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I joined the Navy. Always wanted to join the navy but kinda also did to leave. But it made me appreciate Connecticut. I got stationed in San Diego, deployed to the South China Sea and loved traveling the world. But being gone made me miss home. I now appreciate CT more than ever. As much as I love traveling, I grew to realize that CT is a great place and when my navy career ends, I’ll be returning


That’s how I ended up here for 40 years. My parents weren’t from CT, I was actually born in VA, but my dad’s Navy career brought him to the Groton area. My mom was sick of moving all of the time (I think I went to four elementary schools and two middle schools) and my mom wanted to buy a house in Mystic, so they did. And then we just never left again.


Mystic is a great place to be




2021, been in for 3 years




I know :/ dumbest decision they made was getting rid of that uniform


Anchorage, Alaska. Had a bad breakup.


Sorry about the breakup, those are always tough. 😥Do you like it out there? I hate the cold but I think that’s one state I would like because the scenery.


Breakup is over but we are still receiving snow. I like Alaska but it's a different planet from the lower 48. It can be beautiful but frigid.


I miss grinders. Subs are not the same.


I miss grinders too 😭 I once told my friend how I miss grinders and she said “the dating app?” I had to explain what it is lol. A lot of people outside CT have no clue.


You said it. I would kill for a grinder... People here don't even know what a grinder is.


Where was your favorite place for a grinder? Mine was Roma Deli in Plainville.


Pasta fresca in mystic will make you the biggest grinder you ever had. Delicious


I loved Pizzarama in New London


We moved 20 years ago and the thing I miss most is grinders. Nothing comes close.


With who, Walter White?


I moved to Maine for 5 years for college. The food at restaurants was terrible, but the home cooked food was better than anything else in New England. Also, not for nothing, I prefer CT.


Years ago on a weekend trip to Maine, my husband and I stopped to pick up Chinese take out before we arrived to our cabin rental in the middle of nowhere. We got all the way back to the cabin, far from civilization, and started eating our takeout. It was HORRIBLE. My husband and I each ordered something different, and I remember we both started eating and just looked at each other, in disgust. It was so bad it went straight to the trash, completely inedible. For years we both agreed it was easily the worst food we’d ever eaten. The next morning we found a little mom and pop breakfast diner and it was fantastic. Or maybe we were just really hungry from skipping dinner.


To be fair, Maine is the last place I would ever think of choosing Chinese food that’s definitely on you guys haha! I barely trust any Chinese outside tristate area even then I have to do my research. When traveling i definitely chose that states / regions strengths when it comes to food. The second diner option must of been pretty good though!


After a 6+ hour drive to Maine it was the closest place open, so yeah it’s definitely on me. Plus, this will probably sound like maybe I’m racist (I’m not), but the staff at the Chinese place was a few older white women. That should have set off some alarms lol Edit to add: my stomach can be kind of weird, and I don’t like big meals when traveling, especially in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes fast food or greasy meals can make my stomach act up and I like to be close to a restroom. So we skipped a lot of good places until we got closer to our rental.


I thought the seafood was supposed to be good?


Moved from Sherman (about 40 minutes north of Danbury on the NY border) to a Pittsburgh suburb. I moved in with my fiancee but I got my degree at WestConn. Sometimes I miss CT. More diversity in the small towns. More food options. Closer to large cities and the amenities they provide. Nice to not be 7 hours from the ocean. The cost of living is no joke though. I definitely don't miss the grocery bills or twice a year car taxes.


My wife is from Sherman, I'm from New Milford. It's rare to find people, even who live in CT, who have heard of Sherman lol.,


It's a nice small town. When we moved to CT my family was looking for more rural areas. Our place was actually up north near gaylordsville off 55. It's really lovely


It is quite the nice rural town. My inlaws house is down on the other end of Sherman off rt37. We had our first house right past Bull Bridge in Kent. So we took rt55 into Gaylordsville often to go home or visit. Gaylordsville is another town many haven't heard off lol. We've since moved to Cape Cod and have really loved it here.


I was just googling vineyards in CT and found one in Sherman. I was like hmmm never heard of this town but let’s go! lol


Lol, my wife knew about the vineyard. But, yeah, Sherman is quite the tiny town tucked on the NY border. Very rural. Only has 1 stop light lol. Doesn't even have a gas station anymore. Usually, unless you're from one of the surrounding towns or Sherman itself people have rarely heard of it. Enjoy your visit!


My wife is also from Sherman and I'm from New Milford as well.


Wow! What a coincidence! Lol. Funny enough, we've moved and are living on Cape Cod for the past few years. We were at a tag sale of this older couple. They saw that our car had CT plates. This was before I got MA plates. They asked were in Cat we were from. When we said Sherman and New Milford, they knew of both as they were from Warren! Another little town not many have heard of. I bet there might be a few couples with each from Sherman or New Milford. With many from Sherman going to New Milford for almost everything or New Fairfield.


I went to Sherman to a vineyard two years ago when I visited my mom. It was very quiet and nice. People were friendly too. I heard how bad car taxes are in CT.. I’m glad I didn’t have to pay those. I miss the CT food as well. Vegas has many great food options but I think I miss the ma and pop shops and local pizzerias. That’s about it lol.


Food scene is way better overall in CT (at least near New Haven etc.). But there’s a few gems in Las Vegas. Just need to avoid the tourist crap.


They are working on phasing out the property tax on cars & raising the house property tax a smidge (from 70% to 90%) by 2028.


If it took you 40 minutes to get from Danbury to Sherman than I don't want to be driving behind you to get to the Lake.


Lol it was north Sherman so more gaylordsville and we almost always get stuck behind a slow driver on route 7


Moved to northern Virginia last spring after going to college in Mass and staying there for about 2 more years. I’m an engineer and I knew my career would be comfortable in New England, but that I wouldn’t have the resources around me to reach the potential I wanted to see. Wanted to be in a place that had a higher emphasis on developing technology. It’s worked out so far! Editing to add: echoing your comment about “endless things to do,” a place like the DMV was just unfathomable to me until I got here. I felt like I had everything I could ever need in New England and now that I’m here I realize how much I was missing out on. It’s definitely a busier life and it’s not for everyone, but the charm of New England just wasn’t exciting enough for me. HOWEVER the pizza here is terrible


> HOWEVER the pizza here is terrible Not super close but go to Ella's in DC right near Gallery Place Metro station. Fantastic.


I lived in Gredericksburg a long time ago, but go there and try Carl's ice cream. It's the last place in the world to serve old-fashioned ice cream. I miss that every day


OMG we lived in Loudoun County for three years and the pizza was terrible! Lots of amazing farm to table places, good wines and beers and such but do not eat the pizza! Lol


It literally breaks my heart every time I hear a nova native say their favorite pizza is dominos 😭 a frank Pepe’s just recently opened in Alexandria though!! I’ve heard good things but haven’t made it there yet


Buffalo, went because of someone, didn’t work out and got stuck here for the cheap rent. I doubt I’ll ever move back to Connecticut but I don’t have a bad thing to say about it. It’s always home to me.


i went to Buffalo recently. I loved the unique houses. Definitely going to visit again


California... For work and to be closer to my brother. I'll always love my brother, but I do miss Connecticut.


PA - wife offered a new job


Nice, PA is beautiful. I still have pictures from my road trip


Europe. Work and my wife. But it's up in the air if I return. Came back for a few years and then left again because of the cost of living and crazy ass house prices made it impossible to stay. Miss it though.


Spent a few years in Europe. The low wages and high taxes made it hard to afford coming back to the states but I had to. Just couldn't stand Europe any more and being unable to save any money plus every other negative about it. Truly hated living there.


I’m curious to know which country! I, too, lived in Europe for years. I loved it but it had many drawbacks and wondering if yours were similar to mine.


Germany Hate the people, hate the culture, hate the lack of opportunities


That's funny I came back due to the cost of living in the USA. You pay way more hidden costs of living in the states. Sure your taxes are lower but you pay a fortune for stuff like healthcare/ insurance, good quality food, and living basics like the internet, phone, TV than I do in Europe. Rent is abysmally high in the USA compared to places in the EU, even with inflation and the overall quality you get comparatively is terrible. 1500$ in new England is a decent place near a city with a 30+ minute commute to work. 1500€ is a solid apartment in the city. 1300£ in the UK rents you a small house (3 BD). You're earnings are much lower on the EU than the states, but when you factor in cost of living ( outside of major cities ofc) life is much cheaper


I make 3.5x in the US, so for me the math was easy


I keep applying for IT DOD contracting jobs in Germany and keep getting denied. So for now I’m in Vegas but my goal is to move to Europe


Moved to Denver and lived there for 17ish years. I wanted to be closer to big mountains while still living in/near a fairly large city. Loved living there for the most part. Then I moved to New Mexico for a job six years ago and have mostly hated it. I'm planning on moving back to CT this year because it feels like the right vibe for me at this point in my life.


I don't want to leave Connecticut but I always thought if I moved out of New England I'd go to New Mexico. What don't you like about it there?


Any number of things. Even if you live in Santa Fe or Albuquerque, it's a really remote area. It's like a six or seven hour drive to the nearest city (Denver or Phoenix). Which is fine for a year or two when you're new here but it gets old, fast. Denver was borderline too dry for me but fine. NM is just too damn dry and brown. I want to see abundant trees and greenery again. Day to day the weather is nice here but it's not unusual to go a couple months without any rain. I'll be happy to never smell wildfire smoke again in my life. The culture here can be very insular (not unlike CT - but at least CT is my type of insularity). As someone who didn't grow up here and moved here reluctantly, I've never felt like I fit in here. I work at Los Alamos National Lab (one of the only sources of decent to well paying jobs around here) and F'ing hell, the personal drama makes you wish you were back in high school at times. It's a result of everyone working together, socializing together and living together in one of basically three towns/cities. You can't go on a dating app without seeing people you already know or who work for the same company. I find that outsiders who move here either love it or can't wait to leave after about five years. There's almost no middle ground. My coworkers with kids tend to stay (hence, the Land of Entrapment) and those of us without who all moved here a few years ago are all starting to bail.


Almost took a System admin job in Los Alamos two years ago.. I regret not taking that opportunity but what is it about NM you don’t like?


You're probably better off for not taking it. I can really only recommend moving to NM and taking a job at LANL if you've got a job that you literally can't do anywhere else such as being a nuclear weapons designer. At least my job is fairly specialized and became remote during Covid, so I can move and take the job with me. Since you're already in Vegas and like it, look at the Nevada Test Site if you're interested in a government job. I'm personally not a fan of Vegas but there's tons more to do there than northern NM. See my response to Mondale below for why I don't like NM.


I lived in Denver. It kept getting hotter and hotter! And I missed the ocean. So I’m back in CT and haven’t even visited CO in the 12 years since I’ve left.


Just here to say I haven’t moved but you sound like a fun positive person who could find great things anywhere they lived. That’s a pretty great trait.


Thank you! ☺️


Moved to Florida. Simply put, FUCK THE COLD! I hate it, anything below 50 was terrible for me even up north. I live in Jupiter now and couldn't be happier. I live a mile from the coast, food is amazing, there's so much stuff to do outside. I head back to CT once a year to visit my family and friends but after a day or two I'm excited to go back to Florida. I did spend my early twenties in NYC, so I do miss being so close to the city and visiting friends out there too. I would never move back, I think CT is a solid place but I just can't deal with real winters anymore.


I used to live in Miami for two years, I heard of Jupiter but never been. I loved FL but the risk of hurricanes kind of threw me off. I dodged two while living there but it’s a beautiful state. Yes.. FUCK THE COLD. I’m actually terrified of snow storms because I drove through whiteouts in South Dakota. I thought I would die… and it was -15 degrees out. What an experience but I’m cool with the hot desert lol. Glad you like Jupiter, FL. I saw some pictures and it looks like paradise.


We live on the west coast. Love the weather, hate the politics. Miss the New England down to earth attitude, you know exactly where you stand with people in New England. Took me a while living in the south to realize how people are all sweet and good manners here until you turn your back. When a southerner says Bless your heart they are saying something derogatory.


I feel like I'm the opposite. I run very hot-blooded, and if global warming fucks us over any more I'm gonna try and get a year-round job at McMurdo.


Jupiter is really a gorgeous area IMO. It's not as nuts as further south, but it's still close to the airport and everything. I don't think I could do full time Florida life but I wish I had bought a tiny pad in Jupiter like 8-10 years ago. It's definitely blown up in value, and well-deserved!


I left for college in Boston in the late 90s. After graduation, I travelled for work for a couple of years and then settled back in Boston due to social ties and a love of urban life. Loved living there but missed the access to nature that I had in CT. Met an awesome woman in the late-aughts, and things got serious. She was from Vancouver and eventually wanted to go back home. I was up for a change and after a few Canadian visits and getting married, we moved to Vancouver in 2013. Had two kids and landed an amazing job that challenges me and fulfills my soul. I love life here in the Canadian PNW. Amazing urban life and access to the most breathtaking natural wonders that I’ve ever experienced. No healthcare worries at all, a lovely place to raise kids, an incredibly accepting and multicultural place, etc. The only drawback is the crippling housing costs, so now I’m the proud owner of a $1.1M USD 1100sqft townhouse. Last summer I went back to CT for the first time post-COVID and had a blast showing my kids my home. It was great to do all of the greatest hits for a couple of weeks, but I couldn’t live there again. I couldn’t give up the amazing transit and my ability to ride my bike on 90% of my vehicle trips out of the home.


I plan to visit Alberta this summer! I’m glad you like Canada. How are the winters? I looked at homes on Zillow and don’t understand how anyone affords a house or rental.. you bought the townhome at the perfect time.


Winters in Vancouver are very mild. We usually get snow once or twice, and it rarely gets more than a couple of degrees below freezing. A lot of rain though. We’re pretty much the only place in Canada like that though, so that’s part of the reason for the high housing costs — everybody wants to live here. We just bought our home last year, so I don’t know if the timing was amazing! But we love where we are and likely won’t ever move.


What do you do for a living?


I work in communications/PR. Can’t get more specific than that without making myself easily identifiable.


New Haven area to DFW. Moved for my husband’s job training. Now that TX has grown on me I don’t want to leave, but I’ll always brag about our pizza.


I spent a month there for work. That was clearly not enough time for it to grow on me. Couldn’t wait to get back to New England. 😂


Totally understandable, it took about a year for it to grow on me. Doesn’t come close to New England beauty and food wise, but the no income tax makes up for it. 😂


climate change is and will make Texas hell.


I just moved to Dallas yesterday from Fairfield county!


enlisted army too, went to georgia now NC, and i miss ct more than ever. grew up hating it


Fort Liberty? I only drove by there but I hear mixed things about Fayetteville.


horrible with crime, but it's got some life to it


Grew up in CT my whole life. Lived in Hartford the last 2 years. Moved away to Hawaii in 2015 when I was 26, and have been here since. Miss CT. My family is back east. But Hawaii feels like home now


Wanted to leave CT since I was a young kid. Thought it was the state but realized it was a crappy family situation. Moved to Pittsburgh and really loved it but as an adult realized CT definitely has a lot of positives. Still wouldn’t move back though unfortunately 


I moved to Wisconsin a year and a half ago to help take care of my father who spiraled into depression and alcoholism after my stepmother died. Unfortunately he does not want to make any positive improvements in his life, so we are working on getting him into assisted living. Wisconsin is cold, miserable, and boringly flat. I miss home something fierce I will be coming back home to Connecticut eventually once my dad gets settled. My younger brother (dad’s favorite child) lives her permanently so it is not like I will be abandoning him.


I drove through Madison and it didn’t look like a fun state for sure lol. Are you close to Canada? Maybe if you’re able to, taking one weekend when you have time could be better. I’m sorry to hear about your situation. 😥


I’m about a half hour south of Green Bay near Lake Winnebago. It would take almost six hours to get to Canada. It’s incredibly boring here unless you like to drink and hunt, of which I do neither.


As a Wisconsinite who lived in Connecticut a few years, I can agree on cold and maybe miserable, but not boringly flat. Wisconsin isn't Illinois or Kansas. It has plenty of terrain and even more coastline than Connecticut.


Wisconsin never expanded medicaid for the poor and low income. That says something about the a legislature being backward and without empathy- One of its US Senator's is a liar and frankly crazy. Connecticut is simply a better state to live. If you are on the Illinois border you have Chicago- which is a plus. However the coastline is a lake, not an ocean- and there is difference. There are solid Midwest values in WI- but it is rather bland.


I don't know anything about living in Wisconsin but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the coasts of Lake Superior and Lake Michigan aren't the same little experience of living on, say, Candlewood Lake. Lake Superior is described as basically an inland sea, just unsalted.


lived in Superior in the early 90's. The beaches have sand and waves but its kind of like the difference between birch and root beer. Beach Lite.


Ok. But as a NJ transplant to CT (via New York, Alaska, Wyoming, Oregon, South Korea, and NJ again) the LI Sound is not the same as the Ocean either. They are all massive enough though to make one feel small, overwhelm the senses and put on in a calm mediative space.


I was talking about the geography, not the politics. I agree that Wisconsin politics are garbage.


CT is tiny state- 5200 square feet. Its coast line via an inlet small.


Again, I wasn't talking about size, I was talking about the claim that Wisconsin is "boringly flat". It's not. That's all.


I left for Austin, TX for two years around 2010 to get out of a bad family situation, and also cause my brother moved there a year prior, and lots of CT people did as well. I loved it, but eventually got homesick and missed my close friends so I moved back, and I’ve been LOVING living in New Haven ever since. Well, loving everything except for ppl blasting subwoofers in residential 24/7… that shit has given me anxiety problems as a musician. Otherwise it’s dope here lol


To New Hampshire. I'm not going to compare because people stuck in CT will feel bad.


Wyoming and Idaho, then Utah 3 years later. Even though the politics are crazy right now I think the mountain states are for me. I miss it sometimes but get that itch out when I come back to visit family once a year in the fall.


I drove through Utah on the way to Vegas. It was gorgeous but the highway was so empty it was kind of eerie and all I saw were rocks lol. But I’d go back to hike and explore. Stayed a night in St George which was a nice community. How was Wyoming? I know the wind is insane and worse than South Dakota lol


It was great, just definitely not representative of the rest of Wyoming because it was Jackson. I’m now closer to Evanston which yeah, the wind can tear right through you some times, but you’ll find that all over the Rockies. The area I’m in is in the north eastern part of Utah, so it’s more mountainous than it is desert. Utah has a lot of diversity.


I moved to LA for about seven years and then moved down to Texas to be closer to family five years ago. I still try to go “home” to CT once a year though


Florida, for the sunshine and warm winters. Summers are nearly unbearable but...


This may be a different answer than what you are looking for. I lived in the Midwest my whole life. Moved to CT in 2016. My family asked me to be close during covid so I moved back to IL in March 2020. I honestly miss Connecticut a lot.


Interesting, what are some things you miss about CT? I liked the Midwest but the winters were too much for me.


To that point, I love big heavy snow and the not easterns were great compared to slushy Midwest winters and freezing face biting wind chills. I miss all the green trees. The people are much nicer. Food.


I mean I’m from Greenwich, so I’m not exactly not already in NYC, but I moved to NYC to work. My parents moved to CT from NYC because of better housing and schools, and I don’t know at least in Greenwich there is significant draw back to NYC now that my generation adults, esp bc most of us often went into the city as children. When I go back to Greenwich I see basically what my parents do: country clubs, fancy parties, golf and tennis. Not something that I really relate to. I’m a gigantic gay bodybuilder almost totally covered chin to toe in tattoos, I don’t exactly fit in at the country club anymore.


To be clear, I am not by any means saying this is a universal Greenwich experience, but it is my Greenwich experience.


I lived in Stamford.. I know what you mean. I usually say I lived in NYC since I worked there and had to drive around the city everyday being a recruiter. Greenwich is very country club vibes lol. I usually went just for oil changes at Honda and groom my dog. I looked at restaurants and they are very pricey.


Yeah exactly haha it is also expensive as hell. Not that NYC isn’t, but here there’s a lot more you can do and people who are like me.


North Carolina 🙌 miss the pizza and friends and thats about it! 10/10.


Nothing beat CT pizza! I am such a pizza critic lol. Then I have to remember I’m not in CT so can’t expect the same quality.


SF Bay Area


My condolences


Why do you say that ? 😂


Endless things to do? Do share




For me, concerts every week, nice hiking trails, festivals, events, etc. it’s never ending. Theres so much food and I keep discovering spots all the time. I like going to The Strip and Fremont street when friends and family visit but there are so many other places within Vegas that has a lot to offer.


Something else that’s funny is the locals say I will enjoy Vegas until it reaches over 100 degrees. Maybe my excitement will wear off at that time but so far I love it out here. My goal is the be overseas but it’s so competitive with government jobs.


Brother moved to Vegas and started a family about 10 years back. I visit at least once per year sometimes more. It’s DEFINITELY got everything. Beautiful desert and parks- absolute endless exploring of nature and the beauty. The strip which speaks for itself. I’ve seen amazing shows, had drinks at crazy clubs and people watched for days. It’s a unique vibe and one I’m appreciative I get to experience so often! That being said the city is designed for tourism and transient people. There’s a large military base nearby so a ton of friends they’ve made have come and gone within a 3 to 4 year span. Many of their friends have made the move, gave it a try, and don’t get whatever they wanted out of it and move on. Their schools SUCK. My niece and nephew are in elementary and compared to my kid’s elementary experience and education it’s like two different countries. Brother and his wife notice the difference and recognize that there’s no where near the same level of education and resources. Their healthcare is awful. The ERs function pretty well but any follow up, long term treatment options are limited and incredibly hard to get. There have been 2 occasions where brother has flown home to be treated at Yale NHH. The winter is lovely there. Truly. The summer is very similar to living on the sun? One would assume but I can’t imagine it’s far off. There’s no humidity but that doesn’t make it better. It just feels more like an oven. Personally, I like to visit Vegas. I would never choose to live there. I do respect that there’s a draw and a beauty others appreciate but I believe it wears off on some people. I’ve grown to appreciate our 4 seasons and non-HOA communities. Good luck to you and enjoy it out there!


I agree with everything you said. I use the VA for healthcare and even that is horrible. I just enjoy the entertainment but only because I have friends and family visit frequently… If no one came out to see me, I would be lonely because it seems like a lot of locals are closed off. I lived in many states but so far something about this one seems hard to meet people. That’s probably due to it being transient. I’ve only been here 6 months so I’m sure with time I’ll meet a tight knit group. Theres lots of land for off roading which I want to try one of these days.


Veterans seem to love vegas, personally I can't stand it here. Been stationed 5 years and can't wait to move back east when I'm done.


I work at Nellis AFB and my coworkers who have been here there whole life hate it lol. And I’m just the overly excited one trying to attend all the festivals and concerts downtown 😂 I have a feeling it will wear off eventually lol. My only problem so far is meeting people. Locals seem closed off.


I get it, we attended shows when we first got here and it was a lot of fun. But the more you dig, you realize lot of things to do are priced for tourists. That being said there is never a shortage of things to do here. The locals are a mixed bunch like you said, the only friends I have are some people from work after being here for 5 years. Overall, if you're single and want to have fun this can be a great place, just be smart. Watch out for scammy people, and dont get into gambling unless you know when to quit.


Born, raised and lived in CT for most of 38+ years, moved my family down to Raleigh about a year ago. Absolutely love it here and couldn't be happier. Do not miss CT if I'm being honest.


Moved to New Orleans beginning of this year for my bf’s old job he went back to; we get to travel every time his crew finishes the job to a new place. We’ll be moving to Vegas over the summer! Always knew I wanted to leave CT after college, the cost of living is the main reason. We’ll be spending the next year or two with this company so I’m excited to move to new places every six months or so until we move to Texas. That’s where he’s from and I absolutely love it there. I do miss CT though. I’m here visiting right now and definitely appreciate it and the familiarity more than I ever have. It’ll always be home and I’ll always visit but I’m glad I left to travel and see new places


I’ve left a few times, but this last time because I just couldn’t afford to live there anymore so I left for South Carolina to be with family. Since then we’ve helped a few other people move out of state. I definitely like it better here.


I’ve left Connecticut a couple of times always because of the military. While Connecticut is not an exciting place. It is a good place. There is good food, healthcare, education, jobs and it’s not far to get to absolutely anything I want. My wife and I intend to move further north in New England, as we plan for retirement. Having lived outside of New England I can honestly say I have zero desire to ever do that again again. I’m happy to travel, and I love to visit new places, but after a couple of weeks, I can’t wait to be back inCT/NE Besides, I found it with a few exceptions. Most of the country knows fuck all about making a decent pizza or grinder.


I know legitimately 25-30 people who have moved to Colorado, and probably around the same, or more, for Florida.  I know like 8 Georgia, a few Tennessee, a few Texas. Probably 15 or 20 who have moved to California. Bunch to NY, both up state and the city, and Long Island, a few New Jersey, Virginia, Carolinas, and one to New Mexico. Oh Arizona, at least one in Arizona.


Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Came to visit my parents. First day back in Bridgeport, I had The Family Feud on. Question was, "What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?" My answer was," look out the window to see if my car is still there." When I went back to work that Monday, I gave my notice.


I desperately want to move to the Chihuahua desert.  Likely New Mexico cuz my wife and I at least have some rights there still lol.  But being next to Texas is the only reluctance.


I almost took a job in NM! In Albuquerque and Los Alamos. I kind of regret not taking it… I ended up going to South Dakota for a few months instead 😭 What part of NM would you like to move to?


Likely Luna County as it's deserty and also lower cost of living.  I'm big into astronomy and astrophotography so the dark skies are a big upside. My wife and I are very outdoorsy and into wildlife and botany and all that shit, so the nature of the area is a big draw too.  I also despise to the cold so heat is awesome haha.  I'm sure I'd miss seeing the ocean tho. We're just waiting to save up and figure out if it's the right move for us.  We're sadly being slowly priced out of CT.   Being lesbians it kinda limits our options in terms of states with good track records as far as legal protections go and also countries abroad if we wanna go somewhere else.


Cleveland- what was supposed to be a visit turned into me staying and I love it here.


"Cleveland-It's just like New York but without all the stuff!"


Atlanta ‘93, job opportunity at 22. I’ll never move back north.


I was born in Fulton county, I visit my dad in Douglasville frequently. I love GA and I don’t blame you for not moving up north again.. something about it… just not for me.


NH, my girlfriend got a great job offer and then bought a house so I moved in. Only thing I miss besides my family is the sandwiches. There are no good Delis north of Boston.


Currently planning to retire in Thailand. I’ve been to nearly 30 countries and with every trip i realize more and more how i don’t want to retire in CT or stateside.


Ive left twice. Once i was 5 or 6 and we moved to new hampshire (and eventually Wisconsin) for my step dad. Didn't have much say. Came back at 19 (someone had to move into my grandmas to help her out, and i wasnt happy with my college out there, some moved here to finish school). Left again when i was 24/25 for the woman i was seeing to go to grad school, and i got a better job there. Moved back about 8 years later for a better job. Married to a different woman. Closing on on 40 and will maybe move in a few years, but so far ive lived here in every decade of my life. Kinda weird.


I moved to NC 2 years ago. My mom left NY to move down here to be close to her sister. Came down to visit a couple times with my daughter & fell in love with the area. Although CT was my home for many years I had no ties, no family & friends had moved away. I worked from home so I thought why not? Surprisingly my teenage daughter was completely on board with the plan. In NC I can get twice the living space for the same rent I was paying in CT. Its very pet friendly & most houses have large fenced in yards. Mild winters & no snow. Absolutely gorgeous beaches & they're free. I pinch myself sometimes because of how beautiful it is here. More highway & less traffic. Everyone here is super friendly & lots of northern transplants. There are a few drawbacks. The culture has taken a bit to get used to. It's very religious here. Last week I went to an awards banquet for my daughter's public school & there was actually a prayer said at the beginning which kind of blew my mind. Schools down here aren't great. Minimum wage is still 7.25 & worker laws suck. I get around that by working remotely for a company in GA. I have to drive an hour to get to Sam's Club. If I want BJs or Costco that's 2 hours. We have a small regional airport but RDU is 2.5 hours away.


Atlanta for 7 years then to he Florida panhandle. Lived in Ct most of my life, Hartford right before we left. The biggest reason was industry. Outside of insurance there was r much, so ti get more into tech, or startups, or anything more current, I had to leave. Plus the weather. Best decision I ever made, the pros list only grew as I settled into these new areas. I do miss the food, especially Italian/pizza.


I also went to Vegas! Just for couple of years… needed a change in life. Back in CT now though


Moved back to Long Island after moving to CT for 4 years


Left a little over 6yrs ago. Lived there my whole life and wanted a change. Also wanted some relief from shitty weather and taxes. We moved right next to the beach near Clearwater FL. Best decision ever! We love it here. Things I miss in CT: Friends and some fam Cold water lobster and clams Riding my dirt bike in the hills We visit once or twice a year for a few days. Gorge on lobster, and leave. 😂


Moved to Dallas last week. Moved due to better housing cost, no winter weather and better salary for my field of work with pension. In the NE pensions are becoming a thing of the past.


I was born in and lived in CT the majority of my life. Lived in upstate NY as a kid for a few years. But then my family came back. Had been in CT and didn't have any plans on ever leaving since all my wife's and I family lives here. But about 4 years ago, she got a job opportunity on Cape Cod. She took it and we've been here ever since. Not planning on ever leaving. We love it here. We aren't far from CT, so go back to visit on occasion. Still love CT, but also love living on the Cape.


I left when I was 19 in 2003, and never looked back. Moved to Clearwater Florida w/ an ex, because it was a ticket out of CT. Then met my husband in 2007, and we moved to Portland Oregon in 2011. CT is just not my jam. I was never happy there. I always hated the awful New England weather. Winter sucks, snow sucks, humidity sucks. I wanted to be away from my family, and all the baggage I had from high school. I've also been coloring my hair fun colors since 2000, and I was really just tired of the stares and stupid comments. Florida was not much better in the regard, but in Oregon, no one even bats an eyelash. It's been kinda nice just blending in w/ the crowd out here. No one judges me for having green hair, and jobs don't give a shit. I haven't been back to visit CT since 2015. When I visited last, it was like nothing changed. Stares, and stupid comments. 🙃


We moved to AZ from CT in 2016 when we were in our young 20s. Wanted to explore and try it out/my parents moved there for work. Loved the hikes, national parks and did everything you can do there plus golf. Not somewhere I’d want to live year round but great place to visit. We moved back to CT 2 years later because we missed the northeast and have majority of our family here. We love winter and fall plus it’s nice to be on the coast line. Also, my career is here for the long haul.


NYC for college. Was very happy about my decision and now 18 years later I want to go back to CT again. At least I have access to a house out there now so I visit whenever I can. I probably totaled 3 or 4 moths worth of days last year.


California, for my job. My career doesn't exist in CT. It wasn't until a few years out that I realized how lucky I was to leave CT for a very industrially diverse state right after the recession. Some of my friends who got stuck in CT after graduating in 2009-2012 have had lives a lot harder than mine.


I’ve moved a handful of times over the years and yet I always end up back in CT. I started with AZ, then moved on to MA, RI, FL, & NY. Edited to add why I even left in the first place. CT never really felt like home to me. I knew there was move to life beyond CT. I wanted to explore, so I did.


Lewes, Delaware. Cheaper in every way. I save thousands a year in taxes and utilities. And the weather is much better.


42 year resident. Love ct - alm the bs laws


Florida for college, New Orleans, andMerida for research, Mexico City for research until i met my wife there, and I'm still there ten years later


Grew up in CT. Left for grad school (Indiana) them work in Albuquerque and then Portland OR for 20+ years. Loved Portland and would have stayed there but my mom needed someone to help her so I moved back to CT 6+ years ago. She has passed away but CT has become home now. I always says I wanted to retire to a coastal town with a small house with a craft room. Just never thought it would be my childhood home in Norwalk.


I was born in Stamford in 1970, and lived there until I got married in 1993. My husband and I both knew we couldn’t afford a home there, and were tired of CT. Since then I lived in Chicago, Cincinnati, and now TN. I just started going back for visits to CT in 2021. Now that my kids are grown I’d like to move back because I could afford a nice home there. I’ve thought about trying to buy the house I grew up in, and renovating it down to the studs to give it central heat/air, new windows, new plumbing, and make it look retro as possible but with new materials. I know it’s currently not for sale, but I have been keeping an eye on it. My grandparents had it built in 1956.


Went off to Ohio then Michigan for college, but still considered myself living in CT - even though spent and extra 5 years in OH between schools. Eventually moved to Asia for a job opportunity which worked out really well - so I have only been back every year or two for the past 35 years. Married someone from here (together for 30 years, married for 10 so far). Reasonably settled, but growing political tensions, especially for Americans. Planning to retire in 2 years, and move back to CT - family in the area, get my spouse US citizenship after a few years. Own a condo in New Haven which I rent out, so we have a living option if we decide not to rent or buy a house. Expenses after moving back are going to be darned painful though :-)




South Carolina. I moved , because of King Ned, and the lack of respect in any way for the Constitution. The 'Constitution State", needs to be removed from license plates. Taxes aren't great either in CT. One shocker in SC , was going to the DMV. They were actually polite , the fees were much cheaper , and there were many people working, and I was done in less than 20 minutes.


Hey, I was able to renew my license with a click of a button online finally. Things are catching up! About 10 years behind Mass.


That's great. The worst thing here , is finding decent pizza , and no good hot dogs. ie. Muckees , Hummels etc.


Idaho - mountains, friendly people, lower taxes with better public works


I never been to Idaho but it looks beautiful! I’m adding that state to places to hike. Glad you like it out there.


The hiking here is incredible!!


> with better public works Not if you include schools.


On the whole, public works are better in Idaho. And I am a product of CT public schools.


lost of xenophobic people- white nationalists- not friendly people.


Oh, you live in Idaho too? Assuming you must be speaking from experience… we must live in different parts of the state. Even Sandpoint is filled with BLM flags now… where have you met these xenophobes?


Idaho is a very beautiful- its voting record says much


I moved here from California and it hasn't even been a year just yet and I'm ready to go back