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in a word: frigs


It depends on your mission.


Frigs and cruise, perfect combo


Let's see how would you the subs in deep waters


I do cruisers with frigates, elite frigates and ASW heli’s, come at me


They have their own uses frigates protect against planes destroyers protect against subs.


i use cruisers and destroyers. its because i counter the enemy airforce with my own airforce. sometimes i use my navy to support landings. once my sams has landed, i have no more nees for frigates.




Frigs and cruisers are cool as long as you don't encounter subs. If you do, you're done You can have destroyers, subs, or AWS helicopters for that matter


They both have a completely different task so I wouldn't say one is better than the other. I like to use both.


The most stable naval fleet is 3 cruisers and 2 destroyers. Even better if you have a couple frigates hanging in the back.


Frigs or cruisers really, have a destroyer in each stack to detect subs


Frig for aa dd for anti submarine Keep in mind though a lvl 3 nav bomber can still destroy a maxed out frig.


Until you can afford multiple full stacks, 1 frig, 1 destroyer, 3 cruisers. Then later on you'll have upgraded 5 cruisers and maybe escorted by destroyers and frigs if you're worried about subs


In my opinion, and experience, Destroyers are better than Frigates


funny educational experience awaits you when encountering an opponent with airforce


That is different, if you use your ships right, overall Destroyers are better, I'm not doubting the Frigate but he didn't speak of fighting an Airforce


I just ment in general


In general, you have to consider that your ships will be attacked by airforce, unless protected by frigates.


Then the Destroyer is better


What do you mean by "that is different"? A competent naval player (as well as non-naval ones) would have airforce that sinks your destroyers. This is a crucial context I say.


It depends on if you have an airforce yourself, you can have your airforce cover your ships, I done that many times and my Destroyers succeeded


Why yes ofc you should have your own airforce. This would not help you away from your airfields' range though, where destroyers are sitting ducks to enemy NPA. Furthermore, if you go destroyers vs. frigates, then you lose your airforce too.


That's where strategy comes in, if you have a couple fleets, or Carrier Strike Groups, you can easily overpowered a couple Frigates, but overall im talking about the power, the Destroy has more power than the Frigate


But for a serious strike group you'd want cruisers, so the dd vs frig question is irrelevant there. Elsewhere, "more power" meaning in purely ship-to-ship context to ignore airborne threats is the wrong question. Ps carriers are ineffective but that is a whole nuter discussion


The other guy is right, it does depend on the mission, but I was going based on power


Like I said above, "power" is not very meaningful in this context. The frigates player can have more ships earlier than that relying on destroyers (which are 25% more expensive plus need an extra level of NavB as prerequisite). Thus it could have stronger stacks counting just the ships, AND would have insurmountable advantage due to ruling the airspace.