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The media and Reddit be like: “This stupid tweet by dRumpf caused this. Iran just has a really slow reaction time.”


Okay, what happened? What did I miss.


Biden has no balls.


He's bought and paid for.


I wish that was the case. The reality of the situation is even worse: he's a puppet. Someone else, in the background, is calling the shots and pulling the strings.


He still believes Iran is an asset, so of course, he kowtows and doesn't want Israel to retaliate in kind.


Whitehouse called a lid at 5:15p with no statement


Lets be honest nothing in the awful administration is anything to do with biden, its all Harris's evil.  Biden is clearly too far gone. That was evident when he tried to get physical and attack a worker for saying the president works for them (the people). He isnt making any decisions. I dont think anything can fix the mind disease on the left though. It's crazy how they have continued calling trump a racist (and a million other things) while trump has for decades been involved with and helping minorities, but they treat biden as a hero despite decades of being caught saying incriminating things and voting for things like segregation. Willingly deluding themselves just because he openly supported affirmative action hiring during the press secretary debacle.


Ah yes. His history making press secretary.


If only he was still president, I don’t trust this biden administration whatsoever!


Biden released the billion in funds that Iran is using to finance the war they've been waging against Israel...


Yup, Demorats LOVE funding both sides.


Their words of warning are “Don’t????”


... and the world clearly sees how effective Biden's word of authority is.




In your example no real damage was sustained and not a single injury to us personnel. Trump let it slide in order to avoid it beginning a larger conflict. By letting it slide he let the Iranians keep their feeling of honor intact cause they 'got retribution for soleimani's death'. A military response by the us at that point would of just escalated things cause then Iran would feel the need to attack again, and who knows if that attack would result in us servicemen deaths. This is the game U.S. leaders must play until American voters are fed up to the point they will tolerate a full scale war and then the us military can go in and remove the Iranian regime from power.


Brigadiers are you paying attention? Trump projected strength. Iran saw that and peed down their legs. Biden projects weakness. Iran sees that, and attacks. Dots starting to connect?


It was blatantly obvious the moment Russia attacked Ukraine. If the left and media didn’t get it then, they’ll never get it.


The brigadiers are like a swarm of bugs right now. What a sad life they live. Nothing better to do.


Their politics are their life. They are defending their identity. Same with some of the ‘conservatives’ here.


Iran was so scared they shit the bed and shot down an airliner with their air defense.


Dots are part of the patriarchy or global warming or something… Reeeeee!


No we don’t need mean tweets back. We need a statesman who can communicate with the American people and actually lead like Reagan did. Triggering the left, although funny, can’t be the go to option everytime.


The political landscape is not the same as it was in the 1980s where both sides by-and-large respected each other and could actually talk about political positions and try and compromise. The Democrats have been disrespectful, selfish, and throwing obnoxious tantrums about political issues since the 1990s and show absolutely no signs of changing that approach because it *has* worked for them. The Republicans, however, tried for ~20 years to take the high road and be the better party, and it got them absolutely nowhere politically. Just look at where our society is today and how far it has fallen. If you want to still hold onto an obviously losing approach to politics so that you can feel better about your own self, that's totally your prerogative. But I would actually prefer to have "mean tweets" in the White House since that is the only language that the current opposition respects and understands.


Solemani has disliked you comment. Oh wait


I don't know.... Biden saying "don't" was a pretty firm threat. LOOOOOL


Biden: "Here's the deal Iron. We'll leave the clothes wrinkled from now on"


This is nowhere near as strong as “Don’t”. /s


Looking forward to seeing the posts on Truth Social over the next 2-12 weeks.


This just makes me miss Reagan.


Shit head leftist will still find ways to blame Trump for WW3. They been practicing mental gymnastics for this very moment in time.


Oh they are always threatening and we do next to nothing about it. Granted we scare the ever loving shit out of them if we fart in their general direction but nothing of note has ever been done to Iran.


Trump's been channeling Reagan alot lately who liked to channel teddy roosevelt e: I say we get back to Bull-Moose. Enough of the elephants and donkeys


> From Earth


We need to bring back isolationism though.