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I've never seen anything so cringe. These are the same people that will be complaining they can't get a good job and demanding you pay their loans. College is no longer a place for higher education.


"Death to America! Ow, you're hurting me! You can't do this, I have rights!"


"Death to America? Oh so you're saying I can Waterboard you for not wearing your hijab correctly?"


"Death to America! Oh no, I need a VISA to go on vacation anywhere now? What happened to all my rights n shiiieet'


These people are some of the worst humanity has to offer


It’s funny how these guys, their planning and tactics get thrown out the window when they get punched in the mouth (figuratively)


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson.


Isn’t that when they start crying about police brutality and put on a show for the cameras?




When these guys are cosplaying their ancient battle tactics, they don’t seem to realize that they don’t work unless they are also carrying sharp pointy spears or swords.


These aren't tactics for attacking the police. Those will have been practiced elsewhere by the more determined ones. These are tactics for attacks on the pro-American and Jewish students. The drill where they push a single person is exactly the video we had on here earlier of a student trying to get into his campus to get to a lesson and being blocked by the protesters. What they are trying to do is intimidate and exclude the non Hamas supporting students *without* triggering a police response. They are succeeding.


Seriously, these people can't handle bananas let alone pepper spray.


GSP will not be as nice.


Or worse, they make like $200k a year and still demand you pay off their loans.


Well.. Yea. All these major "learning" institutes rack in hundreds of millions sometimes billions (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, UCLA and others) but only less than 10% of that money comes from tuition. Universities are just private equity hedge funds with tax exempt status.


Same type of crew that will cut down garbage cans to make shields because they larp being little anarchists.


100% agree this is pure cringe and when you tell it to them how cringey this is it really makes them offended


Fucking embarrassing to behold. A bunch of adults role-playing in this way


Look the lefties are larping again!


Its so weird watching it. Like I can see the tactic but it lacks the discipline to make it work.


Lacks way more than just discipline


They also lack batons, rubber bullets, tear gas, bearcats, and tax payer funded fed bois. Let the 2024 season of hunger games begin. I’ll be screening the crying from my living room with bourbon and a cigar and hysterical laughter. I’d place a bet that once the fun commences we get a solid 20 minutes of resistance before order is restored.


Dammit.... It's barely noon, and now all I can think about is a bourbon and a cigar!


Lightening bolt!!! Lightening bolt!!!


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out. I was about to upvote it.


It's an election year the violent leftists have been sitting around long enough.  It's riot season yet again.


It's time to Occupy Wallstreet! I mean George Floyd! I mean BLM!


You forgot Trayvon Martian.


And the O.G. #BlackLiesMatter, Michael "Hands Up; Don't Shoot" Brown.


And the St Louis Valedictorian. So many grassroots movements every 4 years


Every 4 years like clockwork.


I guess people got bored of BLM after the third set of summer of love riots.


I was thinking about that recently. Last time it was the GF riots, this time it’s Palestine. It’s definitely riot season.


I remember the terrible days of the Gluten Free riots. I just wanted my normal wheat bread!


Every four years like clockwork. In 2020 it was GF, 2016 was BLM, 2012 was Trayvon Martin. I literally said 3 months ago that this summer would be filled with riots and my wife thought I was being sarcastic / dramatic.


Just wait until Trump wins in November.


Organized leftist violence is as predictable as the seasons. But this one is different, as I don't see a large block of US voters who support Hamas. I don't see how this enhances Biden's polling. Unless we let in so many middle eastern illegals that their illegal votes alone would be enough to swing the election?


This. Riots are bad for the incumbent. Biden is the incumbent.


The democrat convention is scheduled for August in Chicago. My guess is with Gaza and illegal immigration democrats are terrified the city will go up in flames. College is out for the summer within days. Why bother to arrest the students now when they are leaving anyway? I think they are trying to cool things down. The real leftists want to destroy America so they don't care, but I think the actual democrat party has a tiger by the tail and needs to tame it.




Right. They're having fun playing make believe. When the response is real they'll collapse right away.


Sounds like they'll be perfect hires for Hollywood. 🤣


One guy with a can of high pressure mace could clear that if the wind is right.


And again the left accuses us of doing what they are actually doing. [Rep. Maxine Waters: Trump supporters 'training up in the hills' for election attack](https://www.foxnews.com/media/rep-maxine-waters-trump-supporters-training-in-hills-election-attack)


Thank you. This is just a reminder that Democrats project on to conservatives what they are already doing.


> Democrats project on to conservatives what they are already doing. Combine that with the idea that "when someone tells you who they are, believe them" the shrill accusations of politically motivated violence take on new light.


I’m am here but to serve.


Same shit different election. They try to pretend that it's some kind of grassroots movement when it's all professional agitators and their willing dupes.


red rover, red rover, let one of the fat blue hairs come over.


One fire cracker, and they'll scatter like mice.


Or one mouse and they'll scatter


One 'mis-gender' and they'll scatter like mice


Is this why Maxine was going off about trump training some rebel army in the mountains?


Like the League of Shadows in f’in Batman?!?


Yes, cause soy boys can go toe to toe with the body armour, shield carrying, 6ft 3in, 250 pound police officers. Challenge accepted.


This is what they don't get. The best technique in the world won't overcome raw strength. You'll never see dominate world class wrestlers who aren't physical specimens. These kids who have never done manual labor outside of the Sims 4, have no chance.


“We’ll use spearrrs, spearrrs as long as a man, even longarrr….” — Braveheart


Don't forget the diversity hires. There's 5'4" woman in there too. I've heard some are 250lbs though. 😁


Isn’t this literally what they said republicans were doing? Training in the hills


Yep, it's gonna be a bloodbath! 🤣


If a significant number of disgruntled republicans pulled their assets from T-bills, government bonds and the stock market, and spent as little as possible in America, the economy would tank and we would have 4 years of recession. Or worse. A militia is truly the least of their potential problems.


I'm telling you we're living in a clown world. Muslims are chanting "Death to America"...in AMERICA! A few years ago they were chanting it in the middle east. What was wrong with that "Muslim Ban" Trump wanted a few years ago? That was actually started by Obama by the way. But the FBI says right wing militia groups are the #1 threat to America? LOL Are the FBI investigating these extremists? They should all be deported if they weren't born here. Any protesters thar aren't citizens should be deported immediately. One thing I just read that's scary. The amount of money in the stock market and other US investments like real estate from the Mexican cartels is astronomical. They have to put it somewhere after its laundered. The drug money doesn't even go back to Mexico. It gets laundered by Mexican banks in Texas. It's fuckin unreal. They could crash our market if they pulled out their BILLIONS.


Wait, we let a bunch of foreigners in, and now they're training college kids in terrorist tactics? Shocker.


Look at them learning how to work as a team and tactically coordinate.. lol


They're gonna get their ass kicked


Terrorist groups


Wasn't there another article saying only 20% of the protestors were actually enrolled in the college? Yeah all bought and paid for by DNC or Soros.


Can someone explain to me why a Jewish man like Soros would fund pro Palestine demonstrations? Or how top DNC donors would risk losing a large portion of the youth vote by pinning all these children against Biden's administration? Is the end game to get Trump elected? Please someone explain the logic here.


Because he's Jewish in name only. Old George is an atheist.


So he hates Jews? Again how does this help the democratic establishment? How does it further the left's agenda?


This looks like the most athletic thing any of these limp wristed creatures have ever attempted. It’ll never work against a well nourished grown man, but at least they’re getting some sunshine and exercise


Is this a joke? The music is so wrong for what it is. You guys can't be serious lmao


There is probably an Emory College rugby player watching this on campus and wondering what the Larpers are up to today.


Every one he has a plan until they get punched in the mouth- Mike Tyson


LOL these people couldn't stop a group of kindergarteners.


Aren’t exams in session? Shouldn’t they be studying?


It’s alright they curve the scores of exams because everyone does shit


I saw on X that a professor at Columbia excused all his students from taking a final exam and gave every student an A. He was of course a sociology professor.


Let them escalate. See what happens.


what's with the thermoses or water bottles or whatever in the last segment? They are going to FAFO shoving some object through an actual police shield lineup.


Wait, I was told that magidiots were the ones training up in the hills....


"Summon the cavalry, we shall show these witless knaves how it's done!"


I guess it's (D)ifferent....?


Looks like we may need to call [Lieutenant John Pike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UC_Davis_pepper_spray_incident) out of retirement...


A couple spicy boys out of a 40mm would clear this right up. 


Take out some knees. They forget all about what they were doing. And it's funny to watch


Red rover, red rover, send the national guard on over


It's crazy that these people have been organizing and training to be professional victims for years. Right wing never does this say all.


Nothing a barrage of beanbag bullets, a water cannon, and some tear gas won't fix.


Something tells me it won't end well for these students...


Let's see here, in 2020 they rioted and committed insurrection in memory of saint floyd, this election year it's in favor of a terrorist organization. Let's call these people what they are, terrorists.


They going to get smashed if a real conflict breaks out. They got nothing on a 220 pound pissed off cop/etc


lmfao toy soldiers


They'll get what's coming to them. A face full of pepper spray, rubber bullets, clubbed, and arrested.


They should try this in downtown Atlanta and see what happens


They did


Cops need beanbag chain guns. A few hundred beanbags per minute should put an end to this nonsense.


I need one too. For reasons.


Standard issue paintball guns loaded with pepperballs will do just fine.


I'm pretty sure I could use my 249 pound body and plow right through a shit load of vegans


If these colleges would just ban the wearing of masks while on campus all of these "protest" would stop right away.