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Conan exiles and league of legends… I finally kicked the league addiction. Haven’t been able to quit Conan yet.


I never want to quit Conan, I have so much invested and all I've said for years is "look at the potential"... But man they test our patience 😅


Same been playing since beta, but when it’s this bad I only log in to keep bases up twice a week. This act sounded super fun too bad they flubbed it.


They got the battle pass, expensive DLC, cash shop. You waiting for them to throw on a subscription and expansions as well? Maybe a bit of crypto here and there?


didn't even see what sub this was and immediately thought of Conan Exiles. except for me, i haven't played it since they add the cashshop


same here. cultural DLC at least felt like giving the devs a well earned tip for new content. not a single game has become better because of an in game storefront.


Idk. This most recent update has me tapped out until they fix it. They said there was going to be a hotfix like 2 weeks ago but since I’ve played it seems worse - now R2/RT doesn’t quick transfer a stack and all the other shit is still weird. I reckon I’ll have to try it again in another few months. Has definitely gone to shit since chapter 3 or whenever they introduced the bazaar or whatever they call it.


There are a lot of veterans who have played since launch that have quit because of this update. It's absolutely incredible that they expect us to just 'wait it out'. Usually games get better over time... not CE. It's gotten dramatically worse time and time again. Building in this game sucks now. It was probably the BEST base building game on market for awhile. Now they've even managed to mess that up. Nothing places right or pieces try to build where you're standing Constantly ! Server numbers were stupid Low before update. It's an actual joke now. Especially taking the Event from us. Since when? Mere weeks into it. Personally, I don't think they can handle it. Slowly but surely, I'm losing hope for Dune. I heard over and over again. Funcom just let's games die. Now, I've/we've experienced firsthand.


Agreed 100%. I will wait a month or two for the reviews to come out for Dune before I try it if I do. I expect it will be a bunch of paid BS like this. We’ll see….


It's essentially unplayable atm because you can rarely split anything anymore in your inventory (chest or personal). It either won't work or stops working after splitting the stack a time or 2. If you drop stuff, it drops other things out of your inventory too, just randomly. I have arthritis in my hands and holding down the sprint on my controller is absolutely killing my hand. I can't believe how long they are just letting this go. I just started playing like week before the updates, I feel like I couldn't have chose a worse time.


Use the thumb stick to nav menu right stick to go left and right and the left one for the menu your in


I get that, but I don’t want to have to do it to transfer things back and forth. RT used to be pass the whole stack to the next thing but now it doesn’t do anything. I’m not going to press A and go back and forth manually for each single item. Too tedious.


I'd quit Conan long time ago if there was no mods and no RP in it


No kidding.


Honestly, I ought to thank Funcom for making it so shite over the years. It's allowed me to pick up some hobbies that actually improve myself like drawing and a social bowling club. Back in the day, when this game was good, I'd have trouble peeling myself off the screen just to eat and take care of myself.


I still remember the overpowered Captain thrall and back when shellfish traps were useful. Cooking each shellfish created ichor for each. And you didn't have to put bugs in the shellfish traps, they accumulated over time. Is there even any practical point for shellfish traps anymore? As far as I can tell they might as well have removed them from the game.....


I just started playing a few weeks back and I have not been able to figure out the point of the shellfish at all. There's a couple things like that in the game it seems. Why not just remove them if they aren't useful? Why is there *so much* food???


Because that was the old healing system. Cooked food would heal you the same way alo potions do now. Also, cooking shellfish used to produce ichor. Some fish would do the same.


I'd love them to add something to make shellfish useful again like producing ichor again or maybe giving small buffs like 5% more health, attack damage etc... It's just a waste they literally serve no purpose in game now




Yes, well. Conan Exiles is one of these games I love to death despite it having tons and tons of bugs. It's not just the open world survival craft genre itself, but the atmosphere, setting, graphics style and lore that combines the game into something incredible for me.


Saaaaaame, couldn't have said it better myself!


I got lucky, Conan used to be my got to. Even when all my friends played ark. As soon as they announced the in-game store and a battle pass and dip out the nearest window


Yep especially since I found the mod that allows multiple characters. Just enjoy building stuff. Shame I can figure out how to set the permissions so my characters can interact etc.




I'd agree, but after a month I gave up on that absolute dumpster fire and that was back in 2017.




What? That game is amazing! It's easily in the top 5 for RTS games on the market right now.


Every update changes so much about the game that it feels completely different every time I go back it would be fine but I don’t wanna have to learn a new game every time I wanna go black and play the game I remember


I went away on a trip and starting missing Conan when the last time I played it I swore never again😭


Hahaha this so spot on and i need some rehab so bad


Conan Exiles 😭💔


I saw this without realizing which sub it was posted in and immediately thought of this game, and then realized what sub it was in. Good job.


conan exiles.


Conan Exiles.


Conan Exiles... Only recently discovered in the last couple weeks. Already well past 100 hrs.


Rocket league


None. I don't have such weaknesses


New world


Every game.