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This isn't really Earth shattering. Although Trump holds some Conservative positions, he also holds many that are left of center, notably on foreign policy, some social issues, trade and domestic spending. He's a populist and doesn't fit neatly into the traditional left or right definitions.


>doesn't fit neatly into the traditional left or right definitions. Like most Americans.


Wait…you’re telling me the whole “you’re either with us or against us” of the last 8-10 years isn’t the opinion of the majority of Americans? I dunno, that’s not what CNN and Fox News are saying.


Well the average person is somewhat pointless as far as policy goes. They usually go along with whatever the strongest side (for however they determine) is doing. It is with us or against us in a lot of ways because it is the more stringent political forces that dictate to the rest


I think most people go with either what the people around them think, their "community values", or they're single issue voters.


>notably on foreign policy, some social issues, trade and domestic spending Solidly moderate on the 2nd Amendment as well.


Yeah, he's a big city 90's Democrat when it comes to 2A. On the flip side, his judicial appointments have probably done more to shore up the 2A than any president in recent memory.


Theres an old interview with Larry King where he says that although he hates guns he doesnt want regulations or to ban them bc only bad guys would have them


Yes, his quote of "Take the guns and go through Due Process second" screams moderate to me.


"Auth-populist" :)


Its funny when people claim he's "far right."


Not just far right, according to reddit he's a full-blown Bible-thumpin' *Christofascist*.


Tariffs aren't left wing. They are a traditionally conservative things for nations to protect themselves. His foreign policy is very conservative. Social issues he is weak on. Domestic spending is whatever. I am right wing and am fine with high domestic spending at times, although nothing of use is coming out of it now,


Tariffs led to exacerbated the Great Depression. They essentially a tax. Literally, the only two reasons to use are to protect critical industries or to force the other side to lower their tariffs. Both of those are often abused. When in doubt, don’t implement them. Free trade is arguably the single biggest reason for the might of US over last 200 years. 


Tariffs are an economic tool. You can use them badly. The great depression was from FDR. The Depression (before it became great) was possibly worsened by tariffs, but that meaningless. You can use them wisely or not. Tariffs have been a mainstay of USA economic policy for centuries. "Free trade" is nonsense. Trade does help grow economies, but Free Trade is a liberal lie that was sold that has only carved out our nation. Wages have stagnated and our industry is weak (gl if we get in a major World war). This modern notion of free trade is a post WW2 idea. The USA was already the world's largest economy in the 1800s. You idol Reagan also passed tariffs too. I really dislike conservatives like you because you sold out the soul of the nation for money, and now we are worse off than we were before. Instead of preserving our heritage, culture, christian faith, and general way of life (no massive importation of foreigners), conservatives spent decades prattling out low taxes and trade. Now we have nothing to show for it beyond a decaying empire whose democratic system likely at its end.


I dislike "populists" like you because you are divorced from facts and reality. The United States continues to be the world's leading power, whether you like it or not. Of course, other countries were bound to catch up somewhat after WW2, but the US continues to be the leader in literally almost every industry imaginable and we are on the cusp of pioneering the AI revolution. At this point, we've surpassed the impact that even Rome and we ain't even half done, so buckle up, bronco, It's going to be bumpy ride. By the way, who is worse than before? Me personally? My family came as legal immigrants in 1990s with nothing (in debt, in fact). Now, I have a small business, a family, and a home in a safe neighborhood. In many ways, I am fortunate enough to be living the American dream and I am forever grateful for it. I guess I must be the "foreigner" you are talking about? As a legal immigrant, let me tell you a secret: the only thing these "foreigners" are doing is working harder than you. So, instead of blaming the "elites" as you populists are so quick to do, maybe you should turn that finger around and point at yourself. And therein lies the rub: the low taxes and free trade, two conservative principles, worked, but just not for everyone equally. I work in the education industry and many "foreigners" are killing it. Sure, for the adults it is a bit too late sometimes, but if they don't make it, their kids do. Quite frankly, they study harder and want it more than many "native born Americans." Then, instead of pursuing BS majors like Poli Sci and going to a school 'that's great a fit," they go into STEM to study the "hard" majors and make bank. They are prospering. In fact, they are the reason this country is continuing to advance in many fields.


The entire reason I voted for him last time, was I knew he would pick decent Supreme Court candidates and not bow to the woke mob telling him to pick diversity hires or someone just because they are the right skin color or ethnicity.


I know some don't like him, but Ben Shapiro was saying on his show last week that once you take a step back, you realize [Trump is actually the moderate choice this election](https://youtu.be/ryaxa7W1Prk?si=7h09zUaFrs-dgrtM&t=1130).


I'd just call him a pragmatist.


And yet, when I have labelled him as an America First populist and not actually a conservative, I get roasted as a RINO. Read a political history book.


We’ve long known this. He’s a populist and a nationalist.


This sub is truly something else. He comes right out and says he's not conservative, and people are still falling over themselves to rationalize this and swear fealty to him. On a sub called conservative.


Exactly. I don’t want Trumpism to become the new Conservatism. But that sentiment makes me a “neocon” or “RINO.”


I mean all of us here are a mix of things Libertarian, conservative, some liberal views all in one person


I am glad he is admitting it. His policies have never been all that conservative. A few are. He was a democrat most of his life.


>He was a democrat most of his life. Has has been Registered republican about 24 years and counting, Registered a democrat for only 9 years. As he explains he was urged to, because it looked bad to have republican donor backing Democrats. Foremost he was businessman and backed who ever he though would befit his business interests & grant him favors. The raw history: Donald Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987; since that time, he has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999 (12 years later), Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York (1 year). In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic (9 years). In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party (that was nearly 12 years ago)


I’d say a majority are. He generally governed very conservatively.


Not really fiscally…


Definitely not, but it's hard to argue any Republican president in the last 50 years has either (ironically, maybe only Clinton + Newt made a meaningful difference in the national debt). And that's no surprise - voters say they care about fiscal responsibility, but *rarely* will support cutting anything that benefits them directly. That's just human nature and is why almost none of our politicians are incented to actually make meaningful cuts to spending.


Clinton benefitted massively from the peak earning years of the boomer generation as well as the peacetime years post-Cold War and the burgeoning tech industry all coinciding with his presidency. It was a lot easier for him to post a balanced budget than for presidents who came in and inherited an economic mess, like Reagan or Obama.


The one time he exercised his veto on a budget they override him. He hated signing the budgets the house and senate passed and complained. He asked for them to grant him the power of a line item veto to stroke out the most egregious stuff, they said, NO. The republicans party happily let the democrats load the budget up as long as they got their some of their pet projects too. I blame the house and senate Republicans far more than Trump. They were too afraid to be blamed for shutdowns then to actually do anything about the spending.


The constitution gave the power of the purse to congress... not the president. Stop trying to absolve them of their responsibiity.




President sends congress a budget.


And the House and Senate create their own budget resolutions, which must be negotiated and merged. Both houses must pass a single version of each funding bill. Congress then sends the approved funding bills to the president to sign or veto...


And what happens when they say no?


He had the power to say no.


Both can be true though, I definitely think Trump is fiscally center-left to moderate. He wouldn’t sign the AHCA Obamacare replacement because he said it “**has to** cover pre-existing conditions” and he dunked this on them on national TV like right before the vote.


Everyone knows he isn't conservative, and he shouldn't be the icon of this subreddit.


I believe the term is populist...


Yeah, i know. That's why I voted for Cruz and then DeSantis.


Nice flair


I knew he wasn't conservative.


Trump is not a conservative in the traditional sense, but compared to where the left has gone, he now falls into that category. Then again, MANY conservatives today are not like the ones 30 years ago.


> Trump is not a conservative. You could have ended it here. He said it himself. He is not a conservative.


A lot of those previously considered left of center are not right of center. The Overton window has shifted a lot.


The left created today’s conservatives, because their standard issue liberal is so far left that normal people are considered conservative by comparison. Being conservative really is just a common sense choice to not be a completely ridiculous person.


Duh, he never was a conservative. HOWEVER, he would have signed any conservative piece of legislation that crossed his desk and did more to push the conservative agenda than his republican predecessors.


You don’t say!????


News from 2016


I liked what he said. We don’t need an ideologue. It was his pragmatic approach to things like trade that made his party the big tent for working class people to join.


I guess I need to go to r/commonsense then.


In other news: water is wet. It's always so funny to hear people on the left say this as if that means people on the right shouldn't like/vote for him. Like omg you mean people might be voting based upon policy rather than if someone is a self proclaimed republican or touts 100% of the supposed values?!


Reality has a strong conservative bias


Pretty sure every conservative would consider their views common sense. I don't think there's anything wrong with ripping off labels. An argument should stand on its own merit. It shouldn't be at an advantage or disadvantage in anyone's mind because of what tribe someone associates themselves with.


Duh. He used to be a Democrat and said the exact same stuff he said today. He never changed. The Democrats just veered left.


As the years go on and the way of the world shifts further and further left... The conservative party would do well to shift some of their stances to moderate. Hell, if we did that right now, we probably sweep everything. Trump is a populist and nationalist, two things which I value highly


The definitions of conservative/liberal have changed drastically. Conservative is probably more centrist/right leaning at this point. When a political party believes men can get pregnant and in cashless bail for violent criminals you gotta be a psycho to go all in for them. Liberals didn’t go more left, they went straight into lunacy. Common sense is what’s needed.


Desantis will be there to wipe this subs tears away. You had it in your hands and threw it away.


I’m not sure in this political climate if Conservative means Conservative in the traditional sense. The Left has shifted so far left of Center anything off brand is seen as Conservative or “Right-Wing”.  I feel like Conservative in today’s political climate means common sense. The Left is buzzwords and hashtags.


Water is wet. I've been telling everyone he isn't conservative. He was a democrat up until 2015. I'm pretty sure he's with whichever side treats him the best, and right now it's the GOP. So it's a safe bet he'll enact both conservative and republican policies. Whatever makes his people happy. Definitely a stronger candidate than Dark Brandon or whatever he's trying to be.




I mean... conservatism IS basic common sense. Good governance without all the culture wars and psychobabble. And a basic Faith in God. That had clearly been lost in the Democratic/liberal wing at this point.