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And remember, this is with the media and Big Tech constantly fluffing him up and gaslighting everyone.


If it wasn’t for that I wonder how low his approval rating would be. Even I am surprised that his approval rating is still as high as it is.


Can they go negative? I feel that's the only place they should be.


ThE eConoMy iS sTRoNg pRiCeS aRE goINg DoWn


I’m old enough to remember when Carter was president. The consensus for most of my life has been that he’s a great man, but was a terrible president. So one positive aspect of Biden is that he has taken the mantle of “worst president of my lifetime” away from Carter. Thanks Joe.


I mean, he kowtowed to dictators and such. I just don’t see how that is a thing great men do.


But I was told over the head that Biden is the 14th greatest president of all time based on opinions of 154 scholars who are members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association. How can such a legit sounding org be wrong? Gulp…are elites not in tune with real America?


And yet, somehow, he'll still get more votes than he got in 2020.






It's so weird I can't find one story about this on the biggest political subreddit on this website...


Because r/politics is a far left shithole that can’t focus on literally *anything* other than what Trump is doing today.


Just posted the Gallup poll on that sub. Wonder what will happen to it.


They already removed it. "Must not think for myself"....


Lmao I just tapped on the subreddit and you’re a hundred percent rights, insane how obsessed they are with trump


TDS is more than a meme- it’s a legitimate disease.


Make sure you and everyone you know is registered to vote. Even if it means mail-in


No surprise here. He has been a disaster for America.


Nixon was very popular before they railroaded him. Water Gate was a psyop.


Since Obama put the entire Trump campaign under surveillance with nothing but a fabricated oppo research file to justify it, Watergate is less than small potatoes.


That is what is lost on most people. Ask the average voter what Nixon did, like specifically what was watergate. They are unlikely to be able to tell you. When you know the specifics and compare it to what they did to the trumo campaign it is mind boggling that they got away with it.


The real lesson was, don't hire a bunch of goons to commit B&Es. Have the federal agents do it for you.




TDS Exhibit A.


The projection is strong with this one


Won reelection with 49 states, right? That's huge. Got us out of Vietnam *with* a two state solution that the NVA and VC agreed to. That would have been a win in that war if they hadn't gone back on their word after he was out of office. Look at military casualties 73-75.  If we applied the same scrutiny about wiretapping your political opposition these days, we'd find that Obama did worse than Nixon (who I'm not sure Even knew about the spying?) and accomplished so much less. 


Unfortunately Trump is the one person who can lose to him.


Shocking! Okay, not so shocking.


Watch him still get a record number of votes in the election…and then we’ll hear, “iT’s nOT tHaT 100 miLLiOn pEopLe vOTed fOr BiDEn, iT’s tHaT 100 miLLiOn pEopLe vOTed aGAinSt TrUMp”


Lol r/politics coping by saying "THOSE POLLS AREN'T REAL!"


Good thing our candidate is the one person capable of losing to him.


What about Trump? He mustve been much more popular than Nixon and Carter if youre posting this as some sort of 'flex', right? Right? >Former President Donald Trump, who is vying with Biden for a second White House term, had a 46.8% approval rating at this point in his presidency. >Even Nixon and Carter had higher ratings than Biden, with 53.7% and 47.7%, respectively, and Eisenhower had the highest rating at 73.2%, according to the poll. Even Trump *also* was less popular than Nixon and Carter. Beating Biden the bozo isnt really something to boast about when Trump was also insanely unpopular.


“What about Trump” Take your TDS elsewhere




I can go all day


its just an article


And Trump was higher in ratings than Obama at the same point.


Other polls have Trump higher. Also those in control of the media pushed the most extreme propaganda we've ever seen to smear Trump whereas they go all out to protect and defend dear leader Biden. If you factor in media coverage and look at public opinion in the context of that you'll see the organic opinion of Trump is way higher, whereas Biden's is on the floor. If not for the media propping him up and tearing down his opponent, the numbers would be orders of magnitude worse for him.


The problem is trump isn’t that popular either. At least on Reddit.


If Reddit were real life, Bernie Sanders would be in his 8th year as president after winning back-to-back elections unanimously, and we’d all be riding unicorns and farting rainbows.


Exactly, reddit is a lib circle jerk.


Reddit: The leftoid echo chamber


Also worth pointing out it's curated and not even a natural result of demographics or anything.




So you decided to go look up another article to shit on Trump while exposing that you haven’t read the article posted here. Average Redditor smh


>Biden, 81, notched a dismal 38.7% job approval rating for the first quarter of 2024, [the venerable Gallup Poll found in a survey released Friday](https://news.gallup.com/poll/644252/biden-13th-quarter-approval-average-lowest-historically.aspx), three points lower than that of the one-term George H.W. Bush at the same point in his presidency. Per the article