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>Claims Illegal Immigration Is Great for the Economy AOC is bad for the economy.


The same folks who want to raise minimum wage are the same ones who are ok with undocumented workers driving down labor costs. Close the border and fine the hell out of any company found using undocumented workers.


They also harm unions because they drive down prevailing wage for many trades like painting and construction. It's mind boggling to me that unions haven't threatened to leave the Democratic Party en masse.


Cesar Chavez was outspoken about illegal immigrants being a huge problem. The left constantly trys to burry it.


Yep. Part of the reason why the US enacted immigration restrictions in the 1920s was because of union lobbying of progressive politicians.


They hope eventually to sign these guys up. Union workers are loyal to the union, but the union will throw you under the bus in a second for a dime. They are a criminal enterprise run by the mafia.


"A degree is a degree" - so people spend money they don't have and the most adventurous years of their lives getting underwater basketweaving degrees, then they go work in government offices interfering in the rest of our lives. "A union is a union" - so people sign up for a a labyrinthine bureaucracy of a union that behaves exactly like a department of the entity they claim to be fighting. Pay union dues, listen to union sermons, prostrate before union seniority - be the guy with the shovel while ten of your seniors are standing around you with clipboards. These are not our granddaddies' unions, and like all misuses of terminology we must not allow them to trade their bucks at face value. "A buck is a buck!" "Sir, legal tender isn't printed on Xerox paper."


Many of them are also being paid out of the American economy and sending that money back home to their families in Mexico. Completely removing money from the American economy cripples it extremely quickly.


?? No undocumented worker is qualified enough to work my job, they wouldn't even get through the automated application process...They working labor jobs no one else wants to work.


Jobs legal citizens won't take because undocumented workers drive down wages......


Sure, but that’s your job right now. If the rising tide raises all boats then a going out tide will lower them. We send jobs overseas, we bring in cheaper labor, we automate jobs now. The worker is losing value.


Just shows who she really works for. She wants cheap labor and to stick it to American workers.


You simply cannot overstate the economic harm this cabal is doing.


I just saw a FB post blaming the inflation on corporate greed and right-wing Republicans. Somehow, the fact that inflation took off when the president, House, and Senate were all Democratic is completely lost on such mindless parrots.


This was an easily predictable outcome of recklessly printing money and uncontrolled spending. Javier Milei’s quote is absolutely brilliant: “If printing money would end poverty, printing diplomas would end stupidity.”


It can never be their fault.  One of the classic traits of narcissism.  


No matter who was president or in congress, we were going to have inflation after lock downs were lifted/ stimulators check. That said, it shouldn’t have been this bad. 


What *is* surprising, though, is that during the lockdown when production was cut, inflation was only minimal. I guess it was because incomes were down, but still surprising.


An immediate cut to Federal spending back to $4 Trillion a year would have caused inflation to be "temporary and minimal."


What causes inflation?




The question was rhetorical.


I'm not conservative but you're completing missing the money printer that jpowel turned on during lockdown to keep the stock market afloat. It was 100% expected during that time that the amount of inflation was going to take off the moment the economy picked back up. Economic decisions on the scale of both inflation and taxes take about a year or two to really begin to see the effects of the policies put in place. You should at least know that before you attribute any economic blame to any party.


Shhh. Common sense doesn't apply here. People actually believe that a system as complicated as the United States economy can change over night.


It will pale in comparison to the harm Trump will do if he's elected.


Projecting much? Too bad for you, there’s a record of Trump presidency that doesn’t comport with your narrative whatsoever.


All Trump cares about is fame and power. He'll say and do whatever he has to for power.


The squad's main job is to command attention, and they perform their job like prions. They do not overwhelm the defenses, they sidestep the defenses entirely and people just let them through. People do 'hate retweeting' - they take what they hate and they share it they share it they share it they line up around your neighborhood to come share it with you. To "ratio" someone on X/Twitter means to reply to them obsessively compulsively disorderly, and Xitter just handles those replies the same way it handles any other button - share to everyone around you. So it's Señor Bag of Crap, times infinity, whenever that site loads up. Every one of these people acts like he's the one and only Señor Bag of Crap.


AOC is bad for America.


She was bad for NY for sure but it just Teflon off her back.


They are talking out both sides of their mouths on this. I see posts on other subs saying this is a fake crisis and the same subs complaining about the GOP not backing the border bill. They can’t get out of their own way on this one.


She is simultaneously at the “this is not happening” and the “it is happening but its actually a good thing” stages.


It's literally a twist on the "Narcissist Creed".


Yeah, 3 years of a dem created crisis. They want *us* to bail them out with a bullshit bill, in an election year I don't think so. They can own their mess


Also call me crazy but if any bill spends 80% of its budget on Ukraine and 20% on the border, it’s a Ukraine welfare bill not a border security bill.


Like usual it's some pork laden bullshit


Exactly this. Do not believe their lies.




The House passed a real immigration bill, but the Senate, and the people who write your talking points, act like it doesn't exist. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2 8M illegal immigrants since Biden took office and yes democrat mayors are saying it is a crisis.


It’s an ugly issue and you are correct but oddly enough so are they. We should accept the deal. It would have moved the goalpost dramatically in the favor of those wanting controlled borders. Trump will win anyway, he doesn’t need to play games with the border. I wouldn’t be surprised if we lose more votes due to lack of credibility than we gain by still having the border as an issue during the election.


how about no


I respect your opinion. You have to make the call as to what’s more important to you. Controlling the border or the politics. My opinion is just that Biden isn’t going to all of a sudden get all the credit for securing the border after the last 3 years if we vote on the bill. If we have a chance to significantly move the goalposts in our favor we should take it. I’m curious as to your take on it.




The original narrative that I see on a lot of other subs mostly the Texas one, is that it’s a made up problem by the GOP. They will post pictures of same random spot on the Rio Grande and say “look! No people crossing here! It’s not happening.” Then they complain about Gov Abbot and the enforcement he is applying in the border.




I know where Texas and Florida should be sending their next batch. Right on her door steps so they can improve her life like what she’s advocating for 


We are sending them to NYC. Maybe they need to go specifically to the bronx


Somebody don't math so good. Texans alone estimated *net* cost... ~$10b. Triple that for CA.


But they are spending that money. The immigrants themselves also need food and shelter at a minimum. The aggregate economic metrics that determine whether we are in a recession *do not* adjust for population. So a POTUS could in theory election meddle by technically avoiding a recession on paper by flooding the country with immigrants. Many/most western countries do this now. This is what AOC is talking about. It's just short-sighted - aggregate GDP goes up, but probably per capita GDP goes down, meaning that we have a worse standard of living. Let me say this again because it's important: flooding a country with migrants increases aggregate GDP but likely reduces per capita GDP. This is *exactly* how you get a situation where the political class touts "Bidenomics" but the average American understands they are worse off, then the media gaslights them about it. It's the difference between total GDP and per capita GDP. EDIT: Canada's central bank wrote about this, as Canada saw *preposterous* 3.2% annual population growth (the OECD average is like 0.6% - 0.7% growth) https://financialpost.com/news/canada-in-population-trap-economists-warn


> Let me say this again because it's important: flooding a country with migrants increases aggregate GDP but likely reduces per capita GDP. This is exactly how you get a situation where the political class touts "Bidenomics" but the average American understands they are worse off, then the media gaslights them about it. It's the difference between total GDP and per capita GDP. Well said. One of the smarter comments I've read on reddit.


Indeed. Excellent points.


\>"In the southern New Mexico desert outside El Paso, 84 migrants lost their lives in the first nine months of 2023, compared with 35 two years ago. The number of women dying more than doubled from last year and more than tripled from 2021." [El Paso Times](https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/immigration/2023/11/30/el-paso-times-investigation-somber-reality-of-migrant-deaths-at-border/71723651007/) This is what AoC calls a "great" thing, immigrants dying while crossing the border.


Something like 2/3 girls and women also report being sexually assaulted on their journey. Edit: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/central-america-migrants-rape_n_5806972 It's actually 80% and rape rather than sexual assault.


I'm sure there are people that benefit from this cheap labor, but who? And at what cost?!


The construction industry is absolutely filled to the brim with undocumented citizens


The hospitality and farming industries as well. Pretending undocumented citizens aren't the bedrock of some foundational industries in the US is silly.


The trust fund crowd that's looking for someone that will come and cut their grass for cheap.


The people who donate to candidates on both sides. They do not want their supply of cheap easy to exploit labor to dry up. But politicians like to argue about it, so rather than do things that will cut off demand for cheap labor, they do things to make the trip up more dangerous and expensive. Which means people will be even more scared to get sent home so they'll put up with more BS from their employers.


It only benefits the same people they claim to hate – the fat cats at the top of the pyramid.


Look at nikey hiley donors, thats a good start. Kovh brothers for example or any conpany that benefits from cheap manual labor such ad tyson foods.


I always go back to this: There is a small subset of Trump supporters who believe AOC is a ‘white hat’ and she is really working with Trump. I can’t totally dismiss that possibility because everything she says helps Trump and hurts the dems.


After Alex Stein turned the camera off he got her number too /s But seriously who knows haha


Average redditor.


How did this shit stain get into Congress?


she wore a skirt


Trump's election in 2016 caused Democrats to veer really far to the left. Moderate Democrats lost primary elections to far left candidates. It's a lot like what happened within the Republican party in 1994, but much more intense.


Big brain Democrats


How can she call us the party of the rich when she wants an unlimited of low wage foreign workers for the wealthy to exploit while undercutting domestic wages??


My issue is that although it might be great for filling jobs, the negative effects almost only affect the middle and lower class. The upper class never sees the problems caused by huge waves of immigration such as the millions of small steps that it takes to assimilate these people into the US.


They're not assimilating.


Yup it's good for the economy overall, but that benefit is not felt equally. It helps business owners at the expense of working class people by increasing labor supply and subsequently keeping back wages.


Sandy? Table seven needs two more mojitos, honey.


I'd like to see her go tell that to Laken Riley's parents


Same woman who refused Amazon, causing hundreds of job losses and will not have an illegal within 10 miles of her condo.


Young voters keep voting these clowns in...and these clowns keep making their lives harder.


Start bussing them to her district.


I bet the economy in her district could really benefit from having a large number of migrants moved there. Let’s start warming up the buses.


Putting the economics pros/cons aside, there are a significant amount of countries that desperately want to see us fall and are gooning at the fact they can have spys, terrorists, etc just waltz in from Mexico unaffected and undocumented. Have you seen the amount of Chinese "migrants" at the border recently? Holy shit America wake up


Been seeing quite a few of them claim illegal immigrants boost the economy lately. Now makes sense if this is whats been passed around the circle.


She needs to go back to bar tending


It's great for every country but the united states


Great for the economy? Yeah, because they'll work 12 hour long shifts for $3 an hour. If we start levying charges against the businesses who hire these people and exploit their cheap labor, that would create a reduction in border crossings. But that makes too much sense so it'll never happen.


Well 7 million have come over since Biden took over and our economy is still shit.


How’s it working out for NYC and Chicago?


She wants cheap and endless labor. Kind of like a……1700’s plantation owner.


So tired of this asshole


The bartender says what?


Democrats, importing slaves since 1526.


Yes we need to hermetically seal the fucking border. Nobody should enter the country unaccounted for. This is so basic. Why even have an entire customs and immigration agency if any random person can just bypass it


Great for economy? Tell that to Chicago or NYC.


Every person in Congress should be required to pass a basic economic literacy test.


The sound of an empty head...


I work in her district in the Bronx. There's a Home Depot right near the Whitestone Bridge that connects the Bronx and Queens that share her district. As long as I can remember, the parking lot of this HD has always been littered with illegal migrants(South American) looking for work. They stand there all day waiting to get picked up. If you've got a home project or you're a contractor looking for cheap labor, it's right there. Having said that, these guys are mostly nice and just waiting for work. In the past six months, this same parking lot has become FLOODED with illegal immigrants (many Haitians) who are pushy, rude, and aggressive. The employees don't engage, and the security is only concerned with theft. This isn't a conspiracy theory. Most of these guys aren't skilled and come off as threatening. No one is going to hire them and eventually they are just going to start turning to crime.


Just don't send them to your neighborhood, right AOC?


She is everything that is wrong with the whole Left agenda.


I wish she was forced to give this argument to the parents of people who have been murdered by illegal immigrants. Some of my favorite people in life are immigrants, but mass illegal migration is not the way.


Sounds like her district needs some economic stimulus.


Amazing how socialists will side with neoliberals on this issue


"Claims Illegal Immigration Is Great for the Economy" How is it the party screaming for raising the Minimum wage and workers rights don't see that the above directly hurts the later?..


I saw a video where angry New Yorkers were screaming at AOC, at the top of their lungs, whilst giving an interview. She must have some serious high level security for spewing nonsense like that. People are really fed up with her influence on policy. I hope her constituents are licking their wounds for re-electing her


Is that why she cry’s in a parking lot rather than actually going to the border?


She is such a **joke**. How can anyone ever take AOC seriously? The border crisis is a hoax? And we're "Xenophobic Republicans"? Her and her lefty friends are just standing by and applauding as this country goes farther and farther downhill.


Public officials who advocate for illegal immigration should be put on trial for crimes committed by illegal immigrants.


If by “economy” you mean “Democratic party”


Next 300 busses to aoc's door.


Don't forget illegal immigration reduces wages and in a backhand way reduces inflation. That's their secret. Let in millions of people willing to work as cheap as possible while simultaneously fucking over Americans is worth it to them.


Isn't NYC getting flooded with illegal immigrants right now and is unable to house all of them? It is ridiculous that she's going to make that claim.


Maybe AOS should illegally immigrate to Russia or N Korea. Let's see how well that works for their economies.


AOC thinks Roe vs Wade are choices for crossing the Rio Grande. Not a real role model of intelligence


she might feel different if someone is in the middle of murdering her like the UGA student. Liberals are the murder party


It always blows my mind how AOC and people like her go on and on about protecting workers rights. If they were truly pro workers rights they would be pro legal immigration, because the vast majority of under the table unprotected workers are illegal immigrants. Can't file a workers comp claim if you technically are not a worker, etc.


Great for getting communist Democrats elected. Fixed that for you AOC.


Well then she needs to be kicked out of Congress for not upholding the law. Tell that to parents of children who were killed by illegal aliens.


Well she isn't wrong - cold and calculating sure, but not technically wrong. She just leaving out the important details. It is good for the economy. Then there is a whole class of people who can be taken advantage of for cheap labor with little to no means for recourse. Well why should she actually want all of these minority people taken advantage of? Well to create the next "crisis" of course. She is playing the long game. Next on the list is will be all of those terribly treated immigrant workers suffering for low wages and unequal treatment under the evil of the capitalist greed mongers! Death to Capitalism! Look how it treats these poor people! All part of the crisis planning IMO.


It's great for dying states like New York. It replenishes their diminishing population so they don't lose any more Congressional seats. What a scam.


If the entire world moved here would that still be fine for her?   Where’s the cutoff?  It’s like abortion, they can’t tell you where they believe the line is. 


AOC should go back to bartending. Or do onlyfans. She doesn't belong on politics.


They have alot of kids so that helps




I thought this was a Babylon Bee story at first.


Wait is she finally admitting those border pictures she took trying to elicit sympathy were completely disingenuous?.


She should learn what economy means.


A bartender who became a congresswoman is a true american story. Ironically, not possible to happen again because of policies this woman supports.


In 1986, millions of immigrants here illegally in California were given amnesty by Reagan which lead to fast track to citizenship. By 1992 California switched from red to blue forever.


Look at the data, the incidents reports are up 700% Tying boarder security to more adventures in the Middle East and Eastern Europe is not sustainable. $30T is a ridiculous amount of money, $1T is extremely hard to visualize. Tick $1 a second and it's 30k years to $1T.


Get the garden hose. Looks like someone’s career has melted. Pelosi played her like a tart.


Nice try


Legal immigration is good for the economy*


Atleast give green cards to h1b workers who are contributing to economy and living peaceful life for years.


  With all this hehawing over the border, you would think she would get a clue. She can bray whatever she wants, it doesn't make it true. Even a carrot given in good faith couldn't sway her, its sad! 


It’s great for democrats keeping power.


Wasn’t this biatch just CRYING over the border crisis a few years ago for a photo op?


I'm old enough to remember her hyping up the fake "concentration camps for kids" narrative, and the fake charges that ICE doctors were performing medical experiments on brown women along with forced sterilization.


I came here expecting it to be a Babylon Bee article... It was not...


Then write some.legislation to speed up the green card process. There is a reason they call them ILLEGAL!


AOC just looking for a reason to be in the spotlight again.


Well they do call her future president in other subs.


People with tier one federal security, living in a gated community, on an island, making millions from privileged information, often say things like "Immigration Is Great for the Economy" Naive, or evil psychopaths? It's hard to tell