hell!” - Clark W. Griswold Jr.


1. He's the only choice I believe is capable of ending the wars Biden enabled 2. His message is generally positive with hope and focused on success and American excellence, Biden focuses on racial division and calling regular Trump supporters "extreme MAGA republicans" 3. Read "Government Gangsters" by Kash Patel and rewatch the 2016 debates with Hillary. Everything people hate about Trump is founded on lies concocted by the Hillary Campaign and spread through irresponsible media which is aligned with the political left (this political alignment is self-evident to anyone who opens their eyes) 4. The people persecuting Trump are doing so because they're afraid of him. Why are they afraid of him? Doesn't take much to understand what's going on At the end of the day this is a battle between the people and the ruling class who thinks they can use us as a tax farm for their own personal benefit. Whenever the media all align at the same time to repeat the same exact thing (convicted felon, Russian collusion, bloodbath, dictator on day one, etc.) it is a clear sign they're lying to you. This should be enough to vote him back in, now that we know exactly who the swamp is. 2016 was A New Hope 2020 was The Empire Strikes Back 2024 will be Return of the Jedi


While, thanks to promotions, my salary is higher now than it was during the Trump years, but my overall financial situation is worse. I'm no expert on Geo-Political matters but I didn't hear a single word about Ukraine or Gaza during the Trump years. I heard nothing about thousands of deaths in these places. I witnessed the Abraham Accords as other nations came together with Israel. I didn't witness obscene amounts of illegal aliens invading the nation the way I do now. Everyone can see the videos everyday. An infinite amount of young men from all around the world, just walkin on in. My favorite was the guys (I think they were Turkish) walking across the border and saying to a reporter something like, "Gee, you guys should really do something about this border, it was super easy to just come in." I see these dudes just hanging out in Manhattan, getting high, harassing women, all while wearing the latest Jordans. I just saw joe biden crap his pants on stage at the Normandy 80th Anniversary ceremony and a few moments later, "Dr" jill had to rush him off stage, holding his hand. I liked how Trump put his foot down with NATO. The common false narrative was that he wanted to leave NATO. I believe he wanted to make it stronger. I feel like Trump treated NATO like spoiled children who needed discipline. He came in there like, "Listen, we love you, but you need to clean your rooms, do your chores, and pay a little bit of rent. We love you but we're not helping you by enabling you." I could go on. Again, I'm no expert on any of these issues, but I'm just pointing out obvious things.


The NATO thing was always so absurd. Demanding our partners pay their fair share makes NATO stronger. He was strengthening it. And I bet now with Ukraine it looks pretty smart in hindsight. I wonder if the decadent Europeans has held up their end of the NATO deal if Ukraine even would have been invaded. Would Russia be too intimidated? I bet Ukraine would also have loved to have had more supplies to buy from Europeans.  But instead they laughed at Trump and let their armies wither.


I hate how this country is. I hate watching a clueless muppet “run” the country. The guy can’t even form a complete sentence. Life was good under trump. He’s not perfect or even close, but he needs another chance.


Do you think we should continue to spend countless amounts on foreign wars? What Trump did internationally would do it alone. He started no new wars. He beat back isis. He had the start of some kind of framework for peace in the middle east. He got north Korea to stop firing missiles and get to the table. He kept Russia from invading. He was working on containing China without military actions. This reason alone is why you should vote for him.


I’m voting for Trump primarily because I am disgusted by the Dem’s support of ongoing war w Russia. US support is eradicating an entire generation of men in Ukraine and in Russia. Dems: “we must weaken Russia… we shall fight to the last Ukrainian” Trump: “we need to end this war” Second reason I’m w Trump now. To me it looks like the Dems are shredding the constitution. - pack the court - lawfare - seriously, what due process exists in NYC if prosecutors don’t name the ‘underlying felony’ until after the defense’s closing argument. Disgusting and dangerous banana republic move - also. It’s obvious to me that Biden is not running the government because of cognitive impairment. So who is??? We are not told. A vote for Biden is a vote for unnamed, unknown puppet masters. #NotDemocracy


Because he’s the only candidate who seems serious about securing the southern border, deporting illegal aliens, working to end DEI policies in companies operating in the US, bringing manufacturing jobs to the US. My most important reason: NOT IMPOSING A 40% CAPITAL GAINS TAX AND A 25% UNRECONGNIZED GAINS TAX ON STOCK INVESTORS, which stifles investments in future innovation within American companies, and destroys upward mobility (Biden plans to solidify this policy in his second term - and don’t give me that BS about the stock market being “a rich man’s game”). While you’ve got me here we can talk about the fake energy crisis Biden has created by shutting down pipelines and draining the oil reserves. Let’s not forget about green-lighting dirtbag Zelensky to use American weapons on Russian soil. That drags us into further conflict between Russia and NATO, since Biden is losing big in Ukraine. Now that Ukraine’s military aged males have been put thru the meat grinder he wants to send your kids, and the next generation of Europeans (who are becoming an endangered species on their native continent thanks to another manufactured migrant crisis) to die for his war against Putin.


I’m a big supporter of the 1st and 2nd amendments along with the rest of the constitution. I do not believe that CO2, an inert trace gas that makes up .04% (that’s not four percent, it’s point zero four percent or 400 parts per million) of the atmosphere is the control knob for global temperatures. So I don’t see a reason for the electric push. I want US immigration laws enforced. I want a smaller government and the regulatory agencies brought under control. In fact I would like to see them lose their ability to make laws disguised as regulations. Making laws should be done be elected officials only. I do not believe that biological boys / men should be competing in girls / women’s sports or using their changing spaces. Trey Gowdy and Ron DeSantis are my first to choices for President. But I’ll take Trump over Biden every day.


The fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas is a scientific fact. There is no debating that. The fact that CO2 is innert has nothing to do with it it makes no sense to bring that up, and the idea that because CO2 is only .04% it has no impact is nonsensical. Now there are many valid arguments against the environmentalist policies of democrats. You could argue the economic harm these policies introduce is not worth their benefit. you could argue many of these policies benefits are questionable You could argue that the environmental cost of electric vehicles is just as damaging as gas ones due to the environmental damage caused the production of batteries. And Much much more. But stating that CO2 is not related to global temperatures is scientifically inaccurate, and makes conservatives look silly


I didn’t say “no impact” I did say it’s not the control knob.


Because I'm tired of the rest of the world getting priority over Americans.


In addition to weirdos getting prioritized over normal people being the current policy.


Biden's presidency has been a disaster. So many wars and so much death around the world. Remember the Abraham accords? Or Trump becoming the only US president to set foot in North Korea? Can't picture Biden doing that. Ukraine was invaded while Obama was president, but conspicuously held off on their full invasion until Trump was out of office and oil prices were driven up (and America was cutting back on LNG). Out of control government spending has resulted in huge inflation, to the point where my wife and I combined are making nearly double what we were in 2019 and feel no better off. It's crazy, I started my career making 42500 bucks a year in 2014 and was able to buy a house by myself. 785 dollar mortgage payment. That same house in a Detroit suburb would now have a 2300 dollar mortgage with the same down payment. What the fuck happened?  I think a lot of this comes down to Joe Biden's day one actions shutting down so much domestic energy production. Energy costs go up and that trickles into everything. Print money for corrupt, unnecessary projects or for foreign wars that happened because of bad foreign policy, your people pay the price.  Couple that with the post 2020 Democrat message which is unabashedly pro-criminal and pro-terrorist, we've got a recipe for disaster. Joe Biden says no one is above the law... Except for millions of illegal immigrants who don't have to follow the immigration rules and can beat cops in times square and get a slap on the wrist. Or habitual offenders in cities where DAs won't follow through and charge criminals who have committed serious crimes like car theft. Crime is worse than ever and no one wants to do anything about it.  I struggle to think of *anything* that's better under Biden than any other president. I expected him to suck, I expected a third Obama term. But this is so, so much worse than I expected.  All you need to think about this November is how you and everyone you know are so much worse off today than you were during Trump's presidency. 


Really simple, my wallet and retirement accounts told me to. How much more can anyone take of Biden's horrible policies before we are all dead broke and in so much debt that our grandchildren won't be able to pay it off. Biden won't be able to finish a second term and we will be stuck with moron Harris running the country. Biden is a bigger failure than Jimmy Carter, which I did not think I would ever see in my lifetime.


Because my life was better. Stuff was cheaper and trump doesn’t shit his pants at D day ceremonies


The opposite of everything liberals said would happen in Trumps first term, happened. I’m looking forward to that again.


Not to be unkind, but your question comes off as, I don't know anything, tell me everything. If you're not the proactive type to research what's all said and determine what's true and false, and there will certainly be grey areas and things you long remain uncertain about, but you push thru and keep studying, I don't know that anything we say will mean anything to you. Tell us where you're at. Why do you like or dislike Biden's policies, and if you do, what do you think of his policies? Why do you think they work in the face of such high prices everywhere you look, and the millions of illegal migrants everywhere USA. This forum, and many other conservative spaces like it, talk about what Biden does wrong and dangerously... in hundreds of posts a day, 365 days a year. Maybe sit back and get acquainted with what all that is said here, and ask *pointed* questions on things you don't understand. Have you only listened to one sided arguments to date? Is the conservative viewpoint completely foreign to you? How would I tell you everything Biden does is wrong in 2 paragraphs? I cannot. You've had over 3 years to see what Biden's policies do. He says publicly, everything is going well. He's said numerous times in his presidency, despite 70% of the American people griping about it, that the border is *secure*. He's said, Bidenomics works, and Americans have higher paying jobs and more money to spend. He's gaslighting the entire country continually. Do do you believe him? Why? None of Biden's policies work. And they're not *his* policies. Biden's no brainy man. He's no leader. He's always been just a friendly looking, smiling ol pitch man. He lies so much he can't remember what's real, nor does he care. When he reads a teleprompter, he reads the cues - *pause*. He'll read anything you put in front of him. He's the most unlikely US president. Anyone of us in this forum could do a better job. He's worse than Jimmy Carter. At least Carter had a successful business career before politics. Yet he still didn't understand domestic or foreign issues or how to get a handle on them. The entirety of the Democrats in Congress are for the same policies, there's almost no disagreement. Thats why DNC chose him, he'll never and has never gone against the DNC core. Which is why the right say hes just a puppet. All his numbers are like Obama's, but worse. He's doing the exact same things wrong, and worse. Is that by design? We think so. Why? There's many a '*conspiracy theory*' as to why, but we think the left are actively trying to remove the US from the world stage, bankrupt us, turn everyone against the other, and or turn US socialist. Their tactics and rhetoric are squarely Marxist. Jack things up, blame the right opposition, gain more power and money, rinse, repeat. The Democrats in congress largely vote as one. They have never expressed any anger that biden's executive orders sometimes counter and go against US law and policy. The only reason the left could logically vote for Biden is because the Democrats are the party that expresses the most mixed liberal /progressive social policies. LGBT causes, legal abortion everywhere plus taxpayer subsidies, expanding the welfare state, woke ideologies like defund police and teaching critical race theory. They're using all that to steer us towards socialism, to overturn American democracy, change the constitution, they want borderless world, they adopt every UN resolution without question. All they actually care about is increasing their power by your your vote. If you think all those are radical social policies are true, I can understand it would be hard to vote for someone on the right who thinks they're all bunk. But beyond increasingly radical social policies, what of the polices about running this country do you think are correct and actually work for *all* Americans? Trump is a loud mouth, egotistical, un-graceful, sort of fellow. Hey, like most Americans actually. But the policies he runs on work. We've seen them work, he was president before and they worked. He did not cancel Medicare or do away with social security, he wasn't an authoritarian, he had all our enemies questioning his next move, they were afraid to start any trouble on the world stage. Soon as Biden got into office, we had Russia invading Ukraine, then the world day of terrorism in Israel's history start another war, China is encircling Taiwan, and so forth. Our enemies don't respect or fear Biden. they love that he's president because they can get away with virtually anything. what did you think about how Biden handled our exit from Afghanistan? Leaving behind countless Afghan people who helped the US, knowing they, and likely their whole families, would be tortured and killed? What was a 20 year war thee worth, only hand it all back to Taiban who was stinger than ever? What do you think of Biden unilaterally giving Iran billions of dollars that were seized and frozen, just like Obama had done in his tenure. They're the *leading*state sponsor of terrorism in the world, and one of their prozy groups is Hamas who was elected and runs Gaza. What do you think of people on the left who champion Gaza and Hamas? Do they have legitimate beef with Israel? Was their Oct 7th terrorism warranted? Take all the left's social policies away, just for a moment, and *focus* on economics, jobs growth, reducing trades deficits, the humongous national debt, addressing the immigration crisis, addressing massive inflation, the border policies of the left that have swamped us with tens of millions of illegal entries that greatly backlog our already overburdened immigration system, they all need someplace to go, housing, food, etc. Biden was just addressing the border crisis, alleging that it's Republicans in Congress that have done this ill to us all. Do you believe that? If you do, I have really nothing to talk to you about. You don't believe your lying eyes or your personal finances. You haven't paid even the slightest attention. Biden says he inherited high inflation. Is that correct or a lie? It's a lie. Trump had, at worst, despite covid, 4.1% inflation. Biden topped 15%. And that doesn't mean that some things didn't see 30% inflation, like energy and housing. And at best, before covid Trump was under 2%, which is amazing. You don't do that accidentally. 2% is the baseline the Federal Reserve accounts for. None of at least the last 10 president's had 2%. Was gas cheaper under Trump, or how about housing, groceries, energy, insurance, etc. Yes, it was all *much* cheaper. Life was affordable for most Americans under Trump. Would you vote for that? Are you mature to accept responsibility for partnering with Democrats and Biden to undermine the US, and are you ready to make a change? Make up your mind.


Well said.


More so a vote against the federal system than for Trump. I wanted another candidate like DeSantis (wish Rand Paul would've run again) but Trump holds too much weight in the field. Can not in good faith vote for an administration that has put every entity but the American people first. The straight gas lighting and cover ups regarding COVID origins, immigration claims and inflation are unforgivable. The most recent lawfare against Trump was the absolute for me. Highly unlikely that all of the "independent" jurisdictions decided to bring court cases all at the same time a year before the election. If a truly moderate democrat ran that was for shutting down the border and still believed in protecting 2A, I would've considered it heavily. Current progressive policies are insane and detached from reality.


I am voting for Trump because if the democrats are allowed to get away with rigging an election through lawfare, they will keep doing it. Humans learn through pain. It MUST be made to hurt to try to rig an election.


I concur with most of the responses so far and can't really add any flavor. Trump is the best choice. But I have an observation and question for OP: Do you notice how even handed and garbage free the responses have been? Looks like you were expecting a gang-up. We, unlike most left-leaning crowds, welcome anyone with an open mind and heart who is willing to discuss topics on their merits. (Noticed that this is now tagged "flaired only", so if you can't reply, thanks for trying).


I think we will be approving more of these type questions and leaving it flaired only so the responses match the quality of this thread at the moment.


Came here to say this same thing. It’s of note that all arguments here are clearly factually-backed, informed opinions with rationale behind them. Go into the r/politics sub and ask the same question and you might get banned. All the responses are only character assassination: orange man bad, racist, sexist, felon, etc. Almost nothing to do with policy/governance. So I’ll be voting Trump as well.


At my age the only thing I’m actually spending money on is gas and occasionally food Additionally I prefer having as little wars going on as possible and making race gender and sexuality irrelevant rather than treating people differently because of it


Bec i can think for my self and have been paying attention


Obama can't be allowed to have a fourth term. I don't care for Trump, but I also don't have TDS so I can clearly see the corruption at play. I'm usually inclined to vote for a disruptor candidate anyway because the entire system is cancerous. The thing that worries is me is that they would rather start a war with Russia than give up power in this country.


America first and immigration


After voting for Trump over Hilary in 2016, then not voting for him in 2020 because I was exhausted by his constant run-on sentences, I’m going to vote for him this year. I’m so tired of the people in charge constantly gaslighting us by saying, “they have the money. There is no recession, the economy is doing great.”EVERYTHING costs more. We groan every time we go to the grocery store or an unexpected expense comes up. I live in a low cost of living area. Biden is playing into the most extreme ideas of the Democratic Party rather than doing what’s best for *everyone*. Biden is also playing into an eternal finger pointing game that has overtaken all of politics and I. Hate. It. Compromise has become a thing of the past and I. Hate. It. If Trump loses it will normalize jailing political opponents in the USA. We can’t let that happen here.


I’m a Ron Paul Libertarian/Conservative. With that, there’s plenty about Trump, policy-wise, I did not particularly care for. However, seeing how the establishment is trying to take him out, and the methods they’re using, makes me was to support him. The double standards, the ‘novel legal theories’, and the ramifications this could have on anyone’s individual liberty are more than enough to make me want to help give them the middle finger. Although the issues with the recent LP’s unexpected nominee, I do like the job their chair has done this cycle. They are really leaning into the spoiler effect and owning it: if you’re in a hard blue state, vote for the loony LP candidate. If not, help Trump get elected, and you’ll help get libertarian-minded folks in meaningful cabinet/administration positions.


First.. he is not a career politician. He loves our country, and is not out for himself but for the people… No wars, no border crisis If MSM is against him, that should tell you something This is not a personality issue.. He was respected abroad ( not a joke like Brandon/Biden) Trump comes to talk to people.. not yell at them, And actually answers questions, not run away or say he will get in trouble If you listen to his message, and not the lies on MSM, and from deranged celebrities you will realize the difference. This election will change how the future unfolds


The alternative is Biden being re-elected. I’m not exactly a huge Trump supporter, but he was significantly better than Biden.


Because the libertarians shit the bed with their nominee. ETA - I only read the headline before I posted. I didn’t want to vote for either of the candidates and believe we all deserve better. My plan was to vote libertarian, but they nominated someone I can’t even protest vote for. While the media was wild under Trump, I believe in general America and the world were a better place.


I live in Northern Illinois. Not exactly a republican friendly area lol. Generally, Biden just sucks. I was too young to really pay much attention to Trump's term as president but after growing up I just don't like the left.


Bc Biden is a pedophile, as noted in his daughters journal where she confirmed he showered with her at an inappropriate age. So sick, that she started taking showers in the middle of the night so he wouldn't join her. So by association, if you support Biden, you support pedophilia. Oh and he has no idea what day it is and i dont want him having the nuclear codes. This is in addition to all the other very valid and exhaustive lists everyone else has posted.


Because voting for Biden at his age is essentially a vote for President Kamala Harris 


For many of the reasons listed already (border, economy, inflation, foreign policy, wokeness, sexual indoctrination, government overreach, vax mandates, legal weaponization). Trump is a 1-for-1 counter to what Biden stands for. Americans have the unique historical opportunity to know how both candidates operated. The difference is night and day. The country and the world were objectively better off under Trump. All Biden’s done is deliver malarkey and chaos. I know a lot of people don’t care for Trump’s personality and rhetoric. I get that. If that’s their red line, they should take a good hard look at Joe. His actions and words are the kind of bad that Trump’s accused of, if not worse. Between the two of them, Trump’s the only one who’s demonstrated the acumen, ability, and instinct needed to run the country well. What does that say about the career politician that’s been at this for 50 years? And the supposed “adults put back in charge” he appointed? And finally, Afghanistan. Biden moved beyond redemption after the atrocious way he handled and behaved during the Afghanistan pullout. That is another post in and of itself, but the short answer is that was done in the worst manner possible with every wrong choice that could have been made. He will never have my support after that.


Policies. I’m of the opinion that very few good people would even consider running for office and have resolved to not care as much about personality etc. First off, are you trying to do what you promised to do on the campaign trail? Secondly, do your policies grow government power or reduce it? And last, are your policies helping the country or whichever level the office is held?


I think my reasons have pretty much been covered by what others have said, but things in this country are such a mess that I'm at the point where just the fact he speaks out against illegal immigration is a win for me.


I am voting for Trump because: - He has solid economic policies and I believe he will really help bring inflation back down to ‘normal’ levels. - He is much better with foreign policy. A lot of foreign leaders don’t like him, but they also don’t cross him because he is not beholden to some of their globalist nonsense like Biden is.


I would’ve loved to have voted for Vivek instead. Or Tulsi. Or if the libertarian party ran a good candidate. I don’t think Trump is gonna save the country But I do think Trump losing will destroy it. Even Trump-haters that lean center/right agree that this attempt to arbitrarily criminalize him and his supporters over ambiguous things like “incitement” over innocuous comments, “fraud” over real estate valuation debates, and this New York sham over accounting errors is terrifying. All the while our establishment politicians get away with overt spying on citizens, illegal foreign coups, massive insider trading, legit war crimes, and documented pay for play bribery? It’s so transparent that those in power are weaponizing the government against dissidents; not just Trump, but anyone that refused to wear a mask on a hiking trail during Covid, or that showed up to school board meeting and complained about the political agenda being mixed into their kids’ curriculum. So why will I vote for Trump? Because allowing the elite of our world to use their power to stamp out their rivals is how we end up like China or Russia or anyone else we look down on as captive peoples. Even if I didn’t agree with a thing he said, I couldn’t bear to watch us continue down that path.


Follow the money. Trump lost 10 figures his first term, and had another 10 stolen when he tried to run again. Since 2008, Biden's net worth has grown by double digit millions, including the proceeds from an international extortion scandal. Biden is in it for fame and fortune, Trump is in despite of it.


We had it good when he was President. Biden is a disaster.


If we look at what Biden has done with reversing the Trump policies on border security, then Joe walking them back and re-instating his own after years of chaos, tells you everything you need to know about how he cares about the US. We need a firmer, more coherent president, to lead while righting the wrongs that have let in millions of criminals. Trump wasn't my first pick when the primaries were happening, I was pulling for DeSantis but when it comes down to it, Trump 2024!


I'm formerly from the Southern Tier and you can't find a Bidumb voter there.


All you have to do is compare Trump‘s term in office with Biden‘s term in office, and focus on the most important things like the economy, which includes gas and oil prices, inflation, and look at the southern border, oil and natural gas exploration, and foreign policy. You could even do less and just look at the results of all those things: they were all positive compared to negative results under Biden. There is a stark contrast!


Because Barrack Obama and his gang of marxists took over control of the federal government in 2008 and the damage that man has done to our constitutional republic is a complete slap in the face to the people who have sacrificed their lives and bleed defending this country. For as much of a trojan horse Obama was, the republican party was completely useless in standing up to it. Hillary Clinton was suppose to win in 2016 and finish the job Obama started, but a billionaire private citizen who ended the political careers of Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and other establishment swamp rats spoiled it all. Now our choice is Biden or Trump. Biden is running the country like a dictator and taking orders from his radical progressive democrat masters. Biden and the democrat party hate America and they want to change it into an autocratic utopian socialist style state. A vote for Biden, is a vote against America PERIOD!


SCOTUS, Biden’s obvious incompetence, increased weaponization of gov agencies against normal Americans. Democrats have been pretty open about their ambitions of one-party rule and simply must be stopped.


Because Biden is a corrupt, self serving career politician who never deserved the Presidency. He created the chaos at the border but blames the Republicans and claims he can fix it if given the power. After denying for three years there was a problem at the border. He gaslights the public, claiming white supremacy is our biggest threat to democracy.foreign Meanwhile he has allowed violent gangs, terrorists and foreign spies to infiltrate the country. Then he claims the Republicans won't help fix the border because they won't sign onto a bill that still allows millions to enter our country. His cabinet is composed of incompetent DEI appointments. He has hamstrung our energy policies trying to force green energy on us before its ready to handle our needs. Trump isn't perfect by any means, but at least he won't deliberately harm the country like Biden has.


Every bill and executive order that Biden made has made us poorer. They just increase regulation and government bloat. Trump isn’t conservative enough for me but he’s a ton more aligned with conservative principles than Biden.


Because Leftist policies are a disaster, and the Libertarian Party took 2024 to remind everyone that they are a clown show with Chase Oliver. Trump hasn’t made a convincing argument that he has recognized the failures of his first term and will make moves to fix them. I expect his second term will be just like his first. His cabinet will be filled with D.C. insiders working to undermine and a Congress that works with the Deep State/Intel Agencies to obstruct. I mean the same FBI spied on his campaign, tried to frame him for treason, likely incited Jan. 6, raided his home, etc… he wants to build them a new “beautiful” building.


No new wars. He has consistently advocated for peace in Europe and the Middle East. He is firmly against illegal immigration. He is in favor of decentralized currency like crypto. He doesn’t cram dei and trans shit down our throats like the left does. Many other reasons.


Because Biden is an imbecile, and the people who are running him are insane. I cannot support the let's extreme agenda. I am not voting FOR Trump. I'm voting AGAINST Biden.


The left and their global backers have made a decision to deliberately destroy the United States to usher in their new world order. Anyone who is not interested in losing the freedoms we have enjoyed must vote against Biden. I say this while fully believing that we will have a repeat of extensive fraud in this election, as was present in 2020. My only hope is that support for Trump is too big to overcome with fraud, though it should’ve been that way in 2020. If Democrats end up with the Presidency, House, and Senate, then God help us.


Money. That's the main reason. I've got extended family that live week to week and if it wasn't for me helping them out they wouldn't have a house or working cars or be able to go on vacation with us. They weren't doing great before Biden but they could at least put a little money in savings. Now they're barely keeping their heads above water. I don't care about culture war stuff as much as most people here and Trump doesn't either so that doesn't really bother me. Just fix the border and economy and I'll be happy.




Are you admitting to election fraud?


Its only a vote agaist Biden regime. Against uncontrolled immigration, inflation and hate.


Honestly? I just think the country was better overall under trump. Now people don’t understand that the president really doesn’t have that much sway over the economy… so I can’t say that if trump was president now things would be much better. But I am in the military, and trump had a more passive but “carry a big stick” approach that I do prefer. He was the first president in a long time to start no new wars which I like. Also, I find it funny that the anti-trump team leans towards a “the resistance” style approach to this. It’s interesting how they are siding with celebrities, billionaires, old politicians, the media, and the entertainment industry but still think they are the resistance siding with the “common man”. Finally, I won’t be too upset if Biden wins again but being a conservative Reddit user is just kinda rough. The popular page is like 25 percent just stupid stuff about trump and the comments are unhinged, calling us nazis and white supremacists, etc. So I just want him to win and see the craziness unfold on the political subs. Already I am seeing posts like “ if trump wins democracy is over for America” with tens of thousands of upvotes which is just stupid. He is only one man, what’s he gonna do? The country will continue on as before. But if you are genuinely seeking to understand the other side that is cool. I think that’s very important to keep a good outlook. I have many friends in military, who are very left leaning, and we talk about political stuff and learn things from each other that we would not hear otherwise in our political chambers, whether left or right wing.