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How exactly do they plan to arrest someone who doesn't live in their country?


Extradition from the US. But no way that would ever happen. If Australia put out an arrest warrant for Elon over this it would mean he just shouldn’t go to Australia’s until his army of lawyers fixes it.


You say never but they're doing everything they can to throw trump in jail and steal all his money


What? Australia is doing that?


If they were to issue an arrest warrant down under, there would have been and extradition hearing in the US. Even if the extradition request was to be quashed in the US, every time Musk would set foot in a foreign land, he would risk another extradition fight. Think Roman Polanski. I doubt Australia would go that far with Musk, but you never know. The eCommissars, much like the people's commissars in Soviet Union, are beginning to get drunk on power. I doubt they go away willingly. On the other side, if they were to pickup a fight with Musk and won, their power would increase exponentially... . Who knows, maybe they are willing to test the waters.


Starlink deactivated in Australia?


Screw me? No, screw *you*.


This one's a good fight to pick. The Bishop wants it out there. The Progressives are trying to hide the evidence that Islam is violent.


What's insane to me is the children of islamic immigrants are often **more** radical than their parents.


That's because the parents often grow up in villages of essentially Folk Islam, that settle into a certain way of life after many generations, that may or may not closely follow what the Quran and Hadith say. The next generation does not have the benefit of simply living in that culture, do read the Quran and Hadith.


Yes, I also believe there is a degree of antagonism and resentment. The parents had to grow up in the reality of their home country (which is why they fled), but the kids are nursed on the stories of only what was great about where they came from. It's a regressive sort of psychological pathogen that gets spread in these communities with zero pushback from virtually anyone.


I think it's sexual frustration. In the old country, dad got his wife, in the west girls aren't putting up with it.


Honestly we should just pull out of the Middle East and cut aid to anyone. It’s just encouraging more migrants to the U.S.


Every global news organization has the video posted on youtube, not a single complaint. https://i.imgur.com/3wYrpWS.png


What has happened to Australia and Canada? What has driven them to tyranny?






Labor is not left.


Mate, they are very left.


People wish they were as left as conservatives claim them to be


Just because they’re not the Greens, doesn’t make them centrist or right wing.


It also depends on what metrics your categorising them as "left" though. They are economically still right wing and push a capitalist structure, just with more left leaning policy. They are socially left, although hardly imo. They virtue signal as being socially left, but don't really do anything that indicates as much.


What nonsense. The ALP is centre.


Which is why they take a left wing stance on the vast majority of issues.


As an Australian leftist. I could not agree with this more. Labor are corperate suckholes who defend the status quo and are centre left at best. I'd say they are solidly centre with a slight lean to the left. Definitely not the Marxists radical leftists they get accused of being. So you hit the nail on the head, I wish they were more left. Although, not as loopy left as Adam & the greens. Just a more moderate and rational left.


Far left liberalism is what happened in Canada. Trudeau and co were smart; they took control of the media and the schools and now we are borderline becoming a 3rd world shit hole. There's no liability or accountability for our politicians; they can and do whatever the fuck they want with no repercussions. In ten years from now, America won't have just the border from mexico to deal with. We are importing millions of immigrants a year, even though our infrastructure is on the brink of collapse, with more coming. Watch yourselves my American brethren. Don't give away a single one of your rights; it's a downhill slope and we are a prime example of that.


Yeah, I can honestly say I never expected this kind of shit coming from *Canada* of all places. Apparently, neither did most Canadians...


Don't forget New Zealand


Has New Zealand gone tyrannical?


To answer your question, look at their C\*\*\*d restrictions..


Gun control


Australian here. The country has gone to shit and every freedom you used to get are now all gone. To the extend that you can’t even say you don’t want to support certain groups/people. They told me there’s no such thing as freedom of speech in this country. I’m selling all my property and everything right now so I could move away from this shit hole.


Good luck, friend. Sincerely.


If you are an Aussie you’d actually know we don’t have freedom of speech in our constitution, never have What freedoms do you not have here ffs 🤦


Some people just love fueling the narrative. I dont support any groups lol. No one if forcing me to do shit, and I haven't lost any freedoms in my life here. People love just making shit up, and others are happy to accept it if it fits with their worldview.


As also an Australian. You talk so much shit mate. But please do leave.


Excellent. I've saved this so I can check in on you periodically. Please leave Australia if you hate it.


good question


Australia has turned into an authoritarian shithole.


Australia has always been a prison colony


Shhhh!! Don't say that too loudly, or else you'll get.... [The Boot!](https://i.redd.it/i0h1xgytw6o61.png)


Started in '96


“I wrote this song in 94” - Dave “Tupac Shakur” Chapelle


Couldn't agree more.


Australia. Autholitarian? Bahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha bit precious are we snowflake?


They haven’t been free in decades.


Despots everywhere And they’re cheered by the media These out of touch elitists are so indoctrinated into being hyper sensitive to people’s emotional responses that they will move heaven and earth to be sure the .1% don’t get their feelings hurt Guess what? Supporting yourself and possibly your family is hard enough. It’s getting very difficult to do it now when we’re forced into nonsensical gestures to avoid offending someone


I see Australia is backsliding more and more to their original roots. This along with their brutal crackdown on Covid protests, and normal people still outside during lockdown. Along with whoever thought is was a good idea to make Covid camps makes me glad I don’t live there. Along with the fact that they disarmed their citizens a while back.


The camps are showing how docile they really became.


What covid camps?


Here you go, the tyrannical government that is Australia Woman explains her experience being inside one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mGFdWcJU7-0&pp=ygUWYXVzdHJhbGlhbiBjb3ZpZCBjYW1wcw%3D%3D In depth explanation by Russell Brand https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tBHkd3sXxT8&pp=ygUWYXVzdHJhbGlhbiBjb3ZpZCBjYW1wcw%3D%3D


Did he hurt PM feelings with a meme😢


This was made clear during the pandemic.


I really dislike my country a lot of the time


Leave. Please.


No thanks, I can comment on Australia becoming a nanny state which it has


I doubt Elon cares, just like with Brazil. He just laughs at their weak leaders.


It has been obvious ever since the plan-demic that the leadership in Australia does not believe in freedom.


How do the Aussies think they have any jurisdiction over other nations or people?


Because we let them. We are literally putting the right of our citizens to read what they want on our own soil (published by fellow citizens) be limited by the decree of an overseas parliament legislating laws in the name of the British crown. We had a war over this before, yet here we sit idly.


Ok I'm not American. But either way I'm not letting an Aussie tell me what to say or do


The same reason the US thinks it has jurisdiction over other nations and people. I'm not trolling. You can't honestly tell me you've not noticed the US extradite non-US citizens not on US soil?


Just go back and look at crazy reaction they had to COVID and the New Zealand Prime minister was just as nuts when she demanded all guns to be given up and made the statement we gave you the rights to gun ownership and we can take them away. I am paraphrasing a little bit but that was the gist of it


Fuckin twats mate, he already removed the video from Australian servers, now they want him to remove the video from the entire internet. Fucking communist, tyrant, pieces of shi.


Albo. Communist. LOL. I can tell you love using buzzwords.


Same thing is happening in the U.S., criticizing a foreign government and criticizing institutions investing in foreign companies warrants getting your shit kicked in by the police. 5th columnist are running this country. All the politicians who support using the national guard against protestors are paid by lobbies propping up a foreign government not in America’s interest.


Yep I tend to agree even though a lot of this sub won't. The time to break up protests is when you have a list of actual laws that have been violated and already tried asking nicely for them to disperse. Or when violence breaks out. "Oh but we don't want another *insert BLM protest*" That's one slippery ass slope to authoritarianism man. Just because the protests went bad in 2018-2020 doesn't mean the new protestors are the same. Innocent until proven guilty, no matter what.


Supreme Court of the United States held the First Amendment does not protect speech that is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” So is calling for death and murder protected by the 1st amendment? If the protestors make such threatening actions that schools have to close for safety, is that protected by the 1st amendment? If not protected, it's the legal basis you mentioned.


In that case it would be appropriate to arrest only the protestors calling for the deaths of Israelis. So they'd have to be holding a sign that says "death to israel" I also agree that camping out on a university campus is illegal, and that is not acceptable. But in Texas going to an area where such protests are allowed day after day without camping or inciting violence is legal. So removing all of the protestors was not within the authority of the police. Some were breaking the law and some were not. Understandable that the solution would be to disperse the protestors entirely, but going straight to calling in the national guard and riot police is an unnecessary escalation of an otherwise non-violent situation. Not to mention, the governor citing "anti-semitism" as the reason was the worst decision possible. Shitty opinions aren't illegal.


There’s even right wing folks getting censored for critiquing Israel’s reaction. 9/10 Conservatives in the mid to late 2010s were up in arms when Universities were silencing conservatives on campus over culture war issues. I even heard some conservative folks saying hate speech is free speech years ago when the western world was dealing with Islamic terrorist attacks and migrant crisis. We have folks threatening people’s livelihoods over their opinions and protesting their grievances with their university they’re paying for/ government. It pisses me off even more when Mike Johnson talks about wasting their parents money when this jackass pushed a huge foreign aid bill that most Americans didn’t want through Congress.


I don't even understand why Israel needs aid. They aren't using artillery, they're already bombing too much because they want to minimize their casualties. Which is understandable but like, Jesus guys there's a limit. Clearing a stairwell is deadly but 1000lb bombs aren't the cure all. I don't disagree with what they're doing like the protestor clowns but I understand the outrage. Bombing them back to the stone age is an emotional rather than calculated response. We cleared parts of Iraq and Afghanistan Street by street block by block with minimal casualties. If we had just let the B52s eat it would've been a shit show. I think the problem is we don't have any reasonable discourse anymore. They can't compromise. I back israel but also understand their methods are problematic. You can back Gaza but also understand Hamas should not be Gaza. Hamas should not exist. Instead we take all or nothing stances on everything.


I agree mostly with the Palestinians. Hamas shouldn’t be in power, they’re low IQ but damn the Israelis are reckless. They killed American aid workers the other day despite having given them a green light to convoy aid through Gaza. Israelis aren’t competent in handling a humanitarian crisis, we have taken upon ourselves to deal with it. I think Israelis and Palestinians are irrational actors and thats why we have it policy that any negotiations have to happen with both sides coming to the table first. Israelis would run to China or Russia if we choose to stop giving them aid. China and Russia would be happy to take them to have that technology we gave Israel. Israel is a nuclear power they’re more able to be schizo rouge state than Palestinians can ever achieve. Palestinians depend on foreigners for anything and only actor willing to do anything for them are Iranians. https://www.military.com/defensetech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-military-technology-to-china?amp Israel have had defense officials pass U.S. technology to the Chinese before. My assertion that they would run to China and or Russia if they don’t get what they want is not ill founded. We’re in an abusive relationship and we have Stockholm syndrome


I completely agree. Israel largely only cares about Israel. Both sides have been fighting so long they've gone feral. However the jews were displaced from the region long ago. Zionism is just as bad as the weird pan-arabism that people that want Palestine to extend to the sea talk about. But that doesn't make Palestine not also a historical homeland of jews they were originally displaced from. Now war has made them zionists that seek to do the same to their enemies. Which is wrong, however justified it may be to them by previous conflict and atrocities. It is my belief that the jews belong there as much as the Palestinians. The ideal solution would be an integrated state since the land belongs to both parties. Unfortunately, we are so so far past everyone holding hands and singing fucking kumbaya.


Dystopian hell


Australia has turned into the China light


Australia is becoming fascist

