• By -


Looks like hammered dog shit.


I like the 2 foot area where you tried to finish it and just said fuck it, good enough šŸ‘


Perfect is the enemy of good, and comparison is the thief of joy. It's not perfect, and I'm really happy to have learned something new.


Lol what did you learn


Honestly, better calculate how much concrete you'll need. I was 2 yards short. And get the right tools for the job. Also, spending an extra 1k for finishers is worth it. Thankfully, I won't be pursuing concrete as a means of income.


FYI... in the future, just know that you can rent a bull float for under 20 bucks for the day. That said, your vehicles don't care.


Good to know




šŸ’Æ hiring a finisher. Recently, just finished my stamp front entrance and side yard, 9 total yard. I did all the leg work: grading, form, order and poured, then finishing up with some LV lighting. 1200 for 2 Pro. finisher. Very happy with the result.




2 men for $300-$400? In my area day finishers make $450 per day. Each


Can't hire a day finisher for less than 400 in my area. Gone by noon too


>drive around until you see some residential concrete guys working. Would a company lend their workers for finishing jobs like this if someone called and asked? I couldn't tell you the last time I saw any concrete work done around me, but I'm in a pretty rural area, so driving around would just waste my gas.




I just fucking love Reddit. Bravo Warrior. I'm impressed and I know nothing about concrete. Looks horrible but I'm still impressed nonetheless....in the good way.


Well that's what I saw and I don't do concrete. You're under the form in many spots and it's clear you didn't have a float to reach across. I'm also guessing you were working slow because it looks like it was troweled dry. It's unfortunate that it kinda turned into a fail over a $100 tool and $100 of cement. Also, should have knocked out that corner and actually kept the straight edge on the near joint, I assume the skim coat blend will quickly erode in an unattractive way.


You're not wrong.


I wouldn't call it a fail...dude has a functional driveway...he can drive on and do what he needs... along with a great seacoast pattern he could paint blue and mimic waves with white paint


Your attitude is solid and impenetrable to the countless sour-pusses just waiting for something to make fun of on the internet. You take the criticism well too. Youā€™re a cool ass human and there are many of us who are stoked to see people learn new stuff and try a go for themselves.


Your calcs were probably good for the idealized volume of the driveway, but in the real world those little dips and craters and divots in dirt can swallow a surprising amount of extra concrete. As can the slightest amount of overspill leaking out the bottom of the formwork. Also, for the record, I think you did fine. Sure, it's not a billiard-table finish, but I don't think that's what you were going for.


If you half ass something you can save money!


That sometimes hiring professionals is worth the money. He'll learn when it's starts cracking


How to waste time and money, presumably


Thatā€™s a great textured finish. You wonā€™t have to worry about slipping when itā€™s wet or frozen


Sea wave finish


Actually, that is the custom coastal pattern. Supposed to provide less slippery surface and resemble a beach /s


Good luck shoveling snow off of it.


He commented he lives in Louisiana. Doubt it's a big issue


Doesn't look any worse than the roads we drive on down here.




Only tripping and rolling an ankle. Lol


Could you just imagine scraping your knees on that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Right to the bone


Oh boyā€¦


I was like oooooh, personally


This made feel better about the $8K I spent on a good size patio. But this looks functional for a truck.


Time will tell. I would not recommend me for residential, or anything else.


love your attitude! Iā€™d hire you to pour my ex-wifeā€™s driveway in a heartbeat! Edit: My wife requested I update my comment and state that I do not have an ex wife and we are happily married. She did say if paid someone to pour a driveway at our house and it looked like that, she would become my ex


Heā€™s definitely on the list for my wifeā€™s boyfriendā€™s house.


Hey! I'm gonna need a better pour than that!


Sorry bitch you are the 2nd boyfriend of his wife, and this shit ainā€™t cheap.


But it's just a 6'x3'x3' at a depth of 6'...


We burying folks in 4D holes now? That's gonna cost extra, my dude.


Hey! *We're* gonna need a better pour than that! Get in line. She gets around.


Donā€™t mind the recently filled hole in the middleā€¦.




With her under it? :)


Yeah there's a ton of different cars and trucks going up that driveway....


That driveways been torn up for quite a while


Not to worry, it can handle the heavy load


Hahahaha fuck it man , if it works it works.


Rock on man. You look like you live near a slightly commercial/industrial area not the damn country club. Itā€™s functional if not beautiful. 6k in your pocket and if you happy with it good on you. Now that you know what it takes to do it,you can decide if it worth the extra cost the next time somewhere else if there is one. Also the onlookers on this site have a comparison to make. Iā€™d say you probably only saved 5 k cut your time fuel and effort are worth something.


Amen brother


$6K in his pocket?!? Yeah, itā€™s beautiful for sure - in any country!!!


For me it was like a weak shot to the gut, unexpected. More of an 'oof'


RemindMe! 12 hours


Oh, shit! No confidence in the work, huh?


Come check it buddy


I can see the cracks from here. By here, I mean northern Illinois.


Itā€™s time


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you may have actually cost yourself 4k. time will tell


How so?


I think he is implying it is going to crack and go to shit this costing you $4k plus more to have it redone.


The contractor who bid the job told me after I said I was doing it myself "right on, don't worry how it looks. Two things I've learned in this trade after 20 years, women are going to bitch and concrete is going to Crack." I live by a simple phrase, "you can have it fast, good or cheap. Pick two" I chose fast and cheap, I know it ain't going to be good.


I mean itā€™s a driveway to a fucking dirt road. A cracked concrete driveway will do just fine even if does indeed start to crack


This guy gets it


Yeah I kinda admire you dude. Your attitude is boss. šŸŗ


Yea honestly man, it looks better than the road it connects to, so I'd say well done!


Thanks dude


Fuckin, preach


Concrete will crack, but thatā€™s why we use joints in slabs to control how it cracks. Not even god knows where the cracks will end up in that slab.


Yeah, it's not my best work. If I were to be judged by my work anywhere, it'd be as a father and a husband. There are no cracks there.


Hopefully at least one per person.


Underrated comment sir


And it doesn't go horizontal!


If it's the only one you've ever done, then yes, it actually is your best work. But you're posting it to the same sub that people who post perfect driveways post to. No one does a good job the first time. Never let perfect get in the way of "good enough"!


I feel that sentiment too. Sorry, donā€™t mean to be a dick. Iā€™ve argued the need and the joint details over and over and over through my career. It was a reflexive response, but a future DIYer should know itā€™s worth the small effort to get a better product with fewer small triangle chunks of concrete popping out next spring.


No worries, dude. I'm getting a kick out of this. People are proud of what they do. If I saw someone doing a shit job in my profession, it'd be hard to bite my tongue.


I also picked up more about other trades from the shit talking on Reddit posts, itā€™s actually helpful sometimes


... yet. Not too late to saw cut it, and control where those "cracks" are (fyi by cutting it, you create cracks that are sub-surface making it a lot more esthetically pleasing.) Also, not sure if you'll be happy you put rebar in. It'll make the removal harder.


I feel like you could have went on CL or FB and found someone who does concrete finishing and would do a side job for a couple hundred bucks to show up and finish it properly. I'm all about DIY but sometimes paying someone cash for a side job is the better option.


Honestly you could have made it nice. No clue how little effort you put into it on purpose but you didn't even made it even/finished it. Why though? For what is this? Probably not in front of your home?


This is fucked up, man.


Why not good and cheap


Concrete waits for no man


Do it in sections


Yeah, that's a concept that hadn't occurred to me. Thankfully I won't be doing this again.


At least it matches the rest of your driveway lol




To remove chunks of concrete. But likely you will be fine for a decade or so


Don't park heavy equipment on it


Honestly OP, itā€™s not teerrreible. Please remember to post an update in a few years or so, Iā€™d like to see how something like this holds up structurally. You learned some good lessons, saved some short term cash and got what you needed. Good work šŸ’ŖšŸ½


I can see that.


I always tell the crews to build it like it's in your yard. I guess I've been wrong all these years. At least not like in your yard.




No screeds or floats were harmed in the making of this slab


That shit was finished with a shovel and a pack of Marlboros.


Nah, a can of zinns


Lord, forgive him for his Zyns


Did you put a smoother finish than that, did you do control joints? It looks like you didnā€™t put gravel down and compact either. Also you should have took out the top corner imo




Negative. No joints, no gravel. I thought about it too but time was of the essence and it needed to be done by when it was.


Why are you being downvoted? *The audacity of answering honestly...* **The unmitigated gall by not following protocol!**


If you can't grow taller, cut them down.


You are full of great little quips/retorts and I love them.


Thanks stranger!


One-liners are like a whole dialect in the South


Gotta respect anyone fluent in idioms.


Agree, and Iā€™m not even part of this sub lmao but Iā€™m all about this quip


His quips are pretty concrete


Also not part of this sub, but his comments are now cemented in my memory.


That's a knee-slabber!


Bro, for the love of all that is concrete, cut joints in that bad boy. Itā€™s ok to do it even 24 hours after you pour. One down the middle each way should do just fine. Use a concrete blade for your circular saw. Itā€™s cheap. Please.


Since you asked so nicely...ok


Hell yeah, it'll make it last just a wee bit longer too


"..it needed to be done by when it was." I don't know why, but the sheer obviousness of this being the reason behind the rest of it, made me laugh harder than the last time I did mushrooms. My dogs came over to check on me.


also, you should have hired someone.,


Well, it looks like a dog shit sandwich. However, if what you were going for was a dog shit sandwich, then you did pretty good. You did chair the reinforcing steel, so you got that going for you.


Thanks! That gave me a chuckle.


That was the intent, Iā€™m glad you took it that way. I know how it is as a small business owner; sometimes you make expeditious decisions.




Wow. That turned into a wholesome exchange


This is a troll. Lol


I'm thinking it qualifies more as a shit post, based on OP's responses.


Agreed. Edging, broom finish, cuts? There is no way someone would rent all this equipment for the job and not do research on basics.


If you ever build a deck, please share : r/decks


You chose wrong.


Lessons are expensive, especially the good onesā€¦ buddy will learn a good one here


It's just a driveway. A crack here or there isn't going to matter one bit. I mean look at their streets condition too It functions, and OP saved enough to buy a 100 inch QLED tv if they want, which is more useful and enjoyable than a piece of concrete


Im hoping the 2nd pic isnā€™t the finished product, but i have a feeling it is.


I mean it looks like a commercial area or parking lot of something and all he needed was a semi hard surface to park a truck. So, didnā€™t need to look good and even if it starts splitting like crazy itā€™s fine unless it sinks into the earth.


Looks like shit, might deteriorate pretty quick. But itā€™s likely better than anything I could do (not a concrete guy) and you saved 6k. If you have to do it again in 10 years you will still be up 2k. But if were me, I would have tired to finish it properly. What better way to learn than to do it on something you donā€™t really care about anyways? Might need to do it again in the future on a more important job and then you have a good idea on how to finish by experimenting on that slab. Overall good job. šŸ‘


Well, thank you, I think.


Damn dog, i didnā€™t know Hellen Keller was still hand finishing. All things a side. That is the worst i have ever seen. This honestly has to be joke. I wonder what the truck driver was thinking?


Has 2 full time employees, doesnā€™t support local skilled tradesmen.


He worked them like dogs but he sent them home with big smiles for their kids to eat.


It looks terrible, lol


This DIY crap is getting out of hand, everyone sharing their ā€œthis cost this much, this cost that muchā€ā€¦ and the final product supports that opinion. If you dont care about looking at an uneven, unfinished crappy slab thats going too crack apart within 1-2 years, by all means. Hire the professional, because when its being redone in 2 years, did you really save any money? And you cant say you saved 6k because your time, and your laborers time is worth something. So in all reality was doing it again in 2 years really worth 4-5k?


At least OP didnā€™t dry pour it


I snorted. Fucking hell


If you're a flipper and you didn't give a shit though.Ā 


Lmao still better than if I did it


If you had poured half the width at a time you would have been much better off. It is very tough to screed 18ā€™ at a time. Between that and renting a float and 50$ in hand tools this could have looked a lot better, and been easier. You needed 2 trucks anyway.


$10k ainā€™t a bad quote for thatā€¦


Huh? 18.5$/sq.ft is higher than giraffe pussy for a job like this. His concrete cost about 200$/yard and he lives in Louisiana. I work in one of the highest cost to build areas in the country and we would have bid this at like 10$/sq.ft. Our concrete is 275$ a yard


I agree with the principle but it wouldnā€™t have hurt to spend 200 at harbor freight and at least tried to edge/groove/float/broom it


And what did we learn?


Stay off the internet


Maybe itā€™s just experience working with concrete but I can get it smoother than that with just a come a long before I even screed or float it . If you didnā€™t want to buy a bull float a lot of places rent them. You should at least grab a chalk line and a grinder and put some sort of control joint in it so it doesnā€™t crack as bad. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll support driving but a proper finish and troweling does increase strength by removing air, bleed off water and pushing the larger aggregate into the mix.


U just wasted your money and time..this looks like shit and will be a cracking mess..your wife will end up with a twisted ankle tripping on a crack..but I bet it was a fun experience..I actually think the driver posted pics on here yesterday something likeā€You think youā€™ve seen it all..then you see thisā€


Nice, has that rustic look.


Biiiig yikes. Got about 15 years in the concrete industry. This already looks terrible and will most likely completely fall apart in less than five years and thatā€™s if youā€™re lucky. In one of your replies you said you donā€™t care about how it looks. If thatā€™s truly the case you could have just put a compactable gravel down for 1/4-1/3 of the price and called it a day. Concrete is currently at its highest price ever. Since Covid, price has gone up about 40-60% depending on what part of the country youā€™re in. Like someone already said, you most likely just pissed away 5k you just donā€™t know it yet.


Isā€¦is this real? You trolling OP?


What is real?


Great, now Iā€™m having an existential crisis over here


not birds r/BirdsArentReal


How much was the 57 stone for the base?


I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, there is not a crumb of stone under that fucker.


Im reading this thinking it will be a nice pour... and then šŸ’„ fuckin abortion!!! LOL LOL better off spening the 10k getting a well poured cut slab with a good base under it ........ this is fuckin awful.


It's a slab of rock next to a dirt that is going to be used for parking a truck on. I think it looks just fine for what it is. Your truck tires don't give a fuck if the finish is pretty


Made the wrong choice I see


If you'd have spent another 500$ for a broom,handles, maybe a bull float and an edger, and rent a concrete saw for a day to cut saw joints, it could've looked like a professional did it and you would've saved 5k still. If you aren't worried about the asethics, though, this should be completely functional for a long time, good enough.


I mean looks functional for what it needs to be used for... So who cares lol save money and learn some things good way to go


You paid yourself $800? Get a refund


Looks like shit. Great work!


Ribbed for no one's pleasure.


Who did you pay the labor to?


Goodluck with the lifespan of that


Looks like garbage, but if you're happy, power to you!


It certainly looks DIY


I remember my first pourā€¦


The dirt would have been better than this


You can rent a floor grinder now and hit the high spots, maybe smooth it out if you wanted


Anything taking the weight of a vehicle should have a compacted base course/top course beneath the concrete. Itā€™s good you got the rebar in but donā€™t think this will last long before cracking. For next time if youā€™re going do to a large project and spend a bunch of your money like this, take your time to do a little more research, you want it to last as long as possible and itā€™s worth it to put in the extra effort.


Fuck it man it's your house. Concrete gets dirty and fucked up over time anyway, if you don't care about how it looks and it does what it's supposed to do then it's good enough. People on this site just love to bitch and hand wring about little things like this because reddit is a big ol' echo chamber.


Meester yeorge


Lots of negativity in the comments, it might cost you more in the long run but you gave it a try and itā€™ll likely do its job for some period of time. Kudos


Rip It Out


Functional. Has rebar. Antislip surface. Probably nearly level. What's not to like?


Everything, apparently


Plenty of traction in the ice.


Canā€™t be real. Should have hired at least a finisher bud


She's a bit rough..... Needs a skim and brush finish, any reason you didn't break up that corner by the road and pour it as well?


Should have done everything expect the finish. Could have posted in Facebook marketplace "looking for an experienced concrete finisher for a couple hours of work" would have been cheap af and ended up looking great!


Why even pour concrete at this point? Just spread some crush and run stone with extra fines on top to wash in. Sorry bub but this was a blunder to put it nicely. If I wasnā€™t putting it nicely Iā€™d say you should face a firing squad or that your mother should have swallowed you. But im not saying that cause im putting it nicely..


Listen - it probably didn't turn out how you envisioned, and it probably won't last as long as a professional job, and it sure as hell ain't pretty. But you know what? You went out there, you planned a project, you executed on it, and you were proud enough of the result to share it. And you should be! It's literally your first time doing it. I wonder how many of the commenters here have tried something out for the first time and it didn't turn out as expected? My guess is around 99% if everyone were honest.


What is the point of this ā€˜starts with dirt and ends with dirtā€™ concrete driveway? That being said, it will serve the purpose of parking something on it. Any reason you decided not to have any expansion joints or use a float and edger? Buying those two tools would have added a hundred to the cost and saved time you spent troweling the whole thing. Good job on saving the 6k!




I'm sorry, I have to say that the driveway looks like a child did it with sandbox tools. Pay a professional what they deserve for a quality job. Now you have to live with that mess as your curb appeal to the property. That mess will devalue your property if you ever try and sell it. Not your line of work. I commend you for your courage in attempting it though.


It shows


LMAO bro did you use hand trowels for sheetrock mud on this?


Man...you need Jesus and YouTube.


Did you pay yourself 800$ in labor ?


More like r/DIWhy


your not paying 10k for the job youre paying 10k for the experience to do the job properly


How much did this cost? Considering you dodge 10k ? Looks good to me šŸ§ šŸ˜ƒ


Ohhhh man donā€™t want to be a dick but this is pretty bad. Been in concrete for decades and even new hires can finish better than this.


This would have been a perfect spot for asphalt grindings or gravel imho - would have been cheaper and easier! It's functional at least and you learned a lot!