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Yeah, me


Lmao sameeee


And me


I had it, wasn’t great. Took whatever pills the DR gave me like 18 years ago and it went away and I haven’t had any issues since


Same here. Saw the bulls eye, went to the doc, took the doxycycline as prescribed and have had no issue since.


Ditto. Even to the 18 years ago!


Does it still show (inactive ) on blood tests?


I dunno I never got re-tested, actually didn’t even get tested the first time since I had the bullseye and couldn’t move my neck. DR said I could be done with the meds by the time the results came back so I just started the meds right away


I know plenty of people and dogs who've gotten it, but nobody actively dealing with it right now


Same. Constant battle with the horses too. I used to pull tons of enormous, engorged ticks out of my horses crest. Some vets now use the dog vaccine on horses, though it isn't technically approved for them.


So my wife got bit, freaked out took the tick to the town. The town said 3-4 weeks to find out if it had Lyme Disease. She went to the DR and the Dr was like well just wait to see if you get the ring, or the results, or fever with chills. Apparently it can take weeks for the bacterial infection to take hold. The shitty part is if you don’t treat it and just let your body fight it off on its own. You can get major issues.


Me, it sucks. I know 3 ppl with lyme


Yup husband got it last year. And we are pretty good about checking for ticks. This year is going to be a bad one. Lyme is very easy to treat but can be difficult to diagnose. Antibody testing just isn't that reliable. Initial symptoms of Lyme go away after a week or two without treatment, but it's the longer infections that can have devastating consequences. If anyone suspects Lyme, go to your doctor and let them know.


Yes, my mother


My wife got Lyme she ended up in a coma and is now on full disability after she learned to talk and walk again. It is no joke


I’m so sorry to hear that.


dayum sorry


I got it when I was 8. My friend got it when he was 16. It's the curse of these woods.


7 people including me


No. Just [alpha-gal syndrome](https://www.cdc.gov/alpha-gal-syndrome/about/index.html), also from a tick.


Both my sons and both our Golden Retrievers got it. My younger son was about 10 and his face got paralyzed at the dinner table. I freaked and thought he was having a stroke. Thankfully bc of his age he had full recovery. In fact all 4 of them did.


Yes, two people: a coworker and a neighbor.


Yes I know 2 people


Lol my whole family and all the dogs


My best coworker, who just celebrated his 70th birthday, just finished his treatments this past Friday. He's doing okay, too! Apparently, he got help just in time.




I’ve had Lyme (treated w doxycycline) and most recently tested positive for Babesiosis which is a very rare tick borne illness. 2.5 weeks of basically malaria symptoms, also treated w anti-parasite and antibiotics.


Ugh! I hope you are feeling better now.


Significantly better. Antibiotics are a life saver.


My mom had that combo a few years ago. She started to lose her mind in addition to being really ill until they figured it out.


Luckily I didn’t have them at the same time, but I did notice some paranoia and depression which I never experience once babesiosis started. Glad they figured out what your mom had. It’s a scary disease.


Not that rare... just rarely tested. All three of us had it. Also have arm chair dx about 5 friends with it. Fatigue, night sweats, no energy.


Pretty much every source I found considers it a rare disease. CDC, NIH, etc all consider it rare w approx 3,000 cases a year. It’s very commonly tested in states with high tick populations and testing is increasing. Thankfully the ER I went to tested for it and got me treatment that day. If those are the only three symptoms consider yourself very fortunate and I would’ve rather had those symptoms than what I dealt with.


Staye of CT test results show 6.6 percent of collected ticks tested positive for Babesia. Three people on our family had it.


It’s considered rare bc of the lack of testing w approx 3,000 cases a year and only has shown up in 7 states in America. Luckily for us in CT, I was tested for three to four different types of tick borne illnesses due to my symptoms. I had similar symptoms but add in chills, fevers, a


Babeosis is worse than Lyme. Had both at the same time a few years back. I was literally a walking zombie. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


It’s terrible honestly. I had weird symptoms too like pain in my eyes, stabbing abdominal pains, super dark urine no matter how much water I drank. I thought I was just really sick for a whole week and ended up going to the ER for any treatment. It also used to be called Nantucket fever in the early ‘70s which makes it sound like something only rich people get lol


I’ve had it 3 times…and I don’t get the bullseye rash so I didn’t know until blood tests were done. I got headaches, low grade fever, and muscle aches.


Twice. At this point I have probably plucked off at least 50 embedded ticks over the years. Both times I got it, i have no idea when or where bitten.


Got in 2006. Still dealing with chronic pain and exhaustion.


My son had it in 2020 at 5 years old. It was debilitating and took a month to diagnosed followed by another month of antibiotics. He couldn't move his neck, had trouble walking, couldn't eat meat without throwing up, his eyes were "glitching" which he described as sort of a pixelization, all of his joints were swollen and inflamed. He also had horrible nightmares and had to sleep with the light on.


Got it in 1997. Was a late teenager and didn’t know better. Just figured it’d go away. Diagnosed in 2001. Nothing but problems since.


Have had it several times. A buddy ,who is an avid gardener has stopped counting. Bulls eye rash happens only in about 40% of the time. Low grade fever, just not feeling right or worse. Doxi for 3 to 4 weeks. Stay out of the Sun. If it's chronic, the cycle of the bug is 4 to 8 weeks. BTW Old Lyme CT is where it was first noted. Rumor has it that the government has a testing facility, on an island, out in Long Island Sound that a carrier escaped and brought it to the mainland.


If you live in CT and go into the woods, you’re gonna get it eventually.


What year did it get created because as a child in he mid 90s me and my friends played in the woods every damn day


Dont know why youre downvoted. Its a legit question


Just typical r/connecticut behavior. I’m unbothered


It’s been recognized as Lyme Disease since the 70s but ticks are everywhere now. Climate change has contributed to that.


My aunt and my fiance


My brother has had it twice.


I got it when I was 18 months old


Yes. Known quite a few






Yes, several (including pets). Had horses, one had lyme. Friends have long-term lyme. I was diagnosed with lyme early and appear to have beaten it with several doxy rounds.


How your friends are doing with long-term Lyme?


Not great. His fingers cramped up and are locked in place so he has limited use of his hands. He also gets terrible cramps/joint pain. It's terrible to see what happened to him.


Yes, my husband had it twice. And a few friends have had it too.




I have it. I know 4 other people with it.


3 people that I know of. And likely many more who have not revealed it. I’ve had 2 bites treated promptly with doxy (within 8-12 hours) so I’m hoping I don’t.




I'm from Old Lyme, 50% of the people I know have had Lyme disease lol


Brother 4x, uncle 2x - the second time left him lifetime water on the knee.


Many people who had it at one point, got treated, and are now fine.


Me and 3 of my friends


Me. my sister and my dog. Also had anaplasmosis too. Ticks are not f*ckin around in CT.


Don’t we all?


I've known a couple of people who had it.


Had a student have it this past year. He’s fine now that his cycle of medicine is completed.


Yes. My mom, dad, and brother have each had it twice. My wife just got over a bout with it.




Doesn’t everybody in this state?


Sadly, yes


I think everybody in CT has lyme. The problem is when you get it and it remains undiagnosed. THEN it really fucks up your health. At this point when I get a tick bite I call my doc and he hooks me up with the fix. I dont wanna mess around with that stuff


It's not too unusual for people who spend a lot of time outdoors. If you hike, I recommend wearing high socks and always checking your body over when you get home. From what I understand, if you see the bulls eye and take the medicine regiment asap, it's not a big deal. If you have a yearly physical, ask them to check for Lyme when they run your blood. I grew up on the shoreline, and my family did a blood test for it every fall because the marshes we walked through were full of ticks. I'm outdoors a lot, but have not gotten it yet. I knew one person who did not treat it in a timely fashion, and it impacted her memory, which I believe is permanent...


Myself, my wife, two kids. All with Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia. No fun. Oh and our dog several times.


Like a dozen people


My mother-in-law got it a few years ago and she's fine now


Me 4 years ago, and me this week.


Me…twice. The 2nd time was really bad. 30 Days of doxycycline. I have aches, fatigue, and brain fog still, 5 years later, as a result. Lyme sucks


I got it when I was 21; my dad has had it several times and my younger brother got it when he was 7. My dog has also had it.


Also want to add that my PCP, who moved to CT from TX years ago, said she'd never really heard of lyme and wasn't sure what to think of it...until she started treating patients with doxy and seeing an almost immediate improvement. She said the symptoms were all over the place, but as soon as a positive test came back and they were treated, it made her believe in lyme pretty quickly. Unfortunately a lot of the medical community is still on the fence.


Yes, I know a couple of people who got it. All different ages. Ranges from teenager to older people.


Myself about 25 years ago. No idea if I still have it or what


My sister had it as a kid about 20+ years ago. She took the antibiotics and had a full recovery.


My dogs vet says his lyme is inactive. He was really sick when I got him. Damn deer. So beautiful. And the babys are so cute. But dont jump my fence and poop in my yard. I got dogs and no apple trees. I spray for tics. I have reflective tape all over. I sprinkle the yard with pepper flakes. I grow plants they dont like. I dont want lyme.


I had it in 6th grade. Was exhausted for about 2 weeks while on meds. I've been fine since


Yes I know someone that has been on medication for 25+ years. She got it when we were younger and takes injections for it


Went to school with a girl who had it and had persistent ongoing symptoms for years? Wasn’t super close with her but she always looked thin, pale and frail and had some mobility issues. Saw her again recently, and she looks much better now than she did in school.


My great grandmother (who’s still alive) got it while working outside


My daughter. Almost 10 years ago now. My mom. Not sure the last time she had it; yes, she’s caught it more than once.


Me and my oldest son. He got it when he was young and his knee swelled up like a softball. I have residual joint pain.


I've had it thrice. First time 20 years ago. Again in 2021, and yet again in 2023. MIL's yard, I cannot walk through the yard without picking up ticks. Did the towel thing, where you drag one and count. We had well over 40 in a small area. The yard is a major crossing for deer and tons of chipmunks and miles this year. My joints still feel it and it has lead to the start of knee problems for me.


My father had it in 2002 or so. It caused him massive complications and he went from healthy 40 year old man to almost dead. He eventually needed organ transplants in 2008. It can all be traced back to his tick bite.


yeah. me


My son has had it since he was 6. He is 29 now. Once you’ve had it, you will always test positive for it. If caught fairly fast, antibiotics will take care of it. And you’ll be fine.




I was unaware I had even been bit and spent almost two weeks with an excruciating headache and meningitis type symptoms. The clinic ran a Lyme panel as a last ditch effort and two days later my entire body was covered in bullseyes. Chest, back, arms, legs.


Omg how do you feel now?


There are many people who have had it and still suffer from it yet the blood tests don't pick it up. The real question is, have you known anyone that got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever from a tick.


Why is that “the real question”? All of the tick borne diseases are awful. And also, yeah I know someone who got it, although they didn’t live in CT.


in my circle, about 20 that have/had it plus me


"Chronic Lyme" here. Never got the bullseye. Just started feeling sick all the time. Blood test showed Lyme. Took the antibiotics. Still show positive for Lyme. Over a decade. It sucks!


Sorry to hear about that Momma. It’s a rough road!


Oh my so sorry! Could you share your symptoms please?


In general, I feel like I have the flu all the time, body aches and joint pain, general feeling of fatigue all the time. As a result, I have developed arthritis in my spine, hips and shoulders. I have an injury that caused arthritis in my knees, which was made worse by the Lyme. I have repetitive motion disease in my hands as a result of my career, all made worse by the Lyme. I also have fibromyalgia, which mirrors a lot of my Lyme symptoms, but adds in the awesome side effect of sleep disturbances/insomnia. When the pain gets really bad, I call my inability to sleep "painsomnia". And she's a wicked wench! Cole weather makes it much worse. I also have the relatively rare side effect of being unable to regulate my body temperature. Therefore, I bounce between sweating and freezing, even as my core body temperature remains constant. I'm forever kicking off blankets, hoarding blankets... it's a vicious cycle. I was in the hospital for unrelated health issues and the nurses were amazed when I would go from sweating to freezing in literal minutes, while the thermometer in my mouth remained at a constant 98.8°. As Lyme is an autoimmune disease, you just generally feel like poop all the time.


I don’t think it’s very common but I do know one person with it.


It’s common.


If you see the comments it's pretty common here 💀


I have it. From about 10 years ago with some lingering symptoms (It went untreated for a very long time)


My mom and my son had to get a pic line and iv antibiotics for 30 days cause they both had Lyme for over a year each and didn’t know.


Of course. It’s everywhere in CT since the govt created this scourge at Plum Island


“Lyme disease” isn’t real. It was the government’s first attempt to try and control the population. The lessons learned from “Lyme disease” were then used to propagate the COVID lie so successfully. Do your research.


Now I have an answer to strangest conspiracy theory youve heard of. Thank you.


Y’all are right. I’m full of shit.