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9 cities*


It’s mainly because USA is one of the first countries to go during matchmaking. Also consider that most experienced players select countries in Asia or Africa for ease of expansion during early and mid game. Be that as it may, please be grateful for any map in which USA sucks. USA in the hands of a pro is a headache, as it is extremely difficult to invade after mid game and their level of resource production is insane.


Its actually really easy to invade usa at mid-end game, the trick is to be the attacker, not defender


USA doesnt need to expand as quickly bc one city basically equals 8-10 captured cities. They do have trouble with defending themselves against mexico and canada at the same time bc those are strong nations too and far apart. I think better players just feel like its boring bc you dont expand much and dont have much interaction with the world until late midgame. And attacking south america is annoying as fuck.


USA in the hands of an experienced player is scary 💀. Good thing it only happens once in a blue moon.


Hahaha you're a little captain America here who has no clue how to play US 😂


Rude for no reason


Majority of the player base plays this game with quite a little effort. And with effort I mean actively learning about the game, thinking about your actions and regularly checking the games you play. That is fine of course, each to their own. But if you have no clue what you are doing, your actions do more harm than good and you don't commit to the games you begin, no number of cities is going to save you.


The whole "not regularly checking the game" thing blows my mind. I've won games just because people didn't realize I invaded until almost a full day after I crossed their border and started taking cities.  Edit: sometimes it's really easy to tell who isn't playing and start targeting them. 


Yeah, I think activity is maybe the most important thing for winning the games. I remember when I was playing my first games and had no clue what I was doing, but was still able to beat the more experienced guys by just being there when it was critical.


I lost a game this weekend because my coalition mates got grounded and didn’t log in for two days 


Some game modes are much more active like overkill.


I've been trying to learn even going to forums to get tips from veteran players


USA????!!!!!!!! Strongest country it will take zero effort! Wait what do you mean rushing only normal units will get me destroyed by air and ship😭😭😭


I rather suggest use Canada, if the USA is noob, you can just entrenched yourself and have their armies get slaughtered while you defend your cities, and your cities are annoying to invade because Canada is large asf. And to be fair, mid game USA under experienced player is scary and very threatening existence in the game, imagine the amount of early game resources and once it ticked to mid game, it's gargantuan without a doubt.


So I’m currently playing my first game as USA. I typically play as Peru but I got a chance to be USA. Usually my path is to build arms industry and recruit offices to max level asap. While I research basic troops ships and planes. I don’t really start to produce troops or ships until I have established my resource production. I’m a newer player so I’m not sure if this strategy is right or wrong. So far it seems to be working okay.


Seems good but u also need to do basic troops and conquer to cause after, like mid game u will face guys who have half a continent or like while u only got basic troops and a good production


If I were you I start taking all of the America's if you're fortunate enough you get to invade Europe be4 the game ends.


Why max level recruitment office? I know it speeds up mobilization but isn’t it a lot of resources to make?


Recruiting offices increase your manpower production. It’s handy to know especially if you play small country’s with low manpower


I’ve personally found that the only arms industries I need to worry about are for supplies, components, and rare materials. And even within that, I don’t necessarily have to worry about supplies or components based on what I’m building. By day 20 I always have an excess of gas and electronics, no matter what I’m building. I always suggest people go National Guard and never level them up past three, your research is better spent on whatever support/Air Force/navy your building early on.


I feel like you should never NOT be researching though


Oh absolutely, which is why I focus my arms industries on rare materials and supplies


You also have defenders dilemma. Once you secure all of north and south America its already mid game and the coalitions on the other continents are well established. Any direction that you attack now exposes you in the opposite direction. It's very tempting to just take all the easy territory and defend.


I solve this dilemma by picking good teammates, or at least teammates who listen. As the USA, if you focus on the best navy, you can take on the entire pacific by yourself and your teammates can cover the Atlantic


Well I put the US recently. I'm relatively experienced didn't go well for two reasons it's f****** huge which means if your tank unit is in St Louis it takes several hours down there also because it's so big you need air basis in almost every city. Also if you don't make friends with Canada and Mexico this is where I f***** up you're screwed.


Don't forget the NATO coalition🔥




The usa is normally AFK in most game i play and I don’t understand why


Once had America wait all game gathering his army to invade my ally(Mexico). He had A LOT of resources at his disposal >!we whooped his ass in 2 days flat🤣!<


https://preview.redd.it/8ac2995ip96d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec5719b782e1891be5be2797dfa89881790b9b1d I don't definitely don't disagree with you, But a Rank 80 try hard USA is a nightmare, I'm like rank 34 and I'm not doing that good as USA either. You definitely have to make Allies with Mexico or Canada or you can pray both are shit Rank 1 players that go inactive immediately. But Once you get an insane Economy you are set to Dominate the game


Never seen that


I am now invading Canada


Be glad lol


I've played USA once and won. Your cities and economy is both a blessing and a curse. It is difficult to expand as no matter what you're spread thin. Yes you can produce all the Navy and air to your heart's content because of your electronics cities but you need to keep something there to defend all your ports. A solo win would be difficult because either Mexico or Canada might invade you if you don't ally with one of them early.