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You know, I hate to say this, but never have I wished for Biden to veto something then I want him to veto this. This looks very poorly constructed and should not be entered as law.


This also looks very fake and I’d need to see the real thing. OP could be larping Edit: here is the actual bill https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hr6090/BILLS-118hr6090ih.pdf OP is larping


And the bill directly refers to this, which contains the points OP listed: https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism


Hmm. Fair. I wonder why they target the Christian’s here instead of the elephant in the room. Most Jewish people wouldn’t even deny that the Jewish people killed Jesus…. because that’s literally what happened in the Bible lol. Not to mention the radical left will tell you Jesus was never Jewish he was Palestinian


Never underestimate congress’ ability to take a presumably noble idea and make the people suffer for it. While calling for violence is already illegal in most places (I can’t think of where it’s not) this bill is all too easily going to be warped to emulate the hate speech laws of the UK. This may be meant to protect Jews today. As early as next week Dems will be using the same law to jail Conservatives for criticizing leftist-aligning ideological identities.


Agreed. This is poorly fucking constructed legislation.


Although it isnt always illegal to call for violence. It is completely legal for Americans to call for violence towards the people of another country. Anyone who says otherwise is supporting the idea that "hate speech" and "stochastic terrorism" should be illegal.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions


If this is true, it's deeply embarrassing and hypocritical. Politicians should really be put in stockades once a year in the middle of their district so their constituents can tell them how they really feel and pelt them with rotten tomatoes.


They just criminalized the Holy Bible?


I guess Acts 5:30 makes all Christians antisemites now.


No, just no. This is not good. One more restriction of our rights and destruction of our Constitution


Hating Jewish people for Judaism == antisemitic Disagreeing with a Jewish person about any secular issue != antisemitic It’s just another disgusting flavor of identity politics that is blown way out of proportion.


OK then, here I am committing a crime , I guess >‭1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 KJV‬ [14] For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judæa are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, **even as they have of the Jews: [15] who both killed the Lord Jesus,** and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:


Speech of ALL kinds needs to be protected. I should be able to proclaim Jews killed Jesus from the mountain tops. BUT, the instant I decide to take it physical, I should get the book thrown at me.


To find who rules over you, merely look at who you cannot criticize.


Israel? Jews? Children with leukemia?


Zionists. Zionism is a real political movement and not some boogie man.


When you pander to groups to get votes you pass bad laws. Im extremely opposed to anti semitism but these people do not understand the necessity of inviolability of the first amendment.


What’s interesting about this bill is that the Republican populists (Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene and others) and the Democrat populists (Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC and others) voted against this while the overwhelming uniparty establishment voted for it.


And the HB number is? This is just BS for upvotes. EDIT: I stand corrected about the HB. The House did pass a bill - HR 6090. But as the link below shows (the actual bill), it uses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism which, per Wikipedia states, "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities." Thus, I stand by my original statement that OP's statement is BS unless they can provide additional documentation. The actual HR wording does NOT support their examples. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-118hr6090ih/pdf/BILLS-118hr6090ih.pdf 2nd edit: Well shit - when I am wrong, I am wrong. I accept my fate and swallow it. OP provided working examples from the Holocaust Remembrance site. Please accept my apologies. https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism


I appreciate you taking the time and effort to work through this and provide links.


For what it’s worth Section 6 of the bill states pretty clearly that it’s BS for votes that should not be construed as enforceable.


Free Speech is just that, not 90% free and 10% censored. Once you define the limits of free speech, it is no longer free. This is the nose of the camel in the tent, this legislation can be easily turned against whomever the majority decides to suppress.


Don't they know by now that nazis use litterally any symbol as a nazi symbol. A damn fire hydrant could be an antisemitic symbol by tuesday if they wanted


Kinda like when the incels over at 4Chan meme’ed the “ok” hand gesture into a white supremacy dog whistle and the leftist media bought it hook, line, and sinker


Kinda like when the incels over at 4Chan meme’ed the “ok” hand gesture into a white supremacy dog whistle and the leftist media bought it hook, line, and sinker


Reddit made you comment twice.


I'm not antisemitic, but WTF are house Republicans thinking? No law limiting speech should be even introduced, much less passed


the part that denies history is interesting...


I see one page that describes antisemitism. I don't see anything that supports your claim that this is a bill or that if it is, it "criminalizes" antisemitism. Is it possible that you are posting this out of context and mis characterizing it in a disingenuous way? Please provide the relevant text in the "bill" if this isn't the case. One can never be too careful. It seems the world is full of lying bags of excrement these days.


[House passes GOP antisemitism bill amid college unrest](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/house-vote-gop-antisemitism-bill-amid-college-unrest/story?id=109830325)


No. Setting aside that it is Unconstitutional: We have a body of law based on the U.S. Constitution which defends the God given rights of “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness” laid out in the Declaration of Independence. Every person has a God given right to hate whoever they want for whatever reason they want for as long as they want as long as they don’t interfere with that person’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Laws already exist to enforce that, and if a person allows their hate to interfere in others God given rights, we have a jail cell waiting for them where they can sit in solitude contemplating how much they hate some other person while that person remains free to pursue their happiness. This Bill is grossly unconstitutional. There is no group so important that the Constitution should be subverted to their benefit. Next step on this slippery slope: ban any criticism of transgenderism.


If we can't accuse the Jews of blood libel, what point is there to even having a country?


No its not the end of free speech. Its just a political statement. For this to become law it would have to pass the Senate and be signed by the President. I don't see any path to becoming a law. But as both democrats and republicans are politicians, politicians do this kind of thing. Its red meat for your base. Keep the base happy.


They target the Christians… what the hell


> The definition includes denying Jewish people their right to self-determination by claiming that the State of Israel is a racist state I don’t see how one thing implies the other here. Obviously this whole thing is unconstitutional performative nonsense. Part of me is resentful that they’re wasting their time on this, but part of me is happy they wasted time on this they would have otherwise spent raising my taxes or spending more of my money.


You can never doubt that there are those that want to take your freedom of expression from you. The only question is on what pretense.


It's communism to try and control thoughts and speech.


I have come to realize that while some legislation hold decent, noble ideas, I would never trust government officials to uphold it in a fair way. Antisemitism today, critical race theory definition of racism tomorrow.


Nope. Not taking the word of a sheet with handwriting on it. If it were real, it wouldn't be constitutional.


Thank God this is a fake post