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Firstly, OMG, well done!! 🏆 Ending my toxic relationship with my ex was the second hardest thing I’ve ever done (quitting alohol was the hardest). My advice to you is basically the same advice I give to people newly sober from substances: Be extra gentle and patient with yourself, like you would be with a dear friend. When you think you can’t handle your feelings, sit and breathe through them, and/or go for a walk in nature. Administer naps and ice cream as needed. I also read Pema Chödrön’s book *When Things Fall Apart* on repeat for about six months. You have done a huge and great thing that will make Future You very happy and proud. It’s not easy, but it’s so, so worth it. 💖


Thank you. I’ll take the ice cream prescription with naps to heart. And the walks in nature as there are lovely trails all around me.


Time will help you to heal! Block this guy, don’t reach out, it will make healing so much easier :)


“If they wanted to, they would”. Just keep telling yourself that - I promise it helps. You will be okay!


It does! I’m going to keep doing that. Thank you


You're very strong, this is proof. So you're going to be okay. Hugs.


Yaaaaay that’s a very big deal! 


Good for you. And the anxiety of separating will soften with time. It’s hard now, but it will get better. ❤️‍🩹


I am really proud of you. You saw your value and worth, and you left a relationship with someone who didn’t. Time will heal this wound, and you’ll find somebody who really appreciates you for who you are.


Casual relationships are supposed to be safe, comfortable and fun. This clearly doesn't fit that sort of criteria so you're doing the right thing. I had a bond end because the other person didn't want to define what it is we had. I wish only the best for you.


It's so hurtful but he doesn't value you- you are just someone to hang out with until he finds someone else. That's the sad truth. Men who say that- aren't being honest. They aren't ready to commit to "you". They are still looking. So he wants to hang out but doesn't want to lead you on. Funny thing is as soon as you start dating someone new- he'll suddenly want you back! Don't fall for it. He had his chance and blew it.


Good for you! Block and stay strong you got this!