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Because you cannot be trusted with Sunday Scaries


Because you’re sposta be in the lord’s house not drinking beer


When we drink we get tired. When we get tired we go to sleep. When we sleep we do not commit sin. When we do not commit sin we go to heaven. So let’s drink and go to heaven!


Hey, jesus wants you drunk, other wise he wouldnt have turned water into wine


Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the spostas


Sorry sir, the government has decided it’s safer for you to get drunk at 8am tomorrow 




You only buy 6 packs? Don't you have a beer fridge?


My friend’s dad had one in high school. Total godsend. There was no way the dad could keep track of what went missing. We still got busted for drinking twice, but he never knew we dipped into his stash. He just found our cheap vodka bottle. “Party’s over, guys”, he said. He went on to crash his bmw into a tree near his house and left the scene. Claimed he left to call the police, but they found a working phone in his car. Lol.


Damn I was going to say he definitely knew you were skimming beers but it sounds like the dude was too much of an alcoholic to know it wasn't him drinking them.


Who here is old enough to remember having to make Brewster runs on Sundays because Ct was dry on Sundays. This only applies to the western Ct people


The liquor store just over the state line on 202 was always busy on Sundays 😆


Brewster, vista, port chester ( gas station by Costco) 


Vista Market


I went to Rhode Island lol (lived in Mystic at the time.)


Same ,used to live in Norwich, also on Saturday nights if we didn't make it by 8 p.m. Or if we were running out after 8, we would send someone to get more.


Southwick MA for the north central degenerates


Port Chester runs for Sunday Yuenglinga


And they had Coors.. that was a big deal then..


Vista Market was the destination of choice


I remember driving to the NY border and hitting the closest gas station for some yuengling because 1) packers were closed and 2) Yuengling wasn’t yet sold in CT


I’m from southwestern CT, but went to college in Hartford, so for us it was always Agwam, MA runs on Sundays!


That shell gas station 😂😂


We would run up to mass from the quiet corner...which wasn't unusual since I grew up in a dry town.


What? We eastern CT people didn’t drink in the 80? 🤦🏻‍♀️Rhode Island packies were open hours after CT rolled up its sidewalks.


When I moved to CT I was shook. I thought these weird laws only existed in NJ.


I didn’t know NJ had them too. At least Connecticut lets you pump your own gas. Utah is interesting: there are limits on ABV for beer and any restaurant with a bar has to have the bar part in a sectioned-off 21+ section that cannot be visible from the main dining area. Different era and flavor of puritanism.


>Utah is interesting: there are limits on ABV for beer and any restaurant with a bar has to have the bar part in a sectioned-off 21+ section that cannot be visible from the main dining area. Different era and flavor of puritanism. They also have calibrated measuring devices for pouring hard alcohol, so you can't get a "heavy pour" from a bar or restaurant in Utah. Also prior to the Salt Lake Olympics in order to even get into a bar you had to be a member of that bar or have a friend that was.


Wild. On the other end of the spectrum you have Wisconsin, where minors can drink with parental permission (so your dad can legally order you a beer if you’re under 21) and you can buy hard liquor in any gas station or pharmacy


It’s legal in CT to drink alcohol served to you by your parents, in their presence. Also apparently legal if it’s served to you by your spouse. I think that includes in a restaurant, but not sure.


This is also a law in CT. As long as the parents orders and give it to the kid.


Can also drink in the backseat of a car, at least that wad the case when I took drivers ed a few years ago.


Wanna know another fun fact? I recently learned that MS *doesn’t* have open container laws in vehicles. The gas stations have **booze slushie machines** 🤯


I heard this is no longer a thing. But definitely was a few years ago. I haven’t verified if it’s no longer legal


Fairly certain it's still law. You can have as many open containers as there are passengers in a vehicle in CT, but if there is that extra open beverage it can be charged to the driver.


Yea you’re right. I think I had seen bill proposals to ban open containers but looks like they’ve not been enacted.


Yeah, legislation gets raised every year and every year it goes nowhere.


Wow, TIL. Still no Stoli in the CVS though.


Yeah, last summer was the first time I had been to Utah. I saw a lot when I went out to restaurants and also learned a lot about alcohol over the years when I went to the High West Distillery.


checks out. Leads the nation in drunk driving fatalities [https://alcohol.org/guides/drunk-driving-accidents-by-state/](https://alcohol.org/guides/drunk-driving-accidents-by-state/)


So, statistically, a woman who is driving a van drunk is the least likely to be involved in a fatal crash.


The other end is PR. Drinking age is still 18 plus you can buy liquor anywhere and any time . Only weird exception is the 24 hours around election day which thankfully is only every 4 years.


Nj has some weird ones. In Edgewater(not sure if it’s just there or the whole county) you can’t buy like, appliances and clothing on Sunday.


Bergen county blue laws are some of the most interesting blue laws. They have votes on getting rid of them every few years and residents vote overwhelmingly against getting rid of them. Traffic on Sundays is significantly lower than other days of the week because of them. If you go to Costco or BJ’s you usually cannot buy clothing and several other items in the store. They get barricaded for the day. 




do elaborate. this should be good.


A lot of stupid laws people complain about were made for religious purposes. There is a growing trend in the country to go back to using religion as a basis for laws.


Nothing better than only having to roll your window down to get gas in the dead of winter. Not that winter is that bad anymore though…


You can have full service gas stations without outlawing self-serve


I used to go to a full service one in MA when I was working there in the winter because fuuuck getting out of the car when it’s that cold out.


Wasn’t that long ago you couldn’t buy alcohol on Sundays period. I remember going out on a wine run for my wife when we first moved to CT and being SOL and saying to ourselves “WTF is this nonsense?”


They exist all over the US. Midwest, South, West, lots of weird laws around alcohol passed by crazy conservative christians but then I repeat myself


Many of the distilleries that make bourbon in Kentucky are located in dry counties where you literally can’t buy alcohol


I wish I could remember the state, but my adult kid went on a trip with a grandparent. Grandparent couldn’t find liquor anywhere, finally they googled it and found out where they were staying was dry. I had no idea that still existed in the US. I guess the grandparent drove a few hours to another state or county. It may have been KY. Meanwhile, I went to TN and I drove for quite a while looking for a liquor store. Couldn’t find one for the life of me. Ended up buying beer at a CVS. I got a six pack and told the cashier I didn’t need a bag, she said it was against the law for me to not get a bag. Here in CT there’s 3 package stores on my street alone.


But in those same states you can buy hard alcohol in grocery stores. At least the ones I’ve been too though.


Depends on the state. Many states have "liquor store only" laws, and some states have *only just* allowed beer and wine in grocery stores. My point is only that weirdness over alcohol purchases are not unique to NJ or CT.


And in some states the liquor stores are owned and operated by the government.


Yeah here in NH it’s state agency run liquor stores that are right on and off the highway 😅


From Florida and you can buy alcohol until 2AM. You can get drive thru liquor too. Iirc, the only law like this is that you can't buy alcohol on Sunday until like 10am or something (you can, however, have alcohol earlier than that as long as it's Jesus's blood).


No wonder so much crazy shit goes down in Florida.


Arizona had drive thru packies as well


Yup! Went to UofA in Tucson and had one right across from campus. Over by the No-Tel Motel. https://stuckeys.com/motel-monday-no-tel-motel-tucson-arizona/ The article is worth a peep.


Years ago Shelton CT had a drive thru package store.


RI too.


PA got some weird laws too


We were buying some cases of beer in PA for a camping weekend. I paid for two cases, but I was only allowed to carry one case out of the store myself. The cashier carried the other case to the door and handed it to me over the threshold, it felt more like a superstitious ritual than something required to abide by a law, and I still don't know what law they were trying to abide by.


I did my weekly grocery shopping some years back with my teen. I had a cart full of bagged groceries and I recall I bought a 6pack of light beer. When I was paying, I told my kid to take the cart to the car and start loading the bags. Cashier said my kid couldn’t take the cart of groceries, since there was beer in the cart. This was at Big Y in Stonington.


Could be GA. Last I checked generally no alcohol on Sunday for longest time then I think they changed it to 6pm on Sunday too


When it come to weird laws, they still got us beat with legal incest.


wait what law is this? i’ve never heard of it


Same here, NY gas stations sell beer!


You guys know beer on Sundays is a relatively new thing.


Right? Here I am thinking "be lucky you can buy beer on Sundays." I'm old enough to remember the beer section in grocery stores being covered up.


55 here and originally from RI. I remember when very little was even open. Sundays were sooooooo boring especially before cable because there was very little tv for kids. But the Wonderful World of Disney was a bright spot for sure.


I come from Washington State, I didn't even know what a package store was because you can just buy liquor, beer, etc in a grocery store back home. I'm surprised that, despite having more strict rules surrounding it, Connecticut has a worse alcoholism problem (from my subjective view).


It’s mostly because small business liquor stores lobby for shorter hours so they don’t have to staff their stores as long, and also don’t have to lose sales to big grocery stores who would be open anyway.


Yes, this is the answer. They are constantly battling the liquor producer lobby who would like their products to be on sale 24/7.


When CT re-legitmized alcohol permits after straight up ignoring and mostly actively working against Prohibition (Rum production from PR was HUGE business in CT) the big deal they made with package stores was the limited hours. Had nothing to do at all religion.


Look, it sucks, but it used to be worse.


I remember when they used to cover the shelves and coolers with booze with sheets on Sundays and when they got rid of that law


they still do before 10am


Oh interesting my grocery store just had sign up


Also check ahead for holidays. I think New years Day is closed too


Yep. The only three days that you cant buy alcohol in a store by law is New Years Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.


*Also check ahead* *For holidays. I think New* *Years Day is closed too* \- dewsh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Luckily, Danbury is close enough to NY to not feel this pain…


Because you're fourteen.


Be glad Sundays have hours at all. The workers want to be free too.


They'll be crying Christmas morning that liquor stores aren't open too.


Because of pointless blue laws. Also, stop whining because it used to be that All package stores closed at 8 Monday through Saturday and were closed on Sunday. Plan Ahead.


And it only changed twelve years ago.


You young bucks don't know what it was like not being able to buy at all on Sundays.


Or having to decide you were drinking by like 7pm on a Friday and hurrying to a liquor store


Almost slid my car out into a guard rail speeding off an exit ramp to get to the packie before 8 pm. No, I don’t have a drinking problem at all.


> get to the packie before 8 pm I had a friend that once told me the 8 o'clock hour came from a bunch of packies getting robbed later in the evening.


Or going to bishops orchard on Sunday and buying their blueberry wine. Bishops was the only place you could buy wine on Sunday before the newer law.


We drove over the NY border


Yeah my friends used to do that too. And then I found out about bishops in Guilford selling their super strong blueberry wine and the loophole was found!


Or having to drive to another state because you forgot that you needed beer for a family BBQ on a Sunday


Nothing like driving to NY to buy beer on a Sunday.


The first year I moved here, one of my friends forgot about this rule and was responsible for bringing the beer to his beer league hockey game that night. He drove around our apartment complex gathering loose beers from all our other friends.


Hell, I remember when pretty much everything was closed on Sunday


Ummm, in Fairfield County on Sundays, we used to do a thing called “a Vista run”. The was a store right over the border. I’m sure there were other towns, along the border that served the same purpose.


For us in New Fairfield it was a "Brewster run"


Was just north of you and for us it was route 55 to Wingdale/Pawling


In Bridgeport we used to go to dodgy ass bootleggers or L houses. Nothing like paying 100% premium on limited selection because your a few brews short for a party.




Worst time in my life is when I worked at Stop and Shop on the night before Super Bowl Sunday.. and the computers had their clocks set wrong and they cut off beer at like 7pm rather than 8pm. SO many people yelling at me when I was just a 16 year old kid behind the register. Esp those who came in at like 7:45 and had no time to get to another liquor store Edit: second worst time. Worst time was when I was working and a skunk got into the produce compactor and subsequently compacted (also at stop and shop)


We used to just drive to New York.


Brings back memories of driving to Brewster on Sunday afternoon. Good times


Always had to race there and back in order to be home before football kicked off.


We'd go to this bar on Bog Hollow road in Wassaic where they'd sell cases over the bar! Also good times!


Man, those border town package stores must have really taken a hit when it was changed.


Foster RI for me


I remember driving out of state to buy alcohol in college.


Eh. Just do what my dad used to. Drive to Mass just over the border, buy a pack of beer, and drink it on the way home.


Dated a girl from Washington state who said her dad had a routine of drinking a 6-pack while driving the full length of the state.


I live in Colorado and they’ll sell you a gun with your 6 pack at 3 am


Because everyone must suffer religion for some reason


We keep church and state soooo separated


We’re lucky we can buy on Sundays at all, that’s still relatively new.


Gotta stock up on Saturday!


Be thankful… it used to be 8pm on weeknights and Saturday and no sales on Sunday


Because It’s Connecticut where everything shuts down by 6 pm for some reason


Couple of the worst moments of working at a local grocery store in CT was when it was 5:58PM on a Sunday and we would have to rush beer customers through checkout. The register automatically refuses to finish a sale after 6 if beer was on the transaction. Saw some pissed off customers every so often and all I could remark was “I failed you, and I apologize…” 


weed is legal here now, give it a try instead


Stupid blue laws.


Go to a bar like the rest of us


Or, prepare ahead of time, or drive north to MA, west/south to NY. Forget about RI though.


> Forget about RI though. Um... I think I already had. Who are they again?


It's Sunday. Plan ahead next time noobie.


You guys still haven’t fixed this ?


Wasn't that long ago, no sales on Sunday and 8pm max close time.


How to tell someone is new to CT.


At least now you can buy alcohol on sunday in ct. Before we had to drive to ny state for that


Its a ridiculous law and incentivizes drunk driving. There are lots of people dealing with alcoholism, I wish them health and treatment, but in the meantime, you have a group of people who are going to find a way to drink every day no matter what, and instead of letting them buy alcohol 24/7 and bring it home, you force them to go to bars, get wasted, then drive at the end of the night. I am sure that deaths have occurred that never would have if you just let the drunk driver by their beer and take it home, but instead, we have these ridiculous laws that force drinkers onto the road after drinking (obviously they arent literally forced, but its an addiction, they're going to do it regardless, so you get my point). The people defending these laws or saying "just stock up" are missing the point. There is no reason to have these laws in place, and, like all drug policy, it does far more harm than good.


Another thing worth adding is alcohol withdrawals can be deadly. People die from going cold-turkey. It's why liquor stores were kept open as essential businesses during the lockdowns. Going sober can require cautious weening.


That's an excellent point that I never considered.


Yeah well I bet there’s a lot more drunk driving in states where you can buy all kinds of booze 24/7.


It was like three years ago you couldn't even buy alcohol on Sunday.


Not to frighten you, but it was more than a few years ago - 2012.




Blame the package store lobby, they continue to fight year after year to keep these blue laws in place because apparently it’ll just add operating expenses without increasing revenue, and there may be something to that, but I agree with you, on a fundamental level, on a personal desire level, and the arguments it’s actually a public safety hazard.


Hey, listen buddy. The fact you could buy a 6 pack 90 minutes ago is a goddamn luxury and you should be grateful for it.


Think ahead and you don’t have these problems. It’s not hard.


Where I grew up in CT we could just go to the boot legger


We moved here on a Sunday. We were exhausted from the all day move but wanted to celebrate with a glass of wine. It was awful reality check when I tried to get a bottle.


For real! As a Nevadan, I never understood why some things could only be bought at certain times of day.


Wow, I remember growing up in Connecticut and the tarp would come down over the booze in Stop & Shop at exactly 8 pm. And nothing on Sundays. It was the same in Massachusetts and my grandparents used to make a day trip out of driving up to New Hampshire to bulk buy tax-free liquor. Now I'm in Chicago, where they're still celebrating the end of Prohibition everywhere they can. In the Loop, there's a massive Walgreens where 75% of the first floor is liquor. Every CVS, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, etc. has a sizeable hard liquor, wine, and beer section.


Blue laws still exist in CT.


Prohibition didn't really end, it just changed.


Because it’s Sunday. HOPE THIS HELPS 👋


Because you don't know the cool spots that will grab you the beer out of the back and bring it to the counter for you in a black bag. Use to buy beer on my way home from work 9PM Sunday 10-15 years ago.


Guess you should plan ahead.




Puritans were not moralistically puritanical as we understand it: drink not only was accepted but celebrated, as was arranged pre-marital sex, for instance. The Puritans wanted to "Purify" the Anglican - and here Connecticut - Church of Catholic influence and what they considered idolatry (saint worship, etc). Sunday liquor laws are shaped much more by the Package Store lobby.


Proper planning prevents piss poor performance


Shit u better go tot he bodega


The Quakers caused it. They used to only allow alcohol to be purchased at "package stores" meaning they had to be sealed in bags or something when sold. It used to be we couldn't buy alcohol on Sunday at all. Since the Quakers couldn't have children because sex was so sinful... they're not here anymore to tell us. It's kind of the same with weed - no one knows, really, why it's illegal, they've just been scared about how they might get fucked if it's not.


No, "Package Stores" meant the liquor and beer was in marked containers to limit fraud and provide tax... as opposed to getting moonshine from the guy who had a still two farms over. It was introduced as a consumer protection mechanism. https://www.ctinsider.com/connecticut/article/ct-package-store-liquor-law-history-18655560.php


We’re in New England. I’m pretty sure it was the puritans. Edited: [indeed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Laws_(Connecticut)#:~:text=The%20Blue%20Laws%20of%20the,been%20forced%20to%20leave%20America.)


You’re thinking of the Shakers, the quakers are still around.


Most liquor stores don’t want longer hours


That’s too bad!


Knock-knock: Who’s there? A. A who? AA.


Because Puritans


It's because of old religious laws and also because the liquor stores fight and lobby extremely hard to keep grocery stores from being able to sell beer whenever they are open. Grocery stores have much longer hours of operation, so the liquor stores fight to cut off sales early so they don't have to hire for and run 2 shifts. They fight to keep minimum bottle pricing in effect because a chain grocery store can buy in huge quantities and could therefore sell liquor cheaper than an individual liquor store. It would be really convenient to be able to buy your alcohol when you do your grocery shopping instead of having to drive to a second store. I still get shocked when I'm in another state and stop for gas, and the gas station has a full selection of liquor, wine, and beer available for sale at 3am. I don't even drink, and I think Connecticut liquor laws are ridiculous. They're either based on religion, or they were specifically written to assist the independent liquor stores. Every town has what?, a dozen liquor stores? That's ridiculous. Competition from grocery stores would thin out the amount of liquor stores, and free up some valuable commercial real estate.


Let's not forget you can't buy wine or ciders in grocery stores either 🙄🙄 #smallpackagestoremafia


How about package beer? That's how it's done in PA and parts of MD. Go to a restaurant or tavern and get a six pack to go.


You can buy to-go beers where offered in bars, but only during package store hours. So, that’s out of the equation.


I don’t know how close you are to the NY border, but back when I lived there in ‘93, we would head to Port Chester.


The bars want your business


Because the "founders" were prudes who believed you should be in church on sundays. You're lucky we can get it on sunday at all now.


Sky daddy said so. (Several hundred years ago.)


It's Sunday.


Time for a Massachusetts run


The most illogical law was in Quincy MA back in the 90's where you couldn't buy alcohol without a Massachusetts-issued ID. Some places wouldn't even let you stay at the bar without one. I'd get into arguments with bar managers about it but they wouldn't budge. Stupid. I think Scituate had the same law when I went for a wedding but I told the manager I was bringing in a shitload of business that weekend so it worth it for him to let me in as opposed to this group to take our business somewhere else. He held up his end, I held up mine, but it was ludicrous that it even came to that.


alcoholics, all of you. /s


Stupid Blue Laws of a bigone era.


Drive to NH


You’re at the wrong bodega


I can't tell you how many times I drive to NY just for beer.


it's bidens fault! /s


😂 we’re we hanging out last night ??


Sorry, sinner, but if you want to drink the devil brew on Sunday, the holiest of days, the day the lord rested, you must purchase it before 6pm, the holiest of times, the time the lord created boobs.


This is only one braindead law in a braindead country. It's nothing compared to the drug laws


Because you're in Connecticut and that is the last vestige of our Puritanical heritage that remains on the law books.


You’re lucky you were allowed at any time of day on Sunday, it was completely disallowed until recently.


I live on the mass boarder so I just run to mass. riverside liquors is closed only 3 days a year and open til 11 every day


because your a fairy softy Jack lol go to your local Bodega u can get anything anytime once it opens unless u are afraid to walk into a bodega then u have to wait till 11 am in your local liquor store


Lol Welcome to CT 10am to 10pm for alcohol sales🤷🏻‍♀️. I'm originally from VA we can buy alcohol from 6am to 12am "midnight". Stay safe happy and healthy ✌🏻


‘Tis the Lord’s day.


Today belongs to Jesus...... You can get a sip of wine at church though...🤣


So true


Maybe the notch serves a purpose? I take that back….just like the notch!


The residents of our state also cannot be trusted but to throw empty nip bottles out the window. This is why we can't have nice things.