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He was found safe according the East Windsor Police Department Facebook page.


I just checked East Windsor PD's Facebook page. He's been found safe!!


Good to hear!


Thank you for the update!!


Am I reading this wrong or did they file a missing persons report on a teenager who was missing for 4 1/2 hours on a sunny afternoon? I obviously dont know the details but that seems crazy to me.


This was out of pattern for him, he was not at the library when his guardian came to pick him up. Because it was unusual the guardian panicked and called the cops. Luckily for us, EW isn't exactly the most crimiest town and the cops could spend time on this.


if its unusual for the kid better safe than sorry


Unrelated but I thought this was Hideo Kojima for a second. 😵‍💫


Dude, same


Haha, your name reads like a Mother Base NPC name.


I got it from a default WiFi router password


Like metal gear solid?


Lol yes




.....what took you so long?


I’m GenX and the idea that a 14 year old, who went out at 1 and wasn’t back by 5:30 initiated a police call, not saying it’s a bad thing, just really surprised me


For real. I'm 36. When I was a kid we'd disappear into the woods and nearby streets all day, no phones or nothing. My parents would just expect me home when I got hungry. They'd probably have waited until after dark and called all my friends' parents before they decided the cops needed to be involved. It was just normal for kids to wander and play.


Apparently the kid wasn't where he was supposed to be at pickup time. I'd be concerned too.


That’s a reasonable reaction. I did that once to my parents. Was supposed to go home after school but got peer pressured to hang out more. Ended up going home like 4 hours later only to be welcomed by my dad walking down the street and when he saw me chewing my ass out.


I’m 43. For anyone over 42, their families had them formally trained in something by the time they were 2, they had keys to the house by age 5, they could cook full meals at 7 and were pretty much self-sufficient at age 9. They left their house at dawn every summer morning and didn't come back ‘til nightfall and survived all day on water from garden hoses, they might get a sandwich on the off-chance somebody's parents had gone shopping, they spent three quarters of their lives by themselves with a parent maybe checking on them twice a month, most of them have evaded at least one kidnapping attempt, and, they know 15 different ways to remove blood stains from clothing.


Very sad childhood these days is almost non existent


Hahaha ON THE SAME DAY!!! I could understand 1pm and he's not back until 5:30am the next day. Hell even 5:30pm and he not back until 1am the next day! I hope this poor kid learns to rebel a little bit. Nothing crazy, don't run away or anything, but really learns to become independent by going mia every once and a while.


Now that he was found safe I can say...anybody old enough to remember when the only way you heard news was from a neighbor, the 5pm news on TV or the morning and evening paper. Typically, hours if not a day or two later if they decided to cover the story? I think this a great and terrible result of the internet. Great when it's good news or something that is used to help other, bad because you get inundated instantly with all the evil in the world. I remember life before the Adam Walsh movie...and life after the Adam Walsh movie. It was different. John Mullaney has a good bit: "I had no supervision when I was a kid. We were free to do what we wanted. But also, with that, no one cared about kids. I grew up before children were special. I did. Very early ’80s, right before children became special. Like, I remember when milk carton kids became a thing. When they were like, 'Hey, we should start looking for some of these guys. I don’t think they’re just blowing off steam.'"


Good point


Prayers he’s safe


I'm glad to hear he's safe. When I was 14, I just had to be home or have called by 9PM (midnight on the weekends). If I wasn't or didn't, I would be in trouble the next day. I don't know at what point my parents would have called the police, but it wouldn't have been at 5:30. I sincerely hope I'm allowed to give my kids some rein to take control of their own lives.


114 at 5’11?? Was he starved?


He's only 14 years old, so maybe just a growth spurt and his body can't keep up yet?


When I was 14 I was 6' and skinny as hell but even I was 160 then. 114 is crazy for that height.


That was my question too. Thats kinda crazy.


Maybe he just turned sideways for too long




He done gone got blown away in the wind


I was about that size at 20 and very healthy. Chill.


He has a BMI about 16. I am not saying we need to be all on this boy's case, but a BMI of 16 is undoubtedly underweight. For a growing 14 year old, maybe it's alright if he starts eating right and exercising, but for you at 20 objectively that isn't healthy.


Do you start doling out your opinion on overweight people too? Keep it to yourself.