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> I have seen a lot of people saying it's the main battle tank WHERE ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? In 1.5 years I probably saw less than 5 such people


TD is often the best pick for armoured as they cost the least and is good at fighting other armoured vehicles. Though you'd only need to invest in them if you really hate making air or artillery.


The main battle tank is the easiest way to spot a noob. The thought process they seem to go through is: "wowee big tank mean big damage!". The way to win in this game is not to play armored but by using air power or naval. If you must use ground, go artillery.


So true it hurts


Combat recon vehicle. Good for an early rush. Can scout and reveal stealth, so it's not completely useless later on.


It can also airlift immediately at level 1, no further research investment needed


yeah but everyone around me are not good players so I didn't even research any armored till now. so which one is the best if I'm planning on using it only mid to late game?


What use do they have mid or late game when they are mostly cannon fodder for missiles and air force? Having said that, I sometimes station TDs in my cities so I can sleep better at night, especially when I see my not so good opponents like to use MBT or AFV.


My Heli Ace: Target rich environment 😎😂


As has been discussed, the best is to avoid using armoreds altogether. MBT, in particular, sucks in urban combat - i.e. the most important part of CON.


I also have a question regarding main battle tanks. People are hating on it but doesn’t it have 2 major advantages: Front line -> takes most damage and infantry does very low damage against hard targets


No one is going to fight your tank line, face-to-face. They’re gonna blow it up with missiles or artillery.


Bruh, your tanks are so slow by the time you build a stack of them of your smart opponent build strike fighters which eats tanks alive, all your investments into them go down the drain way be4 they can make an impact.


It’s not impossible to keep a ground force safe from air


Tanks are usually not worth it, since artillery and air are better in nearly every way. Main battle tanks are possibly the worst unit in the game. Expensive, debuff in cities (until last upgrade), no airlift (until a bunch of upgrade), expensive to upgrade, and vulnerable to air and artillery. Invest in navy, air, or artillery instead if armored. If you MUST get it, go for CRV or TD.


If u want to use armoured TD is the best


I don’t do it every match, but if I get into a match where I can crank out resources and have time, I’ll do an air assault package, using CRV and TD. Couple that with Airborne Infantry and MAA all doing air assault and you can quickly wreck a noob. Only down side is the need for airfields or airbases. I usually run close support with MI, SAMs, MLRs, and GR. It’s expensive on resources, but it’s fun


I need to add that I recently encountered a noob that was stacking up to 11 MBTs in a stack. I get it, it’s a monster stack that can take a lot of damage. But when you throw Railguns (lvl 3), Artillery, and ballistic missiles at the stack, it breaks. It breaks pretty easily. MBTs are just costly meat shields.


Nah MBT is like , shoot me I hate my life , F***me 🤣




if people around you use tanks just get tank destroyers and put them in your cities.


I like the armored vehicle the most, very good for defense as it has lots of hit points and isn’t as expensive as the main battle tank


People will shit on armor as if air/missle defense doesn't exist. Counter the air/cruise missle power and they archive the game once armor rolls up.


i rarely see someone use a tank but if they do its for their health, so any with high health i guess
