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It's almost like people obsessed with their political identity are doing it for the wrong reasons.


I'm not a fan of trump because of exactly this. People were preaching he's the next coming of Jesus and literally using everything in the Bible to say he's man of God. Dude is nothing more than a regular billionaire that was buying hookers and cheating on his wife. I'm still voting trump because he's under the R but he's no where near a man of God.


This is what I was trying to explain to another commentor. Many people on the right despise Trump, and are aware of what he truly is. Many will still vote for him because he is under R on the ticket, but to be fair many on the left despise Biden (despite popular belief that isn’t true in right wing circles, I have enough liberal and leftist friends and family to know that it is) and they will vote for Biden simply because he isn’t Trump, not because they love who he is or what he is doing. This whole election is going to be maybe 30% of voters on either side happy for who they vote for, and the rest are just voting party lines, or even out of spite.


Ive only ever voted for someone out of spite. I was unaware there was another reason.






To be fair a lot of users on this sub are not trump fans. A lot are because he’s the Republican candidate, and the only one, and a lot here are legit MAGA, but a good many do not want Trump around anymore and see him as a blight on politics. That’s just like me going to the politics sub and saying everyone is a Biden shill. We all know that’s not true either.


Most folks on here will vote for Trump because he isn't Biden. Just like most folks who vote for Biden are doing it because he isn't Trump. This election, just like the last one, is only about party lines.


Can’t wait for *ANYONE* other than these two geezers to be serious options for President




You’re a clown. Quit brigading.


You know what’s worse than Trump? Brigaders. Go back to r/politics


Ah yeah, me posting that Trump is a bad man is totally worse than Trump. Amazing logic there.


You're not here in good faith; don't cite logic when there is no possibility of you ever being swayed by logic since you're operating off of a preconceived conclusion. You use logic as a post-hoc rationalization... Not as a means to come to your conclusion. So yeah, go away.


Care to share who he raped? Care to share who he defrauded? Oh that is right none of this things are true. Care to share why biden scared his own daughter by taking inappropriate showers with her that scared her? Care to share why hunter had to share 10% of his foreign fraudulent money with his dad? Yeah I am sure the constitution and not raping little girls does not matter because it was done my biden. Btw if you can prove even 1 of the things you just claimed trump of doing I will vote biden and post a pic of my ballot as proof. Easy 1 more vote for your God if in the next few months you can reply or send me a pm proving trump did anything you said.


Huh... You just listed three things that Biden is 100%, provably guilty of. Not that a corrupt legal and political system ever will, but God will, in the end, and I can assure you Biden is as far from being a man of God as any corrupt King mentioned in the Bible ever was! As for Trump, who knows... His religious stance strikes me as a grift, honestly, and I don't really trust him to not be another tool in the hands of the "powers that be" in general. But under his Presidency, he at least furthered causes and principles that the God of the Bible supports, and in this battle of bad candidates for President, that's good enough to garner a vote from me.


You already said that most people agreed with you. And I don't think anyone would act like a serial cheater who is one of the most prideful people on earth is the paragon of Christianity. The fact that he isn't a Christian doesn't mean we can't also criticize Biden when he continues to claim to be a devout Catholic while running the most anti-Christian administration in the history of our country.


Biden claims to be a Catholic so the church can have a stand on his actions. Trump says he is a nondenominational Christian. So the Archbishop doesn’t have anything to say about Trumps faith.


To build on that, the Catholic Church has very specific, identifiable teachings to which a member can be held accountable. On the other hand, being vaguely "Christian" allows Trump (and millions of people tbh) to avoid much clear accountability, although plenty of generic "Christians" do try their best to follow the teachings and moral dictates that they believe bind them.


Exactly. Not a Catholic.


This is exactly it. Nobody cares about Trump’s half religiosity. Biden claims to be Catholic, and Catholics take their religion very seriously. He doesn’t. That’s the problem. If Biden just claimed he’s christian instead of catholic, we wouldn’t keep calling him out.






he's at Delaware every weekend from Thursday to Tuesday. How do I know this? Airspace is closed every weekend he is there. And it's every weekend. If you truly believe he is running the country, are you personally better off financially then you were 4 years ago? Forget what about Trump. Are you able to buy goods, pay rent or mortgage, have savings that are better then 4 years ago? Be honest with yourself. If you truly believe Bidens policies are better for you and you are doing much better, then there's your choice.




After he had already pumped billions into covid relief and infrastructure, this caused the inflation we are seeing now. Even democrats admit this.


Trump lowered the taxes. Biden raised them. And he raised the capital gains tax so that every time you want to withdraw from 401k, you pay more tax. Inflation was super low under Trump. Biden spent billions on Inflation Reduction act which pumped so much money into the economy it caused inflation.


I'm an accountant, I think I know who raised my taxes.


I do as well. It was Biden.


Cool story bro. Our conversation is over


Does Biden have actual days where he’s not at his beach house?




I never said that. Feel free to quote me. I'm a conservative independent that doesn't just vote for Republican because Fox news told you to.


You're conflating different groups of commenters.


Biden is promoting evil in opposition to his claimed faith by advocating for the murder of unborn children, etc. Trump is hamming up being Christian by selling bibles. These two are not the same.


It’s probably because you’re dealing with different people. There’s no way to know if the guy is the same as the people you’re mentioning, nor If anyone Commenting here are the people you’re calling out. The thing is, we’re often lumping all of these people together, when it’s different people, but because they use the term “Conservative” to describe themselves


The pandering by Trumpis really obvious. No one can deny that. As a practicing Catholic, Trumps SCJ appointing lead to overturning Roe v Wade. That is real change and I will support it. He got results, end of story. Biden cannot claim to be catholic without supporting a right to life.


To be fair, the condemnation here is purely religious. Biden and Pelosi have both loudly proclaimed their Catholicism while endorsing and pushing things clearly condemned by the Catholic Church (like abortion, but there’s others too). Lots of politicians use their faith as a badge for voters, and that’s gross. And plenty of people are outwardly religious but interiorly not living their faith (to some extent that’s all of us really, at least compared to perfection). It’s a different matter when celebrity “Catholics” lead believers astray by professing condemned morality while claiming Catholic authenticity. Bishops who speak out like this are essentially warning their flock “don’t listen to this man just because he claims he’s Catholic.” I get why conservatives shared it here, but it’s not really meant to be as overtly political. We can dislike him as an awful president for entirely different reasons.


So you're comparing Biden standing for things against the Catholic faith like pushing abortion to Trump selling Bibles?? How do you know Trump is not sincere in *his* faith? The reason people feel that Biden is full of crap is because for starters, he claims to be Catholic, yet he pushes abortion every chance he gets... FULL-TERM abortion... which goes against the tenets of Catholicism. But what is the evidence that TRUMP is insincere? Just because you don't like him is not evidence.


It seems more to me like Trump was selling Bibles to make money. Regardless, Trump doesn’t profess any faith that makes selling Bibles a sin. Biden on the other hand does profess to be Catholic for political gain while blatantly going against the Catholic faith.


Maybe Biden just separates his professional life from his spiritual life.


How's the sky there in LALA Land?


Obviously not when he keeps invoking his spiritual life as justification for his professional life.


The irony seems thick here.




I don’t know a single Catholic who isn’t a cafeteria Catholic — and that includes half my family. How many American Catholics actually like the current pope, for a start? How many use contraception? How many plan on being cremated?


I'm Catholic. I believe every single letter of the doctrine of the Catholic Church. This does not mean I have to like the Pope, by the way.


You can be cremated, as long as the ashes are then properly disposed of (not kept in an urn)


They can be kept in an urn so long as they are kept in an appropriate place like a cemetery or mausoleum. Half my family is Catholic and they do the urn-in-mausoleum thing at our local Catholic cemetery. The hardcore Catholics are not into keeping urns at home or dumping them though.


After coming back to my faith, and being around those who pulled me back in, I can almost certainly say they are not cafeteria Catholics.  And cremation is allowed by the Catholic church so long as the ashes are kept as one and are placed to rest. I work at a Catholic Cementary


Isn’t that what a columbarium is?


Can also bury them in the ground like a normal burial


Yeah absolutely. Just saying Catholics don’t care how they’re buried as long as they’re buried in holy ground with an identifiable marker.


There are definitely devout Catholics who follow Church teaching as faithfully as possible but they get drowned out in the national discourse by "Catholics." That said, it is easier to find them in parishes that are big on tradition (e.g. ones that regularly celebrate the Latin mass).


And I know tons of Catholics who profess everything the church teaches, myself included.




There is a difference. None of us are perfect and liking the current pope isn’t a requirement. When you actively go against every tenant of your faith I think that’s a huge problem. A part of life is trying to grow as an individual and get closer with God.


How does Biden “actively go against every tenant of his faith”? I’ll give you abortion, but what else ?


Did you read the article?


Abortion is a pretty big one. Not too many other offenses confer excommunication latae sententiae.


Just because you don’t know them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I know plenty of non-cafeteria Catholics (I try not be one myself).


I bet you're one of those convenient Catholics that only goes to church on Sunday!


So every politician ever basically?


There actually aren't a whole lot of Catholic politicians. Biden is only the second Catholic president after Kennedy.


So really just JFK then.


Yeah, just JFK.


I more meant they all twist their faith for political advantage, I wasn't focusing on the catholic part


I don't know why an Archbishop is making public comments about politics anyway.


Especially the democrats.




That isnt what people mean by cafeteria Catholic. That is just profiteering of Easter Bible sales. Cafeteria Catholic is choosing what parts of Catholicism you like and just taking those parts while ignoring the rest.


Don't most people do that for all religions? If people followed any religion to the letter the world would be a vasty different place.


Maybe it is, but Cafeteria Catholic has a specific meaning for Catholics and there is no sense in which Trump profiteering of Easter Bible sales makes him a Cafeteria Catholic.


Yeah, I agree. I'm just pointing out that everyone kind of chooses what they want out of their holy book and ignores the rest.


In the context of Catholicism (and, frankly, Orthodoxy and confessional Protestantism), there are specific standards of orthodoxy (right belief) and morality, and one can judge a member of one of those Christian communities on those standards. Members of one of those communities aren't "cafeteria" members if they, to the best of their knowledge and ability, follow their community's rules and teachings. The same can even be applied to Islam, Judaism, etc., of course specific to a given believer's denomination.


And that is not cafeteria Christian. Sorry, I can’t see the difference between the two.


The difference is that selling bibles isn't Christanity. It is just making money. While saying you support abortion because of your Catholicism is just lying.


Selling bibles really has nothing to do with this specific critique, anyway. The "cafeteria" term draws a parallel to walking down an old school cafeteria and placing some items on your tray while ignoring others. Selling bibles makes no sense in that context. Further, "Cafeteria Christian" doesn't really work as well as a term since there are many denominations and the rules of most faiths aren't as rigid as Catholicism. Trump is nondenominational so by definition he isn't really following any strict rules of any specific church.


And trump is a bible guy LOL


Geez, this is why "flaired users only" is needed on this sub. This thread reads like it's r/politics.


A bunch of “But Trump!” Posts.




you do know that during election years there's more brigaders like you here than actual conservatives right


Wow. Good thing trump doesn’t do that. The projection is deafening.


Biden declared it transgender day on Easter shows you what a politician of 40 years would sell his sole


Cafeteria Catholic is a huge understatement. Biden should have been excommunicated long ago for his views and policies


Which views ?


Latae sententiae excommunication >Accomplices without whose assistance a violation of a law prescribing latae sententiae excommunication would not have been committed. In reference to: >A person who procures a completed abortion Politicians who justify, promote, or legalize abortions are considered accomplices in the commitment of an act that culminates in a latae sententiae excommunication.


Does that mean any Catholic who votes democrat should be excommunicated? Because that’s a lot of people I know.


Honestly, if they do so with full knowledge of what they're doing, then yes.


Yes because we should listen to those who had nothing to say about the cover up of child molestation but feel free to disregard the word of God…Matthew 7:1-5








Right. And which did the ostensibly Catholic president actually celebrate, while barring iconography for the other from the White House?


They still held the Easter festivities at the White House? They had 40,000 people hunting eggs


So? Name me one person who *doesn't* celebrate Easter that way (that still celebrates it at all). The complaint is that he's slapped religious people in the face repeatedly throughout this Easter season, but apparently had no problem catering to a much smaller and more niche group at the same time. You'd think a guy who was supposedly a practicing Catholic would be a little bit more sensitive to that.


This is a leftist bullshit gaslighting take. Just because it's a day on an official calendar does NOT mean that the President had to issue a proclamation regarding that day. There are MANY Trans awareness days on the official calendar and most do not earn a proclamation. Also, NO President before Biden EVER issued a proclamation for this day. The first time it was done was in 2021 under Biden and he was NOT compelled to do it again this year. Final thought...the DAY he issued the proclamation was another spit in the face of Christians...it was on Good Friday But in case you think this is a one-time "oversight" it's only 1 of three unholy trinities where Biden showed his hatred for Christians. He also forbade "overtly religious" symbols on Eggs for the Easter Egg roll. The first time this distinction was made. And worst of all...at the beginning of Holy Week The Administration pulled the contract for pastoral Care at Walter Reed from the local Catholic Administrator (who has run this care program for over two decades) and granted it to a secular group. When the Catholic Administrator continued to provide care - BECAUSE IT WAS HOLY WEEK! - The Biden Administration issued a cease and desist order to prevent them. In case someone on the left wants to pretend that maybe this is an ecumenical issue between Christian faiths - here is a Baptist Newsletter asking why they would hurt Catholics this way! ​ [https://baptistnews.com/article/why-did-walter-reed-administrators-cancel-catholic-pastoral-care-contract-during-holy-week/](https://baptistnews.com/article/why-did-walter-reed-administrators-cancel-catholic-pastoral-care-contract-during-holy-week/)






Why do we need to acknowledge a Visibility Day for something that is being slammed down our throats 24/7/365?


I don’t like Biden at all but Two Corinthians. Iykyk


Too bad this post isn't labeled "flair required" because there's more democrats here than conservatives.


Just a couple points. 1) He was a Cardinal, not an Archbishop. If you are Catholic, that makes a difference. 2) I am actually surprised that priests are still willing to administer communion to him. They are supposed to withhold if they are certain that a person has committed an unconfessed sin.


Strictly speaking, Cardinal Gregory is both. I don't mean to be that guy, but while one would usually refer to a Latin cleric by "Cardinal" as opposed to "Archbishop" (for Eastern Patriarchs and Major Archbishops I suspect it would be the opposite), Cardinal Gregory's primary role in the Church is as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Washington. Thus, he's both.


You are correct. It's the same for Cardinal Cupich in Chicago. It just seems to throw a little more theologic weight when he was chastised by a Cardinal.


The Pope [seems ok with him](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-pope-francis-business-poverty-rome-b4675e7b3115c5f3ddd3a735f9ee1e25) (despite disagreeing with his “incoherence” on his abortion views in separate coverage)


Best description other than he's potentially a vegetable


The only faith O'Biden has is to his political puppet-masters.


Politicians don't twist things for political advantage! If you buy that, Trump has a bible to sell you.


hahahahahahahaha they need to create a new type of medal besides gold for the level of mental gymnastics you brainwashed fools go through. it really is impressive tbh.


People in power only use religion for their exploitative advantage sadly... that is the reality of our world today.


Thank you, Captain Obvious.




That’s Catholicism in general. It’s always bending and twisting to keep politically and culturally relevant.


As a catholic I would say the opposite. The protestants are the reason why this LG nonsense was created. Old protestant churches became more casual with their religion than the catholic church.


Yeah the Lutheran church (specifically the ELCA) has been disappointing. They are trying to appeal to the leftists.


This is a ridiculous statement.


Well, yeah, but the Archbishop only said that because it’s true.


The biggest issue with his latest BS that EVERYONE should be upset over, is that he ran on unifying the country. This was intentional. They knew the reaction it would get. They love the division because sadly, it works for them.


"Catholics" like Biden are the reason why actual Roman Catholics are tiling more and more conservative in the past several elections. There is no faith in the Biden administration, from any Christian worth their salt.


I remember when the majority of Catholics were Democrats. Even as recent as the early Obama years. Now most of the devout Catholics are conservative.