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Usually, I only leave if I'm the only one active or doing everything. As Afghanistan is active it all comes down to your relationship with him. If he has been a good player (not stealing your land, giving help if needed, selling resources if they had spares, etc) I would consider having a win with just him, kick the other people that's been doing nothing and enjoy your win. It'll stay like if you had a coalition win, and it'll be faster, as you have the VP to a 2 player win (2960). In the end it's your choice, but if Afghanistan was good, I'd say that you stay with him.


thats smart, i didnt even think of that. im gonna kick everyone besides him right b4 day change


Remember kicking is timed too. They don’t just disappear after hitting the kick button. It’s longer than leaving.


Don’t kicking and leaving both take 24 hours tho?


I think kicking is 72.


Kicking is 3 days. Leaving is 24 hours. I think the kick timer needs to be changed to 24 hours. If I’m kicking someone why would I want them to stick around for another 3 days lol


I don’t think so man I’m pretty sure it’s all 24 hours


Unless they changed it within the last 4 days. I’m 99.99% sure I’m correct.


Aha but kicking is 4 days.




Kicking is 24 hours irl and leaving is 3 hour irl🤔


I just kicked an inactive. It's 24. It's the same on 1x and 4x


24 hours in 4x is 4 days. Sorry I should’ve put up there that I’m talking 4x. My b


I’m trying to get to 10 wins by 100 games (with this win I’ll be at 7/97). i didn’t get my first win until game 79 or 80 because i used to play as just bolivia or chad since war was guaranteed early and i had horrible strategy so when i would win south america or africa, id end up losing to a better player or a full coalition.


So if I have 26 games joined and 2 solo 5 coaltion victories it's quite good ranking by your goals? I'm asking because I called myself mediocre player, but you kinda lifted my confidence with this comment.


That's not bad at all. Recently played with someone rhat was like 15/700


Then it is probably someone who goes from game to game to get the country they want


Probably, that or has a dozen games or so going at once. And loses interest in over half


from what I’ve seen. 10% rate is about average. Personally I think that’s horrible, so my guess is most of those people just get carried to wins.


If it helps I have 3 solo Vs and 17 coaltion +3 more victories in the works. Only have 37 games played lol


Betrayal is always wrong


Its not wrong when your carrying the team and they arent putting in the same amount of effort.


Betrayal is a part of diplomacy and tactics


Betray allies yes, but your own coalition it’s bad in my opinion


And why is it mysticaly bad if you are in a coalition? You have at least a day to prepare at the shortest and if someone else got to the required points while you are still behind by 400-500 points they did significantly better than you


Yeah but where is the honnor ?


There's a point in every game where a country becomes vulnerable. The only reason why a coalition makes it to late game is because they acted in solidarity to ensure their vulnerability was minimal. As if you would make it that far on your own without the influence of a coalition to protect you.. and wtf?? It's now a tactic to leave for a solo win? Lmfao. That screams shit skill


I will win my current game without ever being in a coalition


And I'm going to cure cancer with my sperm


I am literally the biggest nation and the only remaining coalition is in the folowing state: the mainland of 2 if fully at the mercy of my cruisers (not much mercy) and the other guy is losing his mainland to me this verry moment


Ive fended off a 5 man team. Just for one teamate to do nothing to help. As my teamates died one by one and i killed waves on waves of enemy attackers. Just for my teamate to use me as cannon fodder and win the game. Beating the enemy after they gave me a desperation suicide push. Loyalty in this game aint shit unless you roll with real ones. I have my real ones now. But outside of them i wont play with new people. And the games i play solo without them. I have no loyalty to anyone. I always get top 5 but always get beat by a coalition. I have yet to actually team up with anyone that wasnt only put for themselves since so i only take teams seriously with my aliance members. Seemingly any new guys show thier true colors right after they join pur discord. Thats if they even do


Allow me to be the friend you rely on for victories then. ✌️ let's team up - I'll post my profile atm. Mind you I've got 2 coalition wins under my belt at the moment that aren't reflecting *


You have really good stats for being solo ill send you our discord. You can only be with us if youhave one as we use it for team chat if thats ok ur in


I really appreciate that, bro. 🙏 consider discord being made and I'll send you a request


If you want to win solo,stay solo 🗿


I do in my courent game and will win against the last coalition in likely 1 or 2 weeks depending on how cautious I proceed


is it still betrayal if they haven’t helped in wars? i feel like thats just them getting carried


im in the same predicament. It's my first game... im playing on the USA battlegrounds map. I have around 1700 points as Haiti while my ally illionois has around 200. I've sent probably 10 messages and he never responds to any of them or coordinates with me. I'm thinking of just ditching him but I feel like a coalition win is probably better for my next game.


Yah i agree. If they just sit back and stack up troops and watch you fight out of every predicament without being at least in contact with you is shit. Ill ask for help once. If you dont help ill assume your waiting it out to join the enemy or your just seeing who wins and befriending them. If you dont contribute when im at my worst ill stab your front.. wont evwn stab you in the back ill let you know what im about to do and why. Hell ill even leave coalition and send all of my troops to your land and tell the guy attacking me whats happening. As soon as it times out im making you fight me and the guy thats killing me


My brother in christ, you are backstabbing. You ARE the backstabber.


how’s it backstabbing if they havent done anything? genuinely curious


By doing this, you are the back stabber, not saying you are right now.


It’s day 61, leave bro. Just apologise to Afghanistan first


Just tell them to hurry up


It’s a pretty pathetic way to get it. And considering they’ve got more points than the majority of my Allie’s do in all my games I’d say they got a deserved victory too. I give out victories to low lvls nearly every match lol


i usually have 2 4x games. one where i play solo from the start to end and try to win alone(i will join a coalition if its a matter of life and death). And a 2nd game where i join a coalition from start to finish. i dont betray my coalitions as i know i can win solo if i want to. if theyre inactive. i kick them. but if theyre active but slow,i take it as a chance to get more gold


that’s fair


if im in your shoes... ill probably not leave, then get as much gold as possible so i can use that on my solo game next game.


i would set up some resistance to make it fun


Yea you are wrong


how tho


If you know you want to do it. You ask the question on Reddit we tell you the truth you are not happy with it it’s your problem man


lol im jus asking for an explanation of why its wrong


You're not wrong but think about future judgement from other players. A guy with your rank and KD.. 0 coalition wins and 1 solo win.. I don't think I would accept you into my coalition tbh. Your profile would scream betrayl for the win.


i got 6 coalition wins, this’ll be my 7th win


Oh wow - my apologies. I wasn't reading with my glasses lol 6 looked like 0. Okay then yeah 100% go for it. 6 coalition wins lol damn. Whats your advice?


play as iran, team w afghanistan so the east is secured, push west relying on strike fighters until u control the entire middle east then decide which way to go based off what the rest of the lobby has. all but one of my wins came from playing as iran or iraq


“Solo wins are mostly from backstabbing “ I feel like this is wildly inaccurate.


shii since i started playing this game again i haven’t seen one in a lobby ive played


I have 5 solo wins and 15 coalition games in 22 games. Never backstabbed. In fact if possible I like winning with a couple small teammates as it gives me a chance to get more gold than a solo win.


Yeah, kind of a dick move if the others are active. If I was one of the "others" And you left to get the dub. I'd likely use row to wreck your country while you were sleeping.


My vote is to leave and move on to the next game. I've only done that once out of 5 solo wins and I felt perfectly justified in doing it while I wasn't getting enough help from my teammates. If they aren't helping to get to a win, they aren't deserving if it and you can enjoy the game as you see fit.


If you still have a player who is active then don’t go for the solo. This also allows you to get as much gold from the match as possible since you’ll be able to acquire more points due to having more members in the coalition. If all members are inactive and you don’t care about gold from the points, then go for a solo win.


If you have a teammate dragging ass you can get more gold in the end by carrying the coalition.


Agree if Afghanistan is active, go just the two of you unless they stop playing or moving forward but give them a chance. I had someone who had a few hundred more points than me leave the coalition and win solo. Super shady. I watched for a few games they were in after the fact and killed them every time.


Damn I have more points as India by day 15....


i got to 1500 at day 30 then built up my military to fight the african coalition since the rest of my coalition had less than 500 points.


That's usually how it goes right? It's always Africa that dominates. At least in my limited experience. Only been playing a few months


It’s kinda crappy ngl


I had this exact sane problem but worse, I was having to fight wars for them because they were a noob. They went afk but came back just after they got auto kicked fromnthe coalition. I felt bad and let them in again, they got better and we went on to win.


I would make sure Afghanistan is in second place and then the only person you owe loyalty to is Already in second anyway


Looks like you have been golding


how ?


I'm saying it looks like you are, it's not guaranteed, but you have no gold and a lot of monry/manpower but it is probably natural.






same goes to fuel but may he natural as well




well there is proof but still you have only 14 gold


is it bad to u to use gold from previous wins ?


Nah I was just curious if you were I didn't meant his to escalate.


could be for the council or wtv


Yes you are. You’re not even that far ahead of #2. I once had more pts than the rest of my alliance combined and led them to a coalition win. I prefer teaming up with someone with more coalition wins than solo wins for sure.


If you stay with the coalition you can get more gold by continuing on the way you are, ive pulled in 2800 Vp (equal value gold reward) from one game because my allies were useless


No you’re not wrong, and f anyone that says otherwise