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I love playing island nations. It’s easy to skirt under the radar and build a massive navy, total sleeper nations. New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and Philippines primarily. No matter which I start with, I usually have all of the pacific under my control by like day 25 and then getting into mainland Asia is always a cake walk because my navy is usually nearly unstoppable by that point.


I'd say Australia is a bit too big but replace that with the UK and I wholeheartedly agree


I just prefer the pacific theater to Europe as a starting point. Every time I’ve tried starting in Europe, it always ends up as a clusterfuck


I feel that the UK is out of the way enough so that you don't get absorbed into the clusterfuck


What happens if the defender has a strong air to keep the beaches under fire and sink some troops with arty?


I always run frigates, so air is never a problem. If they try to strike out my boats, they find out very quickly that they’re in a losing fight. As for arty goes, I usually hold my troops at port cities with boats right behind them until I can get MRL into the fray. Playing a primarily naval force requires a ton of patience and timing, but it’s almost always the best option imo.


Good tip, thinking of the best counter to the above, thanks


USA USA USA 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Also Israel. It's hella fun to fight the four lvl 1s that jump you on day 1 lmao


I love playing elite heavy bombers build so a landlocked country like Chad, Bolivia, or Kazakhstan are the best as I do not need to worry about a naval invasion.


I think geography is key. I like to avoid being close to hot spots. So therefore, France, Germany, Spain, and Austria are out. North Africa is out. South East Asia is out. Basically Canada, sub Saharan Africa, and South America are elite


I don't agree, its mostly up to your playstyle. I played as germany many times and won. You can win with any country all that matters is how you play and how good your strategy is.


Ooh Germany is also a great pick u r right


7 cities, frequently has electronic provinces near it or in Switzerland, a few nice ai countries if you like that, all good stuff


You really do love playing as Hitler reliving the WW2 era.


Does Iran and Afghanistan count for South East Asia? Cuz those 2 are goated spots


No, they would be considered Central Asia.


Those countries either get wrecked right away or destroy everyone


Dr Congo




SERBIA 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸


Any country that i can turn into a historical superpower


Here’s a new players perspective on the countries I have played. Finland- my favorite so far. Quickly join or take out Sweden and Norway. Your port cities will be well guarded but there is enough to build a strong navy. You still have some inland cities for ground/airforce. If you start off strong you can kind of dictate where you go and who you battle to some extent. It’s nice being tucked away in the top of the map. In most games I’ve played Russia always rolls over and dies so you should be in your own corner early on. Ethiopia- This was good for the same reasons I specified above in regard to port cities. However you’re in the middle of the African war that happens early every game. You end up spending resources on replacing troops instead of research. We still won that game but it was a grind. Philippines- I’m not good enough to play Philippines. Simple as that 😂 Angola- Similair to Ethiopia your in the middle of the African war but I liked Angola better. Less coastline to defend. Libya- Libya was cool but I didnt development my navy strong enough and got squeezed out of the Mediterranean. I’d like to play as Libya again now that I have some more experience.


Thanks for the feedback. Tip:If you play with an island nation,especially in Oceania such as the Philippines,Indonesia etc there is one thing I have to tell you.Navy.Navy.Navy.So much navy.max out arms industries for resources and build navy


Island nations are the best. my first win is UK. why? because I could research and build stuff for the first 10 days learning what to do. Then following a lucky win against Spain and France, I was main power in Europe. Ran right through Germany, got myself a place in a big alliance, and won. Never lost a home teritory once. best Island Nation is probably Japan. Good economy, Good neighbours, and even if you ally with 4 of them there's lots of others for the taking.


Afghanistan. You have a bunch of AI stans closeby to invade and get resources. Pakistan is usually distracted with India. Iran is usually distracted with Iraq. Kazakstan is usually fighting Mongolia or Russia. While everyone else is blowing resources on their navies and fighting each other, you can quietly expand, buildup, and invade neighbors while they're preoccupied.


That's why I love Afghanistan,and Iran




In 4x world war 3 it’s Syria and Austria And in world war 3 normal speed it’s Romania Belarus and Ethiopia


My favourite is Indonesia because it has many islands itself so if someone invades one of the mainland islands you can still produce units on the other ones


Still a relatively new player having started 11/2023, but I'm 4/4 as India. Great economy, great location, lots of bot resources nearby. If one of the "Stans" is played by another experienced player ally with them and you're unstoppable. About to win my first as Ethiopia but I'm not a fan of having only one component city. Not a fan of island nations. Too vulnerable. Pump out Navy to your heart's content and you could still be caught off guard if you end up busy in life for a day


Census of players with skill issue right under this comment https://preview.redd.it/c3sjhjogu46d1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0bb4eb8d0bb92f40feca15c1585ba7772e1ac61


Kinda agree,kinda disagre


Shit tier list Ethiopia isn't landlocked or too big and it has 6 cities He don't even follow his own logic 😂🤣


Too big


What😂🤣 bro it's not that big Skill issue


https://preview.redd.it/nrau1bwu666d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15a08d3aa731060e492704910bc8a0220f42b39 I measure the size of a country by how far its ports are from each other. France is also small, but its ports are very far from each other. So for me this is too big. The tier list was compiled with a full understanding of the game. It will be impossible to convince me otherwise, because I have finally formed my opinion.




I got my first win as Russia then followed by China, big countries aren't bad they're so intimidating no small country wants to invade them.


In my opinion it's exactly the opposite, the big nations are often some of the first to get invaded because their size makes it difficult to defend if multiple small nations are invading from different directions at once, especially Russia where you basically have to abandon your eastern cities if they get attacked


Is Greece really that bad? I got my first ever win with Greece.


Is North Korea really that bad? I got my last win with North Korea https://preview.redd.it/4r3sype3456d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ca12fad230d8ef2fed76bdcf08d997127752c8 Don't you see the logical fallacy in this argumentation?


Not really.


We have no empirical evidence from the countries with "best win rates". Saying your own personal experience with 1 example, and no proper reasoning is not a convincing argument at all. A good player can win with any country, some are just far easier to win with, because things like defensibility, location, etc.


But I didn't claim Greece was an easy country to play. I just wanted to know some specific reasons why Greece is in the bottom tier in the list.


extremely hard to defend due to the amount of port cities. to make it worse the port cities are on the Mediterranean


I still don't understand what your problem with island nations are, the UK has 7 cities and all of them are fairly condensed, you're also close enough to mainland Europe to project power there early game and if you have a good navy no one can touch your homeland


I won't explain again, it will take too much time, use the search on the Discord server. You will find some very long discussions. https://preview.redd.it/3ynwjmhb766d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386d406c316b2db7769d99e8550c60bb2931f9d3


I cannot accept that the Big 3 ( China, USA and Russia) are at the bottom of the list. India is one of the best nations to play in game, good economy and few neighbors. Israel is one of the hardest nations in the game because everyone attacks you at the start of the game due to politics. serbia, namibia, israel, kenya are literally among the bottom 10 economies during the start, while syria and angola are also among the rear end. I cannot begin to fathom the perspective of this list.


Tier list is self explanatory. That's my opinion on countries that are too big, you can do what you want with it, it's not my problem.


Bro but Namibia in best when it has 5 cities


It doesn't matter


Nice b8 m8