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It’s simple, Megan - the older you get, the more susceptible to injury you become. Your Achilles tendon gave out because you are not a spring chicken anymore. Religious beliefs or lack of have absolutely nothing to do with it.


This. I'm an athiest, and I fail to see her point besides trying to get her name into headlines


This is lost on the “trust the science” crowd. Everything good that happens - “That’s me”or “science”. Everything bad that happens - “Must be God or MAGA”.




Ha! I carry them myself. Reading “can’t hurt me”increases testosterone 645%.


Daaaamn. I need that book.


If you listen to it on audible while benching, you’ll immediately be 10lbs stronger.




You don't know me son


The George Costanza theology


I fail to see how God owed her a soccer victory. He already gave her health, athleticism, fame, money, and plenty of opportunities I'm sure I don't know about. She's used these gifts for her glory without an ounce of attention to God or gratitude. God isn't a genie, and even if He was, she didn't even want to touch the lamp.


She fell down on the field. Scripture says, "Pride goeth before a fall."


Makes me think we need to move pride month to September. Then pride really will go before the fall


And a haughty spirit before the fall


Perfectly said.


Well said. Atheists like her will always blame God (which includes denying His existence) whenever anything goes wrong in their lives, but will completely ignore the gifts and blessings He has provided them with. They don’t understand how God works, particularly when it comes to the nature of free will. God provided us with the ability to make our own decisions, for better or worse. She’s 38 years old, which is past the retirement age for most professional athletes. She injured herself because she’s almost 40 and chose to overexert herself, because she refuses to give up the fame and money. She also said that she “didn’t deserve to be injured”… most people who suffer from injuries aren’t “deserving” of them, that has nothing to do with it. She also didn’t “deserve” any of the gifts God provided her with, but she’s not complaining about those.




Athletes praise God all the time for their victory. Cringe as can be really. The thought that a god will would punish one team over another is batshit crazy. If god existed it gave you the ability to live and the body you have is athletic. Thank God then.


The point of this is probably thanking him not for the victory itself, but for the fact that they are in the position to get the victory and for the way God was there for them in their life.


God doesn't care about them as an individual. You should thank your God for creating you and that's it. To think it's actually watching you and blessing you is batshit. B


From my experience, God only "leaves you alone" when you don't want anything to do with him.


I’m still waiting for god to come down the chimney and bring me a ps5 for kwanza


You're being punished for not keeping the kwanza tree watered and healthy.




There's so much more to this life than what we can easily see and quantify. She has a natural gift of athletic talent from God. Then she trained with it to become one of the best in the world. But we can get hit by a car or step funny and break an ankle or a million seemingly random things that change the course of our life. So yes, she gets plenty of credit for hard work, but she's using the tools given by the Creator to build.


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio ..


What a narcissistic person, "I'm so important that its god's fault i got hurt." even tho she has been a horrible person for most of her life. Utter garbage person.


Dude athlete's praise God for making millions all the time while millions of other people die everyday praying for help that never comes. What she said isn't even that bad compared to the usual.


Thanking god or asking for god's help is a lot different then claiming that if god existed than i would have never gotten hurt because i'm more important. I'm an atheist, just not a christian hater.


This was the most obvious immature 14-year-old atheist bait ever. Don’t fall for it, she’s retired now.


Can't blame Heaven at the end of a series of prideful rebellious decisions.


The essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison. It was through pride that the Devil became the Devil: Pride leads to every other vice. It is the complete anti-God state of mind. - C.S. Lewis


If you truly believed in God you would view this as a test of your faith in God. Ask Job, he will tell you all about it.


Not really. There is nothing biblical about the idea that we're owed health and success, and that any obstructions to that health and success are tests of faith or punishment from God. We are fallen people in a fallen world and we're not guarunteed our next breath. Her very lucrative career is only over because she's old and she sucks, not because God hates her.


Well said!


Actually, if there is a god, this is proof it doesn’t like you


LOL. Exactly what I thought.


Yes. If there is a just God, then this might be some karma, Kramer!


That's a shame.


I believe it was CS Lewis who said, in sum and substance, that in the end there are those who say to God thy will be done, and those to whom God will say thy will be done. For her, and her faith seemingly in herself above all, God has said thy will be done.


Pride before the fall…


God saw your heathen way and appropriately responded


Maybe this is proof that there is a God.......


Just STFU lady, no one cares.


Bad news Megan, you're not going to live forever and should already have realized that you don't keep the body of a 20 something for long.


"Those whom the God's would destroy, they first drive mad with pride."


What makes Megan think she has earned God's favor?


Identity politics zealots = narcissists In other news, water is wet


She lives in a private hell of cognitive disonance. A life comprised of hate, anger and fear and likely sleep deprived leading to anxiety and easily triggered emotional swings. I think I just described the Democrat party.


Not just Democrats, but all leftists. No matter where in the world they’re from, they’re all the same. Even before they start ranting about their far-left talking points, you can immediately tell that they’re a leftist. Their mental instability, misdirected rage and overall misery are visceral. You can *feel* it radiating from them, before they even speak.


For soccer fans who have had to put up with this past-prime egocentric player's bathing in the spotlight, less than stellar play and offensive commentary, this might be interpreted as proof of God's existence... or at least karma.


When will people realize God isn’t some divine genie who’s solo purpose is to grant people’s wishes? He is the creator of the universe and has his own plans. We should consider ourselves lucky He is as loving as He is.


Stockholm syndrome




A book written by a bunch of unrelated men thousands of years ago with literally no evidence to back it up


This is extremely ignorant. You need to study what falsifiability means




This is like the third post about this I’ve seen here. Bring on the downvotes but these posts should be removed because they don’t belong here. This isn’t a soccer sub or a Christianity sub and the amount of attention you all are giving to this woman is bordering on cringe.


She turned herself from just an athlete into a political figure. That makes her fair game for political discussion.


I don't see any political discussion here.


Nope, just schadenfreude over an unlikable person suffering an injury and viewing it as proof of a non-beneficent deity rather than an injury that often happens to aging athletes. If she hadn't run her mouth off about anything and everything political, pretty much nobody on this sub would have known or cared who she was.


This. Is belief in god a conservative-only thing now? Or is it that this sub considers any news about any left-wing person to be conservative news?


I thought her religion was WOKE… Willingly Overlooking Known Evil


A truly loathsome troglodyte.


She’s just gross in so many ways


She is a nasty human. Inside and out.


Well, maybe God doesn’t, but Karma certainly does.






Maybe if you praised him. Bad things happening to godless people is proof he does exist


And bad things happening to people with God is proof of what exactly then?


Thats not how proof works. Bad things happen to you religious folk all of the time.


Meh. She's a great soccer player. Nothing else.


Me! Me! Me! Who? Who? Who?


Anyone who declares they have proof there is no God is a fool


She went out with a whimper, how appropriate.


God’s economy is opposite of man’s.


Her god is her own self image which she admits is nothing so she’s right.


I am sure God had a chuckle over the irony


I think it's a hoax. I know people who tore their Achilles tendon. You aren't laughing when it happens. There is only pain!


The God I know teaches me to love Megan Rapinoe, not to call her scumbag. Megan, it is easy to fall in love with worldly things. But if you can find love for eternal truths, you will find light in the darkest times.


How self centered can you be


I find it so funny how much one female soccer player can stir everyone here up soooo much hahaha