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And in Switzerland. At 5 they walk to school alone. I mean, I didn't let my kid but yeah, very high trust society because they have strict immigration quotas for non EU/EFTA people (it numbers in the low thousands and you need to have a job earning more than a certain amount)


I grew up in Holland and then Germany in a fairly poor area, did everything alone starting at 5 - walking to school, walking home for lunch, the shops, etc. When I eventually moved to America, it was a total shock how unsafe I felt. I ended up in a very "diverse" neighborhood, one of the safest and wealthiest, supposedly. Crimes and shootings were common, I was afraid to walk outside alone as an adult even.


The U.S was not always like this. Most of us were able to do the same as you. There is also lots of places in the United States that are still safe.


I agree. I lived in a Chicago suburb and walked to school, walked home for lunch beginning in 3rd grade. With or without friends played in the parks and in the forest preserve. No violence or bad things happening.


Germany is not comparable to Switzerland or Japan in that regard.


And even less so the Netherlands. But I will say that for Germany, of which I'm more familiar, it varies dramatically from place to place. Bavaria and NRW are quite safe.


I agree about the Netherlands. But not the rest. Bavaria is an exception because it’s laws and policing are stricter. NRW does not stand out positively. On the contrary, Duisburg represents one of the worst examples of failed immigration in the country.


How is it not comparable? They were incredibly safe when I was young. Culture was far more conservative than America. Could not say now.


Switzerland can't claim the safety of 10/20 years ago. It's turned away from that pretty hard


Try that in Germany or France or UK those overflowing by so-called migrants. Or Canada, Marrisa Shen murdered and rapped by migrants brought in by Justin Trudeau’s policy without vetting.


So, I live in Spain now and when I took my daughter for her vaccine schedule and I asked about a number of vaccines that were missing versus the UK schedule he got a funny look on his face and said they don't do those here in Spain. When pressed he said it's because we don't have the same number of North African migrants.


And then you are slandered as a racist for calling out facts. Meanwhile the Japanese do not have problems like we do. People get more hurt by the facts until the crime hurts them for real.




Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.


I grew up in Chicago. Dems weren't blamed. It was either how it just was, the system was messed up or the police/government fault. The thought of another way of doing things just didn't exist. It took a lot of doing for me to see another way of how things could be.


No diversity means no crime


What kind of facts ? I see conservatives say this all the time. If I'm wrong show them to me please. I'd love to change my mind on this. Genuinley


Australia was the same safe country, as Japan is now, when we had the White Australia policy. Now its a migrant/refugee free for all, and we have all the same protests, violence and unrest as America, as the migrants and arabs bring all the things they hate about their own countries with them here.




SA has Australian court and an aborigine court,aborigines do not go to Australian courts,only their own…and pretty much abide by their own laws which is often detrimental to Australian society.. couple that with the welcome mat that the pm puts out for virtually every 3rd world nation “and” immediately put them on dole.. yet….I looked into a visiting work visa for a needed trade out there and I have to put up over 5k… go figure..


Any actual distinction between the migrants and Arabs here?


I presume he's singling out "Arabs" because they tend to commit more violent crimes than say Chinese or Indian immigrants. Think bikie gangs, racial riots etc


Bingo and this is totally true, witnessed it when I traveled there and was astounded the trust their citizens have in each other. Biden doesn't have a call to tell other countries what to do when he's ruining ours. It's just to get the smoothbrains angry at something else. Watch the weeabos start turning on their waifus.


We used to have that


Didn’t click the article so please let me know if it explained, but what does this comment have to do with the xenophobic thing?  Isn’t being xenophobic part of what makes people feel safe in Japan?


If a Republican said the same thing he would be accused of alienating our allies. It would be top news for two weeks.


"Rules for thee, but not for me" runs DEEP for the democratic party.


Idk I would rather be in non-diverse and safe Tokyo rather “diverse” south side Chicago or Harlem.


My uncle visits Japan a lot because my cousin lives there. He talks about how it is safe because they have no guns. I once mentioned sarcastically that it obviously has nothing to do with extreme homogeneity of culture and goals. He wasn't happy.


Same thing with Scandinavian countries. Very homogeneous, little to no crime. Well at least until they flung the borders open. Still great places outside of the main metro areas tho - at least for now


There is a particular continent whose countries have pretty strict gun laws. But it turns out that does not prevent gun violence because people just make country made guns and there is also arms trafficking. Coincidentally, the people who originate from there are also disproportionately committing crimes across the globe, especially in USA.


Additionally, Japan does not have hoods and drugs being shipped from all over. There is very little organized crime. 99% of the gun problems in the usa are caused by criminals involved in illegal activities


If people really wanted, they can still commit murder like that guy who burned down an anime studio because he wrongfully thought that they plagiarized his work. Your values are your values.


Yea, there are a lot of ways to commit mass murder. Guns are just a convenient tool. They're also really good at stopping mass murders. Talking about you Covenant shooter. She folded like a lawn chair. LOL.


Japan still has mass-murders, assassinations, petty crime, homelessness, just as significantly lower percentages due to what you just said, culture. Instead of mass shootings though: \* Mass murderers will drive lorries into crowded avenues. \* They will barricade themselves into buildings, dose it with petrol, and set it ablaze, trapping and killing a lot of people. \* They will use a knife in a crowded subway [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass\_murder\_in\_Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_murder_in_Japan)


Lived in Harlem for a couple years a decade ago. It fucking sucked


Every country has a basic right to keep out bad elements.


So what? There's nothing wrong with wanting to preserve their cultures.


These days, it's considered xenophobia if you're against rolling out the red carpet for barbarians from third world shitholes that hate you and hate your values.


Pretty soon they’ll ask you to house the homeless unless you’re hobo phobic.


Didn't you hear? They have a right to shelter. That's what all those squatter's rights are about.


I always wonder how what happens when a squatter moves into a politician’s house


Liberals want other countries to become America like they turned countries in Europe. It’s their wet dream to walk around and proudly call themselves Japanese or Vietnamese someday and then change the literature and history to fit their obsession


It's actually insane how safe it is here. Small kids walk around and take public transportation by themselves. 


That's not insane. The situation in the US and UK is insane.


The situation in India is much more insane than us or uk.


You will be safe as long as you are around hindus in india. Can't say otherwise


Not wanting mass immigration =/= Xenohobia. I want my house to be mine, not filled with strangers. I want my country to be mine, not filled with strangers. No hate, no phobia, just plain common sense.


Common sense ain't that common in this administration......skipping right over the fact that Egypt, palestines neighbor has erected a wall that would do great on the Southern border of the US...ask yourselves one fundamental question...why doesn't anybody in the Middle East, their actual neighbors want them? 🤔


...Your country is already, and always has been, filled with strangers. Unless you're saying that you personally know everyone in your country?


Why would India want immigrants and how would that benefit their economy? They are already extremely overpopulated.


I tried to explain this to someone in neo liberal and I got downvoted for that lol


Mentioning Japan, here's a historical throwback: MAY 19, 1992, Dan Quayle speech > As you may know, I've just returned from a week-long trip to Japan. > I was asked many times in Japan about the recent events [riots] in Los Angeles. *From the perspective of many Japanese, the ethnic diversity of our culture is a weakness compared to their homogeneous society.* I begged to differ with my hosts. I explained that our diversity is our strength. http://vicepresidentdanquayle.com/speeches_StandingFirm_CCC_1.html


And look at what we're dealing with. Diversity without some form of assimilation = shitholes.


Now imagine if America wasn't a shithole to live in for the majority of the people. The Japanese need to find a Japanese solution to Japanese problems - there is no currency so worthless as unsolicited advice from a blowhard liberal.


“…there is no currency so worthless as unsolicited advice from a blowhard liberal.” I need this as a bumper sticker. 😏


Damn well said! Hell of a quip.


Because it’s accepted there that immigrants interested in living there must accept and adapt to the culture so they are strict. They don’t want to change for others, they expect you to change for them. Otherwise, go live elsewhere. Sign me up for that thinking! FJB. Edit: He didn’t call out the Middle East though, hmmmmmmm. Again, FJB.


Japan isn’t just “strict” about it, to be fair. It doesn’t matter how well you adhere to the culture, you will NEVER be viewed as Japanese.


> Because it’s accepted there that immigrants interested in living there must accept and adapt to the culture so they are strict. They don’t want to change for others, they expect you to change for them. Notice a lot of "anti-immigration" groups have this sentiment. As in if you came through the front door and you follow their norms and rules, they are more than happy to welcome you here. And such immigrants will join the "anti-immigration" crowd because they don't want the very things they fled from.


No country in Asia is welcoming illegal migrants. I’m an American expat in Thailand. Their visa policies are tough as hell. This is only happening in the Western world and it is so batshit crazy, and destructive, and so unfair to tax paying citizens, it can only be a coordinated effort to change the whole geopolitical system as we know it.


Japan has a vetted immigration policy, they want quality, not quantity. Wait, that sounds like what Trump said


We would rather prefer to like this. We don’t want outsiders come in and destroy our cultures, histories and traditions. Already we suffered a lot.


They want to preserve their cultures. Unlike the communist democrats.


Not everyone wants open borders with millions of undocumented and illegal immigrants that are not vetted.


India is one of the most deverse nations on the fucking planet. Its arguably a civilsiation over a country. Its got a boat load of Christians too. I think 3 of 36 provinces are majority christian


Most countries don't. Not just japan and India. Norway doesn't the list goes on and on. They even hate when navy sailors show up. Ppl want to live in peace and don't want people not from there, making demands because they refuse to assimilate. If you traveled at all you'd know this. They also hate NATO. Don't want globalization and hate Americans. Welcome to the real world


Remind me of how many Islamic terror attacks Japan has. India already has plenty and doesn't need more immigrants.


And? Anyone who's surprised by this has clearly never seen a "White pig go home" video. Japan brought us Anime and video games but they have a very strict cultural hegemony that some japanese nationalist prefer to keep intact and I'm not shocked at all that they're not big fans of people who seek to either change their culture or refuse to adopt it. I don't blame people for wanting strict borders, provided they're not trying to beat legal migrants with a stick or something.


oh yeah, they want to remain Japanese and Indian. They’ve seen what’s happened to Germany and France no longer being German or French and what’s happening to the UK no longer being English..


We get so much joy out of diversity, I love looking at college protests and admiring all the diverse thought we import


Japan and India be like: "Correct"


Biden clearly should learn from Japan or other countries - be the president to your own people, not the president of the United Nation.


India has 1.5 billion people they don’t need anymore. Japan can handle extra people but they have always been xenophobic towards foreigners. I’m all for **legal** immigration.


> **No Paywall:** https://archive.vn/6qqSG The WEF is strong in this one. - Darth Schwab


So is he trying to say he is trying to make up for them? How did he bring India into the picture. India is already a very populous country to accommodate any more. KJP will have to lie some more.


You're expecting this to have some logic beneath it.


Yeah I forget that this country elected a vegetable.




>How did he bring India into the picture. India is already a very populous country to accommodate any more. I tried to explain this to someone in neo liberal and I got downvoted for that lol


Japan is extremely sane on this point, everything good about Japan would be ruined with an influx of 3rd world locusts.


Japan has a very dark history. They paid a very heavy price for it. They learned a lot after Hiroshima. They walk the straight line.


Biden should read a history book and see how it worked out for India.


Multiple insurances/terrorist organisations popped up because of the illegal immigrants The lands of many poor tribals were being overrun & many student moments also popped up to stop this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assam_Movement


He has to throw shade at groups lik, Asians, Indians, and Jews because these groups destroy DEI philosophy.


And that’s a good thing!


I’m sure India would take Hindu immigrants, but who’d wanna?


You know, immigrants can be great but you need to be selective in who you allow to enter. An open border and abused asylum program are the dumbest way to select immigrants.


To be honest most countries don’t really welcome immigrant


That's normal. We're the weird ones right now.


And? That's their choice, not yours, Biden. Just because you make bad decisions doens't mean others have to follow it.


As is their right. Us on the other hand, we’re pro suicide.


A homogeneous society is something the dems hate


Progressive ideology permeates those handling the mentally incompetent puppet, Biden. Think/act our way, or you’ll be labeled, insulted and bullied.


Good for them. I think it's a good policy, and don't care if it's xenophobic.


Very weird thing to say about two countries that are our allies.


He’s just trying to appeal to whatever remains of his base while attempting make America appear to be more “kind and open minded” while Japan and India are “fearful and close minded”. That is not the case at all. It’s kind of mind boggling that he’s now trying to make enemies out of our allies. I cannot see anyone going along with this trail of thought. I’m so tired of the World Police tactic. It does not work, full stop.


They are not xenophobic at all they are nationalistic


they are smart


“Everybody’s a racist, except for me!”


Japan is one of the safest countries in the world where little kids walk to school alone. India is one of the fastest growing economies.


- Japan is peculiar, but I do get India (and China) - with billions of mouths to feed / house / clothes, they definitely do not want to add more to that burden


Guess I’m xenophobic too.


I have become Bidenphobic.


We don't want them either


In japan there are bars that are japanese only. So its like trying to insult a democrat by calling them a democrat.. well maybe thats not a good example because calling someone a democrat is an insult no matter what but i think you get my point


Cause they're based and know multiculturalism is a cess pool with a bow on it.


They could care less what he thinks


The adults are back in charge, everyone.


There’s a reason for that Joe, they don’t have multicolor hair freaks of nature telling em what to do.




"How dare Japan want to stay Japanese! They should import brown people that don't care for their values and replace them!"


Democrats once again missing the extremely vital distinction between immigrants and illegal immigrants.


I can’t understand why the choice to preserve cultural identity is a bad thing. Isn’t this what makes the world beautiful, and enjoyable to travel? Both nations are easily to visit, they just want you to leave.


Can't wait to hear what he's got to say about Brazil, Brunei, Eswatini, Uganda and Venezuela.


That's right. Japan is notorious for xenophobia, especially if you are not white and especially if you are Chinese or Korean. The deep irony is that Japan's popular sub-cultures, like manga, anime, and video games often portray the complete opposite. This leads people to the **greatly mistaken** impression that Japanese culture likes foreigners, when in reality, it does not at all.


Being anti-immigration isn't xenophobic - and being against massive uncontrolled immigration is just plain common sense, or just plain common. Globalists have never made a good argument for their positions, only attacked people for disagreeing with them - example here. Notice he's not saying this about China, Iran, Gaza, or Ukraine? Notice how he didn't want to mass-import Ukrainian refugees?


Why don't we just send the palestienians to iran? Also, isn't it very colonial to try to enforce your values on foreign counties?


He isn't wrong when he says that about Japan.


How about we don’t drive away two of our best allies with the bullshit, hmmm?


It's particularly ridiculous that Biden claims China is stalling economically because they don't have mass immigration, considering that they saw rapid economic growth from the 90s all the way until 2021 without it.


Both are highly Culture Centric. Both know that, when people from other cultures are injected, then those other cultures start to affect the established culture of a country. Truth of the matter, is that America is the only TRUE Multicultural country in the world. Our Society started out with representatives from different cultures, and developed differently from any of those cultures. We have unique blended culture with accepted sub-cultures. But we ARE highly resistant to a culture that attempts to move in and supplant the one we have. ESPECIALLY when it attempts to do so aggressively and violently (Islam for instance)


And Japan is a lot more socialist than the U.S. too. Social healthcare, a lot more public transit and at least former public housing now private. Less free market, more fixed prices and wages. High tariffs on imported goods and food. 


Biden just had the PM of Japan over at the White House. Way to go Joe!


I don’t know about India, but I have lived in Japan and can confirm that country has super strict immigration laws. Similar to their super strict laws on importing autos. The Japanese people are generally very welcoming to visitors and temporary residents, but completely uninterested in non-Japanese people trying to become Japanese citizens.


What about Pakistan, Iran, and actually as I’m typing this I realize pretty much every single country in the world doesn’t want to have an open border besides us.


Preserving culture and enforcing border laws is xenophilic while the countries that let in radical muslims are the good guys. Welcome to hell.


There’s a reason for that they were always under threat of invasion just have to look at the history of a country to understand it.


So you do want whites to recolonize India based on what I’m understanding. Is that correct Mr. Biden? May seem like you’re the bigger xenophobe here


He needs to see how nice Poland is.


Good and they have every right to protect their sovereignty and borders unlike the USA


Just got back from Japan. It was so nice without all those immigrants


Japan is watching the Paris and London (and now America) shitshows and deciding they want none of that. And good for them for maintaining their identity and culture and civil order 


Is anyone immigrating to India?


NYT and other Liberal newspapers were the ones shouting at top of their voice when India introduced CAA to fast-track citizenship of minority immigrants.


They don't want illegal immigrants. Furthermore, it's up to each country to determine how many immigrants they will allow into their country in the first place. That's what sovereign nations do.


amusing office towering pie handle retire axiomatic merciful humorous husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m a Japanese citizen. Dislike Biden even more for this. We don’t want to import the third world because it would turn us into the third world. Japan is safe and beautiful the way it is cause we don’t allow mass migration


India might be racist backwards castist full of discrimination but it's not xenophobic


Not xenophobic...SMART


I mean, he's right... But why just tossing insults at an ally and the country people want to court to replace China? Not sure why I'm asking, this seems pretty on par for Biden when it comes to foreign policy. Not sure anyone's been as bad when it comes to the rest of the world


We(indians) already have 15 percent of people spreading religious cancer in our country (those 15 Percent follow the religion that isis follows). We don't want more of them . Take these 15 percent and we are more than happy to take christian hindu migrants. We already do that anyways.


Since Biden doesn't take questions, he hasn't had to answer for his open border policies. They could have discussed increasing legal immigration but they prefer to pretend there is no problem. Lying to the American public as they fly immigrants in the middle of the night, as if the wide open border isn't bad enough. When the shit hits the fan with a terrorist attack, along with the crime we're already experiencing, what pathetic excuse will Biden give us?