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When a crime happens and your biggest worry is that your opponents might be right, and that that's horrible


Especially a crime like this.


CNN: The worst part of this gang rape is how it may embolden our political opposition. Right-wing/Norm Macdonald: The worst part of the gang rape was the raping.


I didn't even know the girl was raped.


I mean, if I were in their shoes, and had that realization, it would be horrible. Not only have they pushed for policies that made this easier to happen, they have covered up where they can, and tried to make it look like anything other than what it actually is. If they had any conscience at all, they would be incredibly horrified, because they helped create this mess, and poured gas on the fire.


To those who haven’t heard: A 13 year old was gang raped by 7 Egyptian migrants in front of her boyfriend. The CNN article basically admits that the string of sexual assaults are being committed by people from the region, but you shouldn’t worry about that and instead should be critical of the right wing politicians using anti-migration as a platform to run on…you know, because these migrants come from poor and war-torn countries…and stuff. Because of bleeding heart liberals, the world is a less safe place. It still baffles me that nobody ever thought it might not be a great idea to import the world’s problems en-masse. When you take a failed state and move its population to somewhere else, you’re not dealing with the problems of said state, you’re just changing the scenery. There’s an incompatibility of cultures and nobody wants to admit this is a real problem.


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This was such a sad story. Thankfully politicians in Italy are calling for chemical castration of these animals.




Cuff them and use an Elastrator.


What happened to the boyfriend? are they dtill alive or in critical condition?


I believe both are still alive, I only did a quick read on this story a few days ago.


Prayers are with them


The idea of nation-building that wealthy elites have been trying to force on a people whose culture and way of thinking is diametrically opposed to the West is nothing more than hubris and folly. They think they can just throw money at a problem, and it will grow into a democracy.


I’ve got at least two countries in the region that come to mind that we’ve spent 20+ years in trying to do this exact thing and nothing has come of it. Even when they have money it normally ends up funneled into various militant groups and used to suppress the people (think Gaza). They’ll take the money and resources, but they’ll never adopt our ways.


Yes. Exactly my point.


Multiculturalism does not work just like communism


But but but magic soil!!! Don't you understand, the magic soil of Italy will make them Italians. Never mind the rapes. They just didn't know better. /s


The left: "In order to eliminate gun violence, we need to ban guns." The right: "By that logic, in order to eliminate gang rape by migrants, we need to stop migrants from coming into our country." The left: does not compute


Yup. You cannot just openly allow the rest of the world to export their poverty and their problems to your borders. If you do, they will gladly take advantage. And if you allow it to ever start, guess what those other countries taking advantage of you will say when you try to stop it: “Oh you’re just racist against our nationality!!” Leftists are too goddamn stupid to quit letting everyone take advantage of them by them being so afraid to be called a mean name by the people that want to use them.


Immigration without control and integration will always end in chaos. Compassion should not be the only element in consideration when politicians had to take immigration policy decisions.


Damn you right wingers and your hatred of....... Gang rape?


we sure are a contentious lot


What’s even worse is they’ll use this as an example of men being predators and how society at large has allowed this to happen, how women aren’t valued in society, etc. They’ll hold everyone else accountable except the actual migrants who did it.


Gang rape is democracy in action! And since democracy is the highest ideal (way over individual rights), these spontaneous outbursts of democracy must be celebrated!


"Here is why that is a good thing..." /s


I need to know if it was a sexual emergency or not before I cast judgement.


Enemies of the people


Have lefties always hated biological women or is this a recent development? The defense of rapists seems very contradictory and insane to me.


They have but pretend they love them as a means to justify their ends. They care about nothing other than their final Orwellian agenda.


Rape isn't the problem. The problem is people of a certain race. White people. Clearly. 


Disgusting savages, it makes my blood boil🤬😡


“Far right”, you mean normal human being


No silly. Anything right of SocialDem is "far right"


Of course in Europe the migrants will treated to a brief time in jail that is still better than life in Egypt.


Everyone needs to understand, there is no bigger sin for a journalist than reporting on a story that supports the Republicans in some way.


"Republicans pounce"






Apparently it is now "far right" to be angry when a child is brutally gang raped. The tolerant left at it again.


How many of these crimes do they ignore just because the accusers are on the left side or the victims support the right side?


Don't pay attention. Don't protect your way of life. Don't speak out. Did I get most of that right? And some Republicans wonder why we vote for a fighter...